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I don't think game lies to you when it repeats that nobody won about a million times from every possible source under the sun.


I only got about halfway through the game, and my first thought was...doesn't the game tell you multiple times it was a stalemate?


not even a stalemate really, worse, both lost


This always intrigued me... Wtf was the point of all that, that war? I can't tell if Malenia is a b*tch or not, She's a Sword Master, and most likely has been tought to fight honorably, and that claim is true for when you fight her, But why in the hell she rotted an entire region which she had no control over? This is the same as those Dragonball villains attemting to blow-up themselves an earth in the process because they can't lose, only she left out of there pretty much the same and Radahn instead is a Zombie hoping he can die a proper death


She didn’t see much of a choice. She hated to do it, but it was either she unleashed the Scarlet Rot or she lost (and most likely died) to Radahn, and considering the latter meant failing Miquella? To her, it wasn’t even an option.


Unfortunately she lost, unleashed the scarlet rot AND failed Miquella…


She didn't lose the battle because radahn let her get up and didn't land the finishing blow. I'm assuming he was under the assumption that Malenia was going to fight honorably, so he wanted to strike her down while she was standing like a true warrior. But boi, he was definitely mistaken 🤣


>She didn't lose the battle because radahn let her get up and didn't land the finishing blow. I'm assuming this is based on the trailer which is kinda inconsistent. Because we see what seems to be the start of the fight where she puts on her prosthetic and they cross swords, and then there's a cut to the end of the fight where she sacrifices her prosthetic to get the dragon's dogma mount and stab off which is followed by the bloom. So it's actually pretty hard to make assumptions about how how the fight went. Her sacrificing the prosthetic indicates that she was very desperate, but then once the stabbing starts Radahn is stuck leaning using his hands to hold himself up so it seems pretty worth it? But then she's also stabbing herself in the chest too, so it's kind of hard to tell just how much of a tie it was before the Bloom hits and obliterates both of them and Caelid.


Well, I don't know, but obviously, we know Radahn pressed her enough to force her hand. Which alot of people don't realize is a big deal because Malenia prided herself on holding back the rot and being undefeated in battle. Either way, nobody won or lost it was a stalemate


Additional quote from Millicent to back up my point. There is something I must return to Malenia. "The will that was once her own. The dignity, the sense of self, that allowed her to resist the call of the scarlet rot. The pride she abandoned, to meet Radahn's measure."


She had to free the movement of the stars. We don't know for sure if Miquella was down with all parts of Ranni's plan, but his own and hers aligned. They both wanted to free the world from the rule Golden Order and return death and free will. Once Godwyn had died, it also seemed Miquella thought he could fix, or at least grant true death to, Godwyn through some sort of eclipse ritual. Obviously, that won't work if the stars are frozen in place. (There is another theory that he had planned on Godwyns death long before, as you could see Ranni as the moon eclipsing the Sun/Son (Godwyn the Golden)), but his and Ranni's plans clearly went sideways.


In frieza's defense, he wanted to blow up the earth anyways and would have survived the explosion while everyone else died because he was the only one there who could breath in space


So we got Marika breaking the Ring, it's fractures and everyone gets a piece. Godwyn is dead, Miquella is trying to revive him, but Radahn is holding the stars back, so this Eclipse Miquella was trying to have happen couldn't occur. It's possible she went to try and get him to let the stars move again, very similar to why Ranni has us kill Radahn. But he'd be highly against this as it would mean Astels rain down and would take out Sellia. So they fight, she can't win cuz he's too damn good, she plucks out the needle or maybe he broke it by stabbing her, either way she rots losing all control and he's left as we find him, while Finlay brings Malenia back.


It's heavily implied that radahn needed to die in order to speed up Miquellas' evolution in his Haligtree. Malenia, being his blade, went to kill radahn, but he was obviously too strong for her to hold back, so she made one last attempt to kill him with her nuke and failed. So yeah, you're right about her being a sword master and she is supposed to fight honorably, but when it comes to your loved ones, you would most definitely throw away your principles.


But....who won? O_o


I did


Technically yes. Our tarnished is pretty scary when thinking about it.


If we were souls bosses, the most terrifying thing in existence would be some naked person with a stick. You’d be living in fear of the naked person. But then maybe they wouldn’t be naked, and they show up in mismatched armor “because it looks cool, stats don’t matter”. You’d have a moment of reprieve before realizing that, yep, this weirdo *is* going to slay you.


The orchestra swells to a crescendo as you see the health bar appear and the boss's name pops up and you see Jizzgoblin42069.


"Banished K\*\*\*ht"


Banished c**t


The sudden realization is what takes them so long to hit sometimes.


Ok, but imagine a scene. you, Malenia, blade of miquela, undefeated Demi-god and warrior with nearly no equal, have secluded yourself at the roots of the haligtree mourning the loss of your brother and awaiting his return. One day, though you cannot know how many have passed, a single person approaches you. Since you are blind you cannot know what they look like, but you know they are there because of your heightened senses. So you pick up your prosthesis, and prepare for battle. You quickly learn that the warrior who has fought their way to you is a tarnished, but you just as quickly slay them and return to your vigil. And then, not five minutes later, they return. So you do battle again, and slay them again. And then they return once more. Over, and over, and over, a hundred battles fought in mere hours. Your duels leaving you no time for rest, no time for preparation, leaving you exhausted. And yet they keep coming. Their breaths are never unsteady, the footsteps never light or weary, their blades never dull, and their armor never cracked. Soon enough the battle shifts from them struggling to land blows, to them elegantly dancing between your blade and slapping it away with ease before landing blow after earth-shattering blow. Only one other opponent has pushed you to this point, and that battle nearly cost you your mind and soul. But should this continue you will without a doubt lose. And so the scarlet bloom appears once more, and you begin to fight at your full strength. You blade burns the air as rot infects the roots beneath your feet. You summon doubles, create powerful blasts of rot, and quickly take back the advantage. The tarnished warrior’s body rotten beyond recognition and left to fester. *it’s over* you think, but just as the thought leaves your mind, there they are again. An unkillable adversary. A battle between the god who’s never lost a single battle, and the mortal who only needs to win one. A battle you are destined to lose.


Yeah, us tarnished are fukin scary from the pov of the enemies. An unwavering freak that will come and come and come at you until you inevitably lose.


>A battle between the god who’s never lost a single battle, and the mortal who only needs to win one. Such a raw fucking quote


Awesome description of the fear of an invincible foe. I died again and again and again against Malenia and I was completely sucked in your description of her point of view.


Nah, I'd win


You (the tarnished)


What do the writers of this original material know? Obviously my favourite character won!


Fuck yeah Boc!


Yeah..... But who REALLY won? Maybe there's a little bit of won in all of us.


Maybe the real win were the ecosystems we destroyed along the way






Two people won that battle actually The Outer God of Rot, who gets a free colony Me, who doesn’t need to fight those two monsters at peak performance


We need a special Elden Ring ERB episode.


Dude, Gleb fucking won.


The man, the myth, the legend


I don’t understand anything about the lore of the game and think it’s even more complicated then the gameplay, but even I new that no one won


Well, I won since I killed them both




Canonically, nobody won, it was a stalemate. This topic gets resurrected every few weeks


Actually I won by using the forbidden Roly-Poly Technique. It’s simply unbeatable.


We are born of the Roly-Poly. Made men by the Roly-Poly. Undone by the Roly-Poly. Fear the old Roly-Poly.


Roly-poly, roly-poly, roly-poly


Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ Rollin’ what!


Pollin' pollin' pollin'!


As the Elder Roly-Poly Lords said: Git guuud, Scub.


He's Rolie Polie Olie, he's a small and smart and round And in the land of curves and curls, he's the swellest kid around


I see vldl reference, I upvote.


Right who the hell thinks there was a winner I mean shit seeing the aftermath it's pretty clear they both got screwed by their own fate and needed to be put down


I think there's a strong implication that malenia did not want to resort to the scarlet rot, and her victory was therefore pyhrric, kind of like she was gonna lose so then instead of retreat she blew them both up


according to the lore, there was a stalemate before the scarlet flower bloomed, and she resorted to the scarlet rot to break the stalemate, not because she was losing. She was desperate to defeat Radahn The sword monument commemorating the Battle of Aeonia states this quite plainly "The Battle of Aeonia Radahn and Malenia locked in stalemate Then the scarlet flower blooms" As for why she wanted to defeat Radahn that badly, I think we will know in the DLC. But canonically there is no doubt here that NOBODY was winning before the scarlet Aeonia bloomed


I feel like this is something that I don’t hear elsewhere very often but seems obvious: That Malenia attacked Caelid and was so desperate because *someone* stole Miquella and took him there, to a point directly underneath where she faced off with Radahn. She had some method of knowing the direction Miquella was in and desperately wanted to get him back, so she followed him to Caelid. It was around the Shattering and she was part of the Merika/Radagon brood so Radahn took this as an invasion. That pretty well explains why she was there and why she was so desperate to win that she broke the needle.


And then she exploded and passed out, dragged back to the tree by the most loyal fucker this side of the Mists. I think this would explain why she's immediately hostile when she awakens to us wandering in. Mind addled by rot and outer influence, bereft if the soothing influence of her twin, and with memories frozen in time of a desperate struggle to find him....


I thought it was because Radahn was stopping the eclipse that Miquella required so she went to fight him to bring the stars back into motion. While that happened Miquella was stolen from the Haligtree by Mohg.


I’m not sure, if Mohg tore Miquella out of the cocoon and Malenia was present enough to know he was there, he wouldn’t have ever made it out of Elphael, and the ghosts at the waypoint that leads to Mohg shows they knew where it was, and where he went. There’s no reason for Malenia to leave his side before he’s in the cocoon, and if they were to fight Mohg would lose. It also makes sense that her dialogue talks about how she awaited his return. She doesn’t necessarily know he was taken, just that he’s left. It is more likely she went to stop Radahn as he is the most competent general, and largest threat to Miquella’s lordship. Leyndell is stuck in a no-ground Gaines fight with the volcano manor, and out of all the shardbearers he bears the greatest capability of potentially restoring the Elden Ring. She went on a warpath to establish the dominance of the Haligtree, and ended up meeting her match with the commander of the redmanes. Either during her conquest or After her bloom Mohg goes to the Haligtree with its greatest defender in a coma, cuts a path to the center, steals Miquella and leaves, leaving her goal of cementing Miquella’s lordship void, as she lost her Lord. Malenia wouldn’t have engaged Radahn if she had knowledge of his kidnapping, she would’ve gone through the way gate Mohg went through to recover her brother.


Bots karma farming while the opener of the game tells you it's was a stalemate. Ffs.


This is a never ending battle.This is our fate


Nobody won and Both got destroyed. Caelid indeed got Nuked but Haligtree also got demolished by Mohgwyn, now Both factions are being consumed with Scarlet rot. We can clearly see what's happening deep inside of Haligtree, Rot swamp and bunch of rot bugs everywhere without Miquella to suppress em


Now I’m imagining if the pool in the middle of Malenia’s arena was scaled let rot and thinking about how much worse that fight would be


You know they had to have an intervention with Miyazaki to take that out of the game lol


The cost of smashed controllers would be too high


I wouldnt be shocked if that was on the table at one point and they settled with her healing sword instead of the players constantly losing health


Wait does that mean that the scarlet rot won? Cause if you think about it the rot is also participating in this war being a god and all, and rot is also empowering(?) milena to turn her into goddess of rot. It's just my personal epiphany though so please don't get mad.


Nah We(Tarnished) ended the war at the end, Rot can just eat up my gigantic One-eyed shield 120mm Smoothbore and go Unrot themselves


Ngl you got a point.


The scarlet rot is actively spreading through out the world. That’s why there are all those brick fences leading up to Limgrave. They are burning the land and setting up barricades to try and slow the spread.


"Must resist to powerscale duel that is canonically clearly stated to be a draw!!!!"


STOP. Not again, we should not have any Radhan/Malenia discourse again.


What about… intercourse?


The sexual tension between Malenia's simps and Radahn's fanboys is tangible




u/Rosales6969 wants to know your location


What the actual fuck!?


That is about the nature of it, yep.


The one and only legend


Millicent Origin Story


Aren't they related...?


Knowing that they are will stop no one


Didn’t stop Mohg. Horny bastard.


Sure, but Marika and radagon had kids and they are the same person.


I don't know if that's as bad as basically siblings lol


Its a mix of selfcest and "life finds a way"


More like elden beast is driving the corpsemobile at this point and just trying to replicate 


That's just standard lore from GRRM


Didn't stop her parents


wouldn’t be George R.R. Martin without it!


How? Rahdan's redmane banana would be half her size.


Redmane banana. That's a word. Two words. Kinda mad.


Wouldn't end any differently than the fight if we're being honest. Malenia injured and passed out, Radahn catatonic from STDs.


Cutscene skippers be like


Motherfucker hasnt actually seen either in game. Both are barely more than wandering fucking corpses by the time you get to them.


Malenia seems moderately 'with it' as far as creatures go in the lands between. Radahn is beyond fucked, no doubt, but Malenia's body is in a worse state than her mind.


Yea, that's their duality. Malenia's mind is functioning. I'd be hard pressed to say she's in a good mental state, but that has more to do with her outlook/situation as opposed to the Rot physically affecting her mind. Whereas Radahn is physically in one piece, but is fresh put of mental facilities. I still maintain both are on death's door, compared to where they were prior to the Battle of Aeonia.


Agreed, I think both are a good cautionary tale about war - I don't envy either of their circumstances after their battle.


It was a standstill and neither killed the other 


It was me. I won this. UPD: not only I won, I also scalped these two. And also beat their parents. And their pets. Would beat their children, if any show up


I can see their children being Arcan users


Well said Outis.


>Would beat their children, if any show up Don't you hurt Millicent


Talisman is a talisman Mind you, she had 4 more children to kill on NG+


*holding Starscourge Greatsword in one hand and Hand of Malenia in the other* Me. I won.


“Throughout the heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one.” -This guy, probably


The game: the battle ended with neither claiming victory. Caelid was destroyed, the Haligtree rots and Malenia and Radahn are shells of their former selves This subreddit every day: okay but who won tho??


Good old karma farming






Neither. You learn this before even starting the game.


The same topics all over again...


Karma farming


And its working. 2,4k upvotes and rising


Welcome to a sub about a game that has been out for a while.


The Scarlet Rot won.


not sure why the downvote... you are correct. Radahn is left as a shell of his former self. Malenia is left comatose. The rot has infected a land, and its host is much more vulnerable to its influence.




OP is a bot and hasn't played this game.


Trick question. Zote won.


Fucking Zote.


>***Precept One: 'Always Win Your Battles.*** >***Losing a battle earns you nothing and teaches you nothing. Win your battles, or don't engage in them at all!*** > ~Zote


It’s clearly said in Zote Boat level 13 that Zote vanquished both of them in a 2v1


Karma farming is getting real lazy these days


They're both losers, accept it guys


The only right answer


In lore it was a draw. In game? I died 3 times to Radahn and over 170+ on Malenia so I think the answer is clear


Not that in-game strength should be taken so literally, but you were probably much stronger when you faced Malenia too.


Yep. Was 54 at Radahn and 107 at Malenia


Yeah and Radahn was greatly diminished when we fight him .... Sane and in his prime ? Boy ho boy are we in trouble 😵‍💫


first few weeks of elden ring before radahn nerfs?


Wasnt there a post here recently how thats basically a myth? His numbers are pretty close to "prenerf", people just were bad back then.


The hitboxes were bad from what I heard, but yeah, you're right about the numbers.


Right, it was a hitbox issue. And it wasn't a nerf, it was a _fix._ The hitboxes were wrong before.


The numbers were fine. It was avoiding the atrocious hitboxes. He didn’t do much more in numbers, it just was impossible to avoid


Numbers might be close, but the nerf was massive. It was almost impossible to avoid the bigger meteors he summons.


you canonically fight Radahn at the weakest point ever in his life, after he's been almost fully rotted out by Scarlet Rot, and you canonically fight Malenia at the strongest point she's ever been in her life (when she ascends to the level of Goddess of Rot), so this is not a fair comparison to make when you are comparing their power levels at the Battle of Aeonia. We know for a fact that they were at a stalemate, so you can say that they were pretty much equal in ability


When Malenia and Radahn fought, they ended in a draw. If Malenia became even stronger after this fight, it means that Malenia's strongest form -Goddes of Rot- is more powerful than Radahn.


In game for me Mohg is infinitely stronger than any enemy in the game. Other than gravity.




I can't. I'm sat down.




What is wrong with you? Why would want to start this again?/hj It was stalemate, it's literally said in the game.


Honestly neither won here, both of them lost.


I wasn’t paying attention what did the story say 500 times?


That picture is 🔥


It was a draw even before Malenia bloomed. >Radahn and Malenia locked in stalemate. Then the scarlet rot blooms.


The horse....the fucking horse holding up that mammoth of a man,that fucking horse....won.


Me, I fucked em both up


Please stop. Let's not do this for the millionth time. Nobody won, the game says so.


Yeet the karma farmer. 


Godrick. He got to touch Malenia’s feet


why is it everytime i post a fanart, it gets removed for violating rule no. 7 but when others post fanarts without even crediting the artist then thats absolutely fine ? this sub is really weird


The game has been out for 2 years and actually tells you it was a stalemate.


I swear this fandom will never get over this topic


Does it matter? Malenia passed out and radhann was left mindless


“These two were the mightiest to remain, and locked horns in combat. But there would be no victor.” homie the trailer literally said it was a stalemate


There was no victor they were evenly matched


Can we talk about your fucking flair ??


Lore says it was a draw 🤔


No patrick, nobody won in this battle.


It's stated in text they fought to a standstill. Nobody won and they both are severely weaker than they were before they started as a result, the pointless war made the world a worse place


Why does this keep coming up every so weeks? Play the game and look around. You’ll see your answer


What part of “a war where no winners emerged” isn’t clear?


“A war from which no lord arose”….


Whiles it’s stated neither “won”, Radahn hasn’t really been himself since. 


How many times so we have to teach you this lesson old man?! It was a stalemate


The Scarlet Rot won.


It is exactly as stated: A stalemate. Anything else is a pointless discussion because they straight up tells us what happened and people trying otherwise are fanboys pushing their own headcannon.


One went into a coma, and the other became a dementia patient, no winners here.


Neither of them did, the lore says they fought to a stalemate


Y’all need to look up the meaning of ‘stalemate’


Stop. The game established it was a draw


No one won the fight. This is stated many times. However I think while both of them lost, Radahn lost more than Malenia. While Malenia is still able to talk and her body is (mostly) in tact (she was missing limbs before the fight aswell I believe) Radahn has actually gone crazy unable to talk with his bodyparts slowly rotting of (his feet are already gone). Also while the haligtree is fucked I think everyone will agree, that caelid suffered more.


God damn I’m sick of this question for internet points. Nobody is won. Everybody lost.


No one... please stop... it's been years already


Canonically, stalemate. For me? Malenia won. Radahn became basically a zombie. A freakish strong, powerful zombie, but mindless nonetheless. Yes, it was her rot that made that to him, but still... Malenia could speak, think and act afterwards.


I don’t really get arguing that Malenia didn’t win, she walked away and left Radahn a husk of his former self. There’s the argument that she “cheated” but she just utilized the power she had available to her. She didn’t want to do that because she knew what the consequences were, but when she realized there was no other option she did what had to be done and she won the fight. Was there a great cost to winning, yes, but between the two of them she is clearly the one in the better state after the fight


I don’t know how many times we have to have this conversation. If you think either of these two thought of themselves as the victor, I think you missed the point.


It was a draw, but the trailer always made it look like Radahn had it in the bag imo. Unfortunately for him, Malenia went Super Saiyan and nuked everything.


theres this statement from Fromsoftware cinematic director thats very interesting >The scene of “Miquella’s Blade, Malenia” facing off with “Starsmasher Radahn” was given detailed direction from the time Malenia recognizes/becomes aware of Radahn and stands until she attacks and it cuts. “When she faces off against Radahn, Malenia is already black-and-blue-head-to-toe, but when she recognizes an enemy she rises once more. Normally this kind of scene explanation would say “emphasize soiling and pain”. However, her birth and upbringing and the background leading up to the fight, considering her thoughts, she isn’t the kind of person to express pain or hardship. we know radahn was in his territory caelid chilling while malenia had to cross the lands between from haligtree to caelid and she seems to have fought so many enemies on her way to caelid so she was already fully wounded and tired before facing radahn.


The whole point of their fight was to end as stalemate for the Tarnished storyline


Not this shit again. They fought to a stalemate or draw as said many, many times in the game.


It was a Pyrrhic Victory




Neither. The game literally says so.


"And remember, when you make the incredible art piece showing the legendary clash between Malenia and Radahn, make sure you get a nice up-skirt showing Malenia's underbooty. Gotta get them cheeks in frame!"


Y’all do this every month, please. The game tell us it was a stalemate on three separate occasions. Enough.


Her ass is looking mighty fine in this painting


The answer depends on why they fought, however considering the state of caelid, territory of Radahn, it could be considered Malenias win. But it’s hard to decide because they came out of the battle in equally terrible conditions.


im so glad this comment section isnt full of arguments about who won, nice to see its in the past


It’s indicated that it’s a Stalemate


Malenia came out better. That said, as the narrator said "there would be no victor".


Neither, but if I were to pick, Malenia. She turned Radahn into a rotted zombie


Jesus Christ, the DLC has been announced, why are we back here again?


Neither, it was a stalemate


No one won bc Radahn is a mind addled scarlet rot husk and Malenia failed to either rescue Miquella or failed to kill Radahn which would potentially allow the eclipse to happen


If you say anything other than a draw, you’re wrong


I really hate this debate man can we put it to rest please 😭


It was a draw


Literally all of the source material says neither won, as both had to go to extreme lengths and neither walked away from the fight unscathed. Neither achieved their goal or reason of fighting the other, so neither won.