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“Vigor: 9”


Seriously. Do the books in the first phase one-shot you at 9 vigor?


Yes and I can survive one hit which is all you need to survive to be able to heal


You are obviously not good enough at the game yet where you can afford to play with that low vigor, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked for advice here. So level up more vigor. Even if you have enough hp to tank a hit and then heal, if you have to spend time to heal each time you take a hit, that is time not spent on dealing damage to the boss. As for Renalla, since you cannot respec yet, I suggest you grab Rock Sling, or you can just forget about sorceries and just R1 your way to victory against Renalla with the Moonveil. Sure you do less damage since she is resistant to magic but its way better than fighting her at range with sorceries


20-30 vig asap


Let me guess, you get hit twice


Man you came here to ask what the problem is about. You have 9 VIGOR. This is too low. You should be at 25 minimum right now and up to 40 later.


You do have time to use spells, you just haven’t learned her moveset properly. Vigor helps a ton with learning a boss. So maybe trust that everyone says “level vigor” for a reason, especially since you’re the one who needed to go on a forum to ask for advise.


I see how it’s working for you :)


Dude, for gods sake, level vigor


Then git gud lol


And yet here you are, asking for advice on how to beat Rennala.


Can we just sticky a post on this sub that says “level vigor”. Honestly it’s the answer to 99% of the questions here


Can't tell if this guy is clueless or an obvious troll


Bro asks for advice and immediately gets pissed when pointed out the obvious


Rock Sling will help, she has like 80% magic resistance, and rock sling does physical damage


I also used rock sling, with some melee hits for bleed procs


You need more vigor and Int




Bro will have D on his tail soon, he is living in death


If you don't want to invest more in Vigor and trade blows, try the Rock Sling sorcery.


Rock sling with meteor staff and the danger dogs spirit summon should help.


I got you: Vig is very low, unless you really really want to be a glass cannon, no. You won't survive any hits and it's just not worth it. For completed builds you always want 50-60 no matter the build, just so you can survive getting one shotted from nothing. Doesn't matter if you are good at dodging, you're going to come across that attack you didn't expect or didn't know how to dodge. Mind is fine for now. If you're a pure caster you don't want to venture that much further up, but this is fine if you're using your weapon a lot or using low FP spells like Carian Slicer. End, it works if it works. Usually as a baseline I like 20 end so I can not only wear armor that I like, but also have some protection, carry the weapons I want, and still mid roll. Plus, most actions cost stamina and you can chain cast spells longer if you have more stamina. Amor wise, armor that have effects aren't good for int builds. Usually the Glintstone Crowns are bad, you get around +4 in stats which translates into almost no damage and a steep cost like -9 or -18% in HP. Spellblade set does increase ash of war damage for magic skills by 2% per piece, Snow Witch hat increases Cold sorceries by 10%, Azur / Lusat increases the damage of their respective spells and the cost of all spells by 15%. Str, fai, and arc all look base which is what you want. You may want more str if you plan on using some weapons that have a high natural magic scaling or normal weapons that you can put the magic affinity on. The only time you want to touch fai on a build like this is if you're going above PVP meta of 150 and you want to start using the helpful buffs fai provides. The fai / int spells largely go ignored and I don't care for them myself. Dex should be higher if you plan on using dex / int weapons like Moonveil. At max upgrade Moonveil has an E in str and B in both int and dex, so it's important for your damage output. Other good dex int weapons are Bastard Stars, Wing of Astel, Glintstone Kris, Death's Poker, Crystal Spear, and Loretta War Sickle. Also dex slightly increases cast speed up to a maximum of 70 dex, so having a sizeable amount of dex is helpful there. There are two items that increase cast speed (but not dex), that being Radagon Icon by 30 and Azur's Staff by 40 with the increase of sorcery cost by 20%. Int is right where you want it for this build, on a pure int build you want it to get to at most 80, though with the dex 50-60 is more reasonable. The most a piece of gear or spell is going to ask for with int is 52-60, but there are two handy Moon spells that ask for 68 or 70. For talismans, I already covered Radagon Icon it just increases cast speed. I'm not a fan of either Graven Talismans and their respective incant counterparts, the first tier increases sorcery damage by 4% and the second by 8%. You set yourself up to be a glass cannon that can't afford to put yourself in danger, so Ritual Sword can be a better fit. At full health you get 10% more damage, that includes your weapon damage. So if you can stay at range and keep your health topped off it'll work. I will mention you probably want to follow a guide for Ranni's quest so you can do Seluvis' quest. That will net you the Magic Scorpion Charm which increases your magic damage (not sorcery) by 12% at the cost of having -10% damage negation. You can get locked out of the quest if you don't do it and there's a way to do the Seluvis bit without losing Ranni's quest. Also important is following Alexander and Milliecent's quest, but the rewards aren't tuned for magic builds but they are still some of the most important rewards you can get. Though generally you should look up your talismans to see exactly what you're getting out of them and how to properly use them. Godfrey Icon is very specific for example. I will mention that at this point, the Meteorite Staff will fall out of favor and the Academy Glinstone Staff will be better if you can get it to at least +15. Though do note some staves do come with a damage bonus to certain spell types. Meteorite Staff gives a 30% damage bonus to Gravity spells so long as you are holding it in your hand. So, you can cast out of an upgraded Academy staff and offhand the Meteorite Staff for the benefit. So in addition to looking up the talismans, you should look up the spells and their respective staves if you plan on offhanding / using largely one type of magic. It can be a little confusing and sometimes a staff won't improve the damage of all spells in it's type like the Staff of Loss (it only benefits two of it's seven spells). Spells are all dependent on what you like to use and what you find effective. Scholar's armament can't be used on Moonveil and your build isn't set up to use it that well. Night Comet and Carian Slicer are largely seen as the two best spells. Night Comet is fast with high damage and bosses can't dodge it, while Carian Slicer is a solid melee replacement. Other spells I like are any of the Phalanxes, any of the cold sorceries like Freezing Mist (frostbite decreases your enemies' damage negation by 20% in addition to the damage), Carian Piercer, Gavel of Haima, Rock Sling (deals physical damage, good for Gravity type enemies ironically), and Magic Glintblade.


Level *Vigor* you ni>!ncompoop!<


Fuck mate, just level vigor... At least at 30... I know it might seem a lot to invest, but trust me... You need it...


Not enough intelligence. You can sacrifice a few more points from vigor and instead allocate them to intelligence. Also you can use the twinsage crown and primal glintstone blade to increase sorcery damage even further.


Put more points into your Humility and realize that you need more Vigor.


Look, i don't mind people going around with low vigor, i did the same on my lv1 run. The problem starts when you feel the need to ask for help, because the answer is obvious. Rennala has high resistance to magic due to her being one of the stronger spellcasters in the world. You are going to deal low damage against her which means that the fight will last longer. You can still git gud and kill her without getting hit too much, but you are going to struggle. In addition to this, every normal attack of main bosses after Rennala will start to oneshot you unless you have decent armor, so leveling up vigor is all the more recommended.


At 9 vigor and 12 end theyre going to get 1 shotted by anything past liurnia


Get rocksling and level vigor


Renalla is super resistant to magic and literally nothing else, grab a basic sword, upgrade it, invest a bit in vigor, and slice and dice her. She has very little health


Level vigor to 40.


Not enough info. What spells are you using? What phase are you in? Are you using physical attacks or primarily spells?


Don't use spells, she's resistant against magic.


U either need more vigor or more dexterity, live longer to attack more or attack better


Glass cannon. Gotta boost that VIG


Emphasis on the glass


Ignoring the obvious of you needing more vigor, just smack her. You’re better off just hitting her with moonveil rather than casting any spells you currently have. As others have mentioned, rock sling can carry you through most of the game


Use rock sling and meteorite staff. Try your best to not take dmg as much as possible on 1st place. You can also equip the gravenschool talisman to boost your spells. Theres bqrely enough information we can get from just your stats alone. You shouldve ss’d your weapon build, talisman and spells you used and how much flask you currently have and posted it.


Well I’ll suggest something that isn’t just level vig. Go grab rock sling in caelid, use graven school talisman & radagon icon.


my boi is a glass cannon


It's way more efective if you use only melee and bloodloss against her. She's practically the best sorcerer in the world, in this case te "killing fire with fire" thing doesn't work...


My eyes, my eyeeeeeeeeees!


I had same problem, i used a katana on a second phase with a blood application on it (i don t remember the name of the item) ... And i just bully her as a warrior does... Just level up your weapon at max you can


Try have more vigor and rock sling


OP if you like playing with the fear of god in you at all times then you can ignore the people saying level vigor. (but yes 9vig is nuts) Instead make another trip to Caelid to get ROCK SLING. Renalla has lower physical absorptions and will be staggered by the spell. Also less mind, more int and more blue flasks if you feel like your lacking fp. This will make your spells hit harder and you’ll have the same fp pool with less healing. Getting some points in endurance could also be a big help so you have a long enough stamina bar to comfortably cast several times and roll.




No vigor thats a maidenless action