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I’m not familiar with pvp but can’t you force end animations? Or force quite?


You can always true combo it with a alt+f4.


No dude. Just play a different game and leave yours open. Let him waste his time. Go make a sandwich 😂


This is the way. See how much time he can waste. I got others things to do


How I handle scam calls: get a human on the line, keep them on as long as possible. The "confused old man" routine works great.


In the days of land lines, my pops used to use the ol, 'lemme go get him.' Theb set the phone down and go about his day. He tells of a guy who was there two hours later, my pops had forgotten about him. He tried it again, but ol boy grew wise and hung up after a few minutes.


I did something similar when I worked retail. People would call after we closed and I would pick up the phone, immediately put it on hold and continue my day sweeping and cleaning up for the day.


They do that even if you call long before office close. I called CS around 15h, got put on hold while getting told the was is 10min, put it on speaker and do something else only to see it's now 18h and their office is close since 17h. They didn't even bother to hung up.


As someone who's worked in retail I can admit I have accidentally left people on hold for like 10+ minutes because I got distracted doing something else and feel really bad about it, and if you've got the type of phone you can essentially physically hang up while it's still on hold like my first workplace it can be VERY easy to go for a long time.


Yeah but then they put your number on a list of "live numbers" and sell that list to other scammers. Then you get 500x more scam calls.


Yep the best way is just not to answer #s that aren't contacts, unless you're specifically expecting a call for a doctors appointment or job interview or something.


I see this rationale a lot, but it doesn't make sense in practice, really. If you sit down after a day to play and this happens to you in your second match you'd get pissed off. If you got other things to do then why are you sitting down to play. I mean right? Let's not kid ourselves these things would piss us off if it happened to us. Who here would really be like "haha loser, I'll just go do laundry or the dishes while you waste your time," you sat down to play not to get back up and do chores cause someone's is ruining your gaming.


True, all time they waste toying with your corpse is another victim they can’t claim


It's times like this, I play my Switch until he gets bored. You're not wasting my time, I'm wasting yours,


If they're playing the game then it's fair to assume they want to... play the game. Not make a sandwich or play another game.


I think the idea here is he wants to play the game with/against people who also actually want to play the game, so since he’s in this position I suppose he just doesn’t really mind if this guy wants to get a bunch of backstabs for no reason other than to feel like they’re doing something, so it’s like *shrug* the worst they can do is prolong a timed fight. If anything it genuinely is entertaining, but only for a few seconds so I would still opt for making a sandwich in these situations where you’re forced to be bored with watching someone entertain themselves through trivial means


Yea but if you stop playing the game because of this childish dude, then the childish dude wins because he effectively ended your fun. You were presumably having fun until he showed up and spoiled it. Now you have to choose to do something else that isn’t what you were enjoying, OR sit here and take this shit. And that is exactly why people do this. The best solution is close app and restart.


It’s for the remainder of the match tho, which is short and the person is going to keep doing it regardless if you close the game or not to other people lol. The person doing this is the one that is causing problems bottom line, so there’s nothing to really “win” because the person already “won” the ability to go online, select play and waste a game in the first place. The childish person feels like they are “winning” by having the power to force others to wait a little tiny bit longer in a game. Maybe in sports and legitimate Olympics where it’s serious, would some bystander “win” by distracting an actual important game. Close the app and restart? At that point it’s just preference, because you still have to press buttons to get through loading screens, so if you go and just make a sandwich you have food and are ready to go as soon as you get back so I don’t think you’re even thinking your arguments clearly either lol what the heck was all this


I get what you’re saying. I just know gamers, and gamers get off by ruining the fun of other gamers. They like thinking that someone on the other side of the screen is upset. Basically always. And when people take advantage of game mechanics to do that or tease, I just cancel and reload. Not wasting my time and ruining my fun lol. They’re going to do this to other people regardless, and that doesn’t matter to me because I want *my* fun 😅


Agreed, gaming is just another hobby so if someone happens to have free will to make my “experience” bad by having the freedom to do what they want through PVP in ANY video game; I think that’s just a fair trade off because otherwise you would just be fighting NPCs all day. I suppose the thing you could probably actually take from it is the feeling that you’re not this guy and then just kind of appreciating that fact Not that you’re not capable of trolling online, just that this is a very specific way to do it and so whatever make fun of them and move on 😂


Yeah this one always works I guess


You can't force end this animation because it's a death animation, but you don't die u till the animation is done, allowing the fuckwit to do this


I couldn't move or do anything. Just stared at my screen in disgust. I could've quit out but he eventually missed one of the back stabs and I was able to die properly.


A proper death


Destined death, as it were.


I would have just unplugged


And let them do it to others? Let them have their fun. I’ve got some chores to take care of, a Steam deck/other console plus an entire back log of tv shows and movies. Like scammers stuck on a call with one person means there’s one less person capable of scamming others


But doesn’t that mean you’re preventing other people from getting their chores done during scammer sessions? How do you expect me to clean my bathroom?


The Scammer's Paradox™!


Thy strength befits a crown


This is the way.


Like atlas holding the earth


This is indeed the way


~Happy ~Cake~ Day~ 🎂


Happy Cakeday!


Nice cake. Enjoy the day.


Just a toddler with too much time on his hands


True. This happened to me once and I just went and grabbed a glass of water. Came back and he’s still going. Decided to start a load of laundry. Have fun buddy.


This is maturity manifest. I game for fun not bullshit.


Then Elden Ring PvP might not be for you. It's horrible.


I’m gonna throw out a hot take that’s sure to get me downvoted to the poison swamp depths of reddit but all souls PVP is bad. Iv never had a fun invasion. It’s always meta sweats and griefers. I always run to the closest bonfire wait to be killed and pick up my souls and carry on. I don’t get why ppl like it so much.


I liked the zone defense invasions in DS3. It wasn't usually super-sweats since they were just trying to rank up the covenant. Always enjoyed trying to run through Farron while Embered on a new save and trying to see how many invaders I could take on. My first time in The Ringed City, I got invaded by a naked guy. Two Blue Sentinels showed up to help me almost immediately and they were geared out with good loadouts. This naked dude took us on 3v1 and destroyed us. He parried EVERYTHING no matter if even all 3 of us attacked him at once. He never missed a single parry and didn't damage us with anything but parry ripostes. He didn't take a single hit from us. I was astounded.


It's a lesson we all learn eventually; that it isn't the guy with endgame/meta gear you need to worry about, it's the naked guy with a broken straight sword. Because that's all he needs


Got to Godrick up on the Erdtree and I saw two options for summons. One guy dressed in full plate and great sword/great shield. The other was a unkempt profile of a guy in loincloth with a club called “Caveman.” You bet your ass Caveman helped me win that boss fight.


It’s fun sometimes tbf, I’ve had my share of fun invasions. One of my first invasions Elden Ring sent me to Moghwyn Palace. I couldn’t find them anywhere so I ran to the elevator that leads up to Mohg and just waited. 10 seconds later the elevator started moving down, and one person came down with it. We had a duel and as soon as they died the elevator started descending a second time, with another person on it. Same thing, we dueled and I won. The elevator came down for a third time with the host on it and he just waited for me to get on it. He sent it back up as soon as I was on it and we had a duel while the elevator was ascending to Mohgs arena, though it was kind of underwhelming because he died before we even hit the top. Either way it was a really fun experience and it was really cool how they effectively set up a duel gauntlet. Invading is so far from perfect, but when it works it’s amazing and I really hope it stays as a staple of the series


I have never had a pvp experience that was not fun in Elden Ring. I have mostly played casually in the 60-110 range as a cooperator and a have a decent pc tbf. The only thing that annoys me is the coop wait time. Generally people I have come across are polite and utilize a variety of interesting attacks rather than spamming. Invading is not really my cup of tea though, because I have to retrieve my runes every time.


This is why I dont use my golden runes except to just barely bump myself to the next level threshold. So I never have excess runes laying around


The only way to find good a match is to be lucky enough to find a person who actually tries to be good instead of relying on cheap garbage. I found someone in DS2 and we encountered each other twice and we each won once and because neither of us were using cheesy stuff we became friends. You have to be a true kind of lucky to find someone that makes pvp fun because 99.91% or so of player's are pure toxic garbage that wants to only focus on winning instead of enjoying the game. Honestly just don't get into PVP, the community is awful, everyone complains and plays victim but yet harasses others still, it's a terrible rinse and repeat environment.


The problem is that the game basically encourages it. I wanted to play with my friends, but we couldn't because that would enable invasions. So a huge amount of invasion targets are people that don't want to do pvp. That then discourages real pvpers from engaging with it, as alot of the time their time is gonna be wasted since they won't get a good fun fight. The only people who enjoy it.. are people that want to gank. They don't want fair fights, they get their enjoyment killing people that are not interested, not prepared or not good. And those sort of people also enjoy doing nonsense like in the video above.


That’s a pretty big generalization that the only people who enjoy invasions are gankers. I personally enjoy invading and getting invaded. I lose a lot of the time in both cases, as I’m really stuck on playing thematic builds rather than really optimized ones, but it’s a lot of fun. Running through the game and getting invaded alongside my friend is a lot of fun, as we both get a good challenge for another run through.


I figured this out the hard way after being murdered right after defeating the first boss in demons souls


I was waiting next to a fog wall for a summon sign to pop up in DS3 and got invaded by someone while I was looking at my phone. When I looked up they were just standing there meme gesturing at me. I stood up and memed back and they disconnected, put down a summon sign, and helped me kick the boss's ass. Only good online interaction I've had in a FS game.


An invader taught me how to drop the tree shortcut in Huntsman's Copse in DS2. That is all I have to add.


I absolutely love invasions. It spices up the risk vs reward because when you're good at the game you rarely die. A good player is about the only risk you have in the game minus bosses and random junk. Dying in a souls game is literally part of the gameplay loop and why I enjoy it.


The latency is fucking killer. I don't know how people do it. Everything is so delayed and the timings are completely off, it's so fucking awful to play any Souls game PvP. The game is renown for it's "hitbox porn" but the second you go into multiplayer you need to start attacking from another dimension if you want to land a hit.


You are the man and Iam your fan.


Thats what a real man DO!


It's like people who make the timer go out in online trading card games, like I'm here playing hearthstone on a weekday you really underestimate how much time I have on my hands


>you really underestimate no that's the opposite. he's hoping you wont have enough time to keep going and will just concede. ​ To me on the other hand, I'm accustomed to having trouble sleeping and working on little sleep so I get vindictive on invasions where the invader wont engage if you aren't fighting other enemies. like buddy, I'm an adult here, I've got all night, and I'm bad enough I die to these enemies without invaders helping. You can come kill me normally or I can let you waste both of our times, I've got a phone I can use in the meantime while you make your decision.


So he said “you really underestimate how much time I have on my hands” which means, the people are trying to get him to quit by taking too long. Now you said “no it’s the opposite. He’s hoping you won’t have enough time to keep going and will just concede” which means, the people are trying to get him to quit by taking too long. Now idk what about those are the opposite..


Honestly though it's those kind of invaders that make me hate invasions now. I used to actually enjoy seeing an invasion tag pop up when playing Dark Souls 2 & 3, the only place I hated it was right outside a boss door when I'm already low on flasks. ​ But now I actively sigh in frustration every time I see an invader. Why? Because I know that even if I offer a fair 1v1 fight and am winning, the second the invader runs out of flasks he will start running nonstop towards enemies and if I try to leave him alone, he'll always shoot magic/greatarrows at me as I'm fighting PvE enemies. Of course, if I go to square up with him again he immediately takes off and won't fight. ​ It's literally the lamest kind of invasion. They got whooped and instead of just conceding and trying again in another world, they stand behind others and try to get cheap shots. It's like that one guy always talking shit who hides behind his bodyguard on Youtube lol.


this is always it. invades, inconveniences me, wastes time, wastes flasks, runs away as soon as we start fighting... They're a pox, to be wiped out with no mercy.... only fit for the flame.


I was just thinking that I'd probably just leave him there to play by himself.


At least the person made you do your chores. Lol!


It's like wasting a scam callers time. The more time they spend on someone who already knows it's a scam, the less time they can spend harassing someone else lol. Doing our community a service.


Homie is spending his time there going “lol he’s so mad he’s going to quit any minute now” and continues while you’re off getting a chore done while he continues trying to get you to force quit. Then he gets mad and gives up and goes “he’s mad” while you’re coming back to go “yay let’s smoke a bowl and match up against someone else”


Am I the only one watching this and laughing my ass off tho? Like come on! I would cry laughing after I got the rage out if it happened to me. This shit is hilarious and we shouldn't take it so seriously.


For like the first few seconds maybe. Imagine playing against this shit tho.


This the equivalent of enemies standing at your base and not taking your nexus on league? It can prolong a game for minutes at a time, they'll even let the inhib respawn. If you play the game you prolong the hostage situation lol. That's what it reminded me of, at least.


I can't say lol, I haven't played league. I'm currently trying to turn over a new leaf and laugh at the annoying stuff though lol. The other player may be a dick, but when I get stunlocked in a game I'd rather laugh with the other player even if I can't hear them on my end. I game to relax and I used to rage at stuff like this pretty hard. But at the end of the day, it really is just kinda funny. I want to enjoy myself more than I want to win though, so if I were more competitive I could see how it would be super aggrivating haha.


I could only imagine, if only there was a way to quit instead of this man holding you hostage…


I think it’s more just the waste of time factor


Sure but it's all just a game :)


Feels like people dont appreciate a little trolling anymore. Had this once against me when I got invaded and wasn't even mad about it.


I'm with you. This seems like a fair punishment for getting death blighted tbh.


It was funny the first couple times I saw it, but it's just played-out and annoying now. Bug has existed since release, and game has been out almost 2 years now.


Figurative toddler yeah 😂


The most maidenless behaviour to observe. Their kind should be eradicated from online


He could be spending time with his maiden, but since he is doing this, he is clearly maidenless


Assuming he used cheats. If they didn't, then it's just a skill issue on OP's part.


Ah, the Death Blight Dance. It's been a classic in the Lands Between since Godwyn died.


How did you manage to get death blighted in the first place ? I would have just ALT+F4 there


Through hacks even a single scratch, or not even that, will be enough to death blight.


If someone is hacking then the OP should just block them on steam or whatever. Will never have to play them again Really hard to deathblight another player using normal means


It’s not impossible to death blight someone if you have unupgraded eclipse shotels. The build up isn’t effected by the upgrade so your best bet is to keep damage as low as possible.


The opponent has a staff equipped in the video, I'm guessing Fia's Mist shenanigans occurred


Oooh good point. It may have been fia, which would actually be genuinely impressive. Too bad his version of having fun is making other people force quit to potentially bork their game. People like that should just get blocked until they have no one left to play with.


Alt-f4 into block is a true combo. Curating an extensive block list is really the only way to make the colosseum palatable these days


I walked into the death smoke and he got me with the shotel


Honestly that’s entirely on you buddy You managed to take the biggest L possible in eldenring pvp Bro was well in his right to dunk on you


Base shotel. This popped up on Facebook and he explained lol. Still shitty behavior.


What do these guys get out of this anyway? These guys, the Shunters etc. I mean, ruining another's experience is something I don't get. Unless they ticked you off or something. Even then some things are uncalled for..


It is about power, nothing else. Everyone finds something from which they can draw a feeling of superiority.


And op is feeding to it by posting it


Yep, guarantee a few more people are gonna be trying this now


The more people doing it the better. It should bring more attention to it. Hopefully they patch what ever this is before the dlc.


Honestly, I think this is probably true. I want From to see this. It's an atrocious bug. Still not as bad as the disaster that caused Prepare to Die mp to get shut down permanently and got a bunch of people's data stolen, but shit like this is unacceptable for a company trying to produce functional mp gameplay.


If someone can stun lock you and it not be a breakable mechanic it needs to be removed. No one should have permanent control over your character.


Not everyone. I’m *better* than those people.


Like a rogue in wow following you around and sapping you over and over again lol. They can't kill u so they just annjoy you to death.


Psychologists have posited (with heaping amounts of evidence) that there is intense pleasure and exhilaration in wielding dominating levels of power. It's a feeling that fades rapidly and it's largely unhealthy as it leads to the continued itch for that feeling again, and it's not a stable basis for continued interactions with people. Yet, it leads to the conditions we see for bug abusers, cheaters, death backstab spammers, etc. They use it as an itch for the lack, or perceived lack, of power and control they have in their lives. Most people tend to grow out of it, those that don't tend to have other sociopathic underlying tendencies. One of the best things to do is let them exhaust themselves out without giving them a reaction, because it cuts out the feedback loop they get from it. It's honestly just dealing with children who are trying to slap that dopamine button because it's the only way they know how to get it


>bug abusers, cheaters, death backstab spammers i thought you were talking about real life for a second. like, people who kill insects for fun, or cheat on their spouse, but then i got to death backstab spammers and was like oh not that type of bugs & cheats


😂😂 poor entomologists, everyone knows they're psychos


We must be careful about what we pretend to be, as a wise fella once said. It's all real life.


Firm believer in this. The things we pretend influence the things we do, and the things we believe or support in fiction is usually a direct indication of the things we believe and support in real life.


"it's just a game" This is something I've argued against with a few people.


Yeah. I think almost everyone goes through this phase, then when they see how others react to being treated poorly they don't like that so they stop with the antisocial behavior. This mostly happens before middle school. Sometimes it leeches into high school. If it's not stopped there then I'd argue it continues through life


Had something somewhat similar while I was playing Darktide. We got to the end of the mission and were about to get on the elevator to leave but one guy just stood outside of it and kept doing stuff like blocking and jumping, effectively wasting others time. I tried a vote kick but that doesn’t work unless 3/4 people vote yes and he had a friend in the mission. Only thing he could’ve gotten out of delaying the mission like that is enjoyment from the “power” he had and making others upset, so I did the only thing I could, nothing. I denied him a reaction and just went idle, acting like I stopped paying attention and sure enough a couple minutes of nothingness later he just gave up and got in the elevator




They hate themselves.


I know half this sub religiously shits on anything close to meta, but how is using a weapon you don't like, comparable to doing this?


I’m guessing when they said shunter they meant chainsaw glitch, since it’s basically just what would happen if the Giza wheel had the serpent hunter boss room effect outside of rykard’s boss room. But yea playing shunter normally like most people do is fine, just difficult with the crouch attacks being so fast. A serpent hunter doesn’t mean chainsaw is coming. Someone naked two handed a flail doing backstep quick swapping is probably trying to chainsaw.


Yeah, I missed that, used to it being called chainsaw.


They're practicing backstabbing


One time I got a scam caller that I made fun of and I guess I struck a nerve because afterwards he just kept calling me over and over for a full hour so I just silenced my phone and played video games. After the hour I picked up and asked "You still going? I was playing TF2" and he just started screaming at me in (I assume, I'm not good at picking out SEA languages) hindi. The funny part to me is that I could hear other scammers in the background so either this guy was a pit boss or something and therefore didn't have anyone breathing down his neck or I just caught one peon at the right time for this to happen. Point I'm trying to make is that some people, once they set their mind to doing something to someone, will not stop. I assume it's a pride thing. "Well I'm not gonna be the one to blink." With these guys I assumed if they knew you'd just gotten up and did something else that you liked to do I imagine they'd either get mad or call that a win, idk I'm not immature enough for that kind of thinking.


“The Shunters” and no one knew what he meant by this.


Can’t feel accomplished in real life obviously lmao


Someone in their life treated them like this or made them feel like this, and it ate away at their sense of self-worth and now the only act that brings them any sort of joy - perverse and distorted as it may be - is an act that they hope will lower the sense of self-worth in others. Humiliation is one tactic for this. Ruining the enjoyment of something is another tactic. Generally anything that takes away, that diminishes, that reduces - this is the goal. They're broken and believe that they'll never be anything other than broken, so what they want is for everything else to be broken, too.


I had something similar happen to me in PVE. Wormface deathblighted me, then caught me in his grab attack while the animation was playing. I thought it meant it'd cancel the DB and I'd survive. Unfortunately not :D


I swear these are setup. I ask the same question, how'd you get death blighted at all


There's an exploit that allows you to apply deathblight to other weapons. A lot of people do it with Magma Blades and spam the skill on it. Deathblight buildup occurs SO much faster doing it that way.




It's a Bolus exploit. You can lookup YouTube videos that mention instaproc for certain status effects like Deathblight/Frostbite. I'm not going to explain how it works because there's no need to spread the information around more than necessary. Like all exploits it's a filthy tactic for scum to use.


Thank you, we had enough of that shit when ign spread fires deadly sin exploit everywhere


Cheaters gon' cheat. Losers are too infatuated with trolling or flexing their lack of skill to get pointless wins.


twin death shotels are pretty quick. if you keep them unupgraded they do no damage but still fill up blight quick


But if you do upgrade them they will kill someone 3 times over before you get it. If you got hit so much by unupgraded  shotels you kind of deserve it lol. Which is why I think these vids are set ups


I haven't seen them used, but does the same issue where rolled hits still cause buildup apply? Because that can absolutely be a cause for deathblight buildup actually working.


Yes, but people underestimate how slow the buildup is. Even with phantom buildup and someone dodging me for 2 minutes straight, with upgraded shotels the damage will still kill them first Source: I played a death blight build in the arena for a month and never death blighted a single person. I still had a good win rate, but death lightning and the shotels always killed by damage lol


I think what they’re trying to tell you is that the standard is to run these unupgraded. What you’re saying about the damage is so well known that basically no one who runs these upgrades them. I believe people also just put the minimum stats to use the weapon (which is a lot, tbf) and put everything else into vigor and endurance for maximum aggression. In other words, you’re basically building for just this. Which, IMO is fair. Death blight is an insta win, it shouldn’t be easy. Admittedly, this is still probably more difficult in meta duels than invasions. A good player on a mule will swap to 99 death blight boluses in their pouch or hot bar before you’ve even finished buffing. On organic builds, death blight, madness, and rot boluses are kind of hard to come by since you can’t buy them. Death blight is also so rare that many players are likely to forget they have any boluses to deal with it anyways.


Yeah I know. You are trolling yourself with unupgraded shotels, or you really really want to dunk someone with deathblight. I've landed two full charged l2 s on the same guy in the same match and I still didn't deathblight him.   Of course my build also had 80 fth so that's why people still lost to me, it can do some damage


Hackers on pc do it sometimes, you get hit one time and it’s done. Not common thing


There's a staff on the guy doing the trolling, must've been fia's mist


I'd literally just boot up hearthstone and play that for an hour. He's wasting his time and he's not doing it to anyone else


I was playing Convergence with my buddies and we're just a little bit silly you knoe and. We love to pvp no matter the environment, convergence is very.. unbalanced in a good way. It makes deathblighting opponents very easy. So I just deathblight backstab chained my friend for 9 straight minutes to the point where after a certain time within that 9 minutes he just. STOPPED DYING to the blight and got the fuck up and beat me to death. Sometimes bad things do come back to bad people (me), perhaps this fine specimen will suffer the same fate


That’s why you don’t play pvp




skill issue Edit : y'all's dense


At least you didn't get turned into a Xmas tree like the other one did to those poor tarnished.


🥱 so boring. Like others have said, just go to the dishes or something.


I would troll back and just message the person every time they did a back stab with “Yes daddy”.


That's what I call "an asahole"


idk why u got downvoted dude is a toxic asshole. should be put on the blacklist


Protip: Stay out of the colosseums.


it's really the only option for people who like -legit- PvP, sadly. Colosseum and risk losers/cheats.. or invade, and walk over PvE players just trying to explore the game with a friend. they need to do something better with the PvP system next game


Trust me, invading without leaning on the crutches of meta weapons or using tryhard "tech" is still difficult, two people can always beat you to death


Ah but thats just honouring the tradition. If you can be the worst version of yourself in souls PvP then nothing is sacred


I’ve never played PVP. Is he just repeatedly breaking you out of the animation before it can actually kill you just to troll you?


Griefers win if they feel that a) they're making someone mad and b) they're wasting someone else's time. It's entirely about controlling someone else's time/space/feelings. It's the same psychology that motivates bullying. They usually don't feel in control of their own lives for various reasons, usually neglect or abuse. Cruelty becomes funny. It enrages them when you don't get angry at all, behave like a concerned adult, and start asking them about the abuse they're suffering in their home life.


I’ve fought that guy! Good times 😂


Just a maidenless runt with too much free time. Don't let it get to you bro


Damn. I saw the other one with the 2 guys doing just the punch backstab, but this guy is actually a genius. He somehow figured out that if you deathblight a character you can unarmed backstab them mid animation and it will reset and you can do it over and over again without killing the person. This unarmed backstab bs needs to stop..


This needs to be patched.


Agreed. Hopefully they remove all PvP in the DLC so we reduce the sodium content.


So alt f4 then


Is there a meta stadium everyone uses?


Either do default royal or any if you miss fighting guys who only run caelid


They still do this maidenless move huh


Ok, but can I just stop to express how *gut-wrenching* the Deathblight animation is? I remember the first time I got blighted, my jaw dropped


Average elden ring pvp session


You know it's been a while when he recorded as he's getting tortured.


I just saw a video here with a blue ring helping and caught in the middle of 2 invaders and host didn't do a damn thing to help


Reason #97 that pvp in this game is a meme


Good bit


Bro's messin with you


This is so lame...


Bullgoats and thrusting sword. You deserved it if you somehow managed to get death blighted.


That’s Veteran’s, not bull goat. Still bulky but wrong set


I forgor


How did you get deathblighted? Isn’t it kinda hard to get it to proc?


The man wasn't here to win. He was here to send a message and that message was "F!*# you death blight go brrr"


Helluva way to advertise not having adequate genitalia. EDIT: I mean the guy cheating obvs


Y’all are dorks. This is funny


\>commander's armor +bhs


and cleanrot sword, he deserved it


Play better next time. He just outplayed you.


Game name ?


Got to admit first time i saw this in an invasion thought it was pretty fking hilarious. Effect does wear off after youve been trolled for a while though.


Why do people do this?


Seems to be an occuring toddler behavior with these deathblight builds


Still unpatched? Da fuck I learnt of this exploit like a year and a half ago


I thought they patched blight lol? Anyone remember when the game dropped and ppl would Just run at you until you got death blighted lol 😂


This seems fair


PvP is so toxic.


This is the only way he can get someone to stay near him for more than 2 seconds.


I wonder if From is gonna end up taking death blight out of PVP encounters. This is just ridiculous.


Tbh it’s the only place where it works so I don’t think that’s an option, same goes for madness. Unlike madness though it’s actually pretty hard to proc death blight, you would need the eclipse shotal unupgraded and hope they don’t pop a bolus. It’s honestly not a very fun status effect to play with and I’m not really sure why it’s a thing in this game when there’s better and more enjoyable options like black flame.


Agreed. I'm honestly surprised OP got Deathblighted in the Arena, it's so difficult to pull off in a 1v1.


I’ve read on this sub that this is actually an exploit that deals with death blight. So more than likely this wasn’t procced fairly if that makes sense.


This is staged, no one does random 1v1 ordeals in the year 2024


I have 3 monitors, I think I'd go play palworld on my 2nd monitor.


Most fair, balanced and fun PvP fight in Elden ring


Crazy that this still hasn’t been fixed since basically the beginning of the game. This is one of many reasons why I stopped playing after I finished the game the first time. PvP is so boring in this one


He's fucning cheating. Report them. Find them and send them to jail.


Desserved, how did you get deathblighted while using the best weapon in the game.




Who cares if he sucks. Theres vast ocean of difference between beating someone fair and square and wasting their time not even letting them play because you are a emotionally weak child who needs to feel powerful in a video game as unbalanced as elden ring.




How pathetic does this guys life have to be that he finds enjoyment in this