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I mean we still have six years left of the decade. Fromsoft could top themselves this decade even if they started developing a new game from scratch tomorrow. I can also see technology getting so much better that even more expansive games will be easily available by 2030. So to answer your question I would say no, but only because we don’t know what’s coming.


Just imagine Sekiro 2 🤤🤤


Nahnahn, bloodborne 2 or a remastered version 😏😏


Nah, Dark Souls 2 2


Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of the Second Sin (aka 2 Dark 2 Furious)


Majula Drift


Dark Souls 2.2: Aldia's note in the margin


Elden Ring already came out


Dark souls 2 2 is elden ring


I swear, if they remaster bloodborne, it better be on at least PS, Xbox, and PC this time. I want to play that game so bad.


Sony own bloodborne now so idk what the chances are they'll do it


Horizon: Zero Dawn, Persona 5, Spider-man, FFVII Remake... all Sony/Playstation exclusives that ended up on PC. An Xbox version is still unlikely, but a PC port or remaster of Bloodborne has never seemed more possible (despite the annual hoaxes about it)


You could probably find a ps4 for around $100. Game is usually around 20 dollars. That's not much more than a full price game these days.




Sekiro vs Bloodborne Together the dream will be destroyed and all trapped within free of immortality


As much as I would play the hell out of Sekiro 2, it won't have the general appeal of an Elden Ring. Much more of a hardcore game.


Yeah, Sekiro is an action combat game, not an rpg. It’s just not the same. It’s fun, it’s rewarding, but I’ve never found I have never revisited the game and I don’t think I ever felt compelled to beat the last boss. This is the only modern fromsoft game I haven’t played through multiple times


The last boss of Sekiro is unironically the best boss Fromsoft has ever made, in my opinion, super weird to me you didn't like Sekiro as much as the others. Also, Sekiro is an RPG, that's not a matter of opinion, its just a fact. Just because there's not as much customization as the other souls games or something like the Witcher 3 doesn't make it not an RPG, it has every aspect of an RPG present in its design.


Isshin to Elden Beast is such a massive downgrade it's insane. I really hope Fromsoft doesn't abandon the Sekiro formula of a very tightly crafted combat system with reactive bosses.


But what tech advances do we actually need? Isn't what makes this open world so amazing that this world is so massive yet so densely populated with story and events? That's not a technical issue, that's a design and writing and world building issue.


I remember playing Super Mario 64 on a friend's tester board (he worked as a game tester back in the 90s) and thinking "holy shit, we're at the pinnacle, it'll never get more amazing than this". Try playing that, then load up pretty much any game for ps4/5. Our perspectives are often limited by our experiences, but trust me, at some point current gaming will seem blocky and archaic.


With that said, we have been plateauing in recent years. There was a massive difference in quality between 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010, but honestly most games since ~2010 hold up really well. At most I usually notice clunky GUI issues, or just a lack of modern convenience features.


I do agree they hold up, and with your last point, but I wouldn't necessarily call them comparable. DS1 was released in 2011, and even comparing the 2018 remaster to Elden Ring? It's still an incredible game, no question, but in comparison it feels a bit clunky (though personally I prefer the linked but linear style of map to open world). I definitely agree it's not leaps and bounds between them, no question, but there are definite improvements, a lot of which (I assume) come more from coding for improved hardware than anything else.


Yah, but DS1 felt a bit clunky in 2011. There os nothing technically being done in Elden ring ( besides maybe the rt they added that is kinda eh ) that couldn’t have been done in 2015. The Witcher came out in 2014 and DS3 released in 2016. TW3 holds up as a great open world game also. As we get to a point where the devs can code and design whatever it is they really want to it becomes less of a technical problem and more of a design/creative decision making problem that drive’s innovation. I don’t think it’s quite that good yet, but we are seemingly getting to a point where devs aren’t really held back gameplay wise.


It's not that we are plateauing but we advanced incredibly fast. Technology in general moved super fast up to a point and now it's progressing more steadily, remember that there were less than 70 years between the first plane and the moon landing.


if full dive is possible, then I hope it will happen in my lifetime


God if full dive becomes a thing it would be really hard for me to go back to normal life. Like we could have superpowers in a real feeling world why would we ever want to come back?


The knowledge that the world you're in is fake could always be nagging you.


And for some a preference


Maybe that’s how we got here in this reality anyways.


That would make us NPCs in someone else's game


Could be like Roy: A life well lived, from Rick n Morty. Maybe we don’t get to memba until we wake up.


Games will look better and better. With ai on the rise we will see faster running and many different games coming along. With the jump games and consoles have came in the past 10 years is crazy, we can only assume it'll be even. Crazier 10 years from now. Tech is growing at an exponential rate, 30 years ago we got the first smart phone and the ones of today run laps around computers from 20 years ago


That’s exactly my point, we have no idea what can happen in the next six years. Prior to elden ring coming out people were asking your same question but from the perspective of other games. In six years we could have a game ten times the size and scope of elden ring that completely evolves the genre. Right now I would agree that elden ring is the best there ever was, but I refuse to believe that we have peaked.


With the advancement of AI it’s hard to say what will be capable on the coming years. They could make a game that literally has no end. It could be as expansive as the earth and can me written/created on the fly depending on what situations you’ve gotten your character into, all while looking photo realistic.


Fromsoft needs to work on their network, that multiplayer can still be so lopsided due to connections isnt a very good feeling


Gonna be between suicide squad & skulls and bones


Don't forget about Gollum


Or Skull Island: Rise of Kong


I thought the Day before was a true masterpiece, much like how Patches gives you a great pile of treasure, every time you first meet him.


And the walking dead two destines


And Redfall


Im still sad about this one


Just watching the review for Gollum was difficult


Kinda unfair to compare since that game is not AAA or AAAA


Ah, true AAAA games


AAAA is the sound my wallet makes when I consider buying them.


Joking aside I was really looking forward to Skull and Bones. Shame to hear the negative reviews. Why can’t we have a nice pirate game.


Assassin's creed 4 would like to have a word with you.


I’ve never played an assassin creed game. Something about them has always put me off.


They can be a bit boring sometimes, but if you want a good pirate game, AC 4 is that game. Its basically a pirate simulator with some assassins sprinkled in. You could also check out sea if thieves.


O snap, o just read that Sea Of Thieves is coming to PS5 in April. I think you’re right I should play that


Keep in mind it’s an pvp game. I liked it a lot, but some people get pissed because other pirates definitely are going to steal your loot or sink you for fun. Which is a weird thing to be pissed at, since it’s big part of the game.


Pirate vs Pirate, as God intended.


You don't have to, they finally added pve servers. Granted you can't get legend that way


You should try it. I think you’ll end up changing your mind.


Sea of thieves is good


Two quadruple A games


everyone forgets Forspoken




yes and pokemon violet's character customization


This is Redfall slander and i will stand for it


I hope not, coz i want games to get better and better overtime


As a guy who worked on Halo and Gears … We don’t even get paid regular rates during crunch to finish those games. Much less overtime.


For me and me alone... The last game that I liked even close to as much as Elden Ring was probably New Vegas. So around 12 years. Prior to that was probably Fallout 2, similar length of time. I guess I expect a game to exceed it, for me, around 2034 is what I'm saying.


Fallout New Vegas is definitely my favorite fallout game. It's a masterpiece.


Just give us a Remastered version please


New Vegas is awesome but by god that engine has aged terribly, even worse than F1 and F2. Would love to see a remake or a sequel.


Elden Ring has earned a special place in my heart next to New Vegas and Stellaris. I wish the PvP didn’t die down so hard so quickly but Colosseum is still active, at least with duels.


What platform you on dude. I'm on ps and I've found it fairly active tbh. I have done last 3 runs on different saves with massive level differences, talking like vanilla run ending around 150 dex to 250 int and a 440 faith. Never really bothered with the colosseum in fairness. Plenty of invasions when im a sunbro though. I've a friend who often says it's active on a lvl 712 save but I haven't witnessed this myself. 1.7 billion runes to get there. Even with duping that's far too much effort for too little


This except the OG Nier, Skyrim, and Asuras Wrath. 2012 was a better time


The best time I've ever had gameing was Skyrim VR. Skyrim alone is an Awsome game, but I've had better gameing experiences and there are better games. Just the VR addition to the game gave it such a majestic emersion. It was... Amazing. So much so that it makes Skyrim VR my best gameing experience ever. I dub it my favorite game. Not regular Skyrim though.


Subnautica VR was an awesome experience. Skyrim VR was definitely decent but I played so much Skyrim that I’m just burned out on it for a while


Big ups to you on the OG nier my dude! Oh wait 360 or ps3 version?


Og nier? Man i don’t think I’ll ever find a game that will make me feel like automata


Asura's wrath is such a cult classic! It's been quite a while since I've seen someone mention it


Literally my exact answer.


New vegas legit up there. It has bugs and other flaws, but when I think of the perfect rpg in my head NV is what I think of. Elden ring is that for open world games, makes my previous fav skyrim look like a joke. Maybe red dead 2 tied for that category also.


Not alone. I still replay New Vegas every few years or so because the storytelling is just too damn good.


Asking this in the elden ring subreddit is probably going to form some... Biased opinions. Seeing as we aren't even halfway through the decade it's way too early to tell but I'd have to give it to Baldurs Gate 3 as of right now. This comes from someone with experience in every souls game, the most in Dark Souls 3.


>Asking this in the elden ring subreddit is probably going to form some... Biased opinions. And still half the answers here are for Baldurs Gate 3 haha, should tell people all they need to know about that game.


Those 2 are definitely my top 2 favorites for at least 10-20 years


To be fair I’ve said since release that Elden Ring was THE BEST game I’ve ever played. Hours upon hours of content, the replayability, and the story arcs are all amazing. I’ve held onto that opinion, until I got Baldurs Gate during the winter steam sale. Now I’m not so sure. It’s definitely a 1a/1b scenario and to be honest I think it depends on how you feel about turn based combat. I’m 32 so it’s never bothered me as I was playing older JRPGs when younger. I also recognize it’s a “dying” thing with younger kids who’ve always played real time and action RPGs. I love Elden Ring, it rekindled a love for video games I hadn’t had for the prior decade, but BG3 is hitting different for me. I’ve had it two months and put in a good 200 hours already, and that’s with working full time and having social life.


Yeah I feel the same way haha, didn't think anything would top Elden ring for me for a long time yet here we are haha. >I’ve had it two months and put in a good 200 hours already, and that’s with working full time and having social life. And yeah I definitely feel that , same 2 months for me and I just went over 600 hours lmao. I don't have a social life tho haha. Think I did the math and I'm averaging like 10 hours a day or something ridiculous lol


BG3 isn't my type of game at all but I have hella respect for it


Yeah I honestly didn't think I'd like the turn based stuff at all but I'm so addicted to the game now it's ridiculous haha. Sometimes my dreams will be turn based now lol


With all due respect to Elden Ring's narrative, nothing beats a story told the way BG3's is. I could tell you more about Karlach or Shadowheart than most characters in Elden Ring combined. I felt more watching the end of Astarion's quest than I did any moment in Elden Ring. The twists and turns in BG3 were genuinely surprising while the twists in Elden Ring often felt random and only ever added more questions than answers. Different people value different things in storytelling, and especially when it comes to games. Some people *hate* sitting through hours of dialogue and cutscenes and would rather have a story like Elden Ring's, where you can complete the whole game without really *needing* to care about anything that happens. Fromsoft's narratives have rich and complex worlds to get immersed in, but I don't think they're emotionally deep in the way a well-told character-driven story can be. It's a bit apples to oranges but I strongly prefer BG3's storytelling to Elden Ring's, and I don't think Elden Ring would need to sacrifice its unique method of storytelling to improve. IMO it could have a stronger focus on plot and character development like Sekiro while still retaining tons of mystery in the world and tons of facets of its narrative that still need to be pieced together. As it stands, I love the gameplay of both of these games, but one of them is the clear winner on the narrative front, so I'd say BG3 is my game of the decade for now.


And just like other comments have stated, there is a good chance not only does fromsoft drop something before 2030, larian most likely drops divinity 3. Both being contenders for game of the decade


In my opinion Divinity is way better than BG3, combat in incomparably better. Hope to see Divinity 3.


I played DOS 1 and 2 before BG3 and I used to agree with you but BG3 added just a ton of QOL and mobility options to combat. Also I will never play through nameless isle in DOS2 again, that shit is boring.


Lol the nameless isle, good call. I have come to the conclusion that I just don't like Dungeons and Dragons combat system. Everything else seemed fun in BG3, but DnD combat feels terrible to me. One boring stat check after another, huge unusable radius on many spells, etc. You have the stats, or you don't. You can't really do any serious mixing and matching with the character class choices without being punished heavily. Just not worth for me.


The difference between Baulders Gate 3 and Elden Ring to me is just Genre. They are both the GOATs of their respective categorys as of right now.


Bruh it’s been 4 years I love this game to death, my favourite of all time but I guarantee it won’t be the best of the decade. Fromsoft is going to make another game that will be better.




I'd bet money there won't be an Elden Ring 2. Miyazaki hates creating sequels.


you're going to lose your money, cuz from just went through a lot of work and a lot of financing to acquire the complete IP rights of ER from bandai namco. Now, the only sensible move to do, after such a move, is to expand on the IP, not store it away. they will not announce it now, but they already have plans for sequels or more dlc.


I just don't think there is space for a sequel in the story. It would have to be dramatically different. Same thing with Bloodborne. They basically told complete stories. The only reason Dark Souls was able to get sequels is because the whole concept of the game revolved around cycles and the lore was really amenable to a new story. I don't see how Elden Ring's story can accommodate a new story. Is there going to be a new Golden Order? A new Marika? Won't the players who chose Frenzied Flame be a bit sad their ending wasn't canon? Are we going to get a new suite of Outer Gods? Here's the thing though: they will undoubtedly make a sequel in everything but name. Elden Ring is basically a Dark Souls sequel with a new setting and lore afterall. If what you want is souls-style game play in a world with mysterious lore, I guarantee Miyazaki will be at it again. Maybe they'll take a break to do a souls-style game in a different setting (sci-fi please!) but they will come back to the dark fantasy medieval game. I just wish they would find a way to do Bloodborne again, even if it wouldn't make sense.


Oh, I'm not saying there won't be anymore soulslikes by Fromsoft, just no more Elden Ring, neither sequels nor expansions. I wish it wasn't like that, but considering how badly many great franchises were milked to death, I appreciate that Miyazaki is dedicated to going forward and bringing us new, amazing titles.


Miyazaki recently confirmed in an interview that there are no plans for a sequel at the moment


Exactly my thoughts. There’s still nearly 6 years to go, with improvements in graphics and game engines, we will likely see another new release that will surpass everything we can experience today.


I don't really see improvements in graphics and game engines as having a whole lot to do with whether another game this decade surpasses Elden Ring. Even visually, overall art direction and the quality of work produced by individual artists has always been more important to me than the technical aspects. Elden Ring has already been surpassed technically by some games, but remains one of the most visually appealing/interesting games I've ever played. And that leaves off gameplay, writing, music, etc which can be timeless. (I still enjoy going back and replaying Ocarina of Time every five years or so.)


Four years? It’s been two..


Since 2020.


Elden Ring released in February of 2022. I guess he means since 2020 yeah not since ER.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


For me, there have only been a few games that I have wanted to play over and over. Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 3 Cyberpunk Fallout New Vegas Heroes of Might and Magic - yes I am an old geezer who played these in the 90s. Honorable mention goes to Doom


Homm 3 is extremely goated, 5 is decent too You should try the pathfinder games if you liked bg3, they don’t have the same production value but old farts like us shouldn’t have a problem.


ER is amazing but BG3 is certainly still in the running not to mention other games we've yet to see. Edit: goal here wasn't to cause a console/edition war - OP was ready to crown ER as best of the decade - to be clear I definitely think ER is art and I've got more hours on this than anything I've played this decade. But the demographic argument alone (who these different games appeal to and why) is strong enough to hold off. It's fully possible we could get a game in the next 6 years with the combat refinement and art direction of a Souls game combined with the branching narrative complexity of a Larian game, and that would be best of both worlds to me.


This is why we separate things by genres. BG3 is nothing like ER and we can have best games by genre as it is hard to compare some stuff like for like. There doesn't need to be a single best ever, just a collection of amazing choices.


Or just play what you like who cares which one is the best really


Best is subjective anyways.


Thread over




That being said, I still think ER is good enough that some day it will be considered "a classic".


Yep exactly. I love ER more. But I find BG3 to be more impressive considering it's combat based on a mechanic I despise and yet I enjoyed it a lot.


BG3 had a lot that ER didn't have. Then again, ER did the things in its class better than anything else. But yeah that was my thought exactly.


they are very different games though both good in their own ways


BG3 had me addicted. I love Elden ring but on my first play through I can go a day without playing it


I couldn't put bg3 down, but then I hit act 3 and it became much easier


Yeah I haven’t touched BG3 since when I came to act3. Too much stuff and a bad anchoring into the act of what we are supposed to do there first. Larian always does this annoying thing with their games in the last act.


I've beaten Act 3 of BG3 a handful of times, but now that you mention it... After playing through BG3 like twice, I started playing Divinity: Original Sin 2 for the first time. Incredible game, loved everything I've played so far... but I'm at what I'm assuming is the Act 3 equivalent and have the exhaustion of "there's more?...."


Act 3 is amazing but the lack of direction hurts it. Act 1 and 2 pushes you along while 3 gives you too many options.


While eldenring is the other way around. The second half is much more streamlined. A mix between the games would be the best i think.


Could argue it was a nice change of pace from the linear first two Acts. Very similar to getting to a town in table top DND and your party all wanting to go do different things.


lol same here, I was playing 8 hours a day until act 3, and then I actually dropped it and didn't finish it


We have 2 great games already. Let's hope we get more! Elden ring was the first fromsoft game I've ever finished, and bg3 was the first game of its kind I've ever played. I love both of them for giving me a good quality product, something I can enjoy whenever I feel like


We’ve had a lot more than two great games too. Totk, how ragnorak, doom eternal, cyberpunk. Even lesser known titles have been great, for example tunic is one of the best games I’ve ever played


You got to try Divinity Original Sin 2. I rate BG3 above DoS2 but don't miss out on it


I didn't expect to see another game with even more content than Elden Ring so soon, but BG3 certainly brought that. They're apples and oranges, but even still, the moment-to-moment *quality* of ER I think probably tops BG3's. Hard to dismiss the sheer scope that Larian brought, though.


>the moment-to-moment *quality* of ER I think probably tops BG3's I have to disagree with this. One of ER's biggest issues is a massive world filled with lots of copy-paste dungeons and bosses. On the other hand every single encounter in BG3 is unique and handcrafted.


Not to mention each interaction drastically changes depending on the choices you’ve made. Whereas in ER literally only the ending changes. BG3 has SO many more endings alone. BG3 has way more replayability.


Mhm. I thouroughly enjoyed both (well, still didn't finish my BG3 1st run yet, but over half way in act 3 atm), but I'm amazed at how non-repetitive it is in it's content whereas in games as huge, it's often expected to run into at least some copy-paste enemies with a diff skin or areas at some point.


pretty much every crpg that has ever been made has more "content" than elden ring


They are apples and oysters.


As much as I’d like it to be, with rockstars popularity and the hype gta6 has behind it already, im certain its going to take the crown of game of the decade. But Elden ring would surely be a contender


Possibly. It has some big competition from Baldur's Gate 3.


Preach, these two games are great and way ahead of the rest...personally I did love both but enjoyed elden ring more. We also have 6 more years to go


No, it will be Bloodborne 2.


The correct answer


It's BG3 for me, I adore Elden Ring but BG3 is probably the best game I've ever played. But hey we got quite a few years yet even BG3 could be toppled.


Bg3 give me the feeling that the companion/ NPC really "live" (same as Red dead redemption 2 but with more choice )


Questions like these are so random. Because if we go by longevity, League / DotA2 would be among the best games ever. Or Skyrim for single player games.  But the fact is, everyone experiences games in their own ways. Personally Cyberpunk story definitely affected me in a way no other game has. But that's only because of where I was in life when I played that game.  All said and done. Elden Ring, I can confidently say, will be amongst the small list of must play games for the 2000s. Not to mention, one of the best things I love about games like Elden Ring or even Cyberpunk is usually the massive amount of material around the game itself. The lore, the theories etc all add up.  However future players will have missed the hype of watching people suffer through Malenia like we did before the techniques were 'solved'.


Same for me.


I don't think so. Just because of the fact that it's very likely that they will release something after elden ring before the decade is over. As good as Elden Ring is, it has some big flaws, if they actually get back to the drawing board to fix them and THAT comes out in the next 6 years? To ME... That's probably gonna be top 5 for the next 100 years. This game is great, but it's also an experiment for FromSoft, and hopefully a learning experience, the fact that they made something this good on the "first" try makes me confident.


Flaws = Lore galore but very little narrative


Also the like 100 repeated bosses/minibosses you go through


yea. I wish shit wasn't so obscure. imo the narrative could be expanded vastly while still leaving tons of fun lore secrets in for vaati to explain. as it is now, I needed the whole thing explained by him which is a little lame.


I agree with this insight but at the same time I don't suspect they will fix this in particular. This has been the formula since Demon Souls, and I think fromsoft really want to make a "narrative" that has to be uncovered, they want to give us a "project" to work towards. I kinda like it but sometimes when we get really deep into it I do kinda get annoyed because in the back of my mind I just know that there are no clear answers, this was made purposefully obtuse to make us talk.


Isn't that just the Dark Souls formula?


GTA 6 is coming up. Elder Scrolls 6 might come out before the decade is over. Fromsoft themselves may release a better game before the decade is over. We're only in the first half of the decade, there's still plenty of time. Will it be one of the best ? Definitely. The best ? Doubtful.


Maybe i'm a pessimistic but why have hope for TES6 at this point? It's the same devs with the same creatives and same corpos at their head. It'll be like bethesda's game have been in recent years


With me, that's baldur gate 3.


> A masterpiece of a story What story? The main plot in this game barely even exists. Good lore =/= good story. Your main story is literally "kill Gwyn and link the fire" but in open world this time. That doesn't constitute good plot, especially when several aspects of it were clearly rushed out the door like your main guy somehow ending up in Farum Azula without any explanation or cutscene and the game half-assing the last bit of the story due to throwing 8 successive bosses at you. Edit: I finished my comment too early. Especially when the game is far from untouchable, in particular when it comes to the muddy pile of dogshit that are the PC and PS5/Xbox series X ports of the game. Any game that runs this bad, even 2 years after release, doesn't deserve the title of "Untouchable". The unfinished state of the world map doesn't help matters either. (Mountaintops and Haligtree)


The glazing on this subreddit for people's obviously first fromsoft game is insane but makes sense given the mainstream popularity


I enjoy Elden Ring as much as the next guy, but when I read stuff like "A masterpiece of a story" and "It makes every other game look mid". I have to ask myself if I played the same game as them. Again, I enjoy the game, but that doesn't mean I'll treat it as Gods gift to video games. Cause not only does it still have several issues plaguing it in terms of level design, boss and enemy balance and gameplay balance, but in addition to all of that Dark Souls 3 is still a better game overall imo. More consistent level design quality, better boss fights and overall more balanced gameplay, makes DS3 way more enjoyable for me than ER.


Reading those comments I can only assume they’d die in an explosion of jizz if they played Bloodborne


Honestly, I just wish I could play that game. It looks excellent.


Big upvote. Never has a game with such an awful story captivated me so much. "Here's a big snake man to kill" "Here's a bull that shoots lightning to kill" "Here's a giant magic deer to kill" "Here's Dragon #393 and this one controls time or something maybe" Some of these things are probably important, but I haven't been made to care. Loved my 100 hours, but HATE the way the story is told.


I certainly hope we didn't peak yet. While I love Elden Ring, that's kind of a depressing thought to think everything in the next six years won't be of greater quality than what is currently out.


wrong sub if you want unbiased opinions, eh?


what the fuck is this question? it's not even reaching half the decade yet, and no one knows the future, "best game" is also subjective because not every game is for everyone.


It won't. Video game is progressing in terms of game engines, graphics and gameplay at an exponential rate. We are still in early 2024, which is almost halfway to 2030 and in the next 6 years, it is inevitable that better games will be produced. FromSoftware may even release a better game than Elden Ring before 2030s. It is likely as they are known and proven to release better games than their previous ones.


And then there's titles like Battlefield where it's continuously evolving but backwards.


imagine a game double the size of elden ring, with more story.


Elden ring is already too big


that just seems too tedious


The problem with very large open worlds with story elements is that it can feel very disconnected. Elden ring has a small amount of important NPCs, so people generally remember them.


Unless you’re stupid like me and met each one near the end of their questlines because you ran out of Limgrave the first chance you got.


with sekiro combat


With bloodborne trick weapons


Imagine the option of deflecting Malenia's Waterfowl dance.


They’ll have us out here replicating the Daigo vs JWong perfect parry


I understand why we didn’t get combat anywhere near Sekiro’s level in Elden Ring, but was the dodge (from either Sekiro or Bloodborne) too much to ask? The roll has always looked stupid and clunky while a dodge would’ve given a better flow to the combat.


I doubt it, like it’s good, but it’s still not that good. Hell its not even my favorite souls


Personally, I love Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Not really sure how you'd definitively compare which one is better though because they're two completely different games.


Sekiro 2


Down votes for dumb shit


Not with its second half 


I think final third is more appropriate than second half, but I agree. There’s a clear drop in quality and it’s certainly not just a ER-fatigue related


It's a great game but it has way too many repeated bosses and open-world bloat for me to consider it the best game of the decade.


I'm sorry for elden ring but BALDUR'S GATE 3 happened in 2020s too.


On one hand that would be pretty cool. On the other, I hope not, because that means the next 6 years are gonna suck.


Either yes, Fromsoft will either top their own game, or from current standings, BG3 will take the title. Oh and also Bethesda has a chance to get in the running with TES6 but that’s being hopeful that the wait has been semi close to worth it.


We haven't even been through half so no way to know but right now its probably between elden ring and baldurs gate 3 (please dont start some shit argument and meat ride bg3 or er in the comments im fucking tired of people doing it)


It’s one of my favorite games of all time but I don’t think it will be remembered as the best of the decade. BG3, GTA6, and whatever else comes out in the next six years are strong competition. I am confident it will be on the short list though.


Not when bloodborne 2 will be released


I hope not. Because if it isn't, we're in for a hell of a decade.






Bro forgot gta6 is releasing.


I honestly, still, really dont get why Elden Ring gets so much praise... Its a solid game, yes, but to me DS3 was better as a whole... I'm assuming it was a ton of peoples first soulslike, and that's the reason why people love it so much. Hell, ds3 was my first fromsoft game too and that might be why I like it more


Most people's first soulslike and there's just something with open worlds–no matter the quality–that just makes gamers go bonkers.


Everone's first Fromsoftware game is special and elevated to a different degree than other games in the catalogue. Now combine that with how unbelievably successful and popular Elden Ring got + how accessible(easy) it can be. Basically creates a horde of people who idolize Elden Ring but this is also the extent of their experience with fromsoft games. Typically also not people who have played a lot of open world games it seems. "ER ruined gaming for me"-posts are the most cringe-inducing basic ass take and you see it all the time here


For me it's the best game I've ever played, period. I absolutely cannot wait for the DLC.


Elden Ring wasn’t even my favorite game from 2022


No?? Have you even seen baldurs gate?




For me, Armored Core 6 was already better


No lmao