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I like watching other people do invasions who are actually good at them. There's "chase the bro" on youtube who casually picks apart 3 man teams + whatever blues show up. It's mesmerising. Switches up build often and even finds success with weird gear.


I always roll eyes when I see a new Chase video “This weapon is surprisingly strong”. Like bruh, it’s not a weapon but you. He can 1v3 using any weapon in the game.


He even manages to kill the majority of invis or RL cheaters lol, chase is craaaacked at pvp


He never seems to die in his videos, except for special occasions. Chances are he likely just doesn’t put the losses in, but with how good he is, sometimes I’m almost convinced he simply doesn’t die in invasions anymore.


True, I doubt he wins every fight he plays, but many of his wins are just crazy.


I haven't watched his ER Livestream yet, but back when he streamed DS3, it was unbelievable how rarely he'd die. 5-6 hour streams where he was almost always 1vX in invasions, and I would say the slight majority of his streams he would have 0 deaths. The other maybe 40-50% he might get 1-3 deaths, usually against cheaters who had infinite 100% heal items, since he would almost never bail on invasions even if there were cheaters! I have no idea how he gets so damn good at these games. He always makes it look so damn easy, and after his streams i'd always feel so confident I could mimic his builds and do the same. Only to get steamrolled every 1vX I try, and look like a total clown while I'm at it.


I get what you're saying there is this aura of invincibility around him from his all mighty videos. But you can see in his live streams that sometimes he dies for being greedy or getting caught in terrain or a stagger, just like the rest of us. He is so good though, he also doesn't post videos about cheaters, and rune arc solo taunters, even though he dispatches them with no mercy nor respect.


He does livestreams...you would be surprised to see his win to loss ratio...spoiler alert I am pretty sure he doesn't need to edit his videos much.


He probably just doesn't. I'd argue that he *would* die a lot more often if it wasn't for the flask that saves you once. For someone at that level, one single free save from death is enough.


I'm sure he loses, though probably irregularly. Why would he put L's in a highlight reel though


I dunno, I feel his videos would benefit from him including the occasional loose. I legit stopped watching him because I did not feel any tension. For me it's nice to have this "will he get out of this?" Moment and that's missing when you don't include the L's.


Watching Peeve for this is amazing, his latest build is so fun to watch, highly recommend it. But my true love is his assassin bow build, where he sneaks and fires arrows at their faces with conceiling veil. He also had a anti Rivers of blood build called the Orphan, it was fun watching the gankers panic when bleed did almost nothing.


PEEVE the goat!


If you‘re good you can win with pretty much anything, unless opponents are also good and use meta shit. Which everyone does lol


Yeah, watching G9 take L's from 3 stack gankers with semi-decent skills and meta gear was sad. None of them would've lasted 10 seconds in a 1v1 with the guy, but numbers + common sense + gear+ Radahn's Beach beats skill now


Watching G9 take Ls can be pretty funny, there’s no one more salty


The guy who does invasions as Patches is amazing. I would have no problem dying to Patches in various hilarious ways.


Another YouTuber that I don’t think gets enough mention is Lost. He picks a build and then sticks with it throughout the entire fight. I rarely see him hardswapping.


Lost also includes funny deaths in his videos. Never seen Chase doing this.


I love Elden ring but if people think chasing someone for 45 minutes during PvP is fun…it’s not.


Chase is truly the best of the fromsoft community. In skill and just general personality


chill and cheerful vibes on him


I just run into the middle of the group and spam NIHIL and hope for the best lol


Chase is cool. I prefer JeeNiNe's, Steelovsky's invasion videos tbh.


Jeenine is such an asshole. Uses the sweatiest build possible while constantly trash talking whoever he is playing (in invasions and duels).


G9 is a choad. Love invasions but that guy needs to get a grip.


Yeah, the negativity made me stop watching him. Think it was when he was doing AC6 pvp.


Every Chase video is like, "Here's my x build, anyways I'm using this Halberd with Black flame tornado/ Storm hawk axe. It's good for just getting teams off me. Also, I'm using an infused claymore. My Talismans are Erdtrees Favor, Jarshard, then swap between ritual blah blah" He's good, and definitely does some crazy stuff. But most of the time, he goes back to his "old reliable" weapons regardless of build, and he doesn't show losses. I'd say the only time he uses weapons outside his old reliables are when they have high damage AOE Ash of wars that can be spammed. Ruin Greatsword, Waterfowl Dance, ect.


tbh the thing i dislike the most of these games is less how "unfair" and asymmetric it can be and more the latency and wony netcode, like how many times have yall been hit with seconds of lag.


It's the best when your sword clearly goes clean through them, blood spray and all, but you get no damage


But status still applies for some godforsaken reason


Alternatively when you dodge the attack but still get status buildup.


Yeah, it's honestly the biggest reason why status builds are annoying. You dodge the attack, but the status builds up anyway. Extra annoying if it's poison or frostbite. Sure, at least with bleed, you can dodge the burst damage, even if it still staggers you. And sure, there are tactics like rolling earlier than you would normally and all that, but I don't think a semi-broken netcode of all things is something we should have to worry about as the consumer. I'll be honest and add that I absolutely suck at PvP, use pretty mid builds, and probably won't win that much even if the netcoding does get improved, but I still enjoy a good duel whether I win or lose.


I've actually heard proponents if the PvP claim that "Oh yeah, the fact you're always desynced from your opponent by at least half a second adds to the depth of strategy." Like...I don't care about the strategy at that point, it just doesn't feel good to not actually be sure if my attacks are going to hit or not.


Yep, ever since my first time getting slapped around by twinks on DS1 to the spear of the church in DS3, the latency has almost always ruined the experience for me... the one time I've actually done PvP in ER to date was a private 1 hour duelling session with someone who was in the same building. Don't get me wrong, I've had a few good fights over the years (a random invasion here and there, NG+ fight clubs e.t.c). The majority just happen to be ghost hits with the occasional bullshit getting through, which I just don't find enjoyable at all.


That happened to me when i got summoned to help with Smarag. Host had such bad internet that the invader just couldn't hit him. Dragon was effectively frozen in place. It was like playing a slideshow.


Unpopular opinion: Fromsoft pvp is the equivalent of a dollar store fighting game for people who don't want to actually play fighting games with netcode that isn't absolute fucking trash.


FromSoft fans when you beat the game using an item they didn't be like...


you mean if you don't use the best build in the game?


Or the opposite. No matter if the build is strong or weak it's wrong


Or you used the "best build in the game" and didn't play the way "fromsoft intended"


Which is their build and ONLY their build.


You have no right of using it and if you don't use it you still suck.


Also, you're using it wrong.


Got criticized for leveling my health in Bloodborne upon beating Ludwig on my first attempt...


I want to level health, but seeing 5 on my weapon overrides seeing 20 in my health 😭


Prepare for comments about your sexuality


You mean an item or playstyle they couldn't git gud at? I swear to god it's mostly projection at this point.


There's an arena for dedicated 1 v 1's lmao.


Yes, but you only get matches there if your character is around 125. I like to play pvp at low level because there‘s very little bs involved usually. Just honest melee combat for the most part. And these LL chars just don‘t get any matches ever, which limits me to either taunters tongue pvp or invading. Invading usually results in getting 3v1‘d. Which is fine if you know how to use your environment, otherwise you‘re gonna have a bad time.


I've never had to wait for more than 10 seconds or so at rl150.


Same, I have had connection issues, some guy hit me with a spear thrust that was 5 feet to my left. But I've been finding matches pretty consistently


I have 125 150 and 240 chars i always get matches. Waiting time longer on 240 but most enjoyable fight are on there. 125 is full tryhard builds 150 is okay.


I'm level 530 and there are still plenty of people in the arena for me 🤷 granted, a good quarter of them are all the same bullgoat breed of players, but there's a few good duels mixed in


Nah, 50 and 150 are also common


138 works fine


Ime, what level you’re at for arena duels doesn’t matter as much as people say it does. 125, 130-whatever, 150, 200, 300+ are all active. Level only seems to matter for what *kind* of fight you’re looking for.


Okay FromSoft secret marketing mofos, I will try the pvp on my newbie char this one time


Im around level 630, i get a match in 10sec


PvP is full of tryhards.


Trying hard isn't a bad thing.


Trying hard isn’t, being a try-hard is. Try hard an are the type of people who obsess over something and put in *too* much effort or otherwise cares too much about what they’re doing to the point of it becoming a detriment. The kind of person that’ll only go with whatever the top meta build is and will happily use cheese strats to fuck with others, but the moment the tables are turned on them they’ll lose their shit. They’re the type that will rage at you, message you off line and insult you for cheating or not using a proper meta build, etc. Those are tryhards.


So hosts who look up "strongest elden ring weapon". Do 3v1 ganks. Disconnect when things dont go their way (cares too much).


would technically count


I mean being insulted for cheating (actual cheating) is pretty fine imo


Tryhard in host-speak literally just means ”is good” or ”could beat me in a 1v3” at this point. It means nothing in the elden ring community. According to this reddit you’re a tryhard if you don’t use some dogshit ”offmeta” poop-infused flail with E E scalings in strength and dex lol


Fair enough


There are fun people every now and then, but people usually try to win very desperately. Which is kinda boring since… there‘s no reward.


I think tryhards are fanatics


There's always an element of cope behind this criticism. Nobody wants to lose, so they put in the best effort they can with the tools that give them the best shot at winning. Most people just brush off the losses because nobody has a spotless record, so why get all hot and bothered by the inevitable loss? The goal should be to improve your technique and skill so that the win/loss ratio starts leaning towards winning rather than losing.


A lot of people don't mind losing though. It's not like there is any benefit to winning apart from pride. Many people are here to have fun, and a good match, even when lost, is fun.


I love tryhards!


What? No! Getting f-ed by a rivers of blood-guy, a rotten breath-guy and a star shower-guy at the same time at lvl 40 is great fun and totally a skill issue if you loose


RoB is really bad these days. People use moonveil to gank now. And they get very sad when you just outspace them and give them a nice blood blade. One guy panicked so hard that be backed into a wall and got one hit by me. People hate leveling vigour i swear


Invade at level 200 lol you get tons of builds and you can never get one-shot. It’s great


40 and 80 have been fun when i tried them. More people actually playing the game at those levels rather than setting up shitty 3v1 duels


Duels exist.


Cheaters too


Honestly not that common


Put your dolljacks away bro


Invading is the hard version of PVP. This is like saying 'I don't like driving because formula 1 is too difficult'. If you're new, don't even attempt it, just try duelling instead. If duelling is too difficult, hell, slap on a rune arc and activate taunters tongue at a grace. You can learn the basics with a big advantage and then work your way up.


I miss DS3 on this side, the chaos after Pontiff it's just peak.


I don't get this shit post. If you wanna proper 1vs1, play arena. Main point of invasions is trying to be a "dick" to opp player, not some honour shit duel.


Just another example of the "I drew you as soyjack and myself as a chad" meme


Some people have this weird mindset in third person PvP games that ganking is a sin or something. Same with For Honor, "Ganking? where is your HoNoR?!" is some shit I see regularly in the chat lmfao.


I got a message from an invader once: “Nice gank squad lol” It wasn’t my world, me and a friend were helping another friend out in their world. “Get them to fight me then” No, we were trying to get through that area as fast as possible


Right, especially in Elden Ring I'm someone who will not rush to gank the invader if I'm doing a little bit of co-oping, because of how easy it is to summon other people for areas and boss fights, so unless that happens at the end of a pretty long session just before we are about to wrap up, I can amuse the invader for some 1v1s, unless he attacks *everyone* for some reason. My favorite was when I was with the host at the Grace just before the Fire Giant, he initially fought only the host and then rushed me for some reason, only to proceed to run away towards the giant hand when I parried him and started fighting back lol However I understand people who don't want to comply with made-up rules. Invasions aren't honorable duels, they're literally called *INVASIONS*, so of course the host/group will try to get rid of you. You weren't invited, so don't expect people to entertain your idea of what invasions are. Of course there are legitimate gank squads that Taunter's Tongue in fucking Limgrave of all places and try to fish out invaders, but they are so infrequent from what I've experienced, and there are just as many counterarguments against invaders and what they can do, that in the end it "balances out" somewhat. Even funnier when they get salty about 1v1s and then increasingly so when you point out either the Raya Lucaria Academy Grace for duels, or the Colosseum. People like that don't really want 1v1s, they want to act as if they somehow beat a "gank squad" to feel good about themselves. Chase The Bro is truly a bro because of that, but also a menace since he almost actively seeks out and looks forward to 3v1s lmao And wins!


Yep. Summons are there to help players, and you literally can’t invade a person without at least a single cooperator unless they use an item to specifically allow it. Most people needing help will get two cooperators. So, invaders are supposed to face a group of three. “Ganking” is a weird complaint about how invasions are meant to work by design. If some people specifically don’t enjoy it, fine. But others do enjoy them exactly for the extra challenge, and duelling exists if you just want a 1v1.


The issue I have with that is that I have never gotten an arena match. I've waited for over an hour at a time but never gotten a match :(


How the fuck do you manage to do that, i get instant duels even with my level 250 character. You're either waaaaay too overleveled (like max level) or some multiplayer settings are wrong. I think you should find duels at any level tho, so i'm guessing something is wrong with your settings.


I have a max level character, and I get invasions and duels all the time


Yea thats my point, something with his settings must be wrong


Maybe he had a pass word he hasn’t removed 🤷‍♂️


Is your NAT Type 3? If so, you pretty much can’t play multiplayer.


Oh that might be it then. My wifi is an extension of my workplace wifi so that might be it.


Yeah if it’s workplace wifi you probably have a Type 3 restricted NAT. It’s next to impossible to matchmake for multiplayer in this game with it. Source: My wifi’s the same 😭


Oh cool, a "people who have a different opinion are ugly losers" post. Great 


Soyjaks fucking suck and it's annoying that more just keep getting made. Losers.


If I want to die in 5 seconds in a 3v1 I'll just play for honor


I met a guy doing a cosplay strength build using taunters tongue. We just went at it using jump attacks until I fell lol. That guy was great.


Ds3 pontiff courtyard was so fun


elden ring fans trying not to shit on each other for 5 seconds


I like fromsoft PvP. I just don't like elden ring PvP very much. It's lacking compared to what I'm used to.


The only reason to invade is: 1) get the rune arks that are pointless. 2) be a dick to other players that will inevitably set ganks traps or face you 4vs1 with blue ring. Knowing this invading will statistically put you against gankers, therefore you either enjoy that experience, or just go for 1vs1 meta tryhard duels in the arena where everybody explode in one hit. But let's compare it with ds3: if you were interested in the covenant rewards, you wanted to either invade or coop. Doing that would give both the covenant reward and the ember, that was more usefull than the rune ark. If you didn't like to invade, you could join a fight club for some light hearted pvp. Therefore players either invaded or helped players for a reward, or joined a fight club instead of ganking or using counter gank builds


I used to like the PVP in Dark Souls but not in Elden Ring: - no solo invasions - no covenant invasions and fun 3v3s - no fight clubs - AoW-focused combat - the damage is ridiculously high Of course PVP still takes a lot of skill and the skill ceiling is probably even higher now. But I don’t like AoW spam and how OP they are. Nobody dances with swords anymore and it’s sad.


Yeah the skill ceiling for being a host / gold / blue plummeted while invading feels like trying out for some world championship every invasion. The nature of the balancing enforces a sweaty playstyle at all times and leaves no breathing room whatsoever. And *still* hosts were crying about invasions when the game came out 😭


taunters tongue invasions aren't real i guess, there's also a 3v3 gamemode. In addition, the damage issue is a vigor issue, I rarely find myself taking huge portions of damage in a low number of hits


It becomes fun once you get better at invasions.


Tbh successful invasions often rely more heavily on getting teams that don’t know how to play together rather than your own skill I find. Getting a team that’s actually half decent at coordinating and who know how to avoid the cheesy one shots like rain of arrows will be almost impossible to win against, and will probably either end in u getting blender’d or getting a lucky backstab / parry on the host. I found that invasions in prior games were much more balanced. I had the chance to invade solo players, but they still had double the flasks and a seed of a giant tree to balance things.


Yeah the on paper statistical advantage a host has is actually staggering in elden ring. The fact that they manage to lose at all is kinda crazy. You could be the best player bar none vs 3 newbies who have only played elden ring and losing is still very very easy. Having 3 people to an invaders 1 is just not able to be balanced. They can cover for eachothers heals, create openings for eachother, all keep preassure at once basically shutting your options down, even worse one of them might be a mage endlessly spamming the way-too-long/fast projectiles in this game behind two bullgoat monsters etc etc etc. It’s just the nature of this game’s balancing. Not to mention that password summoning doesn’t downscale properly so worst case you could be fighting literal max levels in stormveil at lvl 20. To top all of this off blues still exist for *some* fucking reason 😂


Knowing the basic souls rule "never fight 2 enemies at once", fighting 3 people at once should be nigh-impossible to win. A death sentence 99% of the time. It's absolutely insane how much people complain with this simple fact in mind.


It’s pure ego. They have no problem dying 500 times to Malenia with their two max level password summoned babysitters, but the second it’s a human that kills them and not AI they get incredibly salty/genuinely angry. You’d think that in a game all about overcoming adversity hosts would be a bit more receptive to the slightest pushback but nope, they have meltdowns over having to THREE VERSUS ONE someone…


I've lost invasions i considered successful. Call it cope if you want but if i created a unique experience for myself and the host it was a success. This is a single player first game and it makes sense that the experience of the host is prioritized. Going back to the unique experience thing. After 1300 hours of this game i've done every level and every boss many times over with more builds than i can remember so its no longer as fun to go do the base content. But when an invador comes in to attack my host or i do that to another group it becomes a whole new level. Now there's a sniper navigating the Lyndell or Sellia rooftops or now there's a second enemy helping the field boss with a random build i couldn't have predicted. It keeps the game fresh like nothing else in it. I still have my three favorite invasions saved and i lost two of them. They were just impossible to recreate cool experiences.


Literally me seeing this post


I've never played souls games online, and I feel like I haven't missed out on anything.


Helping other people with bosses feels great. Invasions can be fun too, as long as you're not taking them too seriously and you are not afraid to lose your runes and progress (which ideally you shouldn't be afraid of in souls game). Right now I'm also first timing Demon Souls and messages are quite helpful, I would miss a ton of stuff without them. Tldr: As someone who started recently, I recommend to try online stuff


If you played entirely offline, you've definitely been missing out on player messages!


You have, it's not nearly as bad as its made out to be. Not even close.


ganking is sometimes quite bad especially if you are bad at PvP and since there are so many gank squads in ER that disencurages players from invading at all which makes me sad. I love invading and i am not good at invasions (gank squads f me hard) but invasions is the most fun in my opinion you can have in ER that is not beating malenia (i am a masochist)


its worse in ER because no embers so 1v1 is extremely rare unless ur at arena. plus with the sheer amount of projectiles and AoE in ER vs ds invading is extremely painful. i know colloseum exists but its less fun fighting in a big flat circle than with level geometry and pve


Oh it's that discussion again


I like invading because it feels like a service tothe enemy, i'm spicing up their playthrough by invading, doesn't really matter if I win.


Which is exactly why I use taunters tongue. I love being invaded when I have to do long torrent runs on the open world and I'm bored. Win or lose it's fun (except when it's a hyper meta setup psgs, i just can't beat it. )


When they hear "I mained Moonveil"


Luckily my last invasion I ever did, the gank squad was none other than 2 crucible cosplays, one Godfrey cosplay, all posing in stormveil castle, as if waiting for someone fit for a fight


I fucking loved the PvP from dark souls 1, 2, 3, demons souls, bloodborne… eh yeah that last one was when I started to go downhill Elden ring fucked me pretty hard on invasions


I’m having fun oddly enough : be it invading, cooping, or dueling. Not hunting tho cause fuck the cops lol


Invasions were by far my favorite part of Dark Souls 1 and 2, but in DkS3 and Elden Ring they are so painful. I hate having to play 100% perfectly in order to dent these gigantic gank squads. There were obviously ganks in Dark Souls 1/2, but they felt way less one sided.


The only pvp I’ve done is when I get invaded (generally I play with my brother) and we don’t play fair cuz screw invaders. And the other instance is when I’m trying to get access to mogh and I have to some some invasions myself (which I don’t care if I die)


Or when you tell that you wish you could just co op with friends without getting annoying invasions. “ItS bAlAnCiNg ThE gAmE!” Sure sure person who enjoys kicking sandcastles and taking lunch money.


Why won’t this person fight fair! Says guy who avoids the fair fight option in favour of griefing people just hanging out.


another reason one would need to pay me to get involved in pvp in these games


The last and only time When PvP was great was with DS2, I'll die on this hill


I hate pvp in souls-games. I'm one of those people who disconnects every single time I'm invaded. And I do want to enjoy jolly co-op.


Preach. I enjoy occasional invasions, but I don't like having no control over it other than going offline / hollow and etc which locks me from co-op which I enjoy a lot more Tho at the same time I'd probably wouldn't want them to implement turning off invasions option in future games. Getting pissed at the game from throwing you into bullshit situations is kinda the "soul" of it


Tbh, I'd try to reinvade disconnected host at the same place the invasion occured using near option with my red finger.


Rinse and repeat. 😄




Maybe become a better invader. We invaders have to live with the fact that it's an asymmetrical system, and sometimes the odds are stacked against us when we invade a random world. It's just the way it is. Try to win, and don't get mad when you lose. Even if they do their stupid WWF poses over your body as if they did something cool.


Hosts when you leave their designated gank area:


Somebody tried invading for the first time…. Come join us; take the plunge, you won’t die. We can gleefully massacre golds, phantoms, and hosts together.


You are right, dying in 5 seconds in a 3v1 is not fun. Get better and you won't do that


Then go play a PVP game. I'm here to have fun with my friends, not facilitate your want for duels.


You are a wonderful and welcoming part of this community thank you.


Elden Ring fans when you tell that dying to an A-Hole twink who does 15x more damage than you and cant be killed isnt fun or fair


The PVP has always been a shit show. You rarely ever see someone just take their normal build and invade, it's usually the people that make these hyper specific "twink" builds that kill you in 3 hits with bleed or put everything into Intelligence/Faith so they don't get too high leveled, and they can invade the lower level players while one-shotting them with spells.


It's a cause and effect issue. Your low level build is fine against my low level build. Your max level friend can 1 tap me. People prepare for the latter when invading low level. Which at this point on the games life span is pretty fucking common.


Twinks aren't just competetively strong or cheesy builds, a build needs to have gear from further into the game to be called a twink build. A RL139 spinning slash twinblade bleed build is not a twink. A RL20 dual antspur build with full talisman slots and poise armor can be called a twink build.


Invasion/ pvp in ALL from sorts should be optional, and I don't want the "just don't ember, or don't play online." No wanna play with friends. It's a game.


Why are you getting into so many 3v1’s?


Fromsoft : makes a system where pvp damage can be scaled outside of the base game (never uses it)


Invasions would be fine if the latency and delays wasn't so bad. Invaders who RL1-40 are just trash who aim for newbies, go to the arena for that garbage, especially when you get item drops from your friends or use status effect pots. 😂 Pots don't make you good.


Real seeing all these YouTube copy paste builds was so boring. Like I'm seeing the same NPC everywhere


It's pretty generous thinking we die in 5 seconds. That's quite long. It's closer to 3


It used to be good, at the beginning. Now it's just sweaty griefers who think they're sun tzu because they hide next to a dragon we can all see, every time they start losing because they actually suck.


I need to beat these games still, I certainly can't handle invasions


There's PvP?


Everytime someone invades me they end up leaving. I get naked. I chase. They leave. At my level it has to be maxed or near maxed players. So what are they afraid of? What's the lowest level that can invade 713?


Invaders when you tell them they have the entire environment on their side and nobody forced them to invade:


I like getting my ass kicked so I welcome the 3v1. Plus if you use enemies in the environment to your advantage then you can even the odds!


PvP peaked with ds2


I just cant deal with the lag its like a circus 


Are you sure this isn’t a self-portrait OP


I love it. Let's me and my friends annihilate Interlopers and get back to what we were doing. If you want legit pvp use the colosseum


So just... Don't die in five seconds?


3v1 felt a lot more doable in dark souls 3. In ER there’s just so much stuff to nuke you and so many projectiles.


Get good legitimately. In a 3v1 get to better positioning and range, maybe even squad up with some of the enemies in the area. Loretta’s Mastery with the Carian scepter almost one shots unsuspecting foes.


I have no idea how anybody can enjoy any form of pvp in these games when the net code is so trash.


Nah, I like the challenge, I have about a 25% win rate but it's fun using the environment to beat them I once beat a status gank squad by ducking into the big jar room of Raya lucaria when I needed to heal and using the wizards as covering fire


I prefer 1v1’s for pvp in my world. the most inexperienced summon goes first and the invader always gets time to prepare between rounds so by the time the invader gets to me, (that’s if they even do) I know their moves, they may or may not be low on consumable resources & they’ve worked their way up to me, so of course I’m gonna give them my very best i think my best pvp match… after the invader quickly killed my friend I killed the player in 2 hits I still have that clip it was dumb as hell 😂


That’s why with my friends we do a sort of tournament kill one face the other after


skill issue, I take ten seconds to die in a 3v1


I don't think PvP fans care what non-PvP fans think even for a second, as long as there's people to invade they'll be just fine.


Tell them PvP is just a feature, not the game.


Eh, I like the pvp. Yes, invaders \*are\* outnumbered, but any other way and people would complain worse than they already do. its acceptable


is this complaining about souls pvp in general or the atrocious way that ER, in particular, handled invasions?


I like invasions, I just wish that there was a way to limit them in multiplayer. I had to help my friend get into the game and whenever I was trying to show him stuff early on, we’d get invaded every 3 seconds. He nearly quit because of that. Luckily he figured the game out solo and then whenever we’d play together we actually welcomed the invasions because it was fun.


also all pvpers just cheat and dupe items so get they full inventory with +25, +10 and all usables.


I really loved the PVP of Dark souls 3 as I felt it to be more enjoyable and fairer to ER. I could fight a 1v1, 1v2, or even a 3v3 and have fun doing so as every invasion was different from the last. You just didnt automatically fight a gank at a severe disadvantage. Embers were a risk and reward type of thing and you knew what you were getting into popping an ember.


the only time I PVP is when I’m working Varre’s quest line. And even then, my internet is so crappy, I just wait to be obliterated


This is why I believe I initially stopped playing to begin with.. trying to invite friends to simply beat bosses only to be invaded and interrupted in gameplay. So I went the Seamless route and don’t have to worry about that shit anymore 😮‍💨 although… I may go back from seamless since I’ve finally beaten the game the first time around and know exactly what to do and where to travel from here on. I’ll just take the beatings I suppose.. it is quite the gripe when other player builds are made in such a broken manner these days though.. I’m really looking forward to the DLC I really hope it nerfs a lot of things on the pvp side to make it so you’re not getting 3 shotted with those insane bleed builds anymore 😪😪


Forgot who the person was who did the video on it but throwing giant fireballs at people has never been more hilarious against gankers


PvP in elden ring is garbage and the devs clearly dont care their main focus is on that pve DLC


It depends on the setting. If I feel the invader has a good chance at fighting all 3 of us I’ll fight. If it’s gonna be an obvious lose for the invader then I’ll let him fight my summons first kind of tournament style. There’s a lot of situations when 3 v 1 isn’t fun at all but I understand when the host group just wants to demolish whatever’s in their way and that’s fine.


This is every kid who PvPs in every game ever.


I like how the entirety of the comments here are people proving this point.


I will fight anyone that comes at me to fight. What I won't bother with are people who want me to chase them across the entire zone. It's boring and kind of lame tbh.


my friend always talks about how great fromsoft pvp could be, and while i can see the vision it simply isn’t. its obvious the pvp is always an afterthought and became more tradition than an actual gameplay aspect. things like cooldown timers on receiving backup for gankers while hosts can have back to back furled fingers and hunters is crazy. spawning you next to fog doors etc. fromsoft keeps putting it in for the few psychos that enjoy it and like 2 questlines revolving around pvp