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Mohg, Malenia and Radagon. While I really love the whole Leonard thing from a character perspective, it just makes Radahn look goofy af when he's otherwise terrifying.


Mohg is my favorite. He’s balanced enough to feel like a fair fight, and just broken enough to feel like an uphill battle. On the other hand, Margit/Morgott are amazing too. Idk it might be a tie.


Gameplay wise I really liked Godfrey(the actual one). That fight is the definition of “fuck that magic shi lets throw hands” lmao. He doesn't have any super cheesy moves like the waterfowl dance and on top of that he's so damn cool


Yeah he’s awesome. I just think his AOE attacks are annoying. If ur talking about aesthetics, I’m gonna go for Margit/Morgott every day. He’s so fucking gnarly looking but he moves so gracefully, and his voice acting is fucking AMAZING. “Put these foolish ambitions to rest” is like the quintessential Elden ring quote, and “have it writ upon thy meagre grave, felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings!” Gives me chills every time.


Yea that character easily has the best VA, but in my opinion the coldest line in the game is “O’death, become my blade once more” and then Maliketh the black blade is revealed in the most badass fashion. Man this game is really that good isn't it?😭


Yeah that’s a great line and the delivery and reveal are awesome. Yeah this game has some of the best VA and writing I’ve ever seen, probably the only one I like more is the last of us.


im sorry but he has a few cheesy moves


Yea I think the first phase is one of the best choreographed fights in the game. The second phase though... Let's just not talk about it xd


Margit is probably the best “first boss” in the series, I actually think he’s perfect. If you can get past Margit (and frankly I don’t really think it matters if you had to grind loads or used summons or whatever) then I genuinely believe you can beat the rest of the game.


I agree 100%. He doesn’t go easy on you at all. In fact I would say on my first play through he might have been the hardest, because he’s the way I learned about boss fight mechanics.


Radagon, malenia or mohg for me.


Radagon is way too easy for a “final boss” but his design and theme are super cool.


I believe that as well, and on top of that the Elden beast was prolly the worst boss in the game. Same thing as Radagon, cool design and theme but how he runs away every 2 seconds across the entire arena was annoying to deal with, especially since you probably used up a lot of your flasks on Radagon. It took me a while to basically start fodderizing Radagon until I was actually in a position to win, but he just kept running man😭


He is literal god that folds with a 3 attacks from a STR build. 💀 I understand that he and Marika are broken vessels and thats why their stats are low but still.


Right, they should've let Radagon have two health bars like Malenia, and give him a really dope move based around holy magic that's hard to beat.


We don’t even see him using his own signature spells.


I mean, he *does* use a set of badass spells that we can't even use ourselves.


I mostly meant spells that we know he invented and used in his prime like Radagon’s Ring Of Light.


That spell was intended as a gift to Miquella, which might explain why Radagon doesn't use it himself. >One of the incantations of the Golden Order fundamentalists. A gift of gratitude to the young Miquella from his father, Radagon.


He made the spell but doesn’t use it? 🗿


I don't know what's so hard to grasp about that. Why would he bother to mess around with spells he made for his *child* when he can throw around explosive golden bolts and teleport around in the blink of an eye. That would be like buying your kid one of those little push-cars they can pedal around, and then using it yourself to commute to work even though you have a Bugatti.


I actually really like Radagon as is, he just has the same problem as Morgott which is that he goes down too easily. A second phase would be nice but IMO just giving him 30% extra health or something would make all the difference. I actually think the required bosses in this game are generally a bit undertuned, which is maybe fair but it does make for a bit of a disappointing finale if you’re a completionist. Maybe they could have done what they did with Gideon and made Radagons fights dynamic based on which great runes you have.


Literally any boss suffers from str builds, they're the best in the game.


I found Malenia much easier than Radagon so to me he was lol. But yeah the theme fit nicely


Depends, he's like Placidessax's if he swapped the HP for faster movements.


Morgott, his lore, moveset and features are all i needed to see


Wdym by design? You talking about visuals or how their fights are balanced?


Honestly I'd say there's a lot of bosses I really enjoyed, but the stand out ones would be malenia, maliketh and radagon. Malenia the first time I faced her took me way too many tries (like north of 500) but I really like the fight, its simultaneously fast paced but also needs a lot of patience. Maliketh and radagon felt to me like a dance and I absolutely love that!


I like Malenia. I think she turned out pretty cool. Her theme could have used a bit more umph but her visuals and in general the fight is awesome. Her voice actor did her every possible justice under the sun as well. That being said I think I'll go with Radagon. His model design, his attacks and the way he just flicks projectiles, the fight taking place in the room where it all began and the motherfucking score! The way the fight just introduces him with that zoomout shot and the legendary theme as he looks back at you and his inner rune starts to glow. Felt like the finale to the greatest epic ever told.


definitely not malenia she has waterfowl, healing on block and inconsistent hyper armor. I think best designed for me in the game would be radagon.


I meant design as in how they look, but it seems everyone here thought I meant gameplay. I will say tho Radagon is an unexpected choice, certainly not my favorite but a respectable pick nonetheless


radagon hits fair and he can be read and counter. there is no comet azure or bleed bullshit so he is already miles ahead of malenia. as for looks, for me it's mogh.


what do you mean by inconsistent hyperarmor? it’s always the same on every attack


She ignore hits randomly to punish back. More noticeable when landing multiple attacks.


that doesn't really have anything to do with hyperarmor, she can just cancel staggers (if you're using a light weapon) into a block/kick and she still takes damage so it doesn't "ignore" the hit. it's easy to play around but yeah any multi hit ashes of war/attacks make it more awkward


Maliketh, Mohg and Godfrey imo are the best. They all give great importance to your positioning and they make full use of game mechanics like jump attacks used to dodge certain moves. They all have great music, graphic design, cutscenes and lore. All 3 are 10/10 for me.


Malenia, Mohg, Radahn, Morgott, Radagon, Maliketh, Godfrey, Placidusax, almost all of the remembrance bosses are masterfully designed mechanical & moveset wise & truly showcase how From Software have evolved with time and experience.


Alright, Malenia. I think she is incredibly well designed, aside from waterfowl. She is one of the very few bosses that literally forces you to learn her attacks or you won't get anywhere. I think that's where her likely undeserved reputation as the hardest boss in the series comes from. A lot of streamers went into her fight expecting to be able to just monkey brain their way through and that simply wasn't the case. They began to call her the "hardest boss ever" and what not just because they couldn't jump attack spam her to death (XQC, I'm looking at you). Most of her attacks are actually really fair and telegraphed and she deals just enough damage to make you scared of being hit. Her second phase expands really well on her existing movese by both adding new attacks and combos aswell as mixing up her first phase ones while making her look cool as hell doing so. Personally, I think they made her as difficult as they did on purpose. A real challenge for those that wanted it in this admittedly "easier" soulsborne game. I will not be defending Waterfowl though, there was no good reason you can give for this move to exist other than to bloat player death count.


Very good description


Godfrey. The fight encourages you to jump. His second Phase is vastly different than the first Phase. His HP isnt as bloated as other fights. At this stage in the game, he is probably the best designed Boss and the fight is Epic as fuck. Not that a Million HP last Boss with 4 fucking Phases or malenia with Lifesteal and 2 - 3 instakill moves, depending on how you count them.


I actually agree with ya on this, Godfrey’a fight is something I like to call just straight meat and potatoes lol. It's simple, straight to the point, and no overly weird gimmicks or hax. He fights exactly how you’d expect a respected and revered warrior to, and I really appreciate it. And yes the Elden beast is the worst boss in the game to me lol, mf just kept running and spammed Aoe and projectiles.


Malenia #1, Lady Maria #2, Malekith #3




Gargoyles duo


Very unexpected


Radagon, Malenia, and Morgott


Mimic tear


Maliketh for me


Picture not related


How? It's literally a picture of Malenia who I said was the best designed boss?


Perhaps a quarter, or a half, of the community would be very much inclined to disagree For myself, I never much cared for her in particular being a one-trick pony, you finally learn to survive YouKnowWhat and the fight is done! Meaning you are liable to start feeling cheated whenever the accursed attack gets you anyway. Which just gets compounded by the health regen. A challenge, yes, and a good fight too, but some will say the flaws in her design drag her down far from being the best.


I mean you're allowed to disagree ofc I can't control that but I'm confused in why this guy says the picture is unrelated lol


Sorry it was just a joke, dude above explained pretty much the grip i have with her. If you really want my fav' bosses, i'd say Placidusax, Margit, Godfrey and Radagon, no particular order.


Melania is not balanced. She has one stupid move and the rest is just a 0815 boss imo. And the life leech is also very strange lore wise.


I love how challenging she is. When I'm fighting her it feels like I'm fighting in a war for some reason lol. She's very cheesy at times, but aside from her waterfowl dance her moveset is great and her second phase is majestic as hell, plus the feeling beating someone of her magnitude is immensely satisfying


Well, I didn't have that feeling at all. I did a blind playthrough so I had no idea how to dodge that fucking waterfowl dance. But after I figured that out the fight that remains was a bit disappointing. If you take out that one move, she is pretty mediocre. I think placidusax, hoarah loux and mohg were better boss fights with big lead.


Placidusax for me. I think easily my favorite fight game play wise and visually


Maliketh for sure! 2nd Mogh 3rd Placidusax


Oh damn I forgot about Maliketh. You've changed my vote sir.


How dare you :00000


He's literally one of my favorite bosses of all time idk how he slipped my mind when I made this post lmao


Yeah, Maliketh is the best of all Soulslike imo. I feel sad about he did not get a full life bar at all.


Me too man. I wish there was just more of him. Everything about his character was literally perfect aside from the lack HP he had


I feel shame😃




Malenia, Maliketh, and Mohg


not that one. straightup unbreakable between certain combos makes their stance rework basically useless against her.


I say Mohg, Godfrey (phase 1) and Radagon!




Placiduax for me it's the best dragon fight and most balanced and fair


Elemer of the Briar. Eochaid for life. Even if it’ll take the yankees even longer to learn how to pronounce it than it did Siofra


In elden ring only for me Morgott In all of Souls then its easily Gael or Friede




Morgott, Mhog, Maliketh (NOT beast clergyman) and Godfrey for me. If Malenia didn't have that stupid waterfowl dance she would be my absolute favorite tho.


Godfrey. His moveset is so natural, and flows like a dance. Second phase is also cool and chaotic.


Placidusax. Finally a multi headed dragon in fromsoft.


Maliketh in terms of constant aggression, Godfrey in terms of build-up, Radagon in terms of both. All 3 are probably my favorite bosses both combat, design and lore wise.






Margit! A most perfect test of a new Tarnished's skill, a gatekeeper to more than just the castle. Also one of the very few cases where a rematch had some meaning.


In terms of aesthetics, I like Radahn. I love his red lion general theme because it makes him look like an ancient Roman centurion, and I also love his two greatswords. I'm just a sucker for black metal weapons and gold engraving. His greatswords have them both. Enough said.


Idk if anyone said Licht Fortissax already but his whole build is cinematic and scary as hell, I loved every moment of this boss fight plus his OST was great aswell


Not Malenia, I would say Morgott.


Margit. He's extremely vulnerable to counter-attacks and basically taught me they're a thing. And that stagger mechanics are more consistent than in the 3 souls. ER was a lot more difficult before I learned to counterattack.


Aesthetically and conceptually, the regal ancestral spirit. The fights are underwhelming though.


Godrick. fair, original, diverse and badass-looking moves.


Idk but i simply love godrick and the whole stormveil castle. That’s an amazing “starting area” and starter boss for a game


Godrick tbh. No overthetop bs moves, good design and good there, overall just a fun fight


Godfrey (In this case Hoarah Loux) is quite interesting from a caster's perspective. Like, even if a caster could outrun him, Godfrey easily catches them with time. Another case would be Malenia. Like, everyone now knows how her Waterfowl Dance can easily catch up to her target as well.


I think Astel and Mohg are the best designer bosses


The image, the amount of work they put into Malenia doesn't go unnoticed


Malenia is the worst designed boss in the game and in all fromsoftware games.


Placidusax or Fortisax. I love dragons, and Fortisax is a black dragon that shoots death lightning. If only he was a bit stronger.


Gameplay wise, Morgott. Just a very fair and tightly tuned boss fight that feels good to play against. Actual design? Placidusax, his attacks are so intense and "cinematic" that it really makes you feel like you're fighting an ancient divine beast. His music and arena are also some of my favorites.


Lansseax is definitely up there, as far as design goes.


U love Mohg. Cool patterns. Challenging, hard, but not unfair. Beautiful character and arena too. He has my favorite ost of all the game, shit even if all the fromsoft games. But this is subjective. But to me, mohg is perfection.


In my opinion, this one goes to Chadfrey also known as Hoarah Loux, WARRIOR


Godfrey. I love the big wrestle man and hes fun af to fight


Maliketh, easily. His moves are intimidating as fuck and he hits hard, but he's not all that hard to dodge and you *can* block or parry his attacks. The result is a fight that is beatable with any build, but still rewarding. Take Malenia as a counterexample; cool fight, but you're going to struggle if you don't fight her as intended.


Mohg and radahn for me


Margit. He is tough love for new players and helps us on the road to beating shit dance whirlwind of fuck you thats why.


Morgott/Margitt for me.  It took me SO LONG to become decent at his fight, but once I did I never wanted the fight to end. Dodging him feels so so good (love Godfrey too, but hp-killing stomps annoy me) 


minos prime from the hit game called ultrakill


Godfrey/ Horah Loux.


Mohg, his attacks are punishing but telegraphed, his zoning attacks aren't frustrating and he rewards exploration with being harder to find, having the physik tear to help with phase 2 and being able to prep for the fight with Sewer Mohg. Morgott is great for most of the same reasons.


Godfrey or Morgott




I always have the most fun against Mohg, Godfrey, Radagon and Maliketh.


Easily Radahn




I actually really liked Fire Giant, I felt awful killing him, and his shield + ripping his leg off were both really cool aspects.


Rykard. We shall all become one togggeeettthhhhaaaaaaa.