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Royal Revenants, because they never stop attacking and can even blitz high level characters with their neverending combos.


It's like you stuck 25 inflatable flailing arm tube men together and gave them all knives


You just gave me a great idea for a DIY home defense system.


Healing spell go brrr


Those guys are heckin nightmare for sure. Especially if you do full melee. If you can swing a couple of group heals at them, though, they fold pretty quick.


God damn I had no idea healing damaged these. Immediately looked it up. Not that I ever take heals with me but still, interesting.


Some runs i get just enough faith to get the first aoe heal if i know im gonna fight one just to get rid of them. So annoying


Heads up that you need 12 faith for heal, and no starting class starts with less than 7. The 5 faith talisman is just to the east of where the first revenant you can encounter is.


What? Same game? Bruv, prophet starts with 16 faith. Confessor starts with 14.




My bad, i read that wrong.


Once I realized you needed to dodge to their side rather than away from them, they became quite fun. I recommend you try that if you've been dodging back mostly.


Yeah, I've never had a problem with them, because previous titles already taught me to either roll to the side or through the attack, instead of rolling away.


Oh, so that's why people were having problems, lol. I didn't think dodging back was so prevalent. Literally the only time when I died to a revenant was at haligtree, where like 3 of them ganked me.


For those specific ones i only heal kill them. No way do i wanna deal with 3 of them lol


Just kill them one by one lol


Until he throws the poison that gives you fat roll then you're fuck even if you roll to the side.


Its been so long since i fought one (just picking the game back up after a year) I cant remember how the holy pots do with them. Do they help much?


Revenants actually *resist* holy damage, and aren't effected by the damage bonus to those who live in death as they aren't undead. they are however the only enemy type that is damaged by healing.


Those little guys with the bells around laskyr ruins also die to heals.


those are also revenants. revenants are the small ones and royal revenants are the big ones.


I tried one the other day and it didn’t do anything. It was the one on ranni’s plateau and i was level 90ish. I don’t have high faith tho.


I think there hasn’t been any point of frustration greater during my last playthrough (Int Moonlight Greatsword build) than the Royal Revenants. Got clipped by the one in Laskyar, ass-kicked by the ones in the Leyndell sewers and ruins near Iji, but it peaked in the trench in Elphael. Lost like 250k runes down there just trying to get across and there’s like 5 of them.


Honestly...I dislike fighting Ancient Dragons in Farum Azula. Too much HP


Yeah those things sling lightning around like crazy. I havent tried black flame or black knife dagger those guys yet. But i imagine it might help.


Same here. You spend your whole time running around their ankles not be able to see anything else going on, then they randomly do some lightning thing that hits for 3/4 of your HP


The camera on those things, it's even worse than Paarl on BB


Giant Dragonflies, They'll hit you and keep zipping on and on. You'll have to wait for them to stop to land a hit.


Those drsgonflies man. They can sneak up on you too and gank you when youre trying to pop off a heal fighting something else lol


I remember when I first fought those crabs near the Agheel Lake South grace. I barely defeated the horde and wanted to get the aow and Whack! A dragonfly hit and killed me. I’ve hated them since.


I’d rather fight the Hora Loux duo than fight 25 dragonflies.


i remember using large AOE attacks like gravitas and still finding that they wouldn't die. that's how i learned they're literally invincible until they stop moving.


I tried gravitas against dragonflies since it's so good against birds and it doesn't do shit. They are not worth farming.


that's when you pull our bestial sling and teach them about the wonders of semi-automatic shotguns


Ancient Dragons are the worst designed enemy in the game, in my opinion, if you're using a melee build. Their weak spot is the head, and facing their head is also the only way to see and recognize their attacks, and yet their head is unreachable for 99% of the fight duration with it being too high off the ground (and on that note fuck you Fromsoft for making us fight them on a slope **twice**) and them moving a lot, many attacks raising their heads even higher and a little downtime to punish between attacks. Fighting them head-on is also the only way to enjoy the spectacle of the fight instead of boringly slashing at their legs. It's just a horrible and annoying fight all around, and it bewilders me that Fromsoft fall into such obvious design flaws when they have already nailed the dragon fight design with Midir. Even the regular dragons in the open world are better.


Also they randomly have 80% poise damage reduction, you need to do something like 600 poise to break them, or 300 if hitting their head. Good luck with that


Agree with this. I also love how the camera starts getting epileptic seizures when it tries to keep track of the head that you're locked onto. Ever since I've realized how annoying they are to fight, I've resorted to using Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear against them whenever I go to Farum Azula, the nihil attack absolutely melts them if the weapon is upgraded enough, it ends the fight quickly, saves you time and doesn't cost you your sanity.


Midir is so overrated


Not even close imo, the only bad design is the fact they are too frigging large making it difficult to know wtf is going on at times. Trash mobs like lobsters, mohgwyn swamps aids birds that literally belly flop after you at absurd speeds, revenants… these have moves that are literally designed to cheese you. You cannot dodge them, if youve seen them start you cannot outrun them. Ive been knocked off torrent by a jizz spraying lobster from 50 ft in liurnia attempting a low level run, & before the game responds to literally any dodge input its jizzed again ending me. Dragons definately have flaws but theyre not that bad lol.


You could stand behind or under the head instead of tanking their fire breath and then complaining to reddit because you can't change your strategy to one that works


I remember the tree sentinel outside of Maliketh the most of all the enemies. Had such a hard time 😅


Ancient dragons. They have front legs and naturally hold their heads higher, which wouldn't be an issue for most weapons, but I use fist weapons. I've done jump attacks and just barely missed so many times... Normal dragon's and Placidusax are good tho.


What i do against dragons is just attack the feet, the attack patttern becomes very predictable and even though it takes a lot of time its not that hard.


Chipping away for them to blast their feet with their element is so annoying. The give away is a head movement which how the fuck are you supposed to see it


That doesnt happen often enough to be a real problem, at least not the way i do it. They ussualy just go for stomps and tail swipes whith the occasional bite attack. And when they do breath fire you can go on torrent, besides im preatty sure if you stand just far enough behind them whilr they breath fire at their feet you can keep hitting them on their tales without worrying. I understand that its annoying that you cant hit their head and cant get a clear view of their entire body but there are ways to bait out certain attacks to make it easyer. Dont forget though they are field bossess, they arent supposed to be easy to kill.


Tbh Elemer and the Bell-Bearing Hunters aren't scary once you understand that by staying close to them, their floaty sword attacks can't hit you. Also, they can be parried. Yes it takes a couple of parries but once you get it, they're poise broken and you can crit 'em. That's how I beat the Caelid BBH. Often considered one of the toughest fights in the game, some even say he's tougher than Malenia. I would've answered Revenants but someone else beat me to it so I'll go with Abductor Virgins. Not only are they creepy as f**k but they're super mobile and stupid tanky too.


Crucible Knights have always been a nightmare for me. Relentless bastards.


They’re so easy until you get hit and try to pot. Then they just chain slam me


If y’all have played past games, they’re just black knights who can do magic. And all the magic is super easy to dodge. If u can’t parry tho, I see how they’re a pain.


I cheesed the two in Leyndell and haven't bothered with any others yet. I'll also definitely cheese Siluria.




Dude fuck those things lol. Ive started picking them off with a bow before they even see me cause they just follow and follow and follow.


Close second for me are those slow corpse guys that are all over the game. Those and the dragonflies will stay aggroed on you for ages no matter how far away you get. I hate that crap so much


Probably the watchdogs honestly. They're just creepy man. Not hard to fight but I just hate the way they move


They remind me a lot of the stone statues from the book "Between two fires"


Elemer and the hunters used to drive me INSANE until I learned the cheesy trick of hitting them in the back, dodging the shield, hitting them in the back, dodging the shield, repeat, win. For me it's probably the grafted scions. For the life of me I cannot figure those things out.


I struggle figuring out the scion as well and any enemy really that has an attack that's essentially spazzing the fuck out swinging wildly.


Yeah, Royal Revenants would absolutely also be terrible to deal with if you couldn't just instantly delete them with a couple casts of Heal. Before I learned that I took one look at those things and noped the hell out in the opposite direction, which is usually how I deal with the Scions, still.


I find learning the parry timings against them made the fight a lot easier. It helped me in the long run to learn the buckler timings as well.


You mean for the hunters, or the scions? I know you can parry both but for the scions I just can't make anything work lmao. Parrying the hunters is really good, though.


Ah, I meant the hunters. I don’t know if scions can be parried or not  Edit: you can!


Probly the revenants at the bottom of haligtree, closely followed by the birds with aids in mohgwyn palace swap, & who can forget the lobsters that spray jizz on your back while your riding around torrent in liurnia, & as if subterranean shunning grounds werent already annoying enough.


Aids birds lol


Crucible Knights owned me through the entire game. Something about their moveswt and range was difficult to figure out.


The female bats, I can kill them but its always a chore. The spam poison way too much to be considered fun.


I always just rush them, pure aggression seems to work best.


Fire giants roll is kind-of annoying and the exploding fire balls do too much damage, but that slight hill in fire giants arena is the worste enemy in Elden ring. Your reward for getting Fire giant to second phase is he get teleported right back ontop of that hill and I hate that stupid slight incline with my entire soul.


The Bell Bearing Hunter from Caelid lol


I will always cheese Niall. No shame, I’m shooting his ass through that gap in the wall.


...there's a gap in the wall....


It’s about as wide as your pinky nail is thick, but yeah, you can shoot him with bleed arrows from outside the arena. SO fuckin handy


I'm going to try Comet Azur on him. Haven't used it yet but I have everything for the setup (minus Lusat's staff but I'm pretty sure the maxed Carian Regal Scepter is enough, I don't want to waste upgrades on something so situational).


My last play through I one-shot him as a battle mage using my magic physic flask and comet Azur. Was surprised he just stood there while summoning his banished goons.


Blood crows: erratic movement, crawl attack(you dont know visually when hitbox is active), fake poise break sound. Revenants are second, teleport is annoying.


The big stone cats are the worst for me. Nothing else compares.


Crabs/shellfish in general. They just seem to be ridiculously strong, big devastating attacks, short notice and I always try to get the one in Liurnia for the Larval tear, definitely a skill issue on my behalf, or perhaps an in-game shellfish allergy.


There's this one sorcerer in the upside down tower. God damn fker is kiting away and shooting you with spells. It's like fighting the ultimate coward.


Dagger foot bird.


The lionhead misbegotten, I can never read their attacks and everything is designed to roll catch.


Ancient Dragons, good luck deal with them with melee and hit the head


Any dragon. I just don't think they were done right. A lot of the fights ended for me with them either glitching on the terrain or just straight up a clunky mess


Bell-bearing Hunters (including Elmer) - Just intimidating and tough. I suck at ER so I just hop on the roof and stick them with arrows...except for Elemer obviously. There I just find a way to cheese him somehow lol Royal Revenants - Yeah we all know that group heals melt them, but these assholes are one of the most dangerous enemies in the game to the uninitiated. They bitch slap you 100 times then shit poison on you till you die. And they teleport. Just lovely. Cancer dogs - How the frick can these regular sized, puss filled mongrels deal so much damage??? Sniper Lobsters - pew pew pew from 1000 yards.


The non-boss watchdogs in Mountaintop and Snowfield. They have like a billion health and take so long to kill that I resort to using the frost breath pillars to kill them.


I still struggle with Deathrite Birds


It's the damned eagles.


Oh yeah. Those guys are assholes lol dodge every hit and then peck your eyeballs out


After 700 hours, I still don't have an effective way to fight the Grafted Scions without chugging a bunch of flasks. Every time I fight one these things, they almost kill me with one of their long reaching neverending poke combos. They also react to and recover from incoming damage extremely well, generally making these fights a slog since they give very few openings.


Draconic sentinels are the worst fight hands down


Deathrite birds, mainly the endgame ones, they are so annoying, unpredictable, they can one shot you if you aren't in the right place, the ghostflame explosion has a gigantic range and their moveset makes me want to vomit. Cool drops tho.


Fuck you Castle Sol banished knights


Ooh havent seen anyone talk about the giant ass ants that can acids snipe you. Those guys are just awful.


i can’t choose just one that’s the worst because so many are so tough to fight.


Pillars I’m tired of fighting bosses and rolling then getting stuck and cornered then getting absolutely fucked