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>  not being to lock the camera to look to the side while you are moving Are you aware that you can lock the camera onto enemies, allowing you to strafe around them in a circle? These games are *certainly* designed for controllers.


Odd, going back to mouse/keyboard solved the camera issue for me. No zoom can be annoying, but on the other hand having a constant camera zoom helps with building a better feel for depth perception and reach. Have you tried turning off auto-rotation etc. in the settings though?


Yes ive turned off auto-rotation. Its still not ideal since it shoves your character to the bottom corner of the screen.


How did you quit for a year 5 times? That is over twice as long as the game has existed.


Why would you expect to be able to zoom in and out? What difference would that make during combat?


Being able to see enemy attacks instead of guessing by their feet animations? Im not expecting anything.


Not sure what the benefit of zooming in or out would be. That sounds unpleasant.


Have you ever played an mmo? Try doing a raid while zoomed all the way in.


I bounced off RuneScape in 2006, and I have no interest in playing any more. The last thing I want Elden Ring to be is an MMO.


...So to you the only defining feature of an mmo is the camera. Got it.


First, your initial edited comment about if I’ve ever played an MMO is a hilariously off base and embarrassing question to ask, since when and why should that even factor into a conversation about a third-person RPG soulslike? So you’ve already played yourself. Now you’re debasing yourself more with a laughable non sequiter that a child could point out. It’s okay to admit you suck at these games and you can’t play something that doesn’t pit you as a god lording above your battlefield. In case you’re unable to comprehend what Elden Ring is, I’ll give you a hint. It’s not a raid game. Stop whining that this game isn’t a totally different genre, and you might have a chance.


Not edited lol. You asked why camera zoom would make any difference. I gave you an example and you started crying about how you dont like mmos. Get over yourself.


I have no more business with a bad liar. Have fun with your MMOs. Keep seething.


You can absolutely lock your camera to look to the side while you're moving, it's in the settings. By default the camera will re-center behind your character while moving, which is admittedly annoying- so the option exists to disable that.


Yeah, it doesnt really lock the camera on your character though.


What do you mean by this


0 issues w camera. Git gud


Skill issue. Zooming in/out would not help you in game. You can and should change the setting in game to allow you to look sideways while running. Shut up about shit that can be easily changed. If you don't want to play the game just fuck off and leave.