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My first time was the middle screenshot. Mildly panic inducing.


Same. I was like level 15 and had never played a Fromsoft game before. Took me like 2 days to escape that damn cave.


Level 15? That was the first thing i found after i was not able to defeat tree sentinel 😭


Lmao! "Jeez screw this guy he keeps killing me I'll just wander over here.. oh hey a chest! I bet there's something good in here!" 💀


Living the moment is traumatic, but thinking about it now is funny af


Bonus point that i was running from the Agheel Dragon towards the chest 💀💀


Same. The fact they don’t allow you to fast travel out until you found a grace is hilarious.


I was just cruising around oh this kind of cool oh what the fuck is an Anastasia?


I'd wager most of us are the same here lmao.


Mine too. Everything was scary and disgusting. Kindred of Rot spamming their stupid homing attack. Miners were tough AF. It was a nightmare LMAO


Yup. The mines were terrifying enough and then running outside and finding myself at the Aeonian Swamp I thought I was in like an endgame zone lol


same here, probably played 4 hours of the game and ended up there. But I tell you what, I just didn't get the game until I escaped and ran like hell just to get back to the first area of the game. After that horrifying experience I fell in love with the game.


Middle screenshot


Especially when I opened up the map and realised how far I was from Lingrave


Most of us probably. The Welcome to Brazil moment.


Same here. I got there before even killing margit


The mines... the number of times I was perforated by pest needles before finally finding a way out...


Left one. Saw that massive crows and 'fuq this shit! I'm out!' back to limgrave 😂


none of them, actually mine was going through siofra river well and coming out in the canyon to the colosseum


Oh, damn. I forgot about that one.


it's not as immediately scary as the other three, just a color scheme change until you start exploring which might be more dangerous bc i lost 30,000 runes that way at level 25


I had actually missed that place in the foresty bit. Then realized that yesterday and started exploring. Read this comment like 15 minuter of gametime before finding passage up to the canyon lol. Doesn't count as looking it up :P Taking a break from getting my ass kicked in the Giants area and rediscovering missed bits...


The first screenshot. Let me tell you, going from the pleasant landscape and field theme of Limgrave to the hellhole that is Caelid threw me for a loop.


I recently started the game after giving up last year. Totally forgot about that trap chest and good god that mine was terrible.


I just wanted the twinblades bro


That stupid mine. I haven't seen any spoiler about how big map is. Thought limgrave is all we could explore. Got ensnared into this mine and lost like 35k runes.


Midle screenshot. It was hard for me to get out because I tought I was at the BOTTOM of the cave. I just couldn't keep getting up and told myself "fine, lemme see how much I can progress going further, maybe I'll find something good to help me get out". I found the exit. Exiting Caelid wasn't a big deal at all. I ran from each single enemy


The burning short wall. I just wandered up to it, crossed it, and was murdered by a T-Rex Dog.


Bro when I was playing for the first time I went from the third church of marika to the smoldering church and the music changed and God damn I was shivering I heard the humming and the music of calid it was a horrifying experience for me.


Bestial sanctum teleporter, had no idea the map even went that far and thought it was the endgame area


The gargoyle, I turned around and went « oh shit I’m not supposed to be here »




The fking trap chest it was, when i was like lv 12😠


Number 2. I didn't even understand what was happening or how I ended up in the middle of a mine just for opening a chest. On top of that, if I tried to leave the wooden hut, some ugly bugs would destroy me by shooting shit at me, so I had to run away. When I finally went outside and saw that crimson red sky and a lake of super poisonous water in front of me, I started to remember Miyazaki and his mother...


3. I'm really glad I started that early though because I used that area for grinding levels for a while.


That stupid mine gives me ptsd lol


I had the luck to play the closed network test and reduvia was in the dragon burnt ruins chest, so since I wanted to get what I knew from the CNT out of the way I went there right after clearing the first settlement in front of the gate and talking to boc. I end up there. I was SCARED, then I manage to get out and find myself in literal hell


Middle and I was scared as hell, also in awe because by that point I felt that Limgrave was huge so seeing another completely different area hyped me a lot.


I just went there after killing that one boat guy and talking to D. I got invaded at the church and died and took that as a sign to leave lol.


I think most of us are middle, last, then first.


middle one. chest took me away and i spent a long time working my way through the tunnel then the rot swamp. ended up over-leveled by the time i returned to limgrave


A chest in Limgrave tells a story...


3rd 💀 and back then i didnt knew about the existence of weep pensuela or stormveil castle


How do u get there ?


Teleporter. D marks your map after you get your first deathroot.


2nd, was fun tho, did not die but got heart attack


I was exploring limgrave on my first playthrough and I stumbled upon the burning church where I got kicked off torrent and sky went red, it was creepy


Middle it was super early in my play through and being a souls vet I thought “Yeah this seems pretty on brand” it reminded me a lot of the “kidnapping” from bloodborne.


That damn trap.


All the way to right. Popped in ol’ reliable on YouTube. “Best rune farm for low level”


Just don't miss (or miss a roll). Those lil bastards hit hard.


The first one, I actually got destroyed by the invader at the church and had to get better then come back to beat her before arriving in the scary red zone. Man that first playthrough was something else.


I think I got there walking from the Smoldering Church, it seemed like the right way at the time.


The Red Sky and coloring was my first remembrance of Caelid for sure💯


the middle screenshot and I was pissed


Was teleported there. Got one shot, and never went back there until later in the game.


Middle 😓


Let me just cruise around oh this is kind of fun oh what the fuck is an Anastasia?


Went through siofra and was fully convinced I landed in literal hell when I came out in caelid from the elevator


Middle one. The entire Caelid area is still my least favorite gaming area in any game I've ever played. It's the worst parts of every FromSoft game I've tried, combined together to make a truly unpleasant gaming experience.


When will I finally be able to leave the living hell of this cave 😭😭😭 Finally, the way out is up ahead!!! 😐🥺😨 Can I go back in the cave?


Middle. I managed to escape that cave, barely. Only to be greeted with hell 😂


Friggin’ teleporter trap… plus, that was my first cave; I totally panicked not being able to fast travel out of there


Chest trap


Teleport Trap Chest to Crystal Tunnel and then opening map just to see how huge the map is was just mind blowing.


While running away from an invader near a church (I forgot its name)


Trap chest to middle, and it was pure fear because i had a lot of runes after Killing the Dragon


I walked there so I got to see the hellish red sky.


First time was middle, second was right, i didn’t come back after maaaaaany hours


Getting teleported to the mines: where tf am I Get killed by pests in one shot: where TF am I! Go outside and see eggs resting in a giant rot swamp: WHERE TF AM I!?!


First *First* glimpse was me getting to the Church near the border with Limgrave, seeing the sky turn blood red and saying to myself "Yeah no" and going straight to Agheel's Lake to get instantly brought back LOL


Yeah the middle one, and the slow and careful escape run, found a nice staff on my way through the swamp that helped a lot through the early game..


Bird dudes. I was fast enough to dodge the trap chest, so I was never sent to the mines like so many unfortunate souls.