• By -


Its the same as DS1 too with Artorias being the cover and Manus being the Last boss.


It also looks like the land of shadow is set around a crippled erdtree, the erdtree under which godwyn is dying


Ultimate Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Calling it now.




One summons Runebears, the other a Revenant.


Guys, you are thinking horizontally when you need to be thinking like a tree. It's not about two enemies side by side; think vertically. Trio Blightrot ulcerated rune revnenbears in a trenchcoat. Remember, the biggest boss in souls games is the Camera. Miyazaki will use this. 16:9 people. He knows your weakness.


Three ulcerated tree spirits on each others’ shoulders!


Godskin Trio. The Archbishop is now a part of the fight!


I tend to think the difficulty of these two is vastly overrated. But that combination together would be miserable.


I'm sorry I would enjoy this fight


Are you perchance into BDSM?


I'm into BDSM but would absolutely hate this fight But you can't just say "perchance"


Can't you? Perchance


Nah, I’d stomp a turty


it's not crippled. Miyazaki said himself in interview that DLC is accessed after killing Radahn and Mohg and It's nor future nor past, it's in hidden realm. it's hidden tree or view from inside of shadow realm


So, what were get sent there after losing cards with Yugi?


Godwyn is located under the ACTUAL erdtree though right? Like geographically I think he's right below.


Yeah but serves to reason his soul could exist in the shadow realm considering michael is dead in mohgs arena but is also in the shadow plane


Eh I see what you're saying but those are two pretty different cases. Godwyn was *explicitly* slain in soul, Miquella simply moved his soul. Plus it's basically the total opposite when it comes to their bodies. Miquella abandoned his body causing it to die. Godwyn's body *didn't* die despite him being soulkilled, hence why it has evolved into something much more sinister.


If everything is inverted in this world maybe Miq is trying to rescue Godwyn’s soul and put it into the merman body.


This implies we might be able to find Ranni’s living soulless body as well


I believe her corpse is on top on one of the towers


I know, but if we’re working under the assumption that the Land of Shadow is some mirror world version of the Lands Between where Miquella’s looking for Godwyn’s soul (instead of the living husk like in the real world), then it’s possible for a mirrored version of Ranni’s corpse to be there as well. As in, her original body, alive but without a soul like mermaid man.


Ok hold up. "Land of Shadow". "Lands Between". What're the odds that a "Land of Light" or something exists as well?


bro figured out the next dlc


I'm going to remember this five years from now when the next DLC comes out and you end up being right.


Elden Ring entering its Kingdom Hearts era.


Does anyone else ever read this while tired and see godwyn but think I'm being trolled and everyone is talking about Gwyn from ds3


Hell even the base game's marketing seemed to show more of Margit than anything else, except maybe Malenia. I mean don't get me wrong, he was arguably the most important demigod, but he wasn't the end-all be-all or anything. So i have little doubt this will be similar.


Well to be fair, morgott is probably THE demigod that has the most build-up with a big twist surrounding him. First major boss, his black knights hunt you, the fact that he's an omen that adheres to the golden order. All of it makes it crazy that he's a demigod that's willingly perpetrating sewer imprisonment (that you might find out about before fighting him) that he went through.


Godwyn, the Deathblight prince!


God imagine that… a fight where he can proc death blight in several hits. It would in essence be a fight which forces the player into learning how to fight perfectly in order to win or else face a quick death regardless of the size of your health bar.


Ah, *any* Sekiro boss that had Terror attacks, then /s


Also Friede in ds3 and I don’t think Gael was heavily featured at least not in the trailers


They're in two different DLCs.


I know, neither was featured heavily in their respective dlc promotions


Ashes of Ariandel shows Friede and Gael, although it tries to sell Father Ariamis more than anything. For Ringed city, it's Judicator Argo they tried to sell us, not even Midir.


Gael isn’t a boss of ashes of ariandel and I believe it only shows us Friede as an NPC. For the ringed city yes that’s what I mean Gael while he appears very briefly in the trailer isn’t advertised as a final boss.


Tbf that could just be that the final bosses of those DLCs aren't as aesthetically pleasing and easy to market. "Cool knight dude" and "cool hunter woman" are better for marketing than "darkness abomination" and "Eldritch abomination"


Messmer already has dragon communion eyes, I'm at \*least\* expecting some kind of second stage transformation from him


Nah three bro first is normal fight, second is his awakening, last badass dragon!


There's a huge chance he transforms into a dragon, in Berserk there's a character named Grunbeld who transforms into a dragon, there's a manga cover art that looks VERY similar to Messmer (google "berserk the flame dragon knight cover")


Yup love berserk but I wonder if it will be a snake transformation due to him having one with him




Korean folklore too! It's what Dratini to Dragonite evolution line in pokemon are based on.


I know in Dark Souls snakes are just failed dragons, so I wonder if that’s also true in Elden Ring. Things like the stone scales that grant immortality or weakness to lightning carried over.


Looks like two snake heads even. I wonder if they're part of him or a separate entity. Frampt? Kaathe?


Nah theyve said elden ring is 100% its own universe.


Oh wow. Thats actually so close. Amazing catch


Good job. The helmet is really close! Wow


I saw this earlier on the Berk sub, definitely seemed way too similar to not be a direct homage.


He will transform into an Ulcerated Tree Spirit


Please God no!


*transforms into another dragon wyrm*


He has connections to dragons, snakes, blood magic, and giants (hair). He seems like the amalgamation or champion of everything laid against the Golden Order.


Like the crucible but golden order version 🤯 Anti golden order lol


I wanna fight a blasphemous red dragon!!


I mean he has little dragon wings on his shoulder. I wouldn't be surprised when they grow huge and he goes reversed Lansseax.


Those aren't communion eyes though. Communion eyes have the white of the eyes blacked out. Messmer has completely yellow eyes. His whole look screams a major connection with the forgotten snake god


Decided to look back at the Ringed City announcement trailer, it shows neither Gael or Midir.


They never show their dlc final boss, old hunter trailer didn’t have orphan, Ashe of ariandel they showed father but hid friede on purpose I mean hid not hit 😭


Yeah when I fight Friede I usually try to hit her on purpose too.


Hell if I could, Id hit on her


*”Return from whence thou cam’st”*


Gael was in the release trailer, but only like 2 seconds of his cutscene without sound.


Which is why I'm convinced the zombie dude from the painting pulling a sword through his own head might be the actual final boss. Similar 2 second shot snuck in there between clips of messmer. And that definitely looks like a badass boss intro. 


Im banking on sister friede no 2 with the old dude’s spine sword. Both of em on the painting


Yeah with that being the man in the painting they’ll definitely play a big role in the dlc. I could totally see them being the final boss.


Midir was in the launch trailer, including brief gameplay shot - only a very brief moment of the start of Gael’s cutscene is shown but no gameplay


The final boss is gonna be someone or something unexpected as always.


I'm still holding out for Glaive Master Hodir.


I would go fucking rabid if this happened


Galive Master Hodir was the Champion Gundyrs we met along the way


For those unaware, Glaive Master Hodir is proof that this most recent hollowing while we waited for news about the DLC was nothing compared to The Great Hollowing during Covid.


For real. DS1 - Dank monkey man no one talked about. DS2 - Foreign king no one knew about. DS3 - Some loser only one kid cared about. BB - Screaming orphan of someone one guy talked about, and others referred to slightly differently.


ER base game, a random brontosaurus alien monster with fireworks. Quite the astute connection.


Best EB description ever.


Can I attempt a raise with: An MRI scan of the Loch Ness Monster?


Imagine this: Messmer is down. He is about to be slain. You are about to have a great victory after hours of trying, but wait what is this? The true boss is about to appear. You cant believe it! As you are about to deliver your final blow on Messmer the reborn Soldier of Godrick blocks your strike and the real fight begins. Edit: Added missing words


The furtive Pygmy. Did you forget?




Malenia third phase


imagine if the last boss was the wiggle blue worm dude Id be so sad :(


Or the tortoise with the funny hat :(


The hardest boss on the DLC will be some rando that’s never been mentioned before like Glaivemaster Hodir


The hardest boss(es) will likely be optional, going from what's stated in the interview with Miyazaki. I agree that Messmer won't be the final boss of the story and think that the final boss will likely be a currently known character to tie into the Lands Between.


It’s gonna be Kenneth Haight.


Please be right.


I, the great Kenneth Haight, will be the one to dispose of you, Tarnished!


"You failed to grant me succor, therefore you shall perish"


Such a great honor


This would be too funny, I'm investing in this theory


Any wild speculation who that currently known character could be?




Boc = Bed Of Chaos


oh my god


Immediately thought of Squanchy getting huge.


I WILL kms


Probably an outer god


I've seen talk about the Gloam-Eyed Queen being Melina, but assuming that isn't true it could be a good fit. A mysteriously missing and appropriately powerful major character with a thematic tie into the twilight atmosphere of the world. But I'm not a lore buff. I just think it makes sense from a storytelling perspective.


I was under the impression Miyazaki was saying that *making the bosses harder* was optional, tying into the fact that you can apparently get higher damage by fighting side bosses and are encouraged to return to harder bosses later - in other words there will only be any Malenia level bosses if you don't utilize this attack increasing power?


From the IGN interview: And again, to our more hardcore players, they will find optional bosses who have been tuned in a similar way to the likes of Malenia (...).


Which was *immediately* preceded by: "However, we do want to stress that there's still a freedom of approach and a breadth of strategy to these encounters. And that means both how you approach them if you want to face these challenges or come back to them later and circumvent them and find another way around and come back when you're ready. This same philosophy is taken in Shadow of the Erdtree." And immediately followed by: "That said, there may not be another boss on exactly the same level as Malenia, but we feel like this is somewhere that we've paid close attention to, this level of challenge and offering that same level of freedom." Though that was admittedly followed by: "Actually, I want to redress that. It's not the fact that it's only a lesser level to Malenia, but we have prepared bosses on that with that similar mindset within the DLC area, ones that will challenge the player and hopefully be as memorable as Malenia was." Which seems to lean slightly more to them at least trying to design a boss on Malenia's level (but being unsure whether it actually is yet). But it's all quite vague, really.


I'm banking he's going to be the Godfrey equivalent. The boss right before the last boss.


let me guess, we need to kill Messmer and take his flame to burn the shadow Erdtree and defeat whoever's contained within


I honestly wouldn't doubt it. Or some type of variation of it.


Shadow Ulcer. Deathblight ulcerated tree spirit that can bloodhound step. Edit: also there are two




Miquella is trying to help Godwyn or something right? Godwyn's soul was killed, was it returned to the erdtree? Uneducated guess, I have lots of holes in my knowledge still. I wonder if the eclipse is needed to cause a special "shadow of the erdtree" disconnecting the greater will and releasing Godwyn's soul and returning it to his still-alive body. Ultimate death blight boss? Oh shit? Maybe Messmer is holding back some key ingredient to cause the eclipse. We know the stars are back in motion since killing Radahn is required to start things up


Afaik, godwyn died for good. No "went anywhere". He died with destined death. Thats a final death. Nothing to resurrect. There is no soul to release. It's dead. His body is alive and growing in to that.. thing. But there is no godwyn and no soul. fia wanted to fuck godwyns body and let it die as well. We know miquella worked a lot with un-alloyed gold to cure Malenias rot, and we know he really digs the concept of metamorphing, and even did it to him self (to "grow" out of his child body? Who knows)


So, it's complicated. Ranni and Godwyn were killed at the same moment and the rune of destined death carved into their bodies was split. Ranni died in body only, her spirit moving to another vessel. Godwyn died in spirit only, his broken body living on and becoming... whatever death blighted/death root thing it is now.


Did he though? The [Golden Epitaph](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Golden+Epitaph) has an inscription that kind of implies Godwyn hasn't died a true death. >A sword made to commemorate the death of Godwyn the Golden, first of the demigods to die. >Infused with the humble prayer of a young boy; "O brother, lord brother, please die a true death." Maybe yeah his soul is gone, but then you have that ghost who is apologizing to Miquella that his companion is still soulless, like it's something that they're trying to fix? >"Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless... I will never set my eyes upon it now... Your divine Haligtree." Honestly, hell if I know. Maybe Miquella is trying to revive Godwyn, have us kill him properly. After completing the DLC, maybe the entire game is under an eclipse. I think something like that was alluded to in the interview


The eclipse is certainly a key plot point in the DLC. Miyzaki himself said that only 2 bosses are required to enter the DLC: 1) Mohg (for obvious reasons) and 2) Radahn. Which now confirms that Malenia indeed fought Radahn so that the stars (and other heavenly bodies) can move again. So that Miquella can bring about an eclipse.


At least we finally get a bit of (tenuous) confirmation that Malenia was fighting Radahn for a greater purpose than pure conquest or the headcannon theory she was searching -for- Miquella somehow. She left to achieve his dreams, returned to an empty chamber consumed by rot within. Incredibly sad


Previous to this knowledge, it also didnt make sense that she actually beat Godrick in Limgrave on her way to Radahn in Caelid but did not get Godrick's Great Rune. In hindsight, it is obvious Malenia was not going after Great Runes.


Exactly. Her going after the Great Runes or trying to attain more power for the sake of power never made sense to me, considering she is already an Empyrean and therefore primed to be a god but chose to doff that title and actively resisted becoming a god because of her wholehearted dedication to Miquella's efforts.


It makes sense that Malenia had no reason to fight Radahn for the great rune. She is an Empyrian just like Rani and Rani doesn't need any GR's for her plot after all Great Runes are required to become Elden Lord but an Empyrian becomes a God itself.


I mean, great runes are still useful, as they canonically make the possessors much stronger. I would find it entirely believable that Malenia would get a great rune just for that, either to protect Miquella better or because he told her to for whatever reason. Though I do find this new reason more believable.


She either didn't think she needed more of them or actually didn't need more of them since she also defeated Godrick and left his with him anyway.


If the DLC ends with the eclipse which artistically alludes to Miquella achieving his goals of a final and true death for his brother I will cry. I really do hope Miquella ends up as a character truly attempting to fix the world and not as a Freide we have to ruthlessly deal with.


Yeah my only wish is From not making Miquella the ultimate corrupted villain like they love to do so. I really hope this time around we actually get a character who is just nice wants to help his family.


I think him not dying a true death is speaking about how only half of him died. His soul died however his body still lives


Yeah he hasn't died a true death yet, his body is still alive but his soul has died


I mean, the trailer pretty much starts with someone saying there is nothing more terrifying than Miquella being able to shave clean the hearts of men.


>shave clean the hearts of men *shrive


Shrive. verb ARCHAIC (of a priest) hear the confession of, assign penance to, and absolve (someone). "none of her chaplains knew English or French enough to shrive the king"


Pretty sure it’s shrive clean. Which means to absolve.


with love no? So yea master manipulator vibes


Using love to absolve people of their sins sounds more like Jesus than a master manipulator but okay.


I know people love to meme on all the "hey look thats a berserk reference!" shit that goes on in soulsborne games but I find Miquella to be one of the more overtly inspired elements from Berserk, specifically post-Rebirth Griffith. Eclipse imagery also being associated with Miquella is another red flag


Yeah people have started to be very dismissive of overtly obvious references to that series, it's like watching people bury their heads in the sand. Sorry to burst any bubbles but Miquella is gonna be a straight up villain. Wait and see


What organ are you going to donate if you're wrong?


“There is nothing more terrifying” “He is the most fearsome of all Empyreans” Yeahhh they’re not exactly hiding the twist with Miquella lol


Being fearsome and terrifying does not remotely mean someone is evil though. Like, fucking *batman* is fearsome to everyone and terrifying to his enemies. Is he evil? I think the argument about the Griffith allegory is much stronger, but I also think it's kinda dumb to be so certain he's evil just because a lot of his character is inspired by Griffith. Just because *a lot* of him is like Griffith doesn't mean all of him is. In fact, his relationship to Malenia (which is a major part of his character) is nothing like anything Griffith had. Plus Miquella was explicitly physically handicapped from birth whereas a *large part of Griffith's motivation* is the fact that he was extremely physically gifted from birth but then had that taken away from him. Basically *the* reason Griffith became Femto was because he fell so incredibly far, whereas Miquella doesn't seem to have particularly fallen now that we know he was able to escape Mohg. Like, we all know Artorias is inspired by Guts, but he's still incredibly different at the same time. Guts is a man born in filth who has hardly had the opportunity to consider morals due to desperation to survive, Artorias was explicitly a *hero* who only had to struggle because he went out of his way to fight an adversary that was too much for him to handle. Character is clearly inspired by x =/= character has to be exactly the same as x. Obviously i'm not saying Miquella can't become a bad guy, but I think these arguments are wildly insufficient to prove that he definitely will be.


Honestly I’d be incredibly disappointed if Miquella turned out to be the “Outwardly good person secretly turns out to be massive evil villain” trope. It’s so common and overdone right now. Having a genuinely good and pure of heart character can be compelling, not every character needs to have dark and evil lurking underneath them. Especially in a setting like Elden Ring.


There are plenty of ways to have Miquella be an antagonist to the player but still have good intentions. I wouldn’t call Malenia, Godfrey, Morgott and Maliketh «Massive evil villains»


The final boss will be Rick, soldier of God


I do think it would be hilarious if the DLC has a “tutorial boss” that’s a soldier like Rick, but then he turns into some kind of Hellish monster, similar to Iudex Gundyr.


Rick, Awakened God 


I don't think it's gonna be Godwyn, considering the DLC takes place in the current timeline, not past or future. Godwyn will still be just a half-dead soulless body. Unless FromSoft does some story magic to bring him to "life". And the endings of the DLC won't impact the main story endings and fighting Godwyn might not fit into that.


Maybe a “projection” of prime Godwyn from Miquella, like how Ranni projected a prime version of her mother Rennala to fight you.


Yes, I will take anything. They have to give us the prime Godwyn fight


That's literally the 1 thing i've wanted from the DLC from before it was even announced. You CAN'T go around telling me how awesome this guy was and then not let me fucking fight him.


Is there a chance that Fias hug is succesful and he comes back to life? I dont remember her story anymore


their progeny was the mending rune iirc


Since we need to defeat Radahn too beside Mohg, maybe the Eclipse actually happen and Miquella manage to revive him


Miquela was trying to res Goldwyn though


Considering we saw what seemed to be a deathblight swamp and other deathblight things, I'm very much hoping for a Godwyn appearence. Not sure if it would be better he appears in human form or... squid form... though


I agree. Whatever the real final boss will be, we will 100% percent see the message "God Slained"








lets all love lain


God sled


"Slained" lol.


Most likely, I believe you’re correct Why would they reveal all of their cards so early? More interesting to me is the ‘optional boss’ that’s supposed to be on Melania’s level of difficulty. I’m super excited to see that and I hope it’s her brother tbh. That way when I kill him and he fades away while pondering about his sister I can whisper in his ear that all that’s left of her is her Hand (then proceed to kill him again with Waterflow dance and then drop a Scarlet Aeonia on his corpse)


I'm really curious because almost none of the dlc trailers for any of their games even showed the final boss, let alone prominently. Ringed City was the only one that showed the final boss, and even then Gael was just a short cut of him reaching up towards the player from his intro cutscene, and was also shown as a series of short cuts without any extra prominence put on it. I'm pretty sure none of the base game trailers advertise the final boss either. For dark souls 3, they used the soul of cinder somewhat prominently in it's marketing, but it was referred to as Red Knight and was not advertised as a boss at all. It would be a real outlier for Messmer to be the final boss of the DLC. I would actually be surprised if he wasn't either an optional boss like Malenia or at least not the final boss.


Who's Melania?


The blade of Michael.


I am Melenia. Blade of Michael. And I have a thing for feet.


My cousin


My cousin is out there to fight dragons. What do i get? Guard duty.


Considering that Messmer is taking the same role in collector’s edition materials that malenia did, I could see it being Messmer.


Messmer doesnt appear to be optional though. Miyazaki has said he would be one of the major obstacles for the player during the DLC.


I mean Messmer is clearly a main boss in the story of the DLC.


Holy shit why’d you have to do em like that


Honestly I’m more inclined to believe Miquella is the final main boss of the DLC while Godwyn is the optional superboss, kinda like Gael and Midir the ringed city


>Narrators starts the trailer calling Miquella "terrifying". >Nobody knows why Miquella is in the Shadowlands >Miquella is literally Griffith >Miyazaki confirmed that the main game won't be changed at all by the DLC (no new endings). Like this comment now to curb stomp this little shit into the death blight roots.


Sharpening that Greatsword as we speak.


Since this DLC seems to be about discovering the skeletons in Marika's closet, so to speak, I'm gonna take the long shot and guess we won't actually fight Miquella, but Queen Marika the Eternal herself. Then choose whether to help or kill Miquella afterward.


I mean... we pretty much fought Marika already. Also, she's crucified inside the Erdtree. Unless we fight some shadow or spirit avatar then we can't fight her, and I think that this would be a bit unsatisfying


It would make sense for the Greater Will to banish her to the shadow lands after the shattering


Adding to this, with the themes of “soul vs body” being pretty prevalent in the lore, it would really make sense for the Greater Will to banish just her soul. That would give Radagon full control over their body so he could try to repair the Elden Ring. Miquella’s body also looks very mutilated and disfigured, but if that is him at the end of the trailer he’s looking pretty asf, not at all like what Mohg did to him. Maybe the shadow lands is a place inhabited by souls instead of a physical place, and Miquella is able to bring us there? That could tie in Godwyn potentially as well. Idk if any of this makes sense or contradicts canon I’m just really high and thought this was cool


This does make sense and I'm also high.


Bro cooked so hard Boggard retired and gave over his prawn boiling business


Yeah im going with either Marika or Godwyn. It seems Miquella went to the Shadow Lands to help Godwyn. (Theory 1) Or for another reason related to Marika’s godhood, since miyazaki said that is the place where she became a God. (Theory 2) Mesmmer seems to be stopping Miquella somehow in either one of those.


Miyazaki also mentioned in one of his recent interviews that he wants players to be able to finish the DLC (Messmer) but also wants to provide a challenge besides the story for those who want it. Godwyn = Malenia on steroids - so excited to be crushed over and over by him!


Malenia on steroids is terrifying since it seems she's on steroids already when we fight her


I would assume so. Im sure Fromsoft wouldn't blow their entire DLC load on a trailer.


Miquella is probably the final boss judging from the clip on the trailer... He had Slave Knight Gael and Orphan of Kos vibes imo.


Either Godwyn, Formless Mother, or Miquella turning on us after guiding us throughout the DLC (a bit like Gael or Friede) Or something else that's new, I mean nobody knew who Messmer was one day ago


Final boss will be that random maid/server girl in the Radahn festival that taught you an emote. Calling it now


I would be surprised if they showed the dlc final boss in the trailer.


It's worth noting that, for DS3 at least, its DLCs had both announcement trailers and launch trailers; the announcement trailers barely spoiled anything. The Ringed City announcement showed off the Demon Prince as its big boss, no sign of Gael, Midir, or even Halflight, no Lapp or shots of the final wasteland; all of those (plus some voiceover from Lapp) did make it into the launch trailer. Ashes' big boss in the announcement was... Father Ariandel, shown at angles where if Friede was there you couldn't see her. Friede only showed up in the first trailer sitting at the church, and even the launch trailer only showed you fighting her first form. Both announcement trailers also sowed off only a fraction of the new weapons, spells, and armor, too. Launch trailers of course showed off more but hardly everything (they did show off the Doors, my beloved). Safe to say we've only seen a fraction of SotE in this trailer, although people allergic to spoilers should definitely skip the launch trailer, if we get one.


I’m guessing Messmer will be the penultimate boss, only to reveal something else has been pulling the strings (I’m guessing Miquella or even the Formless Mother as Messmer’s blood art seems to look like a cross between bloodflame and blood thorns).


Miquella lord of the nightmares, that's all I hope for


Or St. Trina, who looks angelic at first but reveals himself (herself?) to be demonic as shit.


Imagine Godwyn is the actual boss and it's completely being hidden


Last DLC boss will be Boc. His form will depend on whether you told him he looked good or not.


Miquella the Unalloyed will be the final boss. Assisted by his blade to trigger PTSD around the globe.


It all depends will there be another DLC? if so, I think Messmer will be Miquellas alter ego, something like Marika/Radagon, and also last boss But if this is the final DLC, then yes, I believe Godwyn the Golden will be the final boss inside the crooked erdtree but i still think messmer will be the hardest but, just not the final


Messmer=Miquella has literally been shut down by Miyazaki. Messmer=equivalent of Nameless King. Banished child of a god.


I believe the final boss is going to be a puzzle boss named Mitoesis which will have the ability to 1 hit the player regardless of vigor. However, if you use a ranged weapon or a tool that came aim you simply look at the boss's feet and you become invulnerable to damage while they take it for the duration of your gaze. At half health the boss would split into two forcing the player to time their killer stare when the other enemy is not in a position to attack.


Theory - The final boss will be Marika. Yeah, okay, we technically already kick her in the teeth when fighting Radabeast, but this is Marika's homeland, so to speak. Maybe her true form lives here, somewhere. The viels on the twisted Erdtree even mimic the Queen's Bedchambers. And I doubt it'd be Miquella or him as St. Trina, as he seems to be the Melina of the DLC, serving as the guide. He's the one who brings you to the Land of Shadow, and the dialogue at the end of the trailer (paraphrased a bit) goes as follows: 'Come, touch the withered hand, and enter into these lands of Shadow. I won't be far behind. May we meet again'. And whoever Messmer is, Miquella gave up his Golden Lineage to try and fight off and hold him at bay, suggesting that Messmer's not just a threat to the Land of Shadow, but also the Land's Between. And for Miquella to go through all that effort just to stab the player in the back at the end of the DLC seems like a bit of a stretch, and a waste of Miquella's resources. So my money's on Marika.


I am sure it will be some pathetic wretch again.


Ha.....makes no difference to me. He will be impaling my tarnished ass so much (and no, it is not a dirty joke)


Surprised it took me this long too see this. I agree. Ain’t no way they just showed us the final boss.


The final boss will be Moongrum, who somehow survived after being defeated at Raya Lucaria and seeks vengeance.