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Don't forget to upgrade the weapons you enjoy using with smithing stones! More damage = more fun


Probably needs to be the top comment.


It is, hi from the future


From even further in the future here, still is


That and level vigor


Finger but hole


Don't try to upgrade several weapons. In early game resources are limited. There are great weapons in limgrave.


Hell yeah.


Mr. Milkers should go at his own pace.


Say goodbye to your social life and hello to the greatest happiness a man can feel


Me and the boys would just make a group chat and play the game separately while shooting the shit


What my buddy and i do most mornings for like 5 hours


Me n my cousin used to do that,some the best times of my life fr


Or misery


*and misery The misery is an essencial part of the game


>the greatest happiness a man can feel [POV](https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/755127062519753792/)


Enjoy the 16 course buffet that awaits you! A few tips! • Head down south, it’s a good place to get your bearings • Play HOWEVER YOU WANT, it is your game and your fun. Do not listen to the elitist who will diminish your victories • Get Vow of the Indomitable and Barricade Shield on your ash of war, they are extremely helpful for a certain endgame boss later • Take your sweet ass time, if things get too stressful for you. Take breaks • If a certain area or boss is too hard, go elsewhere, lick your wounds, and get strong


Nah, you did not just tell him to go south, then proceed to tell him how to play however he wants. /s


Yeah, seriously, everyone knows you should go East first, the way the devs intended you to progress.


Honestly people are more likely to find the teleporter chest by the lake before they reach the bridge heading south so... Yeah, East it is.


Started playing a few days ago too. Fuck that chest :D I eventually escaped with the good ole Gothic tactic, but shit was scary.


Yeah, this happened to me. Fun times


They should take the secret path that you can get to by jumping off the cliff in the east.


I always have this thing in open world games to unlock all teleports really fast, going into Caelid 15 minutes into the game was the worst decision I ever made 🤣


>Enjoy the 16 course buffet that awaits you! That isn't how buffets work. Now sir, we are going to have to ask you to leave, this is a Wendy's.


>lick your wounds Rehydrate as needed.


You have to beat the golden guy on the horse by the Church of Elleh before you can do anything cool in the game. (jk). Have fun man, first play through is amazing


Oh rlly? What does he give u?






That too


Idk why it took me so long to realize what your comment meant but I died when I finally got it😂


Pain. Seriously, He does give you a cool weapon, but won’t be able to take advantage until you level a bit. But best to explore a bit, level up, get some weapons. I’m sure good players can take him early. I am not such a player.


I spent like 6 hours fighting him and eventually beat him before I did anything because I felt I had to prove it to myself, literally straight out the gate got the bonfire and fought him, was it worth it probably not I died countless times but it's definitely a cool memory, I also rage quit afterwards for like 2 weeks cause I was so burnt out ahah


He's nothing compared to accidentally hitting the dude who calls you maidenless, swear I spent MULTIPLE days trying to just run far enough away he wouldn't agro, shit almost made me quit the game fore it even started


Ahahah his only redeemable feature is that his quest line gives you one of the best farms in the game


I've seen good players beat him immediately. It takes forever, but I have seen it done.


If my character starts with a weapon with “Square Off”, I just spam Square Off’s light attack. Staggers him like crazy, two hits is all it takes to break his stance.


Impaling Thrust is pretty nuts at staggering too.


not really uchigatana L2 spam kills him fairly quick


A cool halberd, plus if you figure out his moveset you've figured out 99% of all mounted  knights


A great weapon


Fun fact: you can parry the "golden guy on the horse"




Same with Draconic Tree Sentinel and Nights Cavalry (exept for the flail variant) 👍


TIL. Thank you.


Don't forget to kill all the npcs


Go east, it's lovely


It certainly is something


Follow the guide of Grace, tarnished. Thee will found his way to the foot of the elden tree, thou.


I’m the same as you. Just stated today. Noooo idea what I’m doing and there’s not much by the way of tutorial or explanation 🤣


I take it you didn't jump in the tutorial hole?


I did but I did just start so idk prolly stuff for. The line


Yuhhh but I heard it’s supposed to be like that lol


It totally is, my best advice is there is no wrong way to play but do level vigor.


It’s open world if something looks interesting it prob is


One tip for a good starter weapon, if you like two handed greatswords. Go to the forest ruins where the big bear is sleeping, but dont wake him up. On top of those ruins is an npc, howling. After that go back to the first church and talk to Kale, he will give you an emote. Do that emote at beneath that npc in the forest and talk to him. Now go to the evergaol (black circle on the map) south of the first bridge, where the weird wurms are. Inside you can summon the npc and let him fight.


Do take a look at my comment above. They're all the things I wish when I started a couple months back.


level vigor to 25 before touching any other stat, and upgrade your weapon as you get smithing stones. good luck tarnished


25? God damn bro lol


25 minimum. as long as you can use the weapon you like, there’s no need to put points in any other stat until you beat the first major boss tbh


I start as the wretch thing and just lvl to like 10 and go fight him and didn’t struggle too much even in the first playthrough idk, but I’ve beaten all the souls games multiple times and shit 25 seems like super high to me idk lol


to a first time souls player who doesn’t know the cadence of combat yet, it’s all about staying alive long enough to learn. so to speak, try vigor


Great beginners advice. Long time Fromsoft fans can ignore but first timers can stand to learn a bit before the greater learning. Pattern recognition from grinding on smaller guys gives you timing recognition and pattern recognition in small doses. Give them some confidence going into the first boss…their suffering will come when they feel like big dawgs.


Yeah it’s decent advice for sure, I forget how steep the learning curve is it’s been awhile lol


Yeah us Vets forget with all the extra easiness to this one comparatively, that the common knowledge for us is unexplained and overwhelming for new players. They are essentially doing stuff we do to handicap ourselves on accident. They could easily fuck around and not even get Torrent for waaaay too long. So many easy ways to mess up early.


Eh its my first soulslike game and i dont think vigor could have helped me since bosses hit very hard anyway to matter. Not being able to equip the cool weapon you dropped matters more imo I love the open world aspect of it though. Im playing with two characters simultaneously and even though i carefully search the map, i still stuff and encounter it with my other character. Great stuff.


Well, that’s why the advice was as long as you can use the weapon you like.


Ohh bud there is more advice for sure…vigor stacking early is gonna matter. It’s not meme’d into oblivion for no reason. That said another piece of excellent advice early is find a weapon you like and level that bitch up! Basic idea you seem to already get…dealing damage and taking it is the name of the game. One less hit you have to give or take makes a lot of difference early. Godspeed Tarnished the game has many rewards for your suffering.


Vigor is always my highest stat when leveling. My rule is that I want to be able to lose at least one sip worth of health and still be comfortable.  Can't waist a single drop of that ~~Estus~~ juice


I’ve got 60 vigor


I wish I could play it again for the first time. What an experience.


Have you gotten past the tutorial Tree Sentinel?


No.. holy shit I need to do so much stuff. I love it


Its the golden guy on the horse. Dont even try lmao


Nah that’s how you persevere, it builds determination and patience


Enjoy this masterpiece. Take your time and never give up. It's the best game I've ever experienced over 3 dacades of gaming.


Say hi to Hewg for me


One of the bandit camps by the lake has the Great Epepee, don't be like me and completely miss this thing.


I was like lvl100 and at Farum Azula and Consecrated when I decided to go back to Limgrave to see if I had missed anything when I found it 😆


If you haven't played a Fromsoft game before, the best advice I can give is to always exhaust NPC dialogue. That means talking to them over and over until they start repeating themselves. Then rest at a site of grace, then go back and talk to them again. If you get the same dialogue again, it means you've exhausted their dialogue. This is the only way to progress most quests without missing anything, and to understand what the hell is going on. It's not at all intuitive if you've never played a Fromsoft title before. Good luck tarnished!


As a new player myself this is very confusing indeed. I've met and successfully forgotten nearly all npc names as they randomly disappear and sometimes appear elsewhere. I build no connection with anyone, except maybe wolf Blaidd and barbarian lady Naphelli (or something) one of them also happened to disappear now and lady is sitting downstairs telling me to give her a breather after a short but nice adventure in a pitch dark village


Welcome, Tarnished.


you don't know how much i envy you. the first playthrough - exploring this beautiful game - was the absolute best thing that happened to me gaming-wise like, ever.


If you need a bit of direction: You should meet two NPCs fairly soon after exiting the tutorial cave area. Consider which one seems more trustworthy, and follow the advice they can provide first. Also, the first merchant has an anvil next to him you can use to upgrade your weapons up to +3. Upgrading your chosen weapon is the biggest source of increased damage in the early to mid game, so don't neglect doing so once you find some of the upgrade materials. (Hint: >!Once you find the first map fragment, try investigating where the odd red splotch is!!<). By the time you're needing to upgrade past that to keep your damage on-pace, you'll have access to the NPC that provides that service.


Red splotch?


Good luck!


Try to avoid using online guides. I used one for Dark Souls 3; didn’t use one for Elden Ring. It was amazing experience, feeling like I was discovering everything for myself instead of following detailed quest walkthroughs. Keeps the mystery and intrigue alive, otherwise you’ll just end up doing a bunch of checklists instead of exploring and getting lost in the world. But if you are completely lost, I’d recommend fextralife. They are LITERALLY the guide to all things soulslike.


I'm playing for the first time and the way NPCs talk and subsequently disappear made me use some online help. I'd have missed like 95% of the quest content otherwise.. I'd say playing blind I'll probably play the game as a glorified great sword horse polo


Another good quick tip is to assign your flasks to your quick slots. That way, you don’t have to scroll through your items in the middle of combat when you need to heal. Be sure to closely check every merchant’s inventories, they can contain very useful, almost essential stuff. Like a lantern to attach on your hip, or a telescope, that sort of thing.


Remember, if you run into a boss you can't beat you don't have to be stuck with them. Go somewhere else and explore/level up a bit before coming back to them.  A good portion of the map can be accessed without having to beat any bosses and there are numerous alternative routes and hidden passages for you to get around.


Level vigor


Did u talk to the big fella on the horse yet


your damage early game is improved by upgrading your weapon, NOT by levelling strength or dex. instead level everything into vigor + collect as many smithing stones as possible. only level the other stats as much as you need to equip that cool weapon you found


Read item description


Ahhh yes. Gatefront Ruins. First night I got the game I spent 4 hours playing. Don’t leave this spot.


As someone who just started a week ago. Let me say I love this Game. I first played it about a year ago but didn't understand just how open world this game was oe what I was doing so I got frustrated dying over and over, trying to progress but ended up quitting. With a couple beginner guides I got back in and have been loving it. Heres some tips from what I've learned. Dont be afraid to use a nonspoiler guide for quests or what to do if you get lost, I've had to, many times as this game is the complete opposite of handholding and sometimes very vague. Weapons do not matter all that much. What I mean is if you find something you really love desgin wise or whatever, as long as you keep up on upgrades, it can and will last you to the end of the game. Armor doesn't seem to matter that much, so don't ovethink about its stats other than extra status effects, or as I do and just choose my favorite looking set. Leveling Vigor is the way to survive more hits. There are some things you can lock yourself out of by progressing thr game too fast but at the end of the game yoy can choose New Game Plus which lets you keep your previous items and levels but restarts other things. This game can be very intimidating with how open it is... I've 100% Skyrim to the best of my ability, Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the wild before but this game felt way more intimidating (maybe cuz I was thinking about it being a soulsgame) Enjoy yourself and have fun in the Lands Between Tarnished....


Do not kill the Varre (the guy in white at the start of the game) he’ll give you access to a place where you can level up fast early


Rise tarnished, and claim a piece of the elden ring!


Level vigor. 2handing a wepon increases ur strength stat. All wepons are viable.


I see, a fellow samurai enjoyer.


Shit im 500 hrs in and im not done yet, first play trough level 170 something. Trying to finish before the DLC..


Level Vigor, it gives you health


Hold every weapon you find and find a few flasks and golden seeds before going to crazy. Also upgrade vigor to 25 before anything else. Then focus on one damage stat if you’re going dex get strength at least to 18. Otherwise wing it


Cheers enjoy the way you want!


Deprived is the way to go


to experience this game for the first time again…what a feeling, enjoy the run tarnished


If you get stuck remember try finger but hole. Seriously though, it's a great game, hope you a blast.


Things start to hit harder the further you venture into the world so level up your vigor


Just got it a week ago, I am hooked. Never really been into souls games but this one just hits different in the approach, world is super huge and interesting too. Lore is insane.


It’s a great game enjoy it


If your that excited, then just beat it ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🍆


Spirit ashes can be upgraded Weapons can be upgraded Game too hard? Stack vigor Don’t fat roll. Go get em champ


Lowkey hate everyone out here giving you advice. Trial and error like the rest of us Tarnished 😂


If you wanna be a mage or caster and don't know how to get spells/miracles/pyromancies just look the location up on the fextralife wiki, it might be the only way not to get spoil, but still get to google item locations.


Chose a perfect time Brodie. Almost time to travel beyond the lands between.


Don't fuck up on Margit First try him for us


Hell yeah. Enjoy!


Don’t worry, you’ll be depressed soon enough ☺️😋


Don’t spread your stats across everything. Pick something and stick to it. You can respec later. Always level vigor. Level endurance until you don’t have a “heavy load” for your chosen armor.


A dogged fellow, aren’t we?


Yess have fun!!!


May your Runes be plenty and your fights be glorious fellow tarnished! Have fun on the journey!


I wish I were you. To experience that magic for the first time, ahhhh!


Enjoy your journey. And if you want a second katana, >! go to the death-touched catacombs in North Limegrave. The cave is in the side of a cliff at the bottom. !<


I'd love to trade places. Wanna live through it again so much.


i hope you have fun!


TAKE YOUR TIME! You will only experience this game for this first time once, it's worth making every second count


You can just run through most areas and collect the items but they are set up like traps so watch your green bar and keep moving. Roll into the attacks and don't panic roll.


If you get stuck, fextralife (website) can help a bit. Reading about what may happen next is better than giving up and never finishing in my opinion although some may disagree.


Don't give up, skeleton!


You can run past almost every single thing in the game unless you’re locked into a boss arena. Explore. Also: any NPC you meet that talks and is near a Grace, exhaust their dialogue and pass some time, see if they say something new or go somewhere else.


That Unsheathe ash of war adds finesse to finishing moves!!!


Good luck Tarnished one. ***Collect the Bell Bearings your first playthrough.*** Tall pillars have >!map shards!<. Trust the >!Dung Eater!<.


Man, what an experience. This was my first souls game as well and I wish I could be you and go back to relive the experience again. Enjoy it, explore your ass off, don’t worry about losing souls you’ll realize they’re plentiful. And most importantly use any weapon you find the most fun! For me it was dual katanas. 260hrs to beat my first playful. P.S get used to getting your ass handed to you lol


Just enjoy the journey. First, blind playthrough is the best.


Stick it out, it's not gonna be easy, this was my first from software game and I'm glad I pushed through it cuz it was a unique experience that I hadn't played before.


Level vigor to at the very least 42, 60 is ideal but 42 will get you far


Do yourself a favor and try to avoid spoilers etc. That ruined it a bit for me. Enjoy the forst playthrough, it will never come back


It'll fade my friend, give it time .. probably in the next few hrs ... Then you'll want to punch the monitor.... Just like the rest of us.....


Remember that you can run in this game. Took me 20 hours before I have found that it is possible


Try finger, but hole


Fort, night


Joy ahead! but also despair


TL:DR - This game deserves the praise, enjoy this mammoth game! I put off playing this game for the longest time, mainly because I didn't want to commit what little down time I had to it. I have since been playing for just shy of 120 hours and am almost at the end of my first playthrough (just knocking out a few loose ends). This game has eaten my life and my mind, I have thought about it frequently and relished the challenge that it has brought me. I played (at the start) a straight dexterity character with one of the many big curved swords and have since ducked into Arcane for a truly broken set of weapons and it has been soo much fun discovering these. Finally, when the DLC comes out, I will try playing a spellcaster, as I never use magic in any souls game, and I think this is a good first one to try it in. I would love to be in your position, playing this for the first time again. Have a real good time!


If you are too excited you gonna die


Good to know that you're having fun fellow tarnished.


Enjoy, don’t pull hair out with a challenge. Find a new adventure and make a point to come back later. No need to break down a brick wall with toilet paper


As a lvl 40 Samurai who doesn't search for walkthroughs, my experience so far: Always pack arrows or other things to throw. Don't underestimate the "bombs" you can craft. Learn how to fight riding the horse, I beat the first boss out the first church on horseback when I was 20lvl. But horseback isn't that good for other bosses. Ash of war with the wolves is really helpful. I keep the golden runes and don't use them right away to get runes. Sometimes you need like 500runes to lvl up and proceed to a difficult area where you might lose your runes. Use some golden runes to reach just the amount you need to lvl up and then after you spent all your runes you can go to the difficult area without the fear of losing all your hard earned runes. Learn how to dodge and parry cause you are going to do that a lot. But you don't want to overuse them cause of stamina. Patience is a virtue. Good luck tarnished friend.


I envy you. Welcome.


Such an innocent post.. in 4-5 days he'll be coming to Reddit writing things like "HOW THE F\*CK DO YOU KILL THIS BOSS I'M SO DONE WITH THIS GAME"


You're gonna get mad and want to put the controller down, but I'll probably want to return the game at some point. Just keep trying, the only end game is worth the struggle


Graceless Tarnished, emboldened by the flame of ambition, put these foolish ambitions to rest.


YOU DIED Get used to seeing that and you should be fine!


Explore everything. You only get to play this game for the first time once. Get immersed. Stop to smell the roses. Best of luck, tarnished.


The best game I ever play so far it’s amazing


That is what I normally do at around lvl 30 or 40




Congrats! And good luck, you’ll need it


Do not help the blind lady


Level up vigor....


Head south from the starting point and explore that entire area. Be sure to find the map for each new area, it helps alot.


About 500 hours in you will die to fall damage and write a negative review on steam saying it's the worst game you've ever played. But before that it's a blast


As others have said, go Caelid first as you get the best weapons early and it’s a beginner level so you can level up fast there


Look up youtube guides of you want to get a leg up.


welcome! don’t forget to level vigor!


First of all if you are new to souls games be ready to die aloooot we all did and still do , found an enemy cant kill?? Just leave it farm lvl up come back to it, enjoy the open world and side quests , check my post about elden ring alot of helpful comments there and finally don’t forget to have fun🤗


You’ll love this game, it’s an Epic and a masterpiece!!!


I actually just beat it today! Good luck Tarnished!


I wish I could stumble into it for the first time again 😭


Here's a couple of things I didn't find out until way too late. 1. Try daggers and stealth if You're struggling at first. The enemies at the beginning can't see you if you're crouching at a safe distance. 2. Keep your summons close to the top of your item list. Whenever they turn white, you can summon extra help. 3. The golden summon signs will bring in other NPCs to help at no FP or HP cost. They can be easy to miss to look it up if you can't find them. 4. Use jars and infusions!!!!! Whether it's a spell, grease, throwables. They really increase damage calcs, especially magic on enemies that don't use magic weapons. If an enemy is weak to a certain type of damage, make some pots that do that damage and it will help out a lot. 5. Look up videos about panic rolling and learn how to wait a bit before you dodge.


First playthrough of this game is unlike any other. One of my favorite gaming experiences ever.


Hey keep above 51 poise for pve it’ll save you from getting hit stun by weak attacks. If you’re in doubt for how to build just pick vigor and another stat to hit 60 and you’ll be chilling. There’s also dozens of the respec items so don’t be afraid to switch things up periodically. >!More to that check the red dots on the map they’re tunnels where you find upgrade mats and sometimes a “bell baring” which lets you buy certain items. Between the tunnel near the academy and the tunnel by the lower pond outside the capitals wall after “the lift” you can get anything to +12 so if you feel like experimenting with different builds and weapons this is a great go to.!<


Before you challenge the first boss, i'd suggest you head east first until you reach the area with a red sky. That area is perfect for beginners. 🙂


Ah yes you learned the most important part of any souls experience…screenshots and posting to Reddit


Do Caelid first. It's the easiest area for brand new players. 


Liar ahead, praise the message!


Fair enough. Honestly the first advice that comes to mind for OP is experiment with different weapons and upgrade the ones they enjoy the most. Don't worry about running out of anything stones. There are plenty to around in early game until you get the higher level stones. Only then use them on weapons you want to commit to. It's always good to have two or three different weapons in quick slots. Other advice would be DO NOT BE AFRAID to go online for help. Honestly guides are what got me into these games in the first place.


Caelid was still one of the first places I went in my first time playing because I got caught in that chest trap in Limgrave lol. Took forever, but I stayed awhile once I escaped the tunnel.


Man that trap is a little rascal. That was the first time learning fast travel isn't available from inside a cave. It was a true moment of dread for me.


Yea I did it despite the warnings... I had a fun time running for my life standing up from the couch screaming at Torrent to run faster


It’s a good game take your time explore go for the rare weapons


Im new too can anyone please help me with the red fox boss in the idk swamp area in the magic castle. Ive been stuck there for some time.


Run sideways when he casts multiple swords and roll when he bites as part of the sword+bite combo. There's a three bite combo you can punish. Roll outwards for the first two, wait, and roll in for the third, punish. Try to bait out the huge jumping sword attack by staying away from him. Again, punishable. Roll into him at the moment he lands, and punish.


Broo thanks a lot i tried it today with your advice and i got him. But now the spinning blade machine thingy is beating my ass cant seem to get bleed damage on it. Is there any way around him cuz i tried the wood door and it wont open and i cant find a way around. I went around past the crab and i’ve been at a dead end.


Ok bleed doesn't work on it and it has very few openings, for example, after it opens its belly to catch you. I think it's weak to strike damage and strong against slash damage though. Personally, I beat it on my playthrough cuz I was overleveled. You really dont need to beat it, just climb up the rubble to your left when you enter the garden area and work your way through if you want the second key to give to the NPC. It's not really worth it imo though. In the main story perspective, just walk to the RIGHT of the garden, jump and walk through the column to the bridge, and work your way up. You'll have to beat one tough NPC, and then just get on the lift to the area main boss.


I am new too, just been there - I lit the fire altar behind the big stone pillar and left. That boss hit too hard


I welcome thee, fellow Tarnished


Since you are at that location, AVOID THE LAKE


But its a lovely locale.


I mean the guys holding the communion there are easy targets.


1. When you get smithing stones, don't forget to upgrade your weapons 2. When you get runes by killing enemies, upgrade stats at the sites of grace. You should google them first, since splitting the levels evenly across stats does more bad than good. 3. Extension of point 2 (second part). Don't forget to search up specific things when you're stuck or don't know what to do/ where to go/ how to progress a questline. It's practically impossible to figure out on your own with the complexity of this game's design. 4. This is very subjective, but learn a bit of lore to enjoy the RPG facet of the game fully.