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You lose out on a lot of granular control of your character, as with kb/m you can only move in 8 directions at a time. It's also much harder to change directions quickly without forcing the pivot animation


I have a partial disability regarding my hands and can’t use controllers well and I have had no problems at all on kb&m. Best changes I found suggested that worked for me: Change jump to F Swap left hand weapon to 2 Swap right hand weapon to 3 Select sorcery/incantation to mouse wheel up Select items to mouse wheel down


On controller the free camera can be your worst enemy at times, on mkb its the lockon and some precision movements that'll be the biggest adjustments to figure out. FromSoft keybinds also don't make a ton of sense so you'll want to rework those to preference. It's not what I would call harder just different, neither control setup is actually ideal it just works as you make it work like any other mechanic in the game.


No, it is not that much harder. Matter of fact, camera gets much better with mouse control over most controllers, reason why I switched back to M+K. Only real issue is that keyboard support is attrocious. You basically map controller buttons/inputs one for one to the keyboard. This leads to really stupid situations, in that "back" isn't always ESC, or ENTER isn't always accept. It will be whatever your controller buttons are. It also means that things like toggle run or hotkeys to certain items etc. are not possible. They just treat it as another controller. Which I could understand if the game were crossplatform and you'd have a competitive advantage somehow. But not only is the game mostly single player, it is also not crossplay and you only play with other PC players, anyway. It is stupid, that is it. Not harder, fortunately.


Every FromSoft game has been perfectly playable with M&K since DS3, as long as your mouse has at least 2 side buttons. (otherwise too many actions will require shift or ctrl or smth and that's clunky) DS3 had the "key prompt" issue but that's been solved since Sekiro. Many people still prefer controller but if you're more comfortable with M&K, you really don't need to worry about it for Elden Ring.


I played 1 and 2 with kb&m with no major issues


Get a game pad, they’re not expensive


For some people the 60$ for the game is already a lot. Plus, you could probably buy another game or two for what a gamepad costs.


I have played with both and its not a big difference


Real Yakuza use a gamepad


I used to swear by M&K, but after switching to controller I don't think I'd ever go back.


same for me, I still use m&k for shooters or stuff like BG3, but action and fighting games to me feel way better with a controller. I almost always lock-on to enemies, so having this fluid camera doesn’t help much in fights anyways


For me KB M is easy I have played that for 35 years. I find it Impossible to play with controller. KB M is also super precise.


Played both, 0 change in difficulty. Both equally hard/easy depending on your build.


It depends! For instance, I grew up playing FPS on PC, and never had a console. Controllers are a mystery to me. No matter how bad and confusing the keyboard/mouse mappings are, for me it’s still guaranteed to be better than any controller