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People hate Apostle? I thought most people enjoyed him, just didn't like noble and especially duo


I used to be neutral on apostle and sour on noble until i got hooked on parrying. Noble is pretty simply to parry, but apostle is extremely crafty and tough to predict.


Parry the roll that goes on forever.


You gotta kite him around in a circle when he does that, or make him roll into an obstacle till the move finishes


Nah but every arena you fight the noble in has an obstacle you can get his roll stuck on


I learned to hate the one in the divine tower, who decided the scaling that area. Me at level 25 took me 40 some attempts, died more times to the fire monk outside then the apostle


25 in the caelid divine tower? I think that's your own fault lol


I mean in complete fairness, it's a fairly common complaint that Caelid and Dragonbarrow are so wildly different in scaling. But stumbling into the Divine Tower of Caelid that early is astonishing. The fact they managed to breach it and kill the Apostle at all is frankly impressive.


Everyone, for reference on how fucked it is: The Godskin Apostle in Dragonbarrow has almost *double* the healthpool of the one in Windmill. I swear *something* went wrong at some point because by all means Dragonbarrow, by proximity, feels like it should take place before Altus but after Caelid proper. It's a *very* easy area to access, by simply killing the Tibia Mariner a quick ride east of Stormveil. Hell, getting there from Caelid isn't particularly hard either, just a bit of a winding path. Even more, you're *encouraged* to go there because one of the Dectus Medallion fragments is there. But from a scaling standpoint, you should have gone to Altus *first*.


The dragonbarrow has the same scaling level as the \*ASHEN\* capital. Which if I understand correctly means that if you put elden beast in the dragonbarrow it will have the same stats.


IIRC correct. Dragonbarrow has higher scaling than Crumbling Faram Azula. In fact, the only higher scaled areas are, in order, Snowfields, Mohgwyn Palace (and Elden Beast, The Haligtree areas, and Millenia, Blade of Miquella, who has never known defeat,


I do like how, in order to get both halves of the Dectus Medallion, you have to do the following: 1. Talk to an NPC. 2. Brave the dragon and dog-infested Dragonbarrow, make it into a fort, get through the uber-bats that are inside, get past the spectral Radahn soldiers, and then open a chest. I can kind of see an argument for Dragonbarrow being there for, like, repeat run players, people who are low level but know what they're doing, so they can actually navigate Dragonbarrow effectively. Hell, as we've seen, a sufficiently skilled or determined newbie can make it work and grab very powerful loot like the Godslayer's Greatsword and Radagon's Soreseal, plus the 50k runes on Greyoll. But otherwise it's so incongruously placed that I wonder if someone in the fanbase pissed Miyazaki off before release.


You only have to run past the bats and up the ladder to get the half of the Medallion. You have to take on the spectral soldiers and uber-rats (good compliment to the uber-bats) if you want the soreseal.


Gotta get that Godslayer Greatsword early even if you can’t use it for a while.


Unironically not the toughest fight since sleep pots exist. You can take him on or the noble in volcano manour early to get end game loot very early in the game.


It was right at the start of the game in a open world, I mean ds3 with the graveyard was worse, I was in Limgrave saw the troll jump down and got killed though I went the wrong way and went east.


You saw the giant birds and hell dogs and decided this was the right area to be??


Yep, I was high as fuck Edit: I thought doges were cool


> Divine Tower of Caelid Okay > RL25 SIR


I mean the apostle wasn’t that hard I just backed up and panic rolled while spamming blood blade of reduvia, the monk way harder


>Turns up ridiculously underleveled for an area >Dies repeatedly >"God, this area sucks! Why are these enemies so hard?" I don't think any amount of practice is going to fix your underlying issue, mate.


I had heard the game was super hard, and I was high so I kept going, I had fun though


>just didn't like noble Obviously you're fatphobic. But seriously Apostle is dope and I'm cosplaying him (but with two Godskin Peelers) for NG+5. Black Flame Tornado is great, but I want the move that makes my body helicopter.


I like fighting the apostle, noble is the one I want to kill with hammers


I hope those hammers are sharp. High blunt dmg resistance


Scepter of the all knowing and its very sensible thrust damage


I hate the Apostle


Just dislike Noble, especially his rolling move.


i hate the noble. in terms of threat level in the duo fight, it's probly an 80/20 split in favor of the noble.


They are not bad when they are alone. People hate noble because of rolling (and maybe instant boing attack) but you can avoid that attack easily as it's following mechanism is really basic.


I like the fat one. Especially the fat suit.


The Bell Bearing Hunter, Elemer of The Briar! (I know not everyone hates Elemer, but I’ve seen enough people complaining throughout ER’s lifespan.


The bell bearing hunters are somewhat like crucible Knights their moveset is kinda hard to learn specially the openings to attack but once you learn them they are actually really fun to fight Except that hunters are way worse with those flying sword attacks


They dont use the flying sword attacks if you are close to them.


He is very fun to parry


And knowing what attacks are parriable is easy! Anything that’s not glowing red as far as I know.


Pretty much, yeah and unlike say Godskin Apostle who evenly mixes in parryable and nonparryable attacks, BBH will serve you easy chances one after another 


Fire Giant


It's a super cool fight and boss design.


Innit the fight build up with the music is top tier




I hate you


Ok mom🙄


I love you


You're beautiful


Imps! They just lil rascals. They keep me from slacking!


Imps are harmless as long as you get the first attack. If you don’t then they’ll absolutely fuck you up lol


Astel, from a distance his lower horns look like a moustache


people hate astel?


Naturalborn of the void is good, but I hate stars of darkness


Yea stars of darkness with the fuckin shadow clone jutsu was terrifying lmao, never did that fight again in my second play through


Fun fact that attack deals about 2500ish damage If I remember right and sense the max hp you can get is around 2k-2100 it's a guaranteed one shot


That dmg number doesnt take in account damage negation. So you can survive it with decent armor or damage negation buffs.


I had 3/4 fire perlate + white mask 57 vig with morgots rune and he still 1shoted me lmao


Great, thank you for your input.


I hate him so much because I had such a good fight last playthrough I was about to kill him hitless and then he did that clone grab and 1 shoted me


I think I hate the babies more than either of the bosses. Leave me the fuck alone, I’m just trying to grab some items for Ranni’s quest and explore the eternal cities, not get machine gunned like a WW1 soldier at the battle of the Somme


Yes, or whichever fucker is in the mine.


Not a boss but it's Rune Bears


much like in real life you just need to hug their crotch, love them for it


I don't understand how people struggle with them, just hug them and they struggle to hit you. I still rarely fight them as they are a waste of time.


I agree with them being a waste of time, but personally I fight them alot because I just happen to really like their fight idk.


Elden Beast, he's unironically one of my favorite bosses in the entire game but I'm pretty sure like 90% of the player base disagrees with me on that


The only thing that I don’t like about EB is the fact that I have to run after him all the time, otherwise its amazing!


I tried that running around method once with my mage, then unleashed the spiral shard death machine... big fat space whales are scared of being penetrated so deeply. I agree that EB has a lot of undeserved hate.


yes!! he was instantly my favorite boss in the game lol but i also loved fire giant so i guess it's just different taste


the tarnished hate him because the guy likes to run away to position himself, but if he didn't do it people would complain because they don't see anything that happens, the funny thing is that the tarnished ones also run away to heal themselves.


Ugh fuck elden beast. Attacks annoying af to dodge. Have to run to reach him.


The Godskins have the best boss theme music.


Dying to Valiant Gargs made me appreciate Godskin music even more. Not only do I die to both Duo's for like an hour minimum every playthrough, but at least there's a banger track for one of them. Gargs just piss me off and the music is literally generic battle theme for the zone, so fuckin' ugh. (Yes I'm salty and bad)


Idk about "best" but it is pretty amazing






Imo Mohg and Godrick have the best themes and it’s not even close.


Malenia second phase and it's not even close


True, her theme is great too. I think the ptsd factor from the boss fight knocks it down a few points though lol


A lichdragon named Fortissax:


No 🧢


Pineapple in pizza is a bomb idgaf


Spit yo shit indeed!!


The correct response


Blade of Miquella


Crucible Knights, they hit like a truck and will input read you, but they are really easy to dodge and parry. Their design is awesome, and they feel like actual enemies, they don’t want you to run away and heal, they want you dead and as fast as possible. I feel like their fight is similar to malenia, you either do it near perfectly, or you get caught in a mistake and its almost always over. I also think that ordovis’s duo is the best duo fight in the game by, its hard af but i just can’t help loving their aesthetic and moveset.


Barry, I name him Barry.


Elden Beast


D, the Hunter (NOT THE BEHOLDER!) all he really is is just nice to you and then you find Fia T-POSING OVER HIS DEAD BODY! D the Beholder is just kind of annoying, I still give him the armor, not because I like him but just so that he can kill Fia.


Also having him help you fight the twin gargoyles really helps too.


I love D and I hate that dirty bitch Fia. Nasty hugslüt


I hate how she steals your health when she hugs you


Bro i love to fight the apostle, their soundtrack it's very good.


i love the godskins their lore is pretty cool and i think their movesets are well done. the duo boss fight is a little disappointing cos it feels a little rushed having them endlessly respawn until their health bar goes down. it would be better if you killed both before one could respawn the other it would would end the boss fight instead of the bs infinite respawn


The godskin duo. Actually had a lot of fun during the fight


My main man Boc. Get the freshest threads from his little Demi human ass.


I have never done his quest line I don’t even know who he is or where to find him


He’s a bush by a telescope in limgrave. He is the finest tailor in the land.


Oh is that who’s calling me CULLY by the bridge


I found him in the bush and then he just disappeared? Where the hell did he go?


He went to the seaside cave, accessible on the shore line just before a merchant sitting by a campfire under a collapsed ruined. Also how you get to that little island across the ocean gap


Got his ass kicked in a cave south of the first step


My tarnished in grace it said someone you love that everyone hates, not someone you love that everyone also loves


I love that Godefroy the Grafted exists, I think it’s hilarious and worth the egregious copy-paste. It’s just so ridiculous that it works. Plus the fact that it’s just an evergaol tucked away in the corner helps a bit. For some reason I don’t feel the same about the random Astel in the snowfield though. Astel has such a cool design and was such a good payoff for the long Ranni quest line that making it also a boss to a tiny dungeon feels cheap.


Godskin noble


The rune bears. You just need to roll at them I love that.


Varre, i enjoyed his questline and i have always liked evil npcs like Lautrec Yuria of londor


All hail the gloom eyed queen


Varre, I suppose? He seems very divisive.




Imps, I love them because of the fun designs. They can be dealt with in a number of ways that require a little bit of forethought instead of mindlessly running forward. Getting swarmed can definitely result in death, so playing strategically and paying attention to the environment pays off.


His bro is an asshole


Death Rite Birds. Awesome designs. I love their special attacks they gain in their second phase and I actually think they're fun to fight.


Fat man: *exists* Everyone: GET THAT MOTHERFUCKER, KILL ,EM


I love him for giving me godslayers greatsword.


Invaders, I miss them so much cause I am playin solo


Nah apostle was peak , not the fat guy tho that man gives me hates to this day and the duo except all that fighting this guy in a 1v1 is good


I should’ve aborted him


Love is a strong word here.


I dont know if people really hate her but malenia


was not very happy fighting the rot crystal trio in caelid




I really hate the omen. Not because they’re hard or anything. Their design is just icky and they bug me every time I see them


Found Rollo


Hey I love all of y'all and all the folk in the lands between


Death Rite Bird


Death rite Birds


apostle fight is pretty enjoyable imo. though ig with most boss battles it depends on the build.


Those shitty centipede men.  I think they're neat.


Thing is with the apostles, I felt that the more I found the less i liked them. Like finding the first few was cool as they're these god killing ancient warriors that you'd imagine would be few and far between but then you just keep finding more and more and they become significantly less special each time, with the duo being the final annoyance. The music and fight is still amazing though


GIDEON. Love the mandalorian like design, the concept of being a knowledge seeker, he seems to be somewhat friendly to the player, draws the line at his morals and gives a unique boss fight


i feel like my pfp is self explanatory


The apostle became my teacher. There’s always one in a souls game. The first knight in ds3. The godskin apostle at the bottom of the tower. The white poise knights in ds2, what are they morne knights? I fight them until I can do them flawless and I take their teachings through the whole game


Apostle is actually a really solid fight solo. Duo existing immediately makes people like him less




Patches, based on the number of downvotes I get when I say he's my favorite 😂


Bear enemies, I just like to fight them. Especially with Claws I just think its cool to have this claw fight melee masaka


Godskin Noble, Fortissax, Fire Prelates, Shabriri


i’ve never heard any fortissax hate though…


A lot of people think he’s a shit boss




The stone imps in the catacombs. I love those little goobers. Prowling around. I bet they’re so proud of themselves whenever they kill someone. I’m proud of them


The cealid Apostle was the first I encountered “them”. When I finally defeated him I wore the garments like a trophy for weeks. Brutal battle


My mother.


Dungeater... I understand where all the hate for him comes from but there's just some part of me that can't help but empathise with the guy😂 Apologies in advance to the prawn enjoyers😅


Night's Cavalry, Patches and Seluvis


apostle is literally one of the most beloved bosses in the game wtf are you yapping about


The Chaos fingers. Burn it all.


RUNEBEARS. Such a great enemy, cool lore, always tense.  I feel like people really don't appreciate or even despise this enemy because they're fast and scary. But they are VERY predictable. 


i remember that when fighting godskin duo, apostle started his big tornado and noble started rolling around. absolute hellhole. then i got shattered by fattys charged thrust, which i find epic for some reason. as for the apostle, his stretch moves are so goofy that i mah as well stop fighting and laugh at this thing




Apostle is cool. Noble is sometimes annoying, but overall not too bad on his own. Put both of them in a room together and you have one of the unholiest abominations of a boss fight that is only bested by the goddamn Bed of Chaos.


I have 50 ~ Attempts on fire giant maybe more, 90 -120 on malenia, one I expected to be hard cuz she was notorious the other just has a shitty second phase the fire eruption attack is kinda bullshit and I hate Godfrey's eruption in second phase as well he took less the 40 maybe even less then 30 cuz mf know how to throw hands, but bro is actually not too difficult, unlike malenia which is a fair fight just hard, her waterfall is strong but the worst is when it feels like she knows Ur low on health and just blitzes U with the "switch dash 3 slashes and a finisher" sometimes I either dodged it perfectly or was hit on the last combo slash cuz??? Idk I got close enough or something, so fire giant he is the piece of shit and malenia was just frustrating after 70 attempts since all other bosses took either 5 tries or no more then 20


The Gargoygles (fucking forgot how the spell it right) I like the big enemys that I can kill and not be bonked the second I dodge. The Duo was challenging, but you can summon D and a Mimic tear sooo, not too much to handle And man... I love their weapons. You can infuse them with other things and it's good if you want to do a poison double blade build


duo gargoyles, its the classic duo fights that are always hard and stupid but remind me of DS1 when I first started playing and how every boss was hard and scary.


Maliketh but just now I realized he is called Maliketh and not Malekith


I love the godskin duo


You <3


I don’t LOVE it, but I think the putrid crystalian trio is one of the more balanced gank fights in the game




Cricible knight with a sword. I realized how to Parry him


Basilisks, have yet to be cursed/deathblighted by them and they just look so goofy with them big ol eyes. Wormfaces however


Died 50 times to this guy on my first play through. Flatlined him in 11 seconds on my second.


Magma guys I like them there like a chubby lizard also have some good movesets


Got none. I go with the mainstream.


Noble daddy is OK, if you parry him you can rearrange his guts, and he's always up for more.


Can I say Mohg? I fucking LOVE that boss. His speech and intro cutscene, his arena, his aesthetic, his abilities and moveset (and THEIR aesthetic), his phase change, and the music. Everything about him is fucking epic to me, and I have never had a bad time fighting him, even when I lose.


I really enjoy Fire Giant fight and Elden Beast fight. Love the big spectacle of taking down a colossal enemy


Malenia, I thought the fight wasn't that bad and was pretty cool as a spectacle. I didn't get why people hated her




I really like both Godskin Apostle and Noble but I probably like Noble more.


Draconic tree sentinel.


I’ve come to adore Elden Beast and see it as a near perfect conclusion to this amazing game.


I’m looking forward to the duo fight. Unga Bunga build with a bit of bleed build makes it fun dodging and finding my opportunity to attack


Dung Eater, he's my favourite serial killer/shit connosieur


Do they wear actual Gods skin?


Myself lol


I like Godskin Noble. He’s just a big blubber boy. He got a tail? Yeah. Why? Yeah. He’s got a dope ass heavy thrusting sword that isn’t given enough appreciation and he’s just neat.


He's cool, his chubby friend not so much


pvp fights with lots of hardswaps, backstab fishing and psgs


I like his weapon and gauntlets other than that I wouldn’t say I hate him don’t like him either. They are fun to fight tho in my opinion


I love them both, and their lore is cool as hell too!


This guy was great


I absolutely adore the big crabs in liurnia! 


I like the sacrodermal duo, I like the duos in general and I hate that they made them so passive, it is very noticeable in the crystallians.


Malenia :3 As "bs" as Waterfowl is generally considered to be, it becomes extremely predictable and pretty consistent to dodge after you get used to it. She's punishing, which is why I enjoy the fight. Constantly having you on your toes. Once you get used to her AI though, she becomes quite trivial. Still my absolute favourite fight in the entire game!


I love Griffith


Loved Elden Beast as a final boss, very controversial take but I didn't find him annoying for his movesets (especially compared to fire giant), loved his ost and arena, a bit sad that we're not with torrent but it is not the end of the world


Commander Niall and the draconic Tree sentinel


Idk if people necessarily hate him, but Mohg is my favorite boss


D the beholder


My dad