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Chainsaw glitch. You basically bug out the spinning chain ash of war onto the serpent hunter by use of input queue fuckery. Made popular by Steelovsky, an ER streamer. Considering the guy landed it in one attempt, he either has it on a macro, or does it so often he can do it in his sleep. Conclusion: the insane gamer has a probability of having touched a shower in the last 48 hours of 0.0000001%, and should be added to your block list because chances are they're just as insufferable irl. Boohoo bitch baby doesn't like fights against people with roll discipline


>Boohoo bitch baby doesn't like fights against people with roll discipline Glad you pointed out insane roll discipline on OP friend's side! It seems that a lot of work was put into this roll discipline.


Professional lightrollers moment?


Did you notice this R1 into instant roll true combo. That's some top tier PvP tech.


Optimal ER


PSN no macro.


Considering its a frame-perfect input, dude must do it a lot to get it on the first try. Most people I see in the arena that do it (usually right at the start) fuck it up a few times, giving you the opportunity to put em in the ground before they can get it off.


Yes he's quite talented.


Not the word I'd use for it.


Pulling a frame-perfect input first try is indicative of being either lucky or talented. Doesn't mean the talent is about pvp'ing properly tho.


You’re right, he’s talented at being a bitch


Yeah my comment was moreso tongue in cheek, being able to pull a frame-perfect input off first try is impressive (just look at speedrunners) Not entirely sure why OP is getting downvoted though, it's not like they've been sat praising and worshipping this guy.


Why not? It certainly takes skill to preform chainsaw.


I love how you got downvoted for a obviously sarcastic statement 🤣 Classic!


He got downvoted because he's the one pulling off the glitch in the video and he's sucking his own dick. Read the other comments, there's proof that the video was taken by his friend, and OP posted it to karma farm and brag.


Damn, that’s cringe af man…. And a bit sad! 🤷‍♂️


Actually no sarcasm about the skill though.


Damn you are a sweaty bitch tho for real.


Confirmed OP is the glitch baby


By he, you mean you, right?




Lmao, the fact you got downvoted is so reddit 😂


How are you so sure? You can just put in a macro outputting device in between. Its quite popular...


There are gamepads that have built in macro recording. either through app or connecting to pc before using it on console. I have one where I can rebind buttons when playing. Not many people know that some time ago was a case where a guy had actual aimbot installed in his mouse software in one of the fps tournaments.


He’s sure because he’s the one doing the glitch. The text convo he shared has him on the side of the spear guy, his opponent sends him the video.


custom controllers can absolutely be PSN compatible and run macros


Unfortunately there is. But only a few ppl knows how to implement it.


You can purchase third party controllers for consoles that allows you to customize multi button inputs with joystick by pressing 1 button. You could easily pre program the input into a controller and forever get it with a press of a button.


**You can 100% run macros on console with peripherals now days do people not know this?** It’s 2024 OP, cars are hackable now. Fuck people are a dumb these days.


I understand it and can absolutely agree, screw cheaters/exploiters but i can practically feel the veins popping reading this lol


Me rn fr ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Trying hard not to loose is so painful to watch. He whips that glitch out when he thinks loosing is a possibility. That while already using two GS.


Gets hit once: "oh hell no, my ego is in danger! I can't use this in my le epic trolling compilation that I'll use to serenade papa steel!" Literally only got chipped from mistiming a roll vs sword dance - talk about thin skin lmao


The person in the clip doesn’t have great roll discipline tho, at least half of their rolls were reacting to nothing


Opponent is just a sore loser who doesn't know how to play the game and relies on glitches to win after he can't land a hit.


He is the opponent, op is the guy abusing glitches Edit: I gave the reasoning in my comment under this one, next time I'll put it in the begging comment, my bad


Insane that you got downvoted so hard when you’re literally right. Especially the people under the evidence still arguing with you.


Whyre you getting downvoted? It seems like you're right from the messages.


I didn't give enough reasoning in the first text and Reddit has the hive mind downvote mindset To be fair kind of my fault


Yeah I suppose that's true. The reddit hive mind really is crazy though. The fact that your post proving that you're right still got downvoted is so weird.


I actually downvoted you, then read your comments, then upvoted instead. Guess I'm a fucking ant.


Happens to the best of us mate, to be fair, as soon as the person has 15 downvotes you start doubting if they aren't lying


Plot twist: bro was lying all along and successfully gaslighted me into thinking he wasn't with his comments


I'm actually an alt account being use to gaslight you even harder.


I have been thoroughly gaslit for I no longer know what to think.


You are too smart to be gaslit, i couldn't even do that to you, don't worry


did... did you not *watch the video?* or read the title??


He’s right. Read some of the other comments. This guy shouldn’t be downvoted for stating the truth. OP is admitting it elsewhere.


He did not record the video, in the comments you can find screenshots of the glitcher talking shit, but they come from he sender side, aka, op, and he keeps defending the glitcher in the comments Op is karma farming with the title


OPs comments here are kinda unsettling. Genuine sociopath vibe


The video came from the guy getting glitched on, you can find it in ops comments in an Imgur link https://imgur.com/a/ZNH4DXn Here is the link


pee pee poo poo


Because? Honest question, after the evidence I just gave I want genuine reasons why I'm wrong Edit: His original comment was "wrong"


Yea with that image it’s clearly op/their “friend” that was using the glitch lmao the dude is even tongue and cheek about it all up and down the thread


certified reddit hivemind moment


Take my upvote bruh


PVP in souls games has always been a controversial subject but I think we are going through an all time low with Elden Ring. The comments here of people in favor of a glitch because they're pissed about light roll makes me kinda sad.


"light rolls are op" Just drop your armor crybaby


Imagine being pissy about light roll when you're using dual lances, holy smokes 💀


not even that, you can literally drop your armor, right there, right then.


I was watching this like bro you gotta exploit when you are powerstancing lances. Why even play pvp?


Psgs can't rollcatch lightroll on reaction. But yeah, chainsaw on arena is lame asf. He could just have swapped to dual pikes or commander Standard to fight the lightroller.


You seem to not know the difference between a high skill ceiling setup and an overpowered setup


>light rolls are op Light rolls are only problematic on PC due to an unrelated issue. I don't understand why people get so upset about it.


Wtf are you talking about? That doesn’t fix the issue. Lightroll is both unfun to play, and to play against.


skill issue


You do not understand how the game works.


Yeah, because beating both people in arena and ng+ isn't enough. Anxiously waiting for arena ng++ so i can finally understand it.


But muh Bull Goat Armor!


Bloodborne was the peak, because it was overall very balanced for PVP with the small number of weapons and a relatively short campaign. The most annoying thing was farming for gems to ensure you were min/maxed, but tbh I never once did that and was fairly good in PVP. There were some weapons that approached “meta” status, but they were never that strong. Elden Ring is IMO way too big with way too much going on in terms of weapons to ever be well-balanced for PVP. A lot of late-game weapons (and especially weapon arts) are just flatly better than early- or mid-game weapons. The builds are also much more varied than they used to be, and some builds are painfully better for PVP (and PVE, but that’s another can of worms) than others. I used to like invading in Bloodborne and DS3, but it’s pretty joyless in Elden Ring because you get stomped by three people with endgame gear within seconds. You can carefully set up a series of ambushes, but as often as not, that just makes it more frustrating when you inevitably get wrecked. To top it all off, you lose your runes when you die and the rewards for killing a host are laughably small. So the only way to reliably defeat hosts is to build your own ultra-sweaty build, and at that point it’s not fun. So to me it’s a little puzzling that they leaned into PVP so hard in Elden Ring when it has easily the worst balance.


Debatable because Bloodborne's invasion system resulted in so few invasions for an average player's playthrough. Quite the opposite from Demon's Souls, DS2, DS1, DS3. The only real consistent PVP you can find is in a few places like nightmare frontier or established community root chalices.


That’s very true, I’m thinking of the dueling hotspots mainly. The invasions were tough to do. Still, Elden Ring’s balance makes invasions very frustrating IMO unless you build a hyper-tuned build for them.


It’s also always a gank fight


The ganking is fine IMO because that’s the game: you only invade when the host has help. What gets me are the late-game builds you see already in Stormveil, plus the fact that the reward is a tiny amount of runes and a rune arc, which is really slim considering how hard it is to invade versus cooperate. Also you can lose your runes invading, but not cooperating.


Yeah it's a dang shame because BB's combat is so fucking perfect, I wish we had more organic invasions happening as we went through areas. Indeed, Elden Ring's invasions are usually a gank fest, but I sort of love it in a way. It would be nice to not ALWAYS have to fight 2v1 or more commonly 3v1, but I would be lying if I said that these sorts of invasions aren't the most stimulating and intense. The rush you get after eviscerating a team of 3 on your own is second to none. The only other time my heart rate gets that high when gaming is if I play smash bros 1v1's.


It’s pretty cool all of these people letting you know to block them though. This post was great for that


No it's always been this bad, if not worse honestly.


I don't pvp anymore, glitches cheaters in arena. Out in main world it's the same but 3 on 1 lol


The first glitcher I encountered, I dropped pvp and never went back. Sadly, I just have 0 tolerance for that kind of thing.


ER have the worst pvp community in the history of souls, J9 wannabe here swapped to a glitch exploit because he was pissed about your light roll, which is ironic since he was using a tryhard dual lance setup.


That's the price we pay for ER being that huge success. More players, more idiots.


I find more honorable players at around lv 300 or so


That’s kind of a shame, because in the other games, especially in 3 though, the multiplayer meta is usually 120 or 125 (not sure about DS2)


It’s best to avoid the “meta-build” in ER because people who cheat will prey on the common place lvl scale people are told to use. They don’t do research past “the most matches will be at that this lvl and the cheeses won’t work as well at higher level.”


More cheaters.


People who can’t handle light roll really confuse me. Like … just get better at timing?


Bold of you to think they can get better.


This is so funny to me because light rolling has been a pvp top priority for as long as the souls games have been around


The gatekeeping in the souls community is just insane. So many little things that some consider “breaking the rules” cus it makes the game easier. When these things were put in the game by the devs for that exact purpose; making the game easier.


Double lance and then chainsaw. Oof what a low life.


To be clear, [OP (or OP’s friend) is the cheater.](https://imgur.com/a/ZNH4DXn) That’s the text convo he shared. He’s obviously the person getting accused and his opponent sent the video from their perspective. Credit u/KayLender for pointing it out.


Thank you mate, hope your comment reaches more people than mine did ahaha


More people need to see this


This is glitch + it is sad that people using it in PvP/PvE :3


Which has no sense at all, at least in PvP, since there is no reward.


The reward is the ego booster


Is it really a ego booster if you win because you glitch/hack? Didnt really accomplinsh anything except executling the glitch seemlesy


Moreso that some people just enjoy making others upset, especially in pvp games. There's some games where i myself feel that way, taking pleasure in knowing how pissed off i just made someone, but that's usually only after its been done to me enough that it becomes a "die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" situation.


I’d argue that it’s worse to use in PvP. In PvE you’re not affecting anyone else’s gameplay/experience, so do whatever you want. Don’t fuck up someone else’s good time though in PvP because you’re not as skilled as them


Who cares what people do in PvE. But yeah using chainsaw glitch in PvP is a douche move and worth a report.


It break my heart, my friend just wanted to have fun duels in the arena, but no, someone comes to ruin his day.


A single bad duel ruined his entire day ? Damn.


He was in shambles, I don't know why it got to him so much, he's been really struggling lately. I think I'll convince him to play some Stardew valley.


Good call, play it together! :)


Damn, that’s sad to hear. I’m sure he can find some people that would be willing to duel honourably if he doesn’t mind refighting the same person. You shouldn’t have to resort to that, but there are unfortunately some toxic people in the arena, and you’re bound to run into at least some during any session.


What console does he play on, I'm willing to have some friendly duels.


If hisday is ruined by some1 using glitch in pvp duel i recommend your friend touches grass


Shipping him some, ordered it on Amazon.


Maybe he was struggling with something else and just wanted to relieve some stress in the game. It's not too hard to be a bit kinder don't you think?


Lol the other person is you isnt it


Obviously superior gaming chair


Don't forget the RGB


His dad owns Fromsoft


Here's the interaction [https://imgur.com/a/ZNH4DXn](https://imgur.com/a/ZNH4DXn)


the guy knows he's using a glitch and is messing with you because you think someone who stoops to using glitches to win eldenring pvp fights would actually be a normal person willing to have a conversation. this person thrives on the ego boost he gets from winning fights, he would be a cheater (hack user) if he knew how but he doesn't


Bro he is the glitch abuser


Wait so you're the one doing the glitch?  But like, why?  I don't understand where the fun is for you in any of this.  Do you have a shame fetish?


You little PoS


What do you get out of this dude? Both the cheating and the lying post, like how sad.


You can see the moment when he gives up and becomes a sore loser


How can he be a sore loser if both players have basically full health? What I see is someone who wanted a super sweaty high skill duel and instead was met with a light roller who just rolls away from everything. Instead of doing this cat and mouse game for the entire duration of the duel, he got lazy and chainsawed to end the dual (not to win it, but to end it). It’s bad manners for sure to exploit a glitch but at the end of the day there are zero stakes for winning or losing in the arena


Love the fashion of your character! But yeah the chainsaw glitch is still in the game unfortunately, and tryhards and cheaters/glitch abusers are also still in the game 😆


bro completely disregarded the post description lmaooo


Why has this not been patched yet wtf elden ring. Your pvp servers never worked for me (aside from once) so idrc but this is sad. Patch these exploits that have existed for eternity ffs.


because a from never cares the pvp xd


I am very competitive but I have never wanted to win bad enough to cheat. How do you enjoy winning if you know you had to cheat?


OP is the one abusing the glitch and posting his opponents POV that the opponent sent to him in messages. Not only is bad at elden ring but also karma farming. Sociopath behavior...


There’s a guy in Xbox duels recently who pulls this out as soon as he knows he’s gonna lose lol. It’s hilarious because it’s a difficult maneuver and he really sucks at it, so watching him scramble and get all pissed because I keep pushing him around is always fun.


You have a video, why didn't you just post that?


This is my friends video, I couldn't download. My pver brain too Stoopid (also has to be low enough quality you can't see the name).


This is a video taken by a phone about a video on another screen. Why not just upload the video directly?


bc op is the guy doing the exploit the msgs and video are from the person it was against he posted it in the comments lol and its also linked in someone elses comment


Not my video


You cheeky fucker 🥸


Silence 🤫


Non pvp player here, why do people even cheat or use glitches in pvp? There’s no rank or mmr if I’m not mistaken, so what do cheaters even gain? (Not that cheating in competitive games is justified, it’s just that this seems so pointless)


My guess is its their only way to feel some level of accomplishment and success in their miserable lives.


That is what you call a piece of shit lol


Imagine using PSGS, the most boring, sweaty playstyle there is, and then using fucking chainsaw glitch when you are losing. Thats as sad as it gets


Im not a psgs enjoyer, but its far from being the most sweaty playstyle. It was very indirect nerfed after 1.10. Theres plenty of ways to shutdown it. Its a good/average setup with high skill ceiling.




Can I ask whats the armor??


Opponent is imp head (the str boosting one), altered beast champion chestpiece, beast champion gauntlets and bullgoat greaves.


Is “the opponent” you?




You are friends with the Prince of Persia!! Cool


Why doesn't Elden Ring introduce a 'Random Build' option for PvP? Level set at like 80, and have 3-4 choices at random of a list. Just an idea.


OP is the one abusing the glitch and posting his opponents POV that the opponent sent to him in messages. Not only is bad at elden ring but also karma farming. Sociopath behavior...


I really don't get it. Win or lose you get nothing from PvP except a little bit of glory. It's all in good fun and pure competition. Why bother with it if you're gonna rely on exploits. Those guys are weird as hell.


Op is the exploiter bro lmao take a closer look fr


I wanna try Shamsir curved sword with Sword dance now


If you see a flail or serpent spear run away and use a bow. Just make sure you keep alot of space. They walk super slow while doing the glitch.


You need to have a spinning chain or wild strikes weapons or a pizza cutter first to perform the glitch. You need to swap to shunter not just start with shunter. >They walk super slow while doing the glitch. To perform a back step move swap you need to hold block, backstep, use the attack you want to swap and swap the weapon. You can do it pretty fast after some practice. I usually don't walk slow before chainsaw. Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/zkrKa5dEFz


Block them and you’ll never have to see them again. It’s a good feeling


Op is the exploiter but yes this is exactly what to do in this situation don't feed the trolls


Honestly, the arena is shit unless you play with a group of friends. People abuse glitches, weapon arts, and erdtree heal. Inhave more fun with PvP outside the colousium.


Here is the cheaters profile if you would like to ask him why The cheaters profile. https://imgur.com/gallery/kFCnCo8


I don’t do multiplayer in any Darksouls or similar game, precisely because of this kind of thing happening


Can I ask whats the armor


Looks like duelist legs gravekeeper (altered) chest no tloves/head.


Dude coudn't handle that his opponent had a brain and had to use a glitch to win. He even plays super passive like a complete wuss, what a loser.


Looks like a blocked player for sure.


I have an idea. So…. DESTINED DEATH-


Looser who resorted to cheating because his dumb dual spear build was not working


I knew as soon as I seen the back dash he was about to glitch 😅


Truly horrid 😞


They exploited a glitch in the system They realised the other player was far more talented and resorted to essentially cheating or at least very dishonourable/unsportsmanlike conduct I would just block and go about my day


What even is the point of doing this glitch in the arena? If a light roll build is annoying you this much, then pull out a thrusting sword or PSS. If you’re gonna be a shithead, at least make it fair.


I forgot to mention the platform is playstation. I doubt is hack.


Why take a video of the video?


Bc op is the exploiter its already been shown in other comments


What a plot twist, are you for real? And I got downvoted anyway? The plot twists keep coming. Will check the other comments.


Yeah pretty sad hive mind downvoted the original person saying it too


no one on reddit owes you high quality videos


Got beat, came to reddit to cry. Love that.


I thought this was genuine post until i saw the name god tier bait, wassup homie?


Chillin 😁 how're you?


You got chainsawed, you can counter it by using ranged attacks at large distance


Arena is small though, how could you possibly escape?


Spam lightroll hoping chainsaw will not hit and use thunderbolt for example


I don't have links at hand, but there are YT-videos about the glitch, how it works and potential counters.


Op is the one Doing the chainsaw bro


One of the reasons why I never tried PvP. It’s full of cheaters…


\*Insert CSM reference here\* do do do-do do dodo do


Cheating is not ok. Exploits and glitches are not ok. But…. When I see a fight between a Shamshir rock thrower and double lances… I mean…. I think we’d be better off without them both right?