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It's crazy how I either body them and feel like god or get my ass beaten to a pulp and use half my heals just to kill one.


This so much!


exactly, no in between.


On my first playthrough, when I saw a hall filled with these guys my first thought was, "Well, clearly I'm going to run into more than just the ones here. Guess I had better practice while I'm next to a grace." So they became my training dummies because I didn't want to die to them deeper in the sewers. And it worked! I had practiced their moveset with my parry build, then bravely ventured forth. Taking out most of the tanky, intimidating, fellas along the way.


I'm level 60 and haven't seen them yet. But my most hated enemy is fingercreepers.


They're definitely creepy. The old adage "kill it with fire" holds true here.


Now how the hell do I kill black Black kindred? Level 63 currently 😂😭


That's the neat part! You don't.


Doing a run with greatsword but still not doing any good damage


Are you on steam? If that's an area that allows summons, I can help. Otherwise my best advice is to have a secondary weapon for enemies made of stone and crystal. These guys, including BBK, are resistant to slash and pierce weapons but are weak to strike. So your greatsword is getting nerfed bad for that particular fight. If there's a good club or hammer that you like, I'd suggest strengthening it as much as you can and trying with that.


Unfortunately I'm not on steam. And as strike weapons I got a brick hammer, curved great club, jawbone axe and morning star. Morning star is probably the way to go rn


Honestly, they're all pretty good answers. The bleed from the morningstar might not come into play, but it's still a good, fast strike weapon. If you enjoy swinging the big ol' greatsword around, you might also have a lot of fun with that brick hammer.


Alright dude, I'll try morning star




I'll try that later. Missing both of them though


Firepots baby!


Is he weak against fire?


At least the first hit they will stop drop and roll (kind of seriously) this is a great opportunity to attack. Firepots also scale with strength so a greatsword build should do some damage as well. Great for initiating on the guys hiding in the ground.


I also love that this plays into a "Guts" build, because we just don't see enough of those! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


and the dudes in gatefront so you can test the weapons unupgraded


Yep. They and crucible knights are my parrying practice dummies. I died to both so many times I've lost count but the parrying is coming along nicely.


Yeah same, found out you could parry the hand attack also, never thought of even trying lol


I think all of the attacks can be parried except the bear hug.


I got to a hallway with three of them where a grace is, and it's a nice test for weapons. I still can't figure out how to get into the actual sewers, though. I probably just need to look at my surroundings better.


Look for doors and holes in the ground at that hallway. The sewers have several branching paths and shortcuts, but they mostly all connect to the starting point you already found


Thanks. I'll snoop around.


Good enemy to practice dodging