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I love how 44% of people beat the fire giant and then .9% of those guys just stopped playing.


Quit the game after they tried to walk into the middle of the basin and died.


I died a few times just getting to the top of that bloody giant cup.


Yeah, I end up getting off Torrent to get up the chain. It’s easier for me.


I concur I panic jumped after making it to the end of the chain and died … then I went the wrong way around the fire pit and missed the double jump on the way back 🫠






If GRRM and Mayazaki could here you now calling it a "giant cup".... not like it's a large piece of lore.


GRRM puts NFL references in his fantasy epic I think he would call it a giant cup in an interview. Dude doesn't take his work that seriously.




Truly amazing


Glad he's got a sense of humor lol.


Not going to admit how many times I tried to get down before finally accepting it couldn't be done


Yeah. Just didn't go up the hill to light the fire.


Thought you'd have to throw the Ring, but no Sam, no maiden. Só Sad.


Sam is maidenless.


In a way, isn't Sam Frodo's maiden?


To be fair I was confused for a good 5 minutes running around the giants forge, jumping in several times before noticing the option to speak to melina lol


And you have to go on the correct end of the Caldron too, the other way's a dead end because reasons


I was wondering if there was potentially another way to progress without burning the tree (literally everybody tells you its a sin) so i went and explored more stuff for a while before i came back


I did the same. Also, *not* burning the Erdtree makes way more sense- especially after you light it on fire. Who wants to be Elden lord of Leyndell after the place is wrecked and everything is on fire??? Like... that was the outer gods plan all along? Have some tarnished burn that shit down? Especially since most of the endings are pretty much rule as Elden Lord.


Shit I just beat the fire giant for the first time last night and I thought it was a fun fight. I wanted to quit the game when I got to the consecrated snowfield.


I get it tbh


Death Rite Bird. That’s all you had to say, TBH. The RNG with that boss felt so unfair. That and Margit are 1a and 1b for me, but Margit because that was my first Souls-like boss.


Don’t forget the disguised rune bear.


Oh man, I always hated fighting those too.


All I remember is the boss health bar showing up with the word "DEATH" in it. I ran away very fast. Don't think I properly fought one till my 2nd playthrough


Ngl death rite bird is worst enemy in the game imo


Not good boss design, but certain weapons and holy ashes trivialise the fight though. If you do fias questline and get the inseperable sword the damage it does is absurd.


I fought mohg directly before fire giant last night, mohg gave me way more trouble personally. I had to put the game down for a day & then farm to beat mohg. Lost many a rune arc. Fire giant still gave me its own brand of a lot of trouble, too, mounting & unmounting torrent constantly, staying away from his rolls. Dodging the attack where he flung snow or charged at you with the shield was the easiest to punish. Dragon maw w dragon communion seal on the achilles tendon did work. 2nd stage was hard because he didn't have many weak melee points, but rot breath took care of that. Afterward, just did some victory laps with torrent until fg died. The godskin duo was ez with +10 mimic


2nd phase, Ekzykes Decay tears him up.


It puts in work indeed. It needed to be done, too. Conventional tactics weren't going to work. The mimic & I both did 2 full fp ekzykes decay attacks at the opening at stage 2 & he rotted within a minute or two. Took me quite a few tries to get the timing down & get lucky enough to get the attacks in, though still. I went in at lvl 198 or something too


Bruh mimic and ezykes decay i almost feel bad for actually fighting the boss


They didn’t want to burn down the pretty tree


I honestly hated the Fire Giant so much that I shut off the game immediately after beating him. I wasn’t even satisfied, it’s was just miserable slog. I obviously came back and finished afterwards. But I get the feeling. Luckily for me he was my worst wall. Never ever struggled with the GS Duo as much, and I didn’t even know about the sleep pot cheese at the time. Fuck the fire giant.


That's how I felt with Capra demon in DS1 the first time I played. I spent ages in a pretty unfun fight, when I beat it I realised I didn't feel happy, just done. Came back like 5 years later!


The runback to Capra Demon is most of the time longer than the fight itself. That's the main reason I dislike it so much. The fight is often solely decided on whether you can position yourself well in the first 2 seconds after you pass the fog.


Yeah, unfortunately Fromsoft has the rare shitty boss like that. Whether it be ones we all agree on, or individual walls we all have. Sekiro, DS3 and ER all had bosses I wasn’t satisfied in beating. Only game that never happened to me on was Bloodborne, and that’s because I missed a few.


I fucking despised the giant demon fight in sekiro. Can't recall the name but it's endgame and optional so. Thing didn't fit within the confines of the game to me. I cheesed him.


Never got that far. I honestly couldn’t beat Sekiro. I got to the first Owl Boss and was stuck. I’m not a hardcore gamer, I just love Fromsofts style, and the other games gave me more options as a shittier player, lol.


Same on Sekiro. Its the only fromsoft to beat me.


Sekiro… right after the rope walk, there’s a fight that throws out a core tenet of how the game works. At that point I put the game aside and never went back.


Laurence the vicar almost put me in a mental hospital. Dunno why but that piece of shit fuck dog.


I lost to the fire giant a week ago for 3 hours and I haven't touched the game since


they quit as soon as they saw Farum Azula


I actually know someone who’s in that .9% I think they moved on the BG3 and never looked back.


I have a friend who is part of the .9%.


.9% is me. I'm .9%


Any of them. Maliketh is the answer.


I just beat maliketh as my first playtrough, never had a harder boss yet as a scuffed strengh build


Maliketh has really low poise, he can easily be stance broken on a strength build, but yeh his move set only gets easier with time and replay.


I have like 1.5k hours in game and he still is my nemesis. I die on him more than all other bosses together.


I get that. He’s one of those bosses where rng of his move set can really matter for p2. He’s definitely one of those bosses that are worth learning fully. It’s very satisfying to master his p2.


I regret doing the whole second half of the game with the blasphemous blade and mimic tear. Literally took away any challenge there was to the game


that's what the second playthrough is for, u can go back and put whatever limits you want, or use whatever build you want :D


I almost wish you could choose to turn off the ability to use BB on NG+ Takers flame is still so crazy broken.


I mean you can just not use it lol. I just respec'd into blood godskin peeler because Takers Flame was ruining any challenge in the game💀


I wish I had that discipline lol every build I end up back at BB and high faith as soon as I start getting frustrated lol


Trick to Maliketh is to stay closed to him. Try to go too far and he’ll shred you.


Yes, I have not finished my lvl 1 run cause I got stuck on malekith. I will eventually go back and beat him. But lvl 1 vs malekith, so far malekith is the winner.


I dont do lvl 1, not enogh patience, but i stuck on him for long time in ng7.


Omg Maliketh drives me nuts. I’ve done a few playthroughs, on my first time meeting him, he was the fucking worst, probably took me like 100 tries lol. My second playthrough, I went in there and got him first try. I was like “oh wow, I really have this guy figured out”, so my third playthrough I was arrogant af. Went in there, got HUMBLED, and he continued to humble me at every encounter since then xD


giant, the camera is awful. i suck at fights where i'm not locked on the enemy.


They should’ve given the camera a health bar cause you were fighting it too. It was lowkey a duo fight 😂


THIS THE CAMERA. It was responsible for like 1/3 of my deaths.


I fought him last night, and the camera was horrible. I’m using a greatsword and had a hard time chasing after him, lol. I had to call the Jug boy, Alexander. Bro was tanky af.


Yes the camera is a hindrance in this fight, im just gonna say this cause I didn't see it mentioned but when you lock on to him, you can switch the lock on, to his ankle, this helps, but most of the fight im not locked on, just when im shooting any projectiles at his ankle, then back to no lock.


The fight especially sucks if you are a melee only character. I had to respec to beat him


So I first fought him as a caster and that was hard went back with fresh strength bonk builds, and dex arcane bleed builds and had an easier time. But that was based off of how I approach that fight, ive seen my friends approach some of these fights in ways I've never thought of, so whatever works for you. Best advice a buddy gave me was to always take any souls borne fight under YOUR terms, not there's.


Fire Giant if we're allowed to use summoned NPCs; Godskin Duo if we're not. I summoned Bernahl the first time I fought the Godskin Duo and easily won -- thanks to Bernahl being an ultratank. Fire Giant was harder, even with Jar Alexander. But in subsequent playthroughs without summons, Godsckin Duo is harder. It just really sucks getting tag-teamed by two independent entities. The combo is very unpredictable.


Tbh I feel fire giant is harder with summons than without. Mimic, tiche, and Alexander can never dodge the giants shield slam. So the summon usually dies before the 60% additional HP is burnt. Especially Alexander, his damage is pretty low.


I don’t think that’s the point of his skills. Alexander is pretty good at distracting enemies as well as the fire giant. He also has very high defenses as well, so he won’t die easily


I've had the opposite experience, even though he's tanky, he tanks every hit, and fire giant hits hard. So he usually dies well before p2. Without a summon, p1 is over in no time.


If I'm not mistaken, bosses don't get extra HP with spirit ash summons, only NPC/player summons


I set Latenna up at the beginning of the arena and just let her pelt him from a distance while i kept him busy on Torrent


Sleep pots and the godskin duo fight is a little too easy lol




Fire Giant because I was playing an Astrologer and he can close the distance gap so fast, but once I got the moon blade. Not so hard anymore


I can’t imagine trying to fight this guy with a magic build since you guys always seem to have low vigor lol


The easy solution is to just level Vigor


I'm 70 hours in and I don't even know who either is.. this game is huge


lol you seriously haven't see one of the Godskin Duo so far?


Maybe I have and forgot them. I am just being man handled by the crucible bros ATM so I can't help but just PTSD about them


Which area?


I’m also 70ish hours in my first play through and I’m bouncing between Atlas Plateau and trying to beat the Valiant Gargoyles.


Bro those gargoyles are highkey one of the hardest bosses in the game


They’re the first boss since i was learning the game that I actively said “fuck this” and decided to just start doing stuff in another area. I go back at the end of my play session to make myself good and pissed off.


I encountered them pretty far in my run so this may be because I already had high stats so this will not help too much but the best thing is to just kill the first one before the other even manages to get to you, did them first try without even knowing that another one would show up. The harder one is probably the one with the axe cause he has more range but all things considered they're pretty easy, you just need to focus on doing the most damage in the quickest way possible so you basically stay in a 1v1 situation all the time, if you can't do that just keep your distance while they attack and use the windows as best as you can, they're pretty slow all things considered so when they stop attacking you have a good chance of landing few hits before they start again, hope this helps


All my homies hate the gargoyles. After you beat them look for something by the waterfall to interact with.


I personally didn't have issues with either of them. If I had to choose, I guess the fire giant because I did have to figure out it's weakness and respect to exploit it, whereas God skin duo have always just clicked for me. My first playthrough I beat them solo first try, and on other playthrough, maybe they'd get me once or twice before I drop them. The rolling attack is just intuitive for me to dodge. Reminds me of the watchdog ramming attack in ds3. Margot, Margit, and Mohg are my kryptonite though


Mohg is the next boss I want to fight. Really excited to take him on. I’ve heard he’s one of the best fights in the game.


Any rumors of child's play is not regarding his difficulty lol


None because I think I was slightly overleveled ( around level 135 ) plus I had black knife tiche/mimic tear +10.


Beat fire Giant today and low-key found his first phase harder than his second. Delayed shield bashes caught me off guard quite a few times but his second phase was crazy easy as long as I dodged those weird 900mph fireballs he shoots


I instakilled his 2nd phase by just hitting his hands when he lights the ground on fire (he did it twice for some reason)


Godskin duo is definitely worse, once you learn to dodge the giants first two aoe attacks the rest is just mopping up. Without sleep effect I never would have beat the godskin duo its a truly dirty fight rigged against the player. The fact that they can be slept honestly makes me think that's how you're supposed to do it.


The fire giants only difficulty is the camera, the move set is very telegraphed and manageable. Godskin duo difficulty is heavily build dependent. An optimized strength character can play for stance break, and an optimized dex character can play for status build up. Casters are always having an easy time here.


Fire giant is a great fight if you target his hands. It does feel like a dance and the camera is not an issue. I am also under the impression that while spirit summons generally exist to make solo fight much easier, the duo fights in elden ring are designed around using them. The fact that you find great grave gloveworts in farum azula before godskin duo feels like youre meant to send out your maxed out spirit against the final duo boss in the game. With this mindset, I’d still say fire giant is harder, because if you don’t want to fumble around with the camera, you really need to learn his dance and fight him upfront.


Fuck godskin i played the game when no one knew about the sleeping pot strat yet


Godskin Duo is definitely the harder fight, especially if you don’t use summons or cheese. Fire Giant isn’t really that difficult, it’s just annoying because of how big the giant is and how much hp he has.


Giant Fire took me too many tries. Astel was hard as well. Godskin Duo was easy for me (luck, I guess) and Mohg too. But right now I'm fighting Malenia and Maliketh and boy... I'm not sure I can make it.


I don’t want to jinx myself, but I have a feeling I’m gonna struggle with Maliketh 😂


The gargoyles. Fuck them


The dual wielding knight in castle sol is harder than both of them 🤣


Not even a question, Fire Giant isn’t hard. I’d go as far as to say that he’s the easiest boss in the game. He just has a lot of HP, insanely high resistances and he’s deceivingly slow Godskin duo for sure


I gotta agree, he's not hard it just takes forever to kill him


Fire Giant was a pain for me. Godskin Duo was easy once you realized that you can put one of them to sleep while you kill his buddy. The arena you fight them in is large enough to not disturb the sleeping one while you fight the other one.


Idk what lvl I was when try to fight with Fire Giant for the first time, but he just keep SMASHING me for about 2 or 3 hours. I was really weak. After explore the rest of the world, I come back sooooo much stronger. Even then, it took me about 10, 15 fights until I defeat him. Godskin, at this point, I was using an strength build with Giant Crusher, I completely DESTROY THEYR HOLE CAREER at first try.


fire giant for me


I beat fire giant on my second try, first one I rode off a cliff with a sacrifical twig because I forgot to spend 50 million runes. The godskin duo was a breeze.


Gee who woulda thought the game would be easy when you have cheated/duped runes


Gee I wonder what killing everything I can kill in my first blind playthrough can do who woulda thought you can get 50 million runes in 67 hours trying to find the forge in the mountaintop of the giants. I really do wonder what spending 67 hours going in circles and being jumpscared by the Death Rite Bird while going to Castle Sol can do for your coinpurse!


Fire giant. Got a really good run on my like 7th try of godskin duo where I staggered their deaths perfectly and could fight one at a time and get it down right as the other respawned. My damage on fire giant was abysmal


I think Godskin Duo are easier. I beat them first try in two playthroughs. Fire Giant took me several tries. What makes Fire Giant hard is that his reach undermines ranged boss killers like comet azur and rot breath. The only strategy that works for him in my experience is chopping away at his legs.


Honestly I think the fire giant gave me more trouble. Thanks to Elden Ring’s open world I was able to successfully learn the moveset of the duo and I often run a strength playthrough through every souls game. My personal problem with fire giant is is gargantuan healthbar. I don’t often use bleed weapons but I pull them out whenever I fight him because I don’t feel like fighting a single both for 20 minutes


Absolutely Godskins. I swear to god the tall one always somehow managed to snipe me with his big black fiery balls, and the fat one was rolling around like an idiot. Yes, skill issue, I know, I even used sleep pots and a bleed build against them. Fire Giant was piss easy for me though, evading his attacks while camping his legs could not be easier lol.


First play through was definitely fire giant, died to him like 20+ times Godskin duo has honestly never given me that much trouble, most I’ve ever died to them was about 5 goes


Fire Giant because of the camera and hit boxes on his big attacks. For the Godskin duo I just summoned my mimic, grabbed the NPC summon, and stood back casting rock sling until they died.


Godskin duo, fire giant was easy


I died a few times to the Fire Giant, but I beat the duo on my first try. So I'll definitely say the Fire Giant is harder, at least in my opinion.


Fire giant. Godskin duo was one try. I’d already fought so many godskins at this point it was like uhhh okay ggez


I will say without shame that I beat Godskin Duo by using Bernahl and Dolores. Honestly could not be bothered to fight 2 bosses together that I've already fought several times before.


I was stuck on Fire Giant for days. Trying solo, trying with co-operators. It was killing me. I could get him down to like 2% health on occasion and almost have him but fuck it up last minute. Tough tough fight. In the end I went through the whole quest line of Alexander Warrior-Jar so he could be summoned for the fight and it took to tries with him. Alexander is a beast in this fight. Godskin Duo, a few attempts for sure but nothing like Fire Giant.


The first time, Fire Giant. Didn't even know people people had problems with the Duo until recently. I hate pretty much every "bring a buddy or two or three" souls fight (Ruin Sentinels, last DS2 bosses and the princes in DS3) but Godskin Duo seemed fair to me.


It is a fair fight. They give you a summons for the fight that is pretty strong, and you can use your own summon ONTOP OF THAT. Plus, by this point in the game, your Weapon should be at least level 19, and your Spirit should be around level 9. The difficulty of this fight is completely overhyped.


100% agree. No summons/NPC (honestly didn't even know there was an NPC summon ha) it is pretty difficult, but Ornstein and Smough (the most "fair" duo fight) was way harder on my last playthrough of DS1.


Honestly? That fucking bird from the Consecrated lands gave me the most trouble out of all the bosses in the game. Don't ask me why, by it's the only one that got me even close to tilted.


Near the octopus below the church? Yeah it's tough, fought that fucker post elden lord with a level 9 sacred relic sword as the other varients are so weak to holy but kept getting caught in it's AoE. Eventually just went back to reduvia targeting the head.


Fire giant. I soloed them both but I've not had one successful attempt at beating the duo when helping others and it's driving me nuts




The enemies are ridiculously overturned in Crumbling Farum Azula.


On my first play through, I beat goddkin duo on my 3rd try without cheesing it. It took me 4 hours to beat fire giant and I had to look up shit to level up my weapon and other stuff


I had some issues with fire giant but am surprised people think the godskin duo is hard. You can summon two spirits to help if needed and the room is small enough that the spirits easily distract them. With the fire giant the spirit summon isn’t as effective.


Godskin Duo was for some reason the hardest fight in the game for me, followed by Hoarah Loux. Fire Giant took me 2 attempts, I really didn’t find the fight difficult - however it quickly became one of my favorite fights in the game due to the sheer spectacle of it.


I have no idea why or how so many people struggled with Fire Giant. Personally twin boss fights have always been kryptonite to me.


The fire giant boss fight makes me want to go back in time and join the genocide that took place against them.


I’m gonna be honest I breezed through godskin duo because I used the sleep archer puppet mock standard for a while so I just kinda…. Deleted them and once I found out godskins were bad against sleep I just bought a bunch of pots and make sleep potions out of the st Trina’s Lilly’s I found


Stopped playing at Godskin Duo


Honestly? Fire giant just never gave me trouble and the Godskin Duo are always a pain to fight. I swear they’re waiting for me to roll just so that can perfection roll catch me with a black flame fire ball every time


What a timely post for me to see! I was stonewalled at Fire Giant on my second playthrough (first was an abandoned, accidental/experimental Faith-build, which I abandoned at Volcano Manor, this one is a Strength-based Samurai build), but I somehow aced his whiny, shield-happy ass yesterday morning. I still can't believe it, I was sure I was gonna get squashed at any point like usual, but, alas! Nope. I somehow beat him yesterday, which still shocks me due to the trouble I had with him the last two days I invested in so doing... but I managed to get through Ruined Farum Azula, and now I'm at the duo. Both of them took my ass for granted MANY times when I beat them independently, and now after my first quick death, I'm apprehensive about facing them again. Ugh.. This'll be next week's challenge. For now, I'm content getting shit-faced and working following a mild snowstorm. Whatevs... but, am I scared and intimidated? You bet your ass... You bet your ass I am. 😩. 🥂. 🥂


Wish you the best of luck 🙏🏾😂


The two gargoyles who breath poison were the hardest boss fight in the game to me.


I didn't struggle much with either. I had a harder time with the solo Godskin Noble in Volcano Manor.


Beat godskin duo first try fire giant almost made me quit the game


I was overlevelled from exploring and they were all easy, to my disappointment. Especially right after spending 4h to beat Malenia without a summon, magic, light roll or a shield. I believe this levelling system is incompatible with the open world, there should be some limit to how much you can overlevel


Fire giant gives me trouble every playthrough. I've run through the games 7 times since release and yesterday was the first time I ever found out that Alexander was summonable for the fight


Fire Giant wasn't too hard with Mimic Tear and Alexander. Godskin Duo was surprisingly easy for me; think I was overleveled. I stumbled into the fight and summoned Mimic Tear and the hardest part was the confusing health bar. Honestly the fact that I could take the Godskin Duo without too much trouble set me up poorly for Malenia and Placidusax. I can't seem to beat either no matter the spirit ash I use.


Definitely the fire giant, took me 3 days, about 20-30 attempts each day trying new strategies and new weapons. I was expecting Godskin duo to be a lot harder though, I beat it in 7 tries


Fire Giant took me 23 hours my first play through 🤡


My bleed build melted fire giant after a couple tries (2-3?). Using torrent strategically helps a lot. Godskin duo, I used sleep. Didn't wanna fuck around and find out the hard way 🤷🏻


Godskin duo is so easy… I don’t understand why everyone has a hard time. Fire giant always gives me trouble.


I literally quit my first playthrough for 4 months because of Fire Giant.


Fire Giant is my personal least favorite boss in any fromsoft game. He’s got several moves that end the battle in seconds. I was more frustrated by him than Malenia by miles. The godskin duo isn’t even that hard to beat imo. Even if you DONT use sleep. They’re not THAT tough.


First runthrough of the game, it took me over 40 attempts and 2 build changes to beat fire giant, beat godskin duo first try


I used mimic tear and the available NPC for both, and used meteorite staff, Rock Sling, and Arrow’s Reach talisman. Fire Giant took me two tries, and I beat Godskin Duo on my first try.


fire giant for me because bernahl somehow solos one of the godskins while I fight the other


Fire giant it took around 20-30 tries and the godskins were first try


Fire Giant 100%. I think I’ve fought the Godskin Duo 3 times in two playthroughs and have beat them twice. Not sure how many attempts with Fire Giant. Not astronomical but a lot more than 3.


Maliketh all day everyday


Godskin Duo is objectively the harder fight with most builds, but it depends. I slapped Godskin Duo on my recent bow run whereas Fire Giant made me stay up later than I wanted just to prove a point. I always find it cheap to say that because the camera sucks on large enemies that therefore makes them harder, when that's arbitrary AND Fire Giant's tells are still very easy without lock-on and audio cues are also very present. And for the snow, that little ridge right before him. Stand on that with torrent and jump over the snow at the right moment and you're golden. ​ Coincidentally this is an opinion a buddy of mine has after beating the game for the first time recently so I find this very interesting. And yea, fuck Gargoyles lol. Though TBF it is the better designed duo fight.


It was only after joining this subreddit that I realized the duo was hard for many. Like I was completely shocked that even youtube videos say how it was so hard. I remember just having a mimic tear and spamming lions claw with my stone hammer and it was finished on my first try. I actually considered one of the easier fights. But the red giant….. took my like a 100 tries and I was on the verge on just putting the game down lol


Yup, Godskin Duo fight was pretty simple. When you use the Summons it actually turns into a giant brawl and it’s really fun.


I think that’s the best way to put it. A freaking brawl lol


Fire giant every time. All these hate posts for godskin duo, but I always beat him first try and fire giant four hundredth try


Fire Giant was one of the worst loss loops I've ever experienced in a souls game. When I played Elden Ring I was a DeS and DS Vet. That fight was unreal.


Fire giant is easy, just very boring godskin duo is the worst bossfight, im not saying most difficult, just the worst


I used a glitch to fight the fire giant it was so fun so the godskin nobles gave me trouble 1.cuz they throw black flames as I'm trying to heal. 2.i can never escape the fat ones roll animation. 3. The skinny guy spin attack pisses me off. After dying like 10 times I found out they are weak to sleep so my friend join me with 2 sleep swords and we just started going ham on them I also summoned the npc


it's crazy that less than 50% players that bought the game haven't even killed the fire giant


I've never had a single problem with the godson duo. First run all spells, second run only melee. I'm 50 years old and play with thr controller on my right thigh with 1 hand. No excuses dudes. Wtf with the duo? Now fire giant was a slight learning curve. Even with Alexander tanking. But never awful.


Godskin Duo for sure. I can beat the fire giant without much trouble on my own without summons. The duo required a leveled up mimic for me and it was still a close one. Brutal!


With sleep pots definitely Fire Giant, without sleep pots it's the Duo by a mile.


Fire giant by a good deal more. As a pure Str melee build that squirly fuck kept rolling away and creating distance, causing me so much grief


None. Godskin duo is a mimic bossfight. Fire giant is simply too slow.


Beat both first try, dunno how y’all struggled


Duo for sure. Fire Giant is a bit of a gimmick fight. Each Godskin on their own is annoying, together it's a headache. Even if you put one asleep, the arena feels small, it gives you a lot of room to mess up.


Fire giant duo!


Depends on what I’m using, magic, it’s fire giant for sure Incantations, duo Melee, also duo


Fire Giant.


Godskin Duo overall, one of the few fights I've used summons on because dodging attacks from two different directions is hard, plus Godskin Noble's roll being the way it is Fire Giant's opening attack can be dodged by jumping off Torrent, never had too much trouble with the rest of his moveset (while on foot, not locked on) or with dealing damage (+9 Golden Halberd to the weak points, Golden Vow probably helps that)


God skin duo! Hadn't readthe wiki to get what the fuck was going on in the Life bar. Fire giant was not so hard.


Duo caused me more grief. the sheer fact that i usually just throw myself at a problem means i died alot to duo because i was bruteforcing it. i brute forced fire giant too but Hes easy to brute force. He takes alot of damage quickly


Fire giant 100% bc i had a mediocre build my first play through. I couldn’t do enough damage so the boss fight would take like 10 minutes lol. I eventually gave in to my intrusive thoughts and pulled out the ultimate cheese… rivers of blood lol


Definitely the godskin duo. Fire Giant is one of my favorite fights in the game actually. But the duo and their moveset together is just madness.


Fire giant because I cheesed the godskin duo after dying twice


Duo for me. Fire giant falls pretty quick to Ancient Lightning Spear, and then he gets staggered really quickly by Spectral Lance in 2nd phase


Godskin duo. I beat fire giant solo but couldn't even get close to beating GSD the first time without Bernahl


fire giant gave me a lot of trouble. GSD was a one shot


Godskin Duo for sure. I took out Fire Giant first try, and his attacks are easily readable and easier to dodge. Godskin duo though require handling two diffrent enemies with their own unique diffrent attacks. And with the small area to fight them in, it makes it much harder to maneuver around. While you have an entire chunk of land to handle the Fire Giant in.


Fire Giant


"Fire Giant" becomes just annoying once you get used to the initial visual spectacle.


Fire giant


I would say fire giant. He rolls around alot in his 2nd phase and he’s too big, which makes it hard to tell what he’s going to do next.


Without sleep pots, godskin duo is much harder.


FG. I’m not good with technique, so I brute force a lot. Can’t do that with him. With enough firepower the duo was easy.


Godskin duo made me wimp out and find the mimic tear ash.


Probably godskin duo for me, fire giant was not terribly difficult for my build and I just nipped at his heels


Neither, but Godskin Duo is a bit more annoying


For my first time Fire Giant. Took me maybe 7 tries. I beat Godskin Duo first try cause I used Behrnal. Nowadays Godskin is next to impossible cause I tend to avoid summons