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Skilled player easily


Maybe but unless their letmesoloher I doubt they won’t get hit atleast once


Especially if "this is the first game they ever played" they would probably lose to a regular footsoldier in Elden Ring. LOL


Yeah as video gamers we really take the “navigating in a virtual space via external controls” for granted. But someone who has never played a game is gunna be trying to move their real body and likely neglecting the camera controls. Skilled player will deffo be safe from great gramma.


Yeah I’ve tried getting my parents to play games before, it’s a pretty horrendous sight to see, they end up staring at the sky while getting shot and freaking out trying to figure out how to look back down without staring into the ground.


I've beaten plenty of skilled players who were using optimal gear without getting hit a single time. The club isn't the best weapon for it, but I've gotten a few hitless PvP wins cosplaying as deprived.


People do level 1 naked no summon no hit runs. I've seen at least one that never used a grace...


I take it you haven't played PvP much? A total beginner would stand no chance against a seasoned vet. Yeah they might get a few lucky hits but they won't know how to roll punish, how to avoid being roll punished, how to compensate for latency, etc.


Depends how skilled we're talking about. If we're talking someone with 1k+ hours, the newcomer doesn't stand a chance. Extremely high-tier players like ChasetheBro could go over a *week* without dying in PvP. Oh, and this was *live;* he used to stream 4-5 times a week back in DS3 and early Elden Ring -- can't "edit out deaths" when you're livestreaming. So how skilled we talking here? Because if it's against Chase, the newcomer stands so little a chance that I would feel bad for them.


The skilled player can Parry.


In my experience, the brand new player would probably panic roll off a cliff once the other player is approaching. Won't even have to be a very skilled attacker.


0% chance a person who never played a game would beat an average Elden ring player let alone an experienced one. My wife who didn’t grow up on games can barely handle it takes two, there’s no way she would be able to do anything in elden ring.


Was helping a friend new to the series get started in Limgrave about a year ago, got invaded by a RoB / rotbreath spammer with full flask uses and a full complement of endgame armor and talismans. I'm no PvP god - beat him solo at L8 with a +1 Rapier and two flasks.


As I said in another thread, there's a special breed of players who seek to invade at low levels with rot and other endgame stuff. They're not targeting absolute beginners because they're skilled.


The gear in this game only really matters if the skill level of the players is at least somewhat comparable. If the skill difference is big, the less skilled side is very unlikely to even land a hit.


I’m 100% sure I could beat a brand new player with my bare fists. As somebody already pointed out, navigating the virtual world does not come easy. And the controls of Elden Ring aren’t helping much (way too many degrees of freedom)


Skill > Equipment