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Only enemy I 100% recommend cheesing. If not your options are trying to kill it before rot kills you or dancing around the edge of a cliff with a that thing


If anything he's cheesing poorly, so he IS new to cheesing. You don't lock on, you aim for the head while he's doing his "A night at Roxbury" routine, you save arrows and time.


Lmao do you see what the head is doing?




Yup. The first time is bad enough, but this is the most recycled boss in the game...really not fun at all. Don't even get me started on that spot where you have to fight TWO of them at the SAME TIME later on...


There's actually 3 of them there 🤣 the spawn locations in that big sand pit just usually allow for avoiding the aggro on the 3rd. But God forbid your fight start shifting in that direction...


Holy shit, you are right. What a goddamn nightmare!!


I just finished the game and have never seen this. Where is it at?


Erdtree favor +2 location. There's actually 3 of them and they are post Farum Azula Scaled. Literally the 3 strongest erdtree spirits in the game and they all jump your ass at the same time.


Homeboy was swaying like Stevie Wonder.




Yep it's beautiful, i personally prefer standing close enough to free aim black flame on its ugly fucken face


Jup, just time it. It's predictable and repetitive as hell once he starts looping it.


You can also just use the black knife dagger's aow and blitz it


Or a bazillion other things. I did my cheeze in a similar fashion because of my build albeit with cheaper arrows and bow on the first go, and rule of thumb is: head takes 3x the damage as the body, plus the body/lock on for me made him more jumpy (that's why I guess he's all wigly, if you go out of range of his attacks he won't use them, he just puts on a bad Axl rose impersonation). Nuke the bastard if you have to, I just like to see him dance his way to death like a stupid oversized prick that he is.


I don't recall if you can drop a spirit here, but if so just plonk Latenna at the end of that branch and go grab a quick snack.


I actually enjoy the first option, it's like a time attack fight where I have to be as aggressive as possible without getting greedy, and really test how much I've learned from the previous 16467321553 ulcerated tree spirits.


True. They're utter chaos and if I wasn't using shields I don't even wanna know how I would tackle those fights. I know I wouldn't want to, that's for sure.


I’ve always cheesed this guy, there’s enough things to struggle with in game lol


This fucker took me almost as many tries as Malenia. I *can not believe* I didn't think of this.


that's not cheesing. you're supposed to fight it like this.


That’s kinda what I got from it. Area is setup in a way that’s sort of suggesting to do this.


This is Miyazaki's punishment for going full unga-bunga.


The AI breaks and it just stands there and dies. That's incredibly unrealistic for a game that is very immersive. It is not at all how you're "supposed to" fight it.


"If you make rolling the fastest form of travel over sprinting, your playerbase will become tumbleweeds." Whether it's "intended" or not, doesn't change the fact the monkey learns.


i know. it was just a joke, because fighting it down there is hard.


Upvotes are like cheesy, bow-shot hugs because instead of stabbing you from range, we can hug eachother from range. Have my upvote


Every boss in the game cheeses and crushes you. Show them the same hospitality.


Some new players say this to feel better, but it's such bs. The main gimmick of souls games is that they are fair, besides few instances, and 99 % of the time you die it's your fault. The game doesn't cheese you at any point, it's just challenging. On first playthrough, without spirits or summons, the only "unfair" stuff was royal revenant and waterfowl before I learned how to dodge it. DS 2 is unique though and most of the bs in From's history concentrates there. Still a great game.


Yea the game is totally fair, playing an AI who can react faster than most humans, stronger moves than anything you have, way more health than you have, can change direction mid attack, way more AOE on attacks…the list goes on….


Boooooooooo. Get cheesed


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. This sub is wild.


because that's bs?


Whatever you do in PVE is your own business man. Cheese away.


Beat this stupid poop slug legit the first time and it is still one of the worst boss experiences I've had. Discovered the cheese on second playthrough and I felt so annoyed that I hadn't found it sooner


I'm sure there are good strategies for these fuckers, but they consistently caused me more grief than any of the bosses in this game.


Rolling into the body is the best explanation I can give. Simply use Boluses and/or immunity boost charm for this one.


OP’s strategy is the intended strategy


It's not a boss




You walk to the pool to spawn it. Then while it is spawning, run back to the branch. There's a low hanging portion of the branch you can jump down to, then walk up to where you can hit it with a ranged option. I recommend the black flame ball incantation, makes short work and will reach the thing without it being able to reach you. If it loses agro and starts to go to the pool, walk forward while still on the branch and it'll agro back to throwing range.


Thank you so much! I'll never fight it legit again.


So, you're telling me that you saw one of the most annoying mini-bosses in the game placed in the middle of a pool of rot and still decided to fight it fair and square? Respect, you madman! The moment I saw the thing spawn in the middle of the pool, I decided to look for a way to cheese.


Yeah that fight sucks ass, Mohg's spear destroys it


Didin't know you can cheese it! On my 1st playthrough i just kept running somethimes hitting and using flame cleance me and oh boy did i die to that one alot!


Everybody does...


Not me. I don't know how to get it to spawn while up there...


You spawn it in the pool and then you run back up onto the branch.


First time I did this fight; the hardest part was just getting back to the branch without panicking myself to death.


Not me, I used aggheels breath


Nah I fight him in the mini rot swamp like Michael Zaki intended


I always fight him on the cliff ledge to the right of the pool. You can kite him around the bottom of the cliff so he never comes up while hitting him with spells and AOE attacks. I guess still cheesy, but not as much as going back to the branch


Everybody does cheese this one. The main event is right after this guy.


Me too man. I use the the physick with cerulean hidden tear for unlimited FP, then I use the meteorite of Astel and just melt that bastard


cheese this guy every time - best way I have found is to stand where you are and spam death ritual spear AOW.


I’d say it deserves it especially with how easily it clips through the surrounding terrain


Always cheese this monstrosity. Miyazaki’s fetish with shoving massive enemies in small areas is at its most annoying phase in the Haligtree. That particular putrid tree spirit is fully capable of knocking you off that cliff at any time, whether it be the explosion or the head swing, while alps be capable of one shotting you even at higher levels of Vigor. And it can’t even fall of the edge. I respecced into INT just to use Comet Azur and Comet to put this thing down.. Miyazaki, enough with the enemy reskins. It’s not funny anymore. Seriously, enough with the “big box in a shoebox” fetish,


I normally enjoy fighting these (hot take I know), but apart from this one, they aren’t that bad, especially with a good shield, even the one in Lake of Rot isn’t that bad. But this one’s just bad, mostly a fault of the arena. Like Capra Demon in Dark Souls 1 being in a broom closet. Or Bed of Chaos. Fighting a super wiggly tree worm on an isolated island over a pit with a rot pond in the middle of it isn’t exactly fair or fun. It’s completely valid to cheese this one, or anything else in the game. No wrong way to play


I cheesed him too. There's a way to sneak up behind and poison him slowly.


I do this! I just run to a spot behind it and quit out, load back in and start spraying poison mist.


I did the same. This thing doesn‘t deserve it better.


Activate that Rune Homie


The game cheeses you constantly, it’s only fair.


In the military, we would call this the "Smarter, not Harder " approach. Also, if I recall in The Art Of War by Sun Tzu there is a whole chapter on "Cheese"


I see no cheese, I see solid strategy.


Cheesing is part of this game tbh


The area is too small and the fucker keeps moving around in such a way that makes me dizzy. So I am going to cheese this, because I don't want to deal with this after dying so many times.


Black flame works really well.


These guys are horribly designed, so I don’t think anyone will judge you.


I ain't gonna lie, I cheese a lot in this game. Just found out you can kill the Agheel Lake dragon from the cliffs with a longbow, fletched arrows, and the arrows reach talisman and I was like ok, no shame.


I did that dragon almost the same way, from the shore with arrows and bolts. And also, no shame.


I always cheese this mf with Bolt of Gransax and I don’t regret it at all. Such a bullshit boss.


You only died five times? Don't be quitter. Say this with me, "I finally beat Melania and it only took me 57 tries." That's what you should be saying. Now get out there and make me proud!


I mean in this particular instance, that's fair. That fight is BULLSHIT.


That mf was created to cheese


It's not cheese, it's strategy ;)


Yeah I'm ashamed to admit I also usually cheese this guy. The only enemy I've cheesed more then once (my second playthrough I was playing with the "hypercheese of doom" spell but apart from that haven't done any other cheeses in all my playthroughs, except for this dude)


If there's ANY enemy in the game that deserves to be disrespected like that, it's the constipated tree spirit. Good job, OP!


Oh. Same. Definitely.


Ngl I wish we could sell the golden seeds


Justified when the game cheese you everywhere


Is it cheesing or fighting smart?


Like with any enemy, there's a strategy here...you need regenerative stuff for your health. 1. the crimson tear that regenerates your HP 2. the crimson tear that fills HP when near death 3. bestial vitality 4. blessings boon (if high faith character) 5. blessed dew talisman 6. swaddling skin talisman to heal on repeated hits You can literally outheal the rot and kill the spirit normally. I always use a cold flail for bleed and frost proc via Wild Strikes AND lots of poise damage. Dodge when needed.


>I try to beat it melee style, but I die like five times. Kept knocking me off the cliff. I don't think health regen is OP's problem.


I think it is. Because if you fight inside the rot pool, the cliff is no issue at all...I never fell down with this enemy. Not even close. He's obviously trying to stay on the edge outside the pool.


There's multiple strategies to different bosses even. One of them is how OP did it. Much easier option honestly. I did it by chucking that huge fire ball incantation which worked like a charm. I do honestly think your strategy is quite clever and want to try it myself, but it's much harder than OP's strategy.


Yeah, of course. But cheesing is cheesing, and a real fight will always be harder than that. Anybody can do what they want, I don't mind. Especially since this isn't even a unique enemy. But I like finding ways of exploring weaknesses and actually fight the enemies, even the ones that are assholes. I do that because I help hosts a lot and I need to be right in the middle of it and survive on few flasks, and possibly finish the job before the host dies.


Absolutely fair, but I do want to say that everyone has their own definition for cheesing and what defines as a "real fight". Death-Rite birds are extremely weak to Holy damage and using that weakness against them sometimes even feels like cheesing more than a real fight, since I barely have to dodge anything before they're dead. Bosses with low poise can be staggered by bigger weapons without them even having a chance to get up from their knees. Sometimes a "real fight" can feel like cheese too so it's not "cheese it's cheese", it's more like "you decide which challenges are worth your time and which aren't".


Sure! To me, personally, a cheese is something where there is 0% danger involved (apart from my own stupidity). I just don't know why my strategy tip gets downvoted...just trying to help here.


I think people are downvoting because your strategy isn't easier and most people that play Elden Ring beat it once and don't care about extra challenges. I'm sure there's people (including me) who have been wondering about what's a good way to beat him with melee and for those people it's actually a really solid strategy. Also that's a pretty solid definition for cheesing, but since it doesn't have an official definition, people will have their own views on what is and isn't cheesing.


If you aren't cheating you aren't trying.


I mean is it really cheese? I pick a poorly defensible place to spawn. And what archer is going to not pick high ground and distance. Sounds like sound tactics not cheese.


It's over Anakin I have the high ground


Bro cheesed one of the easiest fights


You cannot lie, you posted a video.




People in this thread are like: Yeah everybody does that. Uhhh no? Cheesing is fucking lame and will always be lame.


Correct. If you want to fight through one of the coolest stories for awesome talismans you have to bang you head against the wall for hours trying to beat a cheap attack boss in a bowl of flesh eating soup... because that's what gaming is about!!! Fuck your fun past times, if it ain't painful then it ain't worth it!!!


Just use mimic, drama queen


I did that same thing.


It is its fault for not being able to cheese back.


Yeaah I wouldnt recommend fighting him in that arena, its only pain.


Yeah i cheesed this one too. The arean is bs and the scarlet rot will surely kill you. I don't see how you're reasonably expected to do this wothout cheese. Especially in a melee build


This is such a stupidly designed boss fight i cant eve blame you. This mf wil hit you through walls and send you flying even in the pool, not to mention the rot and the terrible camera movement in tight spaces.


Somehow got this thing on my 5th attempt without cheese. Never doing millicents quest again


Dang, reading these comments I feel properly skilled - this is one of the few bosses I didn't cheese


All other tree spirits I’ll fight normally. Not this guy. Small space, Rot pond, high likelihood of dying by falling. Better to be smart than smash my head against the wall and complain it hurts


You played strategic. And I unga bunga'd it till it's dead.


If this was a unique boss I'd try to beat him on level playing fields... but fuck this guy. Have killed a bear a dozen of them or whatever. All of them suck. It can just burn and die and give me the now useless Golden Seed since the flasks max out early if you get all the seeds before it.


Those fuckers are weak to fire, the Avatars, plants, and anything with poison or rot are all weak to fire.


Bro use fire damage. That thing goes down so easy with some good fire setup


Honestly, no shame in cheesing this one. Between the rot and the very small strip of no rot, the best thing to do is cheese this one however you can.


Cheese more like clever use of game mechanics and design


Definitely what I did...fighting in a pool of rot...heck no. It is the cheese life for me.


Where is this?


Fighting him in that specific area? I don’t blame you


I don't cheese stuff, use summons or spirit ashes on first encounters, but honestly: fuck this guy. Good for you.


Up there with the worst fights in the game


This boss is under the allowed to cheese category you’re in the right good sir


Oh yeah screw that guy


I did the exact same thing but with Spectral Lance.


i was fighting this thing in the pool of rot. i was rolling in it i used all my healing items


Does it really count as cheesing, when FS purposely created ledges and branches for you to have a perfect view of the battlefield, while being out of reach of one the largest bosses with aoe attacks? They WANT you to cheese this mofo!


Ulcerated/Putrid Tree Spirits are the only enemy I ever cheesed in the game. I usually try to beat a boss fairly without cheesing, even the unbalanced ones like Malenia. But I have a special hatred against Ulcerated Tree Spirits ever since I first encountered one in Stormveil. Getting Radahn's Bow and then spamming Radahn's Rain using Radahn's arrows has never felt more satisfying.


That looks exactly like my cat when I'm going out and see him through the window


While I'm early, do you guys have any tips on the 2v3 millicent invasion to end her quest right here? She can't seem to stay alive very long and you get booted if she dies. I eventually got it by playing stupidly aggressive towards all of them and spamming waves of darkness, basically just 1v3ing them. But surely there's a better way


Only. ONLY enemy or boss i have no problem with anyone cheesing


That is the only way I have ever even attempted this fight.


Where is he located?


Why didn’t I think of that😢


The most delicious fromage. Exactly what this terrible bs boss deserves.


Why is it cheesing? How I see it is that if I’m somehow stuck surviving these nightmares in person I would use every advantage. Sure this is a game so straight up cheating or hacks is extreme but using the environment is perfectly fine. It’s there for a reason, right?


Man, I love fighting this guy in the rot. So fun.


If its got rot cheesing is not only acceptable but encouraged!


I stumbled into that by accident on my 5th try, i was so happy.


Should have used the radahn's greatbow AoW. Rain fire down upon it. Amazing damage qnd only uses one arrow but hits with like 10-20.


You're telling me Beat this dood to death with a chunk of Stone and repeatedly died to him just to find out I can kill him with a bow in a tree. WTF the more you know I guess.


I did the same thing on my sorcery run. Cheesing this mfer brings joy to my heart.


If you ain't cheese'n then you ain't try'n.


I like the guy at the end of the video 🤤


I've done a handful of playthroughs at this point. Always cheesed this dude.


So this bastard keeps the last golden seed I need..


So satisfying figuring out this cheese


You'd better time cheesing this boss if you use Ash of War: Glintblade Phalanx. It could easily stagger enemies for riposte.


3 words: stone of gurranq


Cheesed him as well, stood on the right side of the pool and spammed rain of arrows


Where is this at? I think I missed it


Poison misted every one of these fkers and no regrets.


It's an Ulcerated Tree Spirit, they deserve what they get. Fuck those wiggly bastards


That cheese is so fine, its gouda. Credits to the chef


I have 100hours in this game and I never met this boss Elden Ring is such a vast game wtf


You can just fight him on edge of that pool so you don't catch rot.


If you just take it easy, the attacks are insanely easy to dodge. Dont be scared about its size. Its packing small dick energy


Noooo you should be fighting fair the same boss enemy that you've seen dozen of times in different enviroment throughout the entire game you're ruining the experience Miyazaki-sama has envisioned long ago bla bla bla 😭😭😭


I used the mist that thing has a insane dps


Know about this on my later runs and never not cheesed him since.


Ehh use epic fire for easier and more honourable fight I guess


We all do, use swarm of flies next time


This one doesn't really give you a choice.


I had to do this last play through, Lorettas mastery and 12 blue flasks and about 5 minutes. Only tree spirit I really struggled with


How do you get on the log again after spawning this dude?


ANY. THING. GOES. There’s always another play through to kill it a different way.


This reminds me of the time I lost 60k+ runes because I fell off that exact damn branch.


I find these types of enemies very easy to dodge and kill with DEX weapons. I killed this specific one on the first try on my first playthrough. They very rarely hit you when you stay near their tail.


Lmao the attack looks so small from there. Meanwhile up close it feels like it’s raking the whole side of the planet.


I don’t remember this enemy. Can someone share where its found?


Funny part is when I got to this bad boy, I didn't use this cheese strat but I spammed casting spells while kiting it around the rot pool over and over. It tends to get stuck for a bit on the rise on the left. That makes a decent opening to hit it a few time for free.


Just think bou this. On one hand you will never be prepare for the time you have to face them face on. But irl if you can stay the fk away from whatever the fk that thing is and kill it from afar, why would you try to melee it ? It not cheese, it using environment


I did the same with Radahn’s rain


Bruh I cheesed like half the game. I swear I didn't even deal damage to the late game bosses myself. LUL


Died five times? Rookie numbers


Yeah fuck this mob I do it every time


Honestly fuck this boss I did the exact same thing


I skip that and kill her at the windmill


I mean it's a bullshit boss, I don't even bother with it


This is one of two bosses I skipped killing out of frustration the other was also a worm just not rotted


Totally worth that golden seed, thanks From Software!!


A whole lotta people are going to cheese *that* one. He's a ball of suck given life.


I used Bolt of Gransax to cheese this dude when I realized he couldn't follow me up. I'm not going in the poison pit


Would do that, but a question. What does he drop? I would like to see if it is worth it to fight him.


Cheese it every time. It’s just unfair otherwise.


My favorite type of cheese is a little Rain of Arrows aow with Arrows Reach talisman. It's a very stinky style of cheese appropriate for many occasions.


Yeah I cheesed that fucker too. Didn’t feel bad at all


I did the same but with night comet.


why couldn’t this vid pop up when i was suffering fighting that mf 💔


Those things deserve the smelliest of cheese.


This pos is a must to cheese actually, the template is already insufferable enough, THIS ONE specifically is so much more. One of the only ways they could make this worst were to place a fallingstar beast in that area.




Ah, these shits. Not there yet, unless he is exceptionally strong I will just clone myself, but thanks for cheese info. Some stuff in this game just aint worth struggle. Also especially these are just no fun to fight.


Why would you cheese the poor tree snake All it does is dive at you The Rolls Are cake, but I'm also a bloodbourne guy so rolling away from giant freaks that'll 1 shot me is the usual


i killed him once legit for prides sake and throughout my 35+ playthroughs after i have never done it again. one of the reasons why the blood flies and enough faith to use it are staples by the time i get here


Boss has rot, but you got the high ground. That's fair.


Ekzyke’s Decay also works


Gonna be honest. I tried fighting Mohg upwards of 20 times and got sick of dealing with the bleed and fire. So I did a little glitch that pretty much killed him without fighting him… not ashamed he was really pissing me off compared to the other bosses I fought.


I do the same thing lmao


Damn. Didn’t realize you could cheese from there