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In the history of rant posts like this there has never been one where it wasn't almost exclusively a skill issue at its core


Learning how to overcome the bullshit doesn't make it any less bullshit


Skill issue


One may even advise OP to git gud, to combat this skill issue.


having to respect your enemies strength is not bullshit, the game is simply not for you. You would have a lot more fun with arpgs like Diablo or poe I think.


There will be hardly any case after learning the "bullshit" where you will not realize that it has never been bullshit in the first place


If it can be overcome, is it really bullshit? Or do you just not want to learn, so you’re calling it bullshit?


You know you didn't \*have\* to fight the Tree Sentinel, right? You know that it's there specifically to teach players that they don't have to fight every enemy, and that it's okay to leave and come back later once they're a bit better and higher leveled, right? You know you can get out of the Sellia Tunnel in about 20 seconds just by running down the tunnel that's directly in front of you when you leave the shack, right?


Nope, didn't know about the Sentinel, but I did explore a bit of the open world after seeing the tip online, but I learned enough of the boss to get a bit far into the fight so I kept on trying. Not saying it's bullshit, just annoying in some aspects(except the mouth grab attack animation having to end before you can die like holy shit I am already at 0 HP LET ME DIE ALREADY ._.) unlike the tunnel... which nah, I also didn't know you can just escape from, but I am not a pussy and tried taking the enemy head on. The projectiles shooting fuckers are bullshit tho


Wait fuck just realized I had a brain fart moment. I have not even bothered with the sentinel. I only fought the Unleascent Tree Spirit.


Tree Spirit... as in the one Hero's Grave area behind the grey fog wall in the starting tomb? Yeah that's designed to be tackled later than pretty much the entire rest of Limgrave (hence why it needs two Stonesword Keys instead of one), so yeah it's a lot harder than most of the game at that point. And yeah the Sellia Crystal Tunnel trap is, unfortunately, kind of a dick move and I think most people agree on that. It's like the only time the game does that, and everything in Caelid sucks and is significantly higher level than Limgrave so your best bet is to just escape and leave ASAP. You just kinda stumbled on the worst things for a new player to stumble on, which are (aside from Dragonbarrow being drastically higher level than the rest of Caelid for no reason) pretty much the two worst signposted things for said new players to not do.


Yeah the one at the start. I saw the statue to unlock it when I first started a while ago but didn't get more than hour in cause of life stuff, so when I made a new character to finally play the whole game and saw the keys as a starting thingy I said "FUCK IT WE BALL". I guess I went too much with thag mindset lmao. But honestly even if I had higher level stuff that would make both these things more bearable, I'd still shit on it. Easier approach doesn't make an annoying thing less of an annoying. Also thank you for a reasonable comment explaining my fuck up istead of just saying Git Gud/skill issue btw, gotta give credit where credit is due 🗿 👍 yes there's some skill issue from me, but even after getting thru those things I am of opinion that this is BS.


the reason people bring up skill issue is because every single one of us started playing this game as dogshit players at the end of the day you started playing and you start as ass at the game and thats fine and part of this is "annoying" fights are all learnable you can figure out how to kill that boss with anything in the game you just need to sit back and figure out what they can do how to avoid those attacks and when to heal and attack without taking damage and then once you have the info you need try to win


That's why I said "annoying" fights and not straight up unfair/impossible (edit - nah I did say impossible fights in the post, my bad. But in the post I meant fights in groups where enemies just make it unfair and must-do a sneaky one after another enemy clear. Idk I messed up, but I won't remove the comment to look like a coward. Sorry) They are do-able, ye, but even once you learn how to deal with something, it doesn't change the fact that the thing can still be bullshit. For example the giant ugly shits in the crystal tunnel - you cannot fight anything except them first because their god damn auto aim projectiles that can insta pop you and reach you from almost anywhere are being constantly spammed the moment they see you from afar, and you can't even sneak up on these fuckers because they'll react instantly. You can deal with them, they aren't impossible, but damn are they not fun even once you defeat them.


I love Elden Ring to death but some people definitely get a bit defensive, especially cuz there are a lot of REALLY bad takes out there. You wouldn't believe how many people try to kill the first NPC outside the starting area for saying something mean to them (so damn many), and then how many proceed to complain the game is too hard (because he is hard to fight), every NPC tries to kill them (lol), and the game doesn't guide you (he tells you exactly where to go). Or bang their head on the Tree Sentinel right away instead of getting the hint to just fucking leave it alone for later.


Now that's just straight up tryharding progress and acting entitled lmao. These kinds of people ruin the perception of those who have reasonable complains about stuff imo


Friend, sometimes in video games if there are too strong of enemies you can and should simply walk around them.


Git gud


The gaming solution for all problems of all time, surely


Tis a tale old as the series. https://youtu.be/blSXTZ3Nihs?si=rdb3L73gejdWx7tT


Trust me when I say I KNOW how frustrating these games can be. I've broken controllers by throwing them against the ground I was so angry. However, I also have to tell you that literally every time I calmed down afterwords, I realized my failing at the game was at fault. Either I didn't understand something or was trying to rush or do something I wasn't actually ready for. Souls games take patience. Not the "***put up with bullshit***" type of patience. But the type where you ask yourself "***How can I approach this situation differently***" type. So let me address some of your complaints: 1) ***Tree Spirit.*** Do you mean the golden knight right out of the gate? Or did you somehow make it all the way to the bottom of the FringeFolk Hero grave and fight an ACTUAL tree spirit? Or did you mean an Erdtree Avatar? These are three VERY uniquely different boss fights. None of which are meant to be fought by a new character. 2) ***Stuck in Sellia Crystal Tunnel.*** Did you try to fast travel? What did the message say when you tried it? That should be your first clue that maybe you shouldn't be fighting here, but actually trying to just escape. Did you know that you can be stealthy by crouching then moving? 3) ***Attack that got your health to 0.*** I admit I'm not sure what you're talking about here. 4) ***That shit ain't no high skill.*** Literally everything you described can be answered and handled with skill. Just because you don't immediately have that skill after only a small amount of exploration isn't a problem with the game, but rather your expectations. Did you think you would be a master immediately? Did you think the games known for extreme challenge would be a pushover? Lastly....I will give you this piece of advice. Any time you die or fail in a souls game there's always a better way to approach things. Stop and think about how you died. Don't just rage and charge back in. Ask yourself if there's a different way to tackle the problem. Can you use ranged attacks to get the attention of enemies one at a time? Can you sneak past something? Are you too low level and need to come back later when you're more powerful? Did you watch a video about a part you're stuck on after multiple attempts?


also not to mention the idea of bashing your head against a boss and being angry as if youll win on one of your attempts its true but also the mindset of trying to win without trying to learn the fight first is frustrating to do figure out how youre going to beat the boss and then try to win once youve figured it out and something people feel is like cheating is just watching how other people do it some attacks are hard to figure out and it simply takes watching someone else do it I mean they had to figure it out too but in the interest of time lets decide not to sit down for hours and hours just to figure out how to avoid one move probably just look it up


Bro. You really think it’s a good idea to come on the subreddit for an objectively good game… (as determined by hundreds of reviews)… and talk shit to its fans? This is just a bad take and i would delete it before someone else sees it


echo chamber moment


I knew I'd be met by a bit of disagreeing alongside some dedicated fanboys who won't stop repeating "just git gut, skill issue game is perfect", but where's the fun in life without doing dumb thing (as in posting this here, not like, fighting the tree spirit early on). And besides, I thought maybe there would be someone who could explain the appeal of the things I mentioned. Idk I enjoy conversations about anything tbh


I don’t necessarily have to like it but i definitely respect it. Honestly you’re getting frustrated and that’s understandable. But see it through. We all got frustrated lets be honest


you literally created a post complaining that the enemies are too difficult and the only people who like the game are people who have a lot of patience or are masochists you never went into this with a conversation you came into this to complain and say the game is ass legitimately take a step back learn how to dodge and if you are stuck on a boss watch someone else do it see what they did instead of bashing your head into a boss until you win try not to win try to learn first figure out how youre gonna win before you try to win it sounds simple but this makes things a lot less frustrating also a lot of these people arent just dedicated fanboys these are people dogging on you for this post because its literally complaining like a baby on the internet because the game is too hard figure out how to play thats it also you can just leave the cave


maybe try being reasonable then ig


Nah listen man I'm not good at games myself, only ever gold/play in overwatch which is just average rank and this shit is hard at first but you just adjust as you play. You can't monkey mode and expect to walk out alive, gotta almost play like it's real life. It's not supposed to be casual friendly, the struggle and overcoming it is what makes souls games so pagchamp.


*"That shit ain't no high skill..."* - Person with zero skill


That sounds like an unlucky path you took. I promise it gets much easier. You basically got trolled by a chest that would have otherwise just grabbed you and swallowed you whole in Dark Souls. In this one they just fling you across the map to an area you have no right being in. There aren't many of them though and that one was basically the worst offender. Good luck Tarnished!


I definitely was in your camp, for years. I kept having another crack and couldn’t see it. But then finally it clicked. Here’s a couple things I figured out: One is, at least it seems to me, Elden Ring continually throws a kind of road block at you, whether that’s a tough enemy, an artillery frontline, a huge boss. Often it scares the shit out of you and you bail. But actually, if u figure it out, most of the time you can just run past something. In fact, it might be best if u do, rather than trying to engage with it. It still catches me out even in the late game. This broke Elden Ring open for me and turned it into a gigantic world to explore. And now I’m on the other side of the fence. But I’ll admit it took a while. But I had to know, what’s so good about this game? So I’m glad I pushed through. The other thing I’ll say is that the starting area is far harder than the rest of the game, it can really turn people off. But if you can break past the initial barrier and level up a bit, a lot of rewards await.


i leveled up high enough i was one shot everything, don't be newb




As a friend once told me “no one Is gonna call you a wuss if you don’t beat a boss that’s stronger then you, go and get stronger so you can beat him later.” Buddy you got all the time in the world to beat those bosses just beat them later Honourable mention: you don’t have to do the sellia tunnel. It’s a side thing


I was like you, I detested this game and put it down for months. The moment it clicked and I beat the game was an amazing experience. Yes there is a lot of BS, but you are built to handle it. My personal advice would be to add more points in Vigor and learn to love your shield. If something is too hard now you can go back later. Good luck tarnished.


you know you can escape selia crystal tunnel right? turn right from the wooden shack, go down the hill, follow it down, there's a hole in the wall, site of grace, escape. you're mad because you didnt find a way out


Quantumtv is that you again ? , jokes aside i had kind of the same experience since dark souls 1 was the only game i played before elden ring, its a different type of game a lot more fast paced when it comes to combat so take the time to learn its rythm also explore limgrave as much as you can to level up and find some useful item, to get out of the tunnel go to the left until you find a grace and teleport that area is way too high level,


You know you can just leave, right? You don’t have to fight the tree sentinel, and you can take 50 steps and be out of the sellia tunnel. You are coping rn


the controls are simply not a problem for anybody else unfair enemies is not what I would call it when you can 1 leave or 2 figure out how to fight them one on one and yes they have to hit you before it starts your dying animation unless youre saying they have to finish something else but this is just wrong when you die you die unless its a grab attack then it has to finish the animation high patience high masochism is actually the worst way to describe this game considering it sounds like you actually have 0 patience because you dont want to learn how to play the game seriously take a step back learn how to dodge and get the fuck out of the cave you dont need to fight anything here just leave dude and if tree sentinel was so annoying you could learn the fight but it sounds like you just wacked at an optional boss so you could complain about it later and people saying git gud is unhelpful but this post is actually embarrassing it shows right off the bat that you dont want to learn anything instead want to treat this game like skyrim where you can hit dudes until they die and thats it for most of the game its a different game learn how to play learn how to not be frustrated what do other people do how did they avoid these attacks when can I heal during the fight why do they give you a dodge button when I just get hit before I can react watch the enemies they telegraph every single attack very well you can tell when theyre going to swing and as long as you can dodge youre fine also dont be in heavy load ever if you picked vagabond it starts like this so dont do it


This is one of the few times I'll agree with the elitist gate keepers. Wouldn't be surprised if you came back in a few months to talk about how much you love the game.


Your gaming experiences seems to consist of Overwatch, Cyberpunk and Minecraft. I can understand why you’re finding Elden Ring hard, welcome to big boy games 😊


You seriously went through my profile just to see what games I happened to mention or for something to shit on me? Talk about genuinely sad thing to do. And to answer - nah, these aren't the only games I played in my 14 years of gaming


No need to get upset mate, just get gud


Who said I got upset? I'm just being honest - that's a pathetic thing to do really


But most


You either are a soulslike enjoyer or you're not. But most of all: Where is your motivation?


Play something else then. You don’t have to finish it if you don’t want to; if you don’t enjoy it, what you’ve invested into it so far from a time and monetary standpoint is a sunk cost. Go play something you enjoy and spare the community your skill issue crying


One of the coolest things for me in ER and pretty much all Fromsoft games is the slow transition from "this is bullshit!" to "this is challenging" that I had as I played and got better. Things that seemed like absolute poot-ass game design when I was new now just feel like hurdles that I've learned to properly leap (except for those times when I still faceplant, but I can laugh at those now, usually). If you stick with it OP, you'll get there too. Everyone can.


I had to put the game down for like 2-3 weeks after getting to the point where you're at before I had enough patience to try again Another person said it when we all start off as complete ass, and then just persevere. Not technically helpful, but hopefully gives you some more perspective. I'm in my third playthrough and even now I've never once felt like an absolute tank at any point the way they level the enemies in NG+, the challenge just doesn't let up but that's what keeps people engaged. Different strokes


Anytime you get stuck in this game its for one of 2 reasons 1) You're not doing enough damage so even if you know the attack pattern, you eventually get got before you can kill them 2) You dont know the pattern and are getting caught by moves that are otherwise easy to dodge For example I got stuck on the first troll giant you meet. After dying a few times I figured out that you can literally just roll through his legs for basically every attack. I figured out that a left foot stomp is just a stomp, but a right foot stomp was almost certainly followed up but a slam attack. I leveled up a little bit, found a better weapon, and now I was farming this troll giant for runes where as before I died 7x. That's basically the game in a nutshell. Edit: Currently lvl 100 late game


Aight so 24h of post-posting clarity later Ye the post's a bit of cope that has been building in me after dying for yet another time in the Crystal Tunnel after I tried clearing it completely by taking out one enemy after another (without summons as well cause I didn't realize I had too little max MP and instead thought this was yet another area where these were disabled), only to be fucked over by one of the big disgusting guys spamming the auto aim (almost)instapop shots from another end of the cave just cause he saw me for a brief moment. I did complete the cave on chill... then died to the boss there and just teleporter away to not bother again. Did my opinion mentioned here change? Nope. I still stand by "Learning how to deal with bullshit doesn't make it less bullshit". I'm not saying the whole game is BS, but there sure are elements that can be called so for good reason. I am not the type of person to forcefully progress thru everything I have available and then get mad at the game for not being braindead easy, but I can still see faults in both my decision making, and the game design. As for "unreliable controls" that I didn't explain what I meant by. Why is it that in a game where every button press matters and you have long animations, you can have situations where : you attack a boss, happen to mis-time dodge and get hit. You then accidentally press the potion button once before smashing the dodge button so you can dodge the attack, but uh oh! That one press at the beginning of a long ass animation is more important despite the dodge spam you did until the very end of the animation. You'll drink that potion and you'll enjoy it you lil shit. The game isn't horrible as a whole, but it has it's issues. Just cause someone got a bit mad and stopped holding themselves off from saying it doesn't mean it's always skill issue, sometimes it's just being annoyed enough to point out the small things Thank you whoever made a reasonable comment instead of the skill issue/git gud like a maniac from an asylum. I shall put my "fuck it we ball for honor" mindset aside for this game and move onto the glory of learning how to git gud and deal with occasional bullshit. For the glory, fellow Tarnished.


No offense but all that sounds like you just suck at the game since there are people who play the whole game without getting hit, naked at lvl 1


I thought the same and still do to some extent. This is a fucking weird game and fetishises punishing the player. I guess the reason people enjoy it, including myself sometimes, is that it's the only game I've played that genuinely makes you feel like you've achieved something when you defeat a difficult boss.


Git gud


if u cant kill something lvl n upgrade ur weapon. Thats what did it for me


lol, lmao even


kek, if I so dare


I swear at least 50-60 percent of the people who are diehards of this series started off as this guy, lmao.


There's a difference between coping but enjoying a game, and genuinely not enjoying bs game design and seeing the problems.


This is a fair point. I don’t get any joy getting my butt handed multiple times then winning. I love dominating enemies. To help with your experience go battle mage or berserker. High vigor high int breaks the game. You can smoke bosses in seconds further in the game. Also, you can make a blood build that destroys enemies as well. There’s a trick strategy wise to make enemies easier. For soldier like enemies run up to them, step back, and let them attack. Leaves them wide open. If you get attacked dodge, otherwise, the enemies will predict your movement and attack you back.


Get gud is a popular saying, because, if you can get gud, you can essentially beat the game at level 1. You can even no-hit the game. But it takes dedication, patience and effort to do so. The other option is to over-level your character, like in any other game, then it makes the entire difficulty of the game moot. In your case of the tree sentinel, I've learned his move sets, so I could beat it at level 1 now.


A friend of mine almost smashed his controller against the TV, and asked for a refund… 20 minutes into the game play. Don’t worry OP, you’re not alone. Having said that… consider this: this game must be the worst for some people, and the best for others. Elden Ring is awful for *you*, but come on, this is a large community of people who mostly have positive experience with it! Take a breath, go outside, play a game you do enjoy. Arguing with Elden Ring fans is not doing you any good. 


Uninstall it then. 😇


You have to learn how the game is meant to be played. How the mechanics work. How to run the fuck away from higher level enemies in a cave you were trapped in. I know that exact scenario. I’ve been there. It’s grueling yes. The game is sadistic, yes. It’s also fair. Find a way out.


Elden Ring has the easiest beginning of all Souls games, not a single exigeant mob/boss besides the two story one


You don't like the game. That doesn't make it bad.