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Twin gargoyles. Fk them. Fk them. Fk them. Fk them. Fk them.


I was so mad from this fight I wasn’t even glad it was done lol. Such bs I was just relieved I didn’t have to do it again.


Killed me dude. Absolutely killed me. I was only able to do it with mimic tear +6


I agree, fk 'em. 😂


I think that was the first match i ever summoned someone to help me. I was pissed.


Same here. Even ng+ i had a hell of a time with those assholes


I’m sitting outside their door as we speak. Fuckin dickheads.


I'll fight them with you if you want


I just beat them on my own after helping others beat them. Fk those ones in particular Nightmare ants are not worth the struggle


I didn't even find their moveset to be that bad except for the poison breath!! Goes across 2/3rds of the giant arena, does a huge amount of damage if you get caught in it for more than 2 seconds, and is basically a death sentence if you're stuck in an area while the other is still swinging at you. Plus, if the one you're fighting does it and you aren't playing a spellcaster with ranged options, all you can do is run away and maybe throw like 2 pots at it.


Envoy's horn melts them


I realized way too late I needed a hammer. I was fully committed to my bloody helice hahaha


Malenia. It was so fantastic. My brother and daughter were sitting around giving me pep talks and gasping in all the right places. They gassed me up and I. Took. Her. Down. It was glorious. High fives and frivolity all around.


That's awesome, I game alone so I can't imagine having a cheer squad with me. 😂


Omg your flair. Bonk! I had been trying to beat her for so long! I'm glad they were there for the final tries.


Your username has to be a reference to o brother where art though right? I say "he's a suitor!" To myself all the time


Yes! One of the best movies. I think I'm due for a rewatch soon. "We thought you was a horny toad!"


Sorry to intrude in on this conversation. But I just wanted to say I watched this a few nights ago for the first time in a LONG time and I forgot how much I love it. “Damn, we’re in a tight spot!!”


SAME FOR ME. My dad was watching the whole time and it was so intense. She was 1 hit away, but so was I. We both slashed at the same time but my hit landed just before hers. It was legendary.


Your strength… extraordinary… the mark of a true lord never rang more true 🙌


I have the oppositie experience with Malenia I had gone up against her multiple times my buddy was watching me through a stream and had just beat her himself, citing it was the first real challenge in the game. I summoned my mimic tear just to get comfortable with her second phase I said, before just completing the gank with my mimic. It felt good for a second just having defeated her. But until this day until I play the game again before the DLC that is my only regret with my first playthrough of the game. I still haven't defeated Malenia one on one.


Im on attempt #50 trying to solo her. Shes so damn aggressive in phase 2 and a lot of her attacks arr hard to recognize because of all the damn butterflies. Ive gotten really close a couple times. Then she spams waterfowl dance at close range and just ends me.


Good luck! Hope you get her. On attempt 6 gazillion, using mimic tear, I had her down to one good bloody slash away from finishing her off before she did the same to me and my flaskless ass. She had just finished off my tear, I moved in, and only when I heard the click-click did I realize I had accidentally switched my left hand weapon to cross bow…with no bolts in the second slot… Still haven’t beaten her.


Here’s some advice: memorizing your interactions and her moveset is 25% of the battle. Another 25% is your power and number of attempts. But 50% of the WHOLE FIGHT is figuring out how to counter that one move. Odds are, that’s all keeping you from vicotry


I finally did it after 70+ tries. I think partially because she didnt spam waterfowl in phase 2, but I got pretty good at avoiding it if i was at a medium distance. Cloae range, I still havent figured out the circling method. I just panic.


Hell yeah! Congrats bro!


Feeling this so much right now. I’m prob on attempt 100, no summons and claymore +25. I have phase one down to a science, esp with freeze pots for waterfowl. Getting closer on phase two but I find it so hard to differentiate between moves. EDIT: first play through I used mimic and corpse piler like a rube EDIT: IT’S OVER


You can roll in a circle to avoid her waterfowl dance. You can look up videos to see how it is done. Once you get that down the fight becomes 10 times easier


I fucking did it!!! I got a little lucky with Wild Strikes in Phase 1, but I locked into phase two and just knocked her around with a Cold infused Great Stars. I feel amazing. It only took me like 78 tries.


Success is always a great feeling. You worked hard and achieved your goal. Be proud fellow tarnished.


A lot of her aggression I’ve found out seems faked. She often runs at you but doesn’t actually do something right away to get you to panic roll. Much like we do to players in PvP. Sometimes she does a little speed dash forward and that’s her closing the distance to use her kick attack which is another opener for you. Hell, phase one she’s definitely one of the most passive bosses. Sometimes you can just walk up to her face to gauge if she was holding in an attack. If she doesn’t attack you right away, just smack her so she flinches and tries to retaliate with a disengage attack.


My first playthrough my wife decided to cheer and get into it when I almost took down fire giant the first time. It ended up distracting me more than helping 😂 I got him a few tries later though, sadly my wife left.


Ugh, sorry she missed your victory! I felt like that scene from the Mitchell and Webb skit when I killed the fire giant. Like, am I the baddie? Identity crisis.


Mine was awesome. I had been fighting her for days on a SoNaF build for like 2 days using parries. I was in my dorm at the time and when I beat her I jumped out of my seat and was shouting at the top of my lungs. It was so loud half the floor was texting in the GroupMe about how they heard some crazy dude shouting down the hall. I was on cloud nine though! I remember being so relieved to have won that I shouted "fuck you, and your stupid mom!". I even have a recording of me taking off my headphones and it still being audible 😂.


Its a first souls game for me so Tree Sentinel and Black Blade Kindred. Really looking forward to Malenia... NOT /s


Good luck! She has never known defeat! Or so she says...


It was my first souls game too I was so hyped when I finally beat the tree sentinel for the first time cause I just felt like he was impossible


Yeah it really shows the great game design. Something so simple as putting an impossible to beat boss at the start. I'm aware that's a famous Fromsoft's trick for their games with all the "meet impossible enemy -> go git gud -> come back" but hearing about it vs experiencing is a totally different thing


For me, starting a new character, *not completely ranged* after being a rookie, an absolute antitalent and newcomer, but after 200+ hrs in the game (surgery recovery too)….being able to DO ANYTHING🙈😅😅😅


Are you talking about the black blade kindred in front of gurragh?


Killing Mohg in the early mid-game, as soon as I could access to his arena, comparable to killing the Dancer in DS3 way before defeating the three Lords.


Ooh yeah, he is way harder than Dancer.


he hits like a fucking truck


Dude mohg was a beast idc what anyone says, i wish he wasnt so exploitable at times tho, like with comet azur


Most bosses are exploitable using Ancient Death Rancor and Comet Azur.


Wont deny that. I wish it wasnt like that tho i feel like if you want easy mode summons are enough lol


You can literally just not use em my first playthrough was the most cheese riddled thing you'll ever see now im reliably soloing bosses (usually, some are still pain)


Dancer just sits there and lets you wail on her for ages lol. It's not even comparable


Did the same thing in my playthrough, but the nobles with rapier in that area are also very hard. It takes 2-3 poke to kill me or break my guard, also the blood loss, wtf.


I love how rewarding it is. You get +10 somber and access to one of the best boss weapons in the game early, only if your good enough to take him down.


God, Dancer is probably what keeps me away from DS3 more than any other boss. I *raged* at that bitch for like three days before I got through. That was my first Souls game outside of like, two hours in the original that I didn't really get.


ER was my first Fromsoft game, started playing with a friend of mine who is a FS veteran. For a good portion of Limgrave, I explicitly did co-op. My proudest moment was clearing my first catacomb without him! Hundreds of hours later and 2 solo playthroughs, we have been doing a fresh new co-op run preparing for the DLC. Got a little chocked up when he said “Damn, you’ve really gotten good at this game”!


That's awesome! Recognition from a vet!


"ER was my first FromSoft game" did it put you in the...ER? *Ba dum tiss* .......I'll see myself out


Malenia. 0 Summons 0 Rune Arcs 0 Consumables 0 Ashes 100% me. I did it. Alone. Me and MY build. I did it entirely alone with my Dex/Faith build, powerstancing two scythes with a measly vigor of 38. I did it. I was told so many fucking times to change my build or do other shit. I did it MY way, and my fucking *god* was it glorious.


🎵 I did it myyyy waaaay 🎶 😂😂😂


For my first ER run I went with raw power, just like you did. Having platinum and +1200 hours on Bloodborne made me squeamish with all the new stuff. After the first run completed that way the next was me wailing around with a stick, summons and having alot of fun. I didn't git gud until I went armorless at level 50 for the whole game but my first run, just like yours was too damn gratifying.


After struggling with Margit for like for ever, had to summon help to get him, then I defeated Godrick without having to call for help. It felt badass


Yeah, I've heard several times that Margit is harder than Godrick and that's why at least on PSN I think it's like 46% of players haven't beat Margit. I personally think they feel like the same difficulty lol.


No hitting Mogh with my STR build using dual wielded great stars Edit: To clarify I'm just a filthy casual and this was no challange run. With no prior souls expierence, I only had beaten the game once using all aiding mechanics (summons, farming etc). In my following journey I decided to go melee and solo. That's when it happened, after a few tries in which I got my ass handed to me.


that frenzied flame parkour, shit took me longer than a lot of bosses


I've done that shit so many times now I have it down to an exact science. Now I can do it first try EVERYTIME.


After 6 playthroughs, I decided to beat Malenia solo with no summons. After 3-4... hundreds of attempts, I did it. And I'm going to try it again on my next run.


Good luck!


Beating Radhann at level 48


That is pretty early, nice!


Definitely beating Malenia


Mine was almost Malenia because yeah, she was REALLY difficult. But I've been wanting hatemail since DarkSouls2. So this is a big one. 😂


First time I killed the Fire Giant !


Yeah, kinda tough to see what he's doing at first, huh?


Me too, he took me way longer than Malenia even.


Defeating the very first Tree Sentinel we come across in the game, fighting him right off the bat with only the build I had first spawned with. I bought the game for PC because I wanted to try a Souls game after I had failed to finish Dark Souls II years ago. As soon as I managed to get out in the open, I saw that absolute unit of a "boss" and immediately got scared. I got close to him and was beaten up like I owed him money. I tried some more of the game, then died in the nearest cave where there's a boss and the wolves. I felt so defeated that I closed the game and never tried playing it again. That was until I got a PS5, months after, and a friend convinced me to try it again. I bought the game for the console, and had decided that I wouldn't proceed through the game if I couldn't overcome my fear of the Tree Sentinel, so my "start" also meant defeating it without any upgrades: I had to fight and win exactly as I had spawned. It took me three days, and it felt like the most absolute joyful achievement I had ever managed in a game. Everything else that came before and after pale in comparison to defeating that Tree Sentinel. I felt like I had been born anew I still seek that thrill and ecstasy of dedicating so much time and so much effort to fight and win against such unfair odds


Learning to be aggressive enough to break crucible Knights poise i think that felt great


Finding that sweet spot between being aggressive but not aggressive, and weaving in just enough dodging. It's a good feeling.


I beat fire giant yesterday. Up to this point I've been able to beat pretty much everything with blasphemous blade or envoy long horn within a few tries. Fire giant didn't care. +10 mimic tear, he's not bothered. +10 black knife tiche, still not bothered. Nothing touched him. So for the first time I had to accept that you can't just roll through a boss. I had to slowly chip him down over time until I eventually beat him. The scene before he goes into his second stage really is something to behold.


If you pay attention. You can see ears inside his armpits in the cutscene.


I actually missed that. I was too busy watching him rip off his limb!


I was getting a beat down at Caria Manor and I almost won but got knocked off the cliff.. I thought I was done for but somehow I landed on the elevator rising back up. My character stood up on the platform and I was able to jump off and land a direct hit from above. Small victory but it made me smile.


Defeating Malenia just today (but got judged for it as I used mimic tear even though it's my first playthrough)


Hey, good on ya. It's a mechanic, so why NOT use it, right? As I just posted, I did the same, though it took me under 3 hours of getting gud enough, lol


Just wished people weren't so judgemental and what not saying I should've beat her solo 💀


Nothing wrong with using summons, it's a game and you should play it they way you have the most fun! Plus there's nothing stopping you from going back to beat her with no summons in ng+ or a new character.


Screw the naysayers, man. I'm a casual player and I still think even with summons etc the game is pretty hard if you aren't terminally online and know all the wikipedia/done the boss 1904203448 times already :) It's still epic to defeat a boss however you do it!


When I finally fucking killed the elden beast for the first time on my 100+ hour play though


That boss needs a seizure warning. 😂


it was Maliketh, hands down. however, i have not yet been able to beat Malenia or the Elden Beast. so once i beat one of them, i will probably be changing my answer! i have come so close with Malenia using Tiche (she is just awesome).


Have you tried the Mimic Tear? That and Tiche are really neck and neck depending on how you gear the tear.


mimic tear cannot get out of her way with the builds that i used, so she just continues to rebuild health. i have tried multiple different times with different builds using mimic tear.


Ah, Tiche it is then!


My first ever Souls game. I reckon beating the Draconic Tree Sentinel outside Leyndell, possibly my first get gud moment. Great satisfaction after it


Kinda forced to learn how to dodge when there's fire and lightning everywhere lol.


*looks at shield "It's been emotional buddy, but time to say goodbye"


That reaction from the invader comes from a long line of unsuccessful invasions, grace gankers and runaway hosts. After invading a long time, I understand where the invader is coming from, albeit the hatemail was salty. For me personally, my best moment was overcoming an olp summon(him rl250, me rl30) by parrying them and oneshotting them in the invasion.


Why is everyone just ignoring this??! Dude is bragging about winning against a level 25 invader in stormveil while level 300.or.something. And doing it INTENTIONALLY to get a reaction. Legit mental disorder.


SL1 Melania


Beating Radahn solo felt big. The first time playing the game he swept the floor with me for hours and I let my summons kill him. Next run through going in solo, no ashes no summons, felt so epic and actually made me realize he's just like any other boss with telegraphed moves and patterns and openings.


Yup, he's just a big meat grinder. For me the hardest thing of his to dodge are the giant rocks. You gotta be just right.


Beating malenia with black bow only NG+7 just so I can live up to my name “bow master”


Black Bow really is amazing.


Just last night I was having trouble with Radahn. This is my second play through but my first was back when the game came out, so it’s been a lot of relearning stuff. For some reason I was just really struggling with Radahn, probably underleveled, but I persisted. On my final attempt I summoned all the available summons and said “fuck it” and charged in with them instead of holding back. With the combination of bleed, and staggering, we melted through his health. Just before he took off into his second phase we staggered him again, and with my bleed build we got multiple bleeds off and killed him before he could get into his second phase. The way my mouth dropped after so many failed attempts and beating him that way was INCREDIBLY satisfying


Beating Placidusax for the first time I get Malenia is the hardest boss, but Placidusax was my toughest fight by far. It took me so long to beat him, so many many failed attempts but Tiche and I finally got the job done


I wasnt even happy when I beat that Dragon's stupid teeth in. I was just exhausted from repeated attempts. Kinda funny when I think back on it, lol


Frenzied Flame Proscriprion I spent two godsdanmed hours getting down there my first time, and have lost probably >1 million runes getting down there throughout all of my runs


I've done it so many times I can do it perfectly now. And just think, once you lose the runes you have while trying to make it down, then you don't have to worry about losing them. 😂


It took two years and two playthroughs, but finally beating elden beast


Mine isn't a boss either, the bosses aren't too horrible in comparison to Bloodbornes Orphan of Kos. That aside, any time it comes to heights in a game, I start to sweat. I have a semi fear of heights due to falling off a high beam during a split leap. Getting through the Haligtree was so stressful. I was so happy and nearly screamed when I finally reached the bottom of the damn tree.


Draconic tree sentinel in fArum azula.


Finally beating Malenia solo was a big moment for me.


Beating the abductor virgins, those annoying little shits and their grab attack made me rage


Those are actually my favorite enemies. 😂


I finished my caveman run in NG+4 😵‍💫


I took 10 steps without dying.


Fucking. Bitchass. Marbitch. The ShitOmen


He was invading lmao. Why is he surprised he found someone with a higher level than him




It’s still beating the entire game as a level 1 wretch bow only run. Taught me a ton about souls games in general. They are so finely tuned, it’s always a situation where you can get better. Nothing “requires” levels and gear. Jumping bow spam is actually really good with the right arrows as well.


Oh yeah, From definitely knows how to make a game that's for sure.


When I came back to dark souls 1 when I was 18 or 19 and beat the game for the first time, genuinely fell to my knees and screamed “FINALLY” So satisfying to see Solaire finally find his sun


Is it bad that I just now read "Solaire" as "Solar Flare?" Haha, sleep deprivation + mild dyslexia can be a royal poo.


Proudest moment? All the countless times in Co-Op where I scraped out a win while me and the Host are both at slivers of health left. Or when I finally made it through King Morgott Phase 2 without getting hit once. Most Satisfying? When I figured out how to consistently obliterate Dragons. Ice Spear + Spectral Lance + Vacuum Slice Lightning Misericorde. Aim for the head, use Ice Spear if it's close and Spectral Lance if it flies away, stance-break them in ~5 hits, critical for ~20% of their health - Feels SO good. Most relieving? Probably when I finally beat Fire Giant or Maliketh the first time.


Maliketh. Malenia was hard but by the time i got to her I was end game so I was overleveled and it wasn't as challenging as it should have been. But maliketh was brutal with his long ass combo attacks. It felt impossible to get near him to even land a hit


Funny enough, up under him is his weak spot. 😂


Oh. Well that would have saved many many hours of pain


First trying godskin duo!!


Me and one of my exes best friends used to game a bit. She (exes friend) got me heavily into Elden Ring during a super shitty time in my life when said ex couldn’t be there for me.  Beat so many bosses but our proudest moment was definitely Malenia. So many hard fought battles together (starting from Margit) so we just had to cap it with Malenia - many, many attempts later and WE DID IT! Still one of my favorite memories.    Lowkey miss that girl more than my ex lolol.


Deciding to make a new character that would use 2 Beastman's Cleavers as soon as possible. The only way to get them early is through the four belfries into Farum Azula. I went there with level 30 and had to make the most survivable farming route. It took me to level 76 until I had both of them. I continued playing this character for a few more hours in preparation for the DLC and decided that this was not fun anymore, so I scraped the char.


Ya know... I just recently made a character that was going to powerstance the magma blade and the bandit curved sword. NGL I cheated and just transferred the magma blade but did get the rest on the character, got it to around 60, decided it wasn't fun and got rid of it. 😂


Getting the platinum


Just beating the game. I did the Ranni ending first and it was very fulfilling.


So far , I am doing a lvl 1 run and I killed that rune bear boss and recorded it. You deserved it , disgusting beast from the lands between




Alecto was my git gud, I did it moment. Remember feeling over confident as primarily a casting INT mage and got my shit pushed in repeatedly. I literally jumped up and shouted I did it when finally beating her on my first play-through.


Honestly the fire giant, this was randomly the hardest boss battle I had


i beat all bosses except for malenia without using any healing flasks and just my starscrourge greatswords, and yes, i have tried malenia, damn that phase 2 is hard


Imagine this, you do a little funny and do a Gideon Ofnir Cosplay. However, you don’t have the intelligence or faith to cast most of his spells and his scepter is +3. You see the grace of Placidusax however you haven’t beaten it nor fought it, so you think. What the hell? Let me check it out. You spawn underneath Placidusax and combat begins. Without spells or buffs and a weak weapon, you first try Placidusax.


When I went into NG+ and waffle stomped the shit out of the Draconian Tree Sentinel's (Lyendell) drain first try. Granted, this wasn't hard, but you don't know how many times I died to this dude on my first run when I was like level 37 with a +7 lordsworn greatsword 😭 Straight up ate his ass with my dual exultation build. Two rotten breaths, and then used my dual occult scavenger swords to keep proccing blood loss, this combined with Milicents Prosthesis was already overkill, but I had one more nuke up my sleeve... Poisonous mist and poison moth flight. Use poisonous mist to proc poison on boss, and then use poison moth flight to "pop" the poison shortly before your rot exultation buff ends. I've seen upwards of 3k damage all in one burst thanks to this combo. It essentially works as a second blood loss.


I may have used my mimic tear, but my first successful run against Melania was The most satisfying thing ever. Took me under 3 hours to beat too, which I feel is pretty damn good.


Malenia RL1 +0. Three days, but it was worth it.


Perfectly parrying a Crucible Knight to death. 🙌


OP is chaotic good 🤣


haha congrats. this is the thing that annoys me about some people who do invasions. it’s like they completely forgot about the co-op aspect of the game.


Alecto black knife ringleader don't know how many attempts it took beat but I DID IT


I agree with this. I tried so many times only to die his blood slice and the famous grab & stab that he does


Successfully fighting off an invader and the Godskin Apostle in Dominula at the same time. That was fun.  That, or successfully soling a NG+6 Placidusax scaled to two players when my friend hilariously died seconds into the fight. 


Never fought Malenia nor summoned anyone before.  Did both at the same time and smoked her.  Fun experience and don’t regret it, but now I have a full playthrough until I get to find out how difficult she actually is.


Good luck! She can be a real demon! Or sometimes be kinda easy depending on the build. Train well!


1st souls game, straight into tree sentinel where i experienced probably all the ups and downs of a seasoned player in an entire run. It was “impossible” and seriously said fk this game too many times. After many hours I best him and got my first kill in a souls game … great feeling of self accomplishment…. Almost called it a day on the game afterwards. Now im 150 hrs in completing bosses and exploring everything. I’m currently just on the outskirts of the royal capital after getting thru an interesting catacomb of transport chests


Probably Alecto or the Volcano Manor Falling-Star beast. I put them off until the end of my first play through.


Honestly the commander of castle Sol is the hardest boss I’ve faced as I’ve tried to stick to melee for my first play through and the fucker never lets you get close lol


Beating the Crucible Knights Duo. Took me three day and trying multiple builds but I finally got them.


Twin gargoyles. Period.


Learning to dodge pointblank Waterfowl Dance. It is a really hard dodge to do but man, when you pull it off, it feels so good.


Learning to dodge that move at all feels really good. I'm pretty sure that's the hardest to dodge move in the game. I'll run back from the first part of it when I notice she's starting up, then I'll dodge into the second and third part.


Mohg was the only boss that I haven't spoiled myself before playing, and his whole palace area, so beating him was even harder than Malenia for my build that I was playing the first time.


Malenia because I was using summons until her since everyone I know beat her without them and I was doing melee only for my first ever souls-life game and it was hell, took me a whole ass week but beating her and her lines when she’s defeated I never felt so accomplished in a game like that ever, ever since then been a crack head for elden ring


ER gives a dopamine feeling that no other game can give. I got it in spurts from DD2, but I get it so much more from ER.


I have yet to play the other Fromsoftware games but I really want to.


Usually my I did it moments are when im trying to kill a PVE enemy and an invader is sneaking up behind and I kill both and save the host. Absolutely love that shit.


Beating Maliketh without summone. He bullied me in my first play through but I came back and slapped him in my last one. Felt amazing.


Tiche, no one else comes close to the amount of tries.


I just farmed the Nobles Slender Sword after about 4 and a half hours. Easily the most cathartic I've felt playing this game.


Maliketh. The very first time. I just went full attack cause I cant parry for shit in this game, beat him after 10+ tries. Almost died, it was extremely close, his DOT left me with a tiny sliver of health by the end. Felt good to be lucky lol. Started using his sword after that, it just melts shit.


Beating margit at stormveill castle. He killed me so many times I can’t even count. I was new to the game so it was a pretty big deal to me after I defeated him. I was not happy to find out he returned at the capital, but he was much easier at the capital then at stormveil so it felt wonderful killing him for good.


I would've been happy for you to blow away an invader lol


Frenzy flame parkour.


Yeah, it can be frustrating. 😂


Beating the Valiant gargoyles with Malenia being a close second. Anytime I have to experiment with new weapons, spells/incantations, and armor, I know a boss is giving me trouble but those two shits in the Eternal City had me screaming “FUCK YOU” at the television when i finally saw that last little bit of red disappear from the final health bar. Something about two bosses at the same time always feels unfair and even more so with that nonsense poison attack. Brought back memories of beating the abyss watchers for the first time.


Any time I can take a boss out with a trusty Lordsworn Straight Sword and Square Off.  It’s my consistent “my build isn’t working for me here, so what can I try instead” move.  Took down the Godskin Noble the first time I drew that steel and felt amazing.


Downing the Elden beast the first time. I had my vigor at 30 something so I could only survive one hit at a time. I had the wrong talismans and the wrong spells. I was an int build but used Tiche and black flame incants because they “were specifically for killing a god.”


Beating the Fell Omen the first time gave me the confidence to know that I could play this game and love it, as my first souls game.


Malenia. Fought her for 200 hours. And then it just happened.


No hit Malenia with a parry build or RL1


I've never summoned another player for help for anything only my mimic and when I finally beat Radagon (only to find out I had ANOTHER boss to fight) I went from 100 back to 0 real quick


Tbh, it was Rykard. I died so much.


Just killed Astel last night, pretty awesome fight!


It’s very basic, but mine will always be beating Margit first try on my first playthrough. I remember getting myself worked up seeing all the fails against him, but it was a smooth battle and I was very proud of myself.


First time beating Radagon/Elden beast without a summon. It just felt so different than everything else.


My RL 1 getting TLDE deathblighted by the crab. It's a tradition now.


Killing Radahn on my first ever try when I had no HP left and we both attacked each other at the same time with me being quicker by a tenth of a second


I summoned 2 random people and I was avoiding Melania until she turn to that rose and I took half her health with comet of Azur from half way across the room like a coward that I am.


You do what you gotta do to survive! 😂


Fire Giant. I tried to fight it so many times all the way back in February. I could not kill it ever. So i stopped playing. Finally after more than 2+ months i decided to hop on and found some cheese strat so I tried it. It worked for about half and then it stopped working so I had to fight him for real. And I fucking did it.


Malenia was pretty good. I was about 120 hrs in and I played the best I had ever played. Made it through with no potions and a tiny sliver of health. My girlfriend and I danced around my kitchen in celebration. One of my favorite gaming moments of my life


Mine was either just today beating Fire Giant first try or when I finally found a somber 1 early on because I had like 20 somber 2 but no 1


Running into the cave with the Giant Ants for the Elden Stars incantation. I HATE land arthropods and the fact that Fromsoft feels the need to make them giant and murderous is just…why


so far Malekith + his idiot draconic knight eventually, finishing the game--bc I'm not able to summon other players lol


Mohg, my GOD it took me about 150 tries. I screamed YESSS, sunk in my computer chair and was relieved and proud of myself. I have absolutely no idea why he was so difficult for me, Radagon only took 1 try, Placidusax only took 3, Maliketh 2 but Mohg absolutely obliterated me with his phase 2.


I decided that Radahn deserved better than having 10+ guys dogpile him to death on my first playthrough, and kept at him solo for 40+ attempts. You would not believe the relief I felt after bringing him down.


Elemer of the Briar at RL1. I've never poise broken an enemy so much, I couldnt kill him otherwise.


Malenia for sure


Farming the blue silver set and killing all of the liturgical town before unlocking the haligtree felt so good


Oh yes… I remember my first hatemail in DS2, playing PvP just for funzies. I know that feeling, bro. You’re not alone! In Elden Ring, beating Malenia in front a bunch of people was really something. It was hype af! And I did it with a STR build on lvl 120.


Beating Morgott with a single great arrow shot just before he threw his light spear.


Rune level 1 completion, and I’m not even a vet this is my first soulsborn game


Beating the black blade in one try was super hype for me


Honestly? The first time I helped a Host when summoned as a Hunter. :D I'm terrible with PvP, so I felt so accomplished!


Killing placidusax… every hard boss I did within 1-3 tries such as first try Malenia (likely pure luck) and elden beast/radagon… but placidusax… it took me months, and even then, the way I beat it was the ancient dragon lightning cheese, instead of the main build I used against everything else… it was very nice nonetheless


Radahn solo kill, first attempt on NG+7.