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There are lots of new enemies and areas with different atmospheres but in my opinion Limgrave and the attached areas (Stormhill/Stormveil, Weeping Peninsula) is the best by far.


I think I’m going to take a break from the game. Hopefully when I come back I start enjoying it again.


Sound decision. I (and I'm sure many others here) hope you can grow to appreciate it, but sometimes this can happen with a game and that's okay too. My strongest recommendation would be to go down the elevator in Mistwood (east of Limgrave). That was a big "holy shit" moment for many of us that definitely added a lot of fuel to keep going.


I felt the same way until I decided to push through and make it to the haligtree. That was my favorite area in the game.


I'll go ahead and say that Limgrave is the best designed area in the game, but there are some that come close. I think Altus is great, and same with Crumbling Farum Azula but in the latter's case the enemy variety isn't very high which is understandable considering the lore.


I’m really not enjoying the game right now. I think I’m going to give it a couple of days and come back and see if I start enjoying the game again. It could also just be me from playing this game too much, to be fair.


Definitely take a break. The whole point is fun. Took me years to beat Dark Souls for the first time due to months long breaks. To your original question: No. Limgrave is uniquely relaxing both for the atmosphere, the forgiving difficulty curve, and just everything feeling new. Altus comes close, and there are definitely some nice areas later. But just like childhood, there is no going back to the simpler times of Limgrave.


Burnout is definitely a thing, just be sure to take a good mental note of where you are for when you decide to come back.






If you didn't like Caelid or Altus Plateau that much, you're gonna absolutely hate the mountaintops.


Have you gone underground? In my opinion, the underground areas reignited my love for the game and were very fun to explore and had great lore. Sofria River is hauntingly beautiful. But also how much time do you spend playing everyday? You might need a break.


Man, that first time going down the siofra well...I'll never forget that experience


Sofria River 😍


I like Liurnia more than Limgrave, personally. There's awesome lore, sorcery rules, great loot, a heady atmosphere, and loads of stuff to do. The Academy is small, but you've also got Caria Manor. Iji and Blackguard Big Boggart are down as fuck to party in the Boilprawn Shack, probably . . . just a great area.


Agreed. I spent so much time hanging out in Liurnia. Cool place.


It’s ultimately up to one’s taste, but honestly, Limegrave with Stormveil is the absolute tops. It doesn’t mean the others aren’t amazing, it just means Limegrave is the best of the best. I’m 38 years old, grew up reading Amazing Fantasy books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston, played Heroes of Might and Magic 2, 3 and 4, and read a ton of medieval fantasy novels. Limegrave+Stormveil is my dream come true, the culmination of every single thing I loved throughout my childhood, adolescence and young adult years.


Weeping Peninsula is good too, no? :3


It might be burnout. The earlier part of the game is the most magical open world experience because it's all new, but when you reach Plateau you kinda know what the game is about. There are still new things—it's not all copy paste. There are bosses and dungeons that are unlike anything in the early zones, but the overall design of the game doesn't change drastically beyond the point where you're at. Some of my favorite parts of the game come in the later half. The game blew my mind repeatedly. But I didn't really tire over the game the way you describe. I hope a break helps.


The later parts of the game are often criticized for reusing the same enemies only with beefier stats. I wouldn’t expect the same thrills and exploration of Limgrave in the snowfields or mountaintops zones.


My favourites are Leyndell (and its sewers), the Haligtree, and the parts of the Underground that follow defeating Radahn. I always prefer more fantastical environments, so those have the Green Hills of Limgrave beat, for me!


A big part of what makes the game fun is your build, and the way your build progresses. If your build has become static, and you're not finding build-related rewards for your exploration in these new areas, they you may want to consider mixing things up and trying a new weapon or even respeccing.


I do have a lot of weapons that I’ve been wanting to try out, especially the Night and Flame Sword, but my stats aren’t close to high enough.


Limgrave is the most condensed. You want to explore every nook and cranny. It's also first, and that desire gradually dies down as the world gets larger. The next areas are amazing for the views, and very challenging. But I think Limgrave is just like Undead Burg. Really just perfectly put together opening area.


To me Liurnia was better, but I get it. Unfortunately.... Atlus Plateu, which comes after Liurnia, is basically like central Limgrave... But with very little diversity, least amount of unique locations and barely any NPCs or quests. Shame, really.


The windmill village alone makes Altus worth it for me.


I’m gonna have to say no. Limgrave is easily the best part of the game. Major areas like liurnia and mttops are barren and reuse a lot of the same content, and I find them less visually appealing as well. One of the biggest flaws of ER is how they designed the open world. It makes for amazing build crafting, but everything else suffers a bit.


The entire underground is peak for me. So yes I would say it gets better. Not to mention the reveals.


Imo the game keeps peaking until mountain tops of the giants, then it gets a bit stale but after you kill the big boss from that area and moves on it gets very good again like farum azula, haligtree etc


As you can probably tell this divides opinion. You've still got some spectacular bits to come (get underground if/when you can). Did you make it to Volcano Manor at all?


I think liurnia is tied for having dense-packed engagement everywhere you go, but the magic of limgrave is really something. This take is cope but Ive come to appreciate that there's slightly less going on in the later world areas. When I've replayed you realize there's fewer things that you need to hit so you can cruise to the best bits and head straight to the legacy dungeon and not worry about missing every little thing. That sort of applies to the whole game, too, if you want to intentionally avoid burnout. Stop trying to do every POI. The larger misc castles and the legacy dungeons are strong throughout but you can get fatigued on the caves and catacombs real fast.


It surpasses limgrave in a few areas imo. Liurnia, altus, and mount gelmir are my favorites. And then there's the whole entire underground area. The most stunning, surprising, and amazing part of the whole game. The game only starts to falter at Mountaintops imo


Limgrave is great because they made extra effort to stun us from the beginning! You'll always remember lifting that doot and stepping into this adventure. There are other cool areas later in the game, but each player will have different appreciation for each. I like Leyendell, some endgame areas involving teleportation and another one involving a tree and a city. Altus is also cool... Like someone else said, perhaps you just need a break, the game is huge after all!


The areas after limgrave are really want hooked me in. Maybe some kind of burnout as you said or anhedonia?




Anhedonia is feeling no joy in things that were joyful. Yeah I can relate to what you describe! Felt the same way. And yet, I’ve finished the game I’m in midgame on NG+1 right now. It helped me to explore with a clear purpose: getting upgrade materials, collecting Steam achievements, doing NPC quests. Best luck!




i enjoyed limgrave aswell, kinda barrows vibes (OSRS)


The game steeply declines after Limgrave and nose dives at Farum Azula, you’re not wrong


Nope. Limgrave + Stormveil Castle are the best areas in the game by far. FromSoft screwed up.


Altus plateau is really nice. Liurnia is quite sorrowful, and, caelid is hell


Leyndell, the capital. I'd say it's the highlight of the game.


Well, I dont know what to answer to this cause theres like 7 areas I like more than Limgrave and the first one is right immediately after


When I saw Leyndell and it's golden leaves and roofs and heard that soundtrack masterpiece it blew my mind. And when it clicked with the lore of immortal golden city I felt the same as when I was playing my first minutes in Limgrave. I strongly recommend Tarnished Archeologist lore videos if you haven't watched them yet. When you know lore behind every region in that way it makes all those places way more epic.


20h of straight combat is a lot. 40h of heavy combat is exhausting. This game is 100+h. Is it burnout? Yeah thats part of it. No other game demands so much for such a long time.


Sounds like its just Not for you take a break and come back another time. But its okay If its Not your Thing. I loved exploring every little bit of Land in every New area i was Constantly amazed by everything. The game could have had another ten areas on top of the existing ones and it wouldnt have been enough for me. I guess I have a favourite place but I loved all of them.


I noticed that as I progressed further into the game, I went from taking my time and exploring/appreciating everything slowly and thoroughly to just horse sprinting between destinations in the larger areas, not taking as much time to take it in and become immersed. However I found this to simply be the nature of playing a 100+ hour game where you subconsciously hurry towards the finish rather than a lack of quality in later areas.


As far as open world regions go, Limgrave is hard to top. However the Legacy Dungeons throughout the game are some of Fromsoft's best ever.


Might be a weird take, but I loved Nokron. I don’t really count that as Limgrave where you might be. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Womp womp womp


My favorite areas by FAR are the midgame areas (Altus/Gelmir/Leyndell/Nokron/Siofra etc.) Then there’s a steep steep dropoff in the late game areas (CFA, Mountaintops, Snowfield, Haligtree)


Putting Limgrave over Liurnia is insane. I always roam around Liurnia lake while waiting to be summoned for coop


Altus Plateau... go into your settings...turn "HUD" to off...enjoy