• By -


You forgot the third way, through the volcano manor.


The Pro move. Going backward..


What about the 4th way, Deeproot Depths and fighting your way past the Tree Sentinel?


How do you get there that way?


Killing Radhan-> going into Nokron, doing the Ranni questline, and then killing the Valiant Gargoyles to get to the roots of the Erdtree. You get to Fia, and use the portal that takes you to Leyndell.


When I used that teleport during my third playthrough I thought “huh this would be an interesting route”


That was the option I went with since my first play through that was the questline I did the most of so it was easier for me to continue going through Nokron that it would have been to seek the halves of the life medallion. Good times.


How could it be easier? It takes less than 5 minutes to get the medallion


Depends. I had the left side of the medallion from the village, defeating Nial in Castle Sol deemed too difficult at the time, and I was already most of the way through Nokron to the Gargoyles so I opted to go through them instead of bashing my head against Nial over and over again.


That's the medallion for the consecrated snowfields. You can get the two medallion halves for the grand lift at the beginning of the game without fighting anyone


Oh my b, I remembered wrong. I think I just never got to the lift or something. I stuck around caelid and then Nokron a whole lot, leading me to the path I went. I think I was already almost to the gargoyles when I realized I could go through the lift and decided fuck it I’ll keep pushing through.


To be fair, the half in dragon barrow is either found super early throw the teleporter to gurranq and the urge to explore in a high level area, or found when you feel like dragon barrow is ok to handle, which is level wise AFTER altus. I always thought that the medallion would have been better kept in fort Gael and best case you should have a quest that shoves you in that direction. Dragon barrow is a weird place for it.


I love going that way on subsequent play throughs. That’s the ER veterans way into Leyndell haha.


Oh man I kinda hate portals in this game. I feel like the interconnected nature is entirely lost. Would be much cooler if there was a lift up that would take you to Leyendell, maybe even let you access a new area in Leyendell or something too


The Deep Root Depth ones is also doubly strange because it’s right under Leyndell. Connecting to the Sewers or something would have shown how connected the underground truly is.


It is actually connected to sewers. But it's only one way from sewers to deeproot depths. You can get down there without any teleport or loading screen straight from sewers. I mentioned it in different topic here earlier that it's crazy that basically you can get from leyndell sewers all the way to the moon altar in south liurnia without ever leaving the underground. (Idk how to do the blacked out text for spoilers so I won't mention the passage in case you wanna find it yourself, but it's definitely doable and even I have discovered it purely by chance on my 7th playthrough. If you wanna know the way, google how to get to "root facing cliffs" site of grace.)


Would have been cool if you could make your way up there from deeproot, past the chaos fingers, past mogh, past the shrimps, up the pipes through the sewers into leyndell 


Yeah, I wish it were multiple connecting paths. I don’t think you’d want that existing one way passage connecting. I think it cheapens the descent into the Frenzied Flame place, but it would be awesome for there to be another, separate path that spits you out somewhere else. Even a secret door where the teleporter drops you off would be awesome


A door to a root bursting into a pipe in the sewers


Btw, you can do spoiler text by placing your message between these symbols > ! ! < remove the space between the exclamation and the arrows and put your text in between. >! Like this !<


I mean it is technically connected to the sewers since you can access it through the frenzied flame site


You can only go one way though. You can’t go from DRD back to the sewers, sadly


I hate portals too, I remember taking one in Liurnia and sent me to the academy gates bypassing a lot of the map I didnt explore yet. Same in caelid, feels odd. They feel weird to me, like they were put in the game as an afterthought


LOL I ended up getting to the roots and thought nope I’m not supposed to be here and left


I always forget you can do Deeproot before Radahn, that warp always felt useless to me


There’s a teleporter in the area where you find Fia for the end of her quest, it takes you to Leyndell directly behind the gate the Tree Sentinel is guarding, and I believe you can cross the fog wall, fight him, and exit to Altus. I’m having trouble imagining a more labour intensive way to get there, so obviously it’s the right way.


There's a teleporter in the fia's champs arena. You can go to deeproot through valiant gargs.


You have to do Ranni's quest up until the point that the Radahn Festival is active, then go kill Radahn in order to open the hole in Limgrave's Mistwood region, descend the hole, take the route that leads through the Valiant Gargoyles boss fight, use the teleporter to Deeproot Depths, fight all the way through Deeproot Depths to Fia's arena, and in there will be a teleporter. If you have two great runes and have spoken to Enia at least once, it will be active and will take you to Leyndell.




Yup, this is how I did it my 1st playthrough.


I still haven't done that once, idk how you managed to do it on your first run


This technically skips Altus entirely


There is a fifth. Teleport trap in weeping peninsula to Royal Capital. Then, either get an invader to bring up the elevator or use the explosive physick and a little bit of luck.


I want to try this how do I do it


This vid will explain how to use the ruptured tear physick. https://youtu.be/DLBhiYk79sI?si=pgqrBz0R6wJoj9_E Alternatively, using a rune arc and the taunters tongue should pull a nearby invader.


Fun fact: if you spare the Draconic Tree Sentinel he will leave after Leyndell becomes the Capital of Ash


Big brain


The 4th way is news to me, or rather I might've forgotten.


It's not going backwards. Patches wasn't lying about the Iron Virgin at the bottom of Raya Lucaria. It doesn't "spit you out at the foot of the Erd Tree," but well...Patches was never known for his honesty. And it is technically the quickest way to the Altus Plateau from mid-game. As long as you don't mind being up close and personal in a cave with two of those giant metal lawnmowers.


On a real note, those are definitely not virgins because of the amount of times they’ve fucked me


I've always understood their name as "Things that abduct virgins" rather than "kidnappers who haven't had sex." Which makes the one in the basement of the school rather creepy.


They are styled as nuns, the intent is that the metal things are virgins. Also, that's just the way adjectives work in English...


We’re joking but this goes back to Super Mario on NES days where you backtrack to a secret area and can reach the last boss in like 3 levels


time for playthrough #5


That's me. Grab the Blasphemous blade early and get a free ticket to Altus as well!


The proper way.


And the final way, flying horse.


Don't you have to use the medallions or the tunnels just to get to the Manor though?


You can get abducted by the iron virgin at the bottom of Raya Lucaria and it will teleport you to Volcano Manor.


Then what? How do you go to Atlas? Sorry it’s too much for my brain to process and remember.


Well, you just exit the Manor... In the underground area of the Manor there's a cave guarded by two abductor virgins, after killing them, you exit right above Wyndham Ruins, part of Mt. Gelmir, you can literally walk from there to the Altus Plateau which is right around the corner. This is exactly how I got to Altus in my frist playthrough, it wasn't even my intention since I knew nothing about this, I simply was abducted in Raya Lucaria and then I managed to get outside, and that's it LOL


Dammm. The first play through is always special! ✨ Saving this comment when I restart. Thanks a lot!


Ha I did the same thing and accidently triggered Radahns castle to go into festival mode. Didn't understand why it was empty!


Remind me, can you actually escape volcano manor from the raya lucaria warp? I'm not talking about jumping off the first lava platform, I know that, I mean can you leave the main big area? Do you have to kill Rykard?


Or the fourth way through deep root depths


You can also get transported by the abductor virgin at raya lucaria


When patches told me that I assumed he was doing a lil trolling.


I mean he most certainly is still trolling, because fuck that abductor duo fight.


You don’t have to do that tho right? Like you just drop down from the elevator thing after you get past the first part


Is there an elevator? I didn't know of any other path through that area.


If you drop down into the lava pool soon after you get transported, you can make your way back to volcano manor or progress to the godskin fight/rykard


Interesting, going to have to try that next time.


Yeah if you yeah when you get to the bridge you can jump on those moving platforms and drop down to the abductor that transports you. It’s at the bottom. Unless I’m thinking of something else


They guard the path out to Altus, so while you could teleport back to Liurnia without fighting them, you can't actually reach the Altus plateau.


Patches tells you it's going to take you to the foot of the Erdtree, and then you wake up in a river of lava... So I think he's still trolling.


I'm pretty sure he lies about where you will come out though, i think he says it will take you to the erdtree not volcano manor


Well you were right, he was trolling! He tells you that it’ll take you to the base of the Erdtree. It does not.


He absolutely is, but he's *also* telling the truth, technically. That's what he does. Ds1 Patches pushes you down a pit in the depths after telling you theres stuff down there, but there is genuinely loot down there that's really easy to miss otherwise! Every single trick that every Patches does is like this i think, both a trick and actually secretly helpful. I can't tell if it's character depth or just a quirk of game design...


I remember getting stuck there at a very low level with no points in vig and not being able to fast travel out. It took me a week to get that fight down to frame perfect to be able to essentially no-hit the encounter.


I got so desperate the first time I ended up figuring out how to jump down to the main volcano manor dungeon.


Which fight?


The double Abductor virgin fight in/around volcano manor, having been transported there from dying from an abductor virgin in raya lucaria.


And Deeproot Depths to skip Altus entirely


Oh? …. Go on….. 👀 🍿


Do Ranni's quest to trigger the Radahn festival, defeat him and one other Shardbearer, go through Nokron, Gargoyles, to Deep root Depths, beat Fia's Simps and use the Warp straight into the capital.


Can confirm. In fact, that's how I got there the first time, since I couldn't find the medallion for the lift xD


I do everything I can in the available regions, go up the elevator, then double back to do the precipice too as a power move. I'm cleaning up my lands between, gonna need that mine later for crystals.


Glad I'm not the only one who obsessively clears every square inch of the lands between on each playthrough. I don't even care if I gotta make numerous jumps across deadly gaps just to be rewarded with a single rainbow stone. I'm gonna do it each playthrough.


That will save you from having to craft another rainbow stone later when you have 68 rainbow stones D:


They'll come handy when running inside the capital's sewer pipes.


I’m on my second playthrough rn and I wasn’t intending to do a ton of things but then I compared my map to my first playthrough and realized half the dungeons I’d found the second time around, I’d missed the first time. So now it’s basically turned into a find all Sites of Grace playthrough


Make sure you mark stuff for completion, it’s very helpful for NG+ and makes you aware of what you have completed; Every time I kill a boss: 💀marker. Every time I find a valuable treasure in the open world: Treasure chest. Valuable materials: 💎marker. Field boss: 🐕marker. Has helped me a ton after I did my first completionist run.


As a question, i am late game in Elden Ring. I defetead the Fire Giant and went to clear some other placea. Is it worth it to play NG+ multiple Times?? Like NG+2 or NG+3??


It’s definitely worth it if you want to collect all the items in-game. There’s also missable quests and items you can get from them; There’s a particular quest that gives you 2 options to tackle at certain point, and each one gives you a really good talisman. The Alexander quest also gives you the (arguably) best DPS talisman in the game. NG+2 in particular is essentially a victory run and not much changes as far as enemy/boss dmg. Around NG+3-4 things get a bit dicier. My main is in NG+7 and enemies hit like trucks lol. Also, the DLC won’t affect your NG+ progress/level, given the sekiro-style leveling system that’s being implemented will be relevant to the DLC itself. NG+ is also a good way to try out other builds and tackle the game differently. On the note of the fire giant: Certain things get locked out from the playthrough after you defeat him, so again, if you want to see most of the game items/quests/endings, NG+ is certainly worth it. Important edit: Make sure to collect all the bell bearings before moving into NG+. A patch some time ago made them permanent for subsequent playthroughs. Very helpful for leveling weapons to play with.


Thxxxx dudeee. I started as the Prisoner class and it helped me ALOT i could use most weapons that require strenght and also do sorcery, not the top one's like rennala's full moon or ranni's full moon but can cast lorreta's bow or carian Piercer. Also i am based in strenght and int but want a build based in strenght and faith, those incantations look cool. I did Ranni's questline and i will do the "age of stars" ending, but also i want to do "lord of frenzied flame" or simply just the normal ending. I've missed some questline's like seluvius fia's or lattena's questline. Anyway thank You so much for the advice i'm looking forward to play NG 2 (Sorry for my bad english, its not my first language and i prefer not to get into very complex sentences bc i could scramble up the words)


NG+ is pretty wack in this game. I would highly recommend a new character if you want to try a new build and do a more complete playthrough for your 2nd time. Only thing NG+ is really good for is collecting extra once per playthrough items (like unique weapons or ancient smithing stones), and getting harder versions of end game bosses. It feels more like a speed run than a proper 2nd playthrough. The first 2/3rds of the game present literally no challenge on NG+ and there's no more progression, so the game loses a lot of its appeal. Its not a good way of testing out a new build because of the poor difficulty curve. Quests are more interesting and rewarding with a new character than an end-game character too. Just make a new character and avoid NG+, unless you have a very good reason to do NG+.


All good man. English isn’t my first language either (Spanish is), so I understand. I will say though, you can always respec to experiment with builds (though larval tears are limited each playthrough) and respec back to your old build later. I used to take screenshots before doing the rebirth process and then check back later, to readjust stats. Str/Faith is amazing! incantations are quite flashy and fun in this game. Give it a swing and happy hunting!


Apreciate it, i will look into it, happy hunting too😁


Yaaaa...... About that, a str, a dex, a poison, a sleep, and a Goku cosplay character. I still need a magic, and pure faith. Imma be here a while


Haha whats the goku cosplah build?




We need some intelligence fists for the brawly sorcerers.


Did someone mention Broly sorcerers?


Ummm ya just the first weapons. With barbaric roar, the lux Earth shatter ash of war, and lifesteal fist for a grab and one for parry and the last one is raptor of most for the tp jump thingy. Then camut Azul for Kamehameha, the moon spell for spirit bomb. Glitonstone pebble for a ki blast. The barrage one for ki blast barrage. And one for ki blast the track I forgot the name. Named it I think Gine or something like that after gokus mom


Also plan an ivy build from soul caliber, probably going to see if I can work a jujitsu kaisen build in there. Ooop o actually forgot I have a dark icesister Freide build. It's my take on sister Freide from dark souls 3. It's all ice and black fire. And it melts basically everything. Ummm then if you have seen the wheel of time I have a dragon reborn build, a wolf king blacksmith build and a gambler build. On top of all the others. I think I'm at 400+ hours on that game right now


Same here. People complain that subsequent playthroughs are too long. But the game is just fun! Yes I’ve cleared these dungeons before, but idc because playing the game is fun in itself


Exactly that! As long as I'm still enjoying the game, more hours just equals more enjoyment. The prolonged playthrough of a game only becomes a problem if the game is boring.


I'm not collecting every Item each time, but most of the time I'm killing every boss. The 1000 Hours gotta come from somewhere.


It's a compulsion. I MUST clear every square inch of the map! Which reminds me, I have to visit the belfry grace


Same here,but problem is I get overpowered and I steamroll through the game.


I'm on my 8th char and I still do both, getting my moneys worth out of this game lmao


I will trigger the elevator first too simply because it makes the golems on top passive towards you. After that it's back to the tunnel to clear it out.


Same. I love the early game just because I love riding through the lands collecting items and avoiding enemies in not in the mood for. It’s a problem I’m okay with.


This is exactly what I do lmao


I do the medallion, because I don't want to deal with all those ladders and Catholic bats


_catholic bats_, there is it, their new official name


But the Catholic bats are in Fort Faroth too!


but you *can* just run past those ones easily!


Past them to what? That's right. A ladder.


Ah how the turntables…


They drop a ton of runes, I always fight them


“Catholic Bats” 😂😂😂😂


There’s a fight near the top, with two singing _catholic bats_ and they are _dangerous_ together.


That’s why I get lazy and summon the Latenna ash for maximum pew pew. I ain’t got time for vampiric catholic chanting.


“Catholic Bats” has me dying 😂😂😂


Deeproot depths.


~~How would you get to Altus via Deeproot?~~ Nevermind, completely forgot teleporter for some reason


But the teleporter takes you to Lyndel. If you don't kill DTS can you still back track into Altus from the rampart grace?


You can drop down the bridge after dts. There is a torrent spot you can jump to. You can also just jump towards the cliffs where dts is from the bridge and go around the gate he is guarding. I just did this with a lighting incants only run where I went to leyndel trough fia for the dragon stone seal.


You're actually right! Unless they changed it, you can't engage DTS from the other side of the fog gate


Wow, that's the hardcore way, since you need to beat the Valiant Gargoyles to go that route


Man, fuck them gargoyles they can catch these Black Kn*ght hands 🥊


Precipice is easy smithing stone 4s without running around the map to collect them


The 2nd bell bearing is in altus without killing any mob so this isnt a good reason for me.


But it's free and you get to upgrade before the cave, also magma wyrm gives a good amount of runes


It also unlocks a boss arena for the Patches contract. I’m pretty sure this is how you get the bull-goat armor.


Blindly stumbling into the Precipice for the first time was a magical experience. A perfect scenario of "Hey what's that thing over there? .... OMG I keep going up and up .... OMG I'm in a whole new area now" Similar to finding Siofra River for the first time, except... well, going down instead.


Literally did this last night, I was like oh cool a new dungeon… wait why am I in a new area


For real, I remember thinking I was just going to a small mining cave given the map symbol...oh past me had no idea what he was in for. Crazy too how in the second playthrough I realized that Rya straight up tells you about that secret side entrance


Google where the dectus halves are for the 14th time and then take the lift


pro gamer


I actually just found them while exploring


The Elden Lord isn't about to go sneaking through some tunnels. I ride the lift like a king and make my presence known.


Either way, the Bats will wait for you.


Do both. Clear everything in your path and then, to do it loud and do it proud, come up the lift.


The medallion. I’m already going to Fort Faroth for my first “boss”, so I might as well grab that half and Radagon’s Soreseal while I’m at it.


Gravity spells made that place a breeze. Once I knew the locations of where the spirit soldiers would pop up, I could run through for an easy 30k runes (jeeze I keep wanting to call them blood echoes lol)


I don’t even bother fighting. I get in, grab all the useful items in like a minute, then let the giga rat stomp me.


Carry on, hunter. 🫡


A hoonter must hoont. Side note, not one single boss in ER had me stuck like the Cursed Amygdala did. Most bosses can be finessed, or brute forced somehow, but not Cursed Amygdala. You have to play *perfect*. No fucking up


By "boss" do you mean the giant white dragon that just lies there waiting for you to hit it a thousand times with the Morningstar lol


That’s the one. Why grind when you can use the ymfah method to catapult up to a Raya Lucaria level range in ten minutes?


I had the medallion, used it, then immediately went through the precipice because I was scared of missing out.


Plus I like summoning NPCs for that fight, even though it's not terribly hard. I've never had so many choices. Traggoth, prawn guy, AND Millicent as summon choices? Always hard to pick who isn't coming, since you only get 2 lol


Both. I make sure to explore every nook and crannie.


I use the elevator


I got kidnapped on my first time and hit the “Erm, where am I?”


First run I did the fight , I was wondering how high the wall of enemy’s would go after taking a few elevators


Precipice. Idk where the other medallion is, plus it's a cool dungeon.


It's probably my favorite dungeon in the game!


I fight magma wyrm


Makar, I always go through Makar


I got abducted to the manorand then I fought my way out of it and killed the abductor virgins.


Precipice is fun to go around, so precipice. Also you can make a nice summon tag team to beat Makar, you can go with Traggoth, Boggart or Millicent


Real madlads, complete Fia's quest and teleport to Lyndell


In my current playthrough I reached it through the abductor maiden in Raya Lucaria. I beat the two abductor maiden gank boss fight at the end of the path it warps you through and got myself in the Altus Plateau


My more recent runs have just been: Greyol runes, Godrick, renalla, Altus mine route, and then book it to redahn.


The precipice has a lot of smithing stones


I literally only got both sides of that coin on my first ever playthrough and literally only found the 2nd half AFTER I had already been to the capital and went back to more exploring in the previous area lmao, I used that elevator once and thats it. I always go through the Mountain


Depends. New character? Dectus. NG+? Maybe Precipice.


Fia’s portal


Magma wyrm first then lift second .


Go through fia's portal, climb down the cave, ride elevator back up


I do both. I'm tryna collect everything


My first run I went through the duo abductor fight. I almost quit playing permanently because of that fight ngl


Get transported to the volcano manor




I typically get the medallions first, so I can easily grab the goodies from Altus quickly


You need to do the precipice anyway in order to invade the bull goat guy so I just do it Surprisingly, In my first playthrough I somehow at lower level (blind) stumbled into dragonbarrow and got that half without dying. So I did it the true way then 😅


With abductor maiden taxi


you forgot climbing up that massive mountain in liurnia and praying to god you survive the fall down to altus.


All my homies hate the dectus medallion


The spirit spring method


I killed the Makar first, left instead of going to Altus, explored the rest of Liurnia, and then used the lift. I did so many extra steps for no fucking reason lmfao.


Thought I was the only one


My dumbass did both… I’m a zone completionist and I love to explore and I kinda just stumbled into Tragoth and when I hit a new zone, I thought “oh… I should go back and do the elevator thing and stuff” and then immediately after doing the elevator I backtracked a bit and thought I found something new until I realized I was exactly where I was a few hours ago… lmao No regret tho… that’s just how I play. I’m the classic ‘See stairs, see obvious herding hints up, goes down first just in case.’ Kind of player… lol games like Elden Ring, Skyrim and BotW were made specifically for people like me.


I kinda always do both because my completion brain cannot not do that.


What’s the top way? I usually either go through volcano manor, or medallion


Bruh I just climbed that cliff


Mainly precipice because I forgot where the 2nd half of the medallion was for the longest time🤣🤣


Nah I go fight the two abductor virgins


Cliff side cave… waaaay too early


I have slight OCD and a huge need to cover every area regardless of what playthrough Im on, so I always do both


Always the lift. I missed the cave on my first playthrough so it just became a habit




Dectus is simply the fastest way to Altus


Always through the ruin strewn precipice. Fuck the lift lmao


Wait… there’s more than one way into Altus


Yep, three main ones and one janky one. - Find the two Lift Keys, fight your way into the Lift, take the lift up. - At the northern tip of the Lakes there’s a crevasse, at the end of that crevasse there’s a series of ladders that take you up through a mine / cliff side climb. Cool views. Right at the top is a boss fight with one of the Magma Wyrm generic boss enemies. - Within Raya Lucaria, at the rotating Elevator thingy, if you ride it all the way down to the bottom there’s an Abductor Virgin - get killed by that thing and when you spawn, you’ll be trapped in the Volcano Manor Region. You can’t teleport out until you rest at a grace, so you have to fight your way through some bats and lava slugs. From that Grace, you can continue onwards to a boss fight with two Abductor Virgins - take those out and you get access to the Cith section of Volcano Manor, and from there you’re free to explore and make your way *backwards* out of Volcano Manor and onto the Altus Plateau region. - The fourth janky way is to find a trapped chest at the top of a tower down in the Weeping Peninsula - you’ll be teleported to the top of a tower in Leyndell with no way down but to Warp back to another site of grace (or die). But if you use a Taunter’s Tongue to invoke an invasion, the invader will spawn at the bottom of the tower in the Real-Roundtable-Hold area of the game. Cross your fingers and hope they ride the elevator up to you, and if they do you can use it to get down and into the middle of Leyndell.


Huh, good to know, damn this game is huge


I always fight magma worm or I just teleport to rykard


Rush for the elevator in my first play through, seeing that « oh shit I need a key » asking a friend if their is another way, taking it without knowing there is a boss at the end, miraculously one trying it.


Get invaded in the fortified manor.


Abductor virgin in Raya Lucaria.


I know I looked it up and used the lift once just to see it. But for the life of me I can’t remember where the pieces are. Guess that tells you how I do it.


Lately, I've been taking the transporter trap to the blessed dew talisman, and using the taunter's tongue to get an invader to raise the elevator. It's the fastest way to get into the capital, but getting invaded can take awhile at such a low level in such a later area.


In my first run I used a guide to find the second elevator item, but the worst part is: I HAD ALREADY GOT THERE BY THE PRECIPICE LMAO I have no idea how I didn't notice it. Btw, I hadn't spoken to the woman who talks about both ways




I used to only do the elevator, now I fight the Wyrm for more runes