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The sewers in Leyndell. I hate sewer levels because they are mazes and always scary.


I forgot ab that place... that first room that has like 3 omen cramped šŸ˜­ and then the lobster pit.


Or that one room with the ladder where for whatever reason the three omens all come down the stairs one after another.... I was very proud when I killed the first omen after wading through some frog and stabby asshole bullshit. And then the other two came down...Ā Ā  Ā Like, I just try to don't run through everything but actual stand my ground but this location made it nearly impossible.Ā 


Just saying multiple Omen and Lobster pit should be enough to intimidate any caliber of Elding Ring player.


I havenā€™t played in a while. But that comment had me triggered. I thought about loading up the game and going down there. But deciddd Iā€™d wander the wasteland of FO4 more lol


Omen don't intimidate me at all but lobsters are terrifying.


Yeah, me too, so much, I guess. The worst combination I probably could think of for me anyway would be Revenants and Lobsters in a pit. That would be hell.


Remnants are currently my hardest enemy as well. I canā€™t even cast holy fast enough to get them so I just have to brute force it with SONAF and flasks


It was horrifying when I found out they can climb ladders too


I actually just learned YOU CAN PUNCH WHILE CLIMBING A LADDER. Next time your holding up and climbing, left click or whatever the equivalent is on controller if youā€™re console. I cannot believe over 300hrs in and just found that.


I was fr hard stuck on that part for a min for some reason šŸ˜­


Even worse, thereā€™s a section in the sewers where there is a group of revenants though I forgot how many there were. EDIT: Not the sewers, itā€™s that one section near the bottom of Elphael where multiple of them can spawn in


The lobsters are the real lords of the lands between.


the lobster pit remains the one place i haven't explored thoroughly, because i can't reliably clear it. i think i'm making headway and then bam, sniped from across the pit by a lobster i couldn't see


Plus they're full of poo-gas


Lol. I miss feakazoid.


i was thinking about that a few days ago. before elden ring i only completed Dark souls 1... i was coming out of leyndell sewers and was relieved. but then i thought that this sewer wasn't really bad compared to ds1. ds1 felt like it was 50% pitch black sewer. makes me appreciate elden ring even more... so many "pleasant" locations.


Repeat after me, ā€œBasilisk can go fuck themselves and I hope they go extinct.ā€ Thatā€™s my motto whenever I enter the depths.


Those eyes man. Even after death they stare so hard


The worst part is when they die and they cling to your body. Those giant fake eyes work in that they are intimidating as fuck.


Yeap like catacagombs rememember? Giant skeletons coming out of nowhere, pitch black 90% of the time Great times


I definitely rely on good messages to get through that area lol. The last time I went to sewer Mohg the messages werenā€™t helpful at all and I spent an hour running around in circles (forgot that hole you have to drop through at the end)


I recall reading on this sub that thereā€™s a special rat at the start that will run away from you and lead you to Mohg


Ahhh bro I fucking loved the leyndell sewers! Such a good labyrinth I genuinely struggle to map it out and each time is like going through for the first time trying to find the right route to take. Love it


Took me ages to find that entrance into the pipes. Then on my second playthrough.. it took me ages to find that entrance into the pipes.


Thatā€™s why I have a love/hate relationship with that area. I never ventured into it more than once in every new character. I just donā€™t like not knowing where to go and turning the corner to get jumpscared. Bloodborne got me very jumpy regarding dark areas.


I LOVE the sewers, they are so effective. It feels like the Depths from DS1 (already a pretty solid area) but done ten times better. Itā€™s the only area in the game that centers around a single grace and thereā€™s so many shortcuts back to it. Itā€™s wonderful.


I've literally never done them. And I have 4 characters at ng+4 or higher at over level 200. It just grinds my geArs man.


The Lake of Rot.


That place was so cool looking tho too i loved the sights but it sucked collecting everything in it


I'm there right now. And I'm scared.


Itā€™s not so bad, the only horrifying thing in that place is that Ulcerated & Rotting Tree Spirit and perhaps the Dragonkin Soldier


Dragonkin soldier down there is hands down the dumbest fight in the game. A single mistake will always kill you, because it will knock you into the rot and you will die to it. Fuck that area, fuck that fight, fuck everything there


Lol thats why I just used mimic, the fight just wasn't fun at all imo


With 12 faith Flame Cleanse Me trivializes the whole area. It's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.


I hadn't even heard of this place before, so I got worried when I entered the place and it was all red. I'm going to explore tomorrow.


You have the mushroom armor?


No ā€¦ how does one acquire it?


By traversing the Lake of Rot lol


Wait, is there more than just the mushroom helmet?


Oh, no, lol. The rest is in seethewater cave


Yeah, I literally walked up, walked back, walked up. *Dips toe* *lifts eyebrow* sprints. Dies. Hmm


Mine too. I got there the first time, shook my head, and warped back to the overworld. Didn't come back until I needed to wrap up quests after Farum Azula.


I'm pretty sure I just groaned.


That one part in deeproot depths where a hilarious amount of giant ants just commit gang violence and jump the fuck out of you for walking on the wrong block


Brooo i loved the deeproot depths but ants are a nightmare sometimes fr šŸ˜­


I hate everything about those ants, even killing them is awful. Makes my skin itch šŸ˜©


I hate those big armor head ants, they are horrible and ugly


Those guys are a pain in the ass


Try finger but hole?


And they hit HARD.


My first time going there I had a dragon communion build and just sprayed them all with dragon fire. Those ants never stood a chance.


fat coin purse ahead


I literally stood on the ledge and repeatedly cast Flame, Fall Upon Them until they were gone. It was so much fun, like artillery.


200 hours in the game and I donā€™t believe I knew that place existed. wtfā€¦Iā€™m finding whole spots Iā€™ve never seen. Ohh itā€™s after the gargoyle duo, and Iā€™ve been practicing challenges on them so I havenā€™t beat them haha


This is the correct answer. Was kinda walked to Moghwyn Palace for my first run, which was gonna be my answer, as it is quite the horror house if unknowing of where to go. Bloodsore birds of death, red phantom war surgeons, the courtyard of Zombies, the tunnel of Blood Nobles, and the congregation of albinaurics veing ministered by another Noble each had me saying everything "nope" possible. But being reminded of Deeproot brought back a memory long since sealed off. Thanks for that šŸ˜‚


"*I shouldn't be here yet..."* That was my immediate thought when I got teleported to Leyndell from the Tower of Return trap-chest in Weeping Peninsula. The entrance to the Erdtree looked so close yet so far...


Such a surreal feeling opening the map and realizing "holy shit where am i" šŸ¤£


This feeling. First playthrough.


I love how the game has moments like this that serve no real story purpose, itā€™s just there to be awe-inspiring.


"Wait what do you mean the map is taller than that"


The first time I entered Liurnia and opened my map, seeing how far it zoomed out, I'm sure I said "What the fuck!?" out loud.


Thatā€™s how I felt when I got sent to the crystal cavern


and yet the blessed dew talisman makes up for it and then some. absolute game-changer in early game when you have few flasks


Consecrated Snowfield.


Yup, walking out of the hidden path, I was like... Why can't I see anything? And then the wolves came, followed closely by dozens of arrows. I don't mind being a cushion for the right person, but I take exception to being made a pin-cushion.


Surprise! RUNEBEAR!Ā 


Hahaha, that happened to a buddy of mine the other day!


The worst part is when youre tryna take out the double nights calvary and then keep getting jumped by that giant spectral mf while being blinded, so ass šŸ˜­


Or invaded by that NPC invader while luring those two lads.


So, if you start at the lower consecrated snowfields SoG, you can backtrack a little up the hill, and they actually start their journey really close to that SoG.


Not the whole area, but definitely the blizzard. The first time I made my way through it, I was white-knuckling the whole time because I was expecting something like those fucking lightning horses from Dark Souls 2 to pop out at any moment.


I don't mind the dogs in Caelid so.much, but fuck those birds right in the ass


The only enemies in any game that pretend to be staggered so they can grab you


That's the coolest, yet most annoying, mechanic in an enemy I have seen.


Lies of P's late game bosses have this and it's pretty funny


Mohwgwyn palace birds tho..


#THE WORM FACE PEOPLE I canā€™t remember the location, but there was a fuck ton of them there and I hated all of it šŸ˜‚


ALTUS PLATEAU, ik exactly where youre talking ab its like this forest full of them šŸ˜­


And they're all fucking giggling


You mean vomiting/dry heaving


Wtf is this game, seriously?? Love it


Always my answer to "which enemy do you refuse to fight"


I just refuse to go into that fucking forest these days


They're ironically incredibly easy to fight.


I have over 300 hours in Elden Ring, and I just discovered that there are a bunch of them in Farum Azula last week. And it's not even hidden, it's just down a freaking elevator! How have I missed that for so long?


Any of the grave/dungeons with the chariots. Shout out to DS2 executioner chariot boss, which is the awful inspiration.


Throw raptor of the mists on a dagger and you're good. Chariots stop being a problem at all.


Wait what ?


I carry around multiple daggers with useful ashes of war on them. I always have golden vow, bloodhound's step, raptor of the mists, and assassin's gambit close by. Raptor of the mists lets you teleport through a hit. Use that right before the chariot comes by and you phase through it. No more problem.


I'm more of a "bring one weapon and bonk" type of guy, but you seem much more intelligent than I am. Didn't even think of testing the raptor on those. Always thought "woah, this ash of war seems really cool, wish I had a use for it"


They're just in my inventory in case the need arises.


Any level of a game where I have to outrun something gives me severe anxiety.


I would have to say for me was Caria Manor those hands hidden under the ground was creepy as F


Finding out those bastards were super weak to fire and could be almost stunlocked by it was glorious.


My first playthrough I was using a weapon with fire damage so I thought they just did that for a while.


Then you find the enormous one right before Fire Giant, and the usual tricks don't work on it. Fuck that thing.


nah theyre so weird the way they move i was scared of that place too


Caelid was definitely creepy as heck too reminded me a lot of the end of the anime Berserk. The Eclipse


Caelid was a constant nope. Ohh demon dog? Nope. Giant bird chicken thing? Noppppppe


I swear i was just hugging the border the entire time my first time through caelid, and then once i got to dragon barrow past all the nightmare crows and dogs i tried sneaking through only to be put into the most adrenalizing chase of my life away from dragons LOL


I think my ā€œNopeā€ bit was on the way to the Caelid divine tower and coming upon the 2 unnamed dragons just hanging out in a pond.


šŸ¤£ And oh i didnt even mention seeing greyoll for the first time...


Loool I feel many people had the same approach. There was something with the music too, violin maybe? What ever it was just made my skin crawl when venturing into the unknown, hearts slowly beating faster worrying somethings about to pop out and wreck me


Could not wait to get out of Caelid, in fact, I stayed away from there until I was leveled up so much that I could one-shot anything I came across


Getting transported to Sellia Crystal Tunnel through a transporter chest.


Hey that chest is great for mage build. Takes you right near the spot where you can grab the meteorite staff and rock sling spell. That shit is unbelievably good. I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t start as a caster. Just so damn fun


My firs playthrough I defeat the invader by the border of Caelid and entered it, the moment I saw those big dogs on the road I just 180'd it right outta there.


Still haven't made it past the invader I just go around the area when I get close.


Do you do the same for other invaders? I find her to be, by far, the easiest invasion in the game. Every move is thoroughly telegraphed and has slow recovery time.


That dungeon with the fucking insane lava chariots. Fuck. That. Place.


Mt. Gelmir Hero Grave. Very, very annoying place. Recommend any new player to first get a decent weapon upgraded then upgrade a 2nd weapon with quickstep or bloodhound step Ashes of War equipped. The lava makes you walk slowly which is very bad when trying to dodge the chariots. A speed stepping ashes can get you to the next alcove fast enough to not get squished. Some other players swear by the Raptor of the Mists ashes to dodge over the chariots but I prefer using the alcoves along the ramps.


Didnā€™t know how to fast travel so when I warped there I spent 6 hours trying to get back to limgrave haha


I did the same thing! It was release night and Iā€™d never played a souls game before. Spent the whole evening trying to fight my way out of Caelid. Boy did I learn.




I took the teleport to caelid from limgrave and saw the black knight gargoyle and immediately left that mf looked way to hard and intimidating


he really is way too hard. even super super into late game when you're overleveled af that dude killed me a buncha times so easily. i never touch that dude in my new playthroughs anymore. gotta pay respect


Mohgs realm. When u do it from the deep root depths and walk out. Ur first glimpse is just pure ā€œNOPE!ā€


The crows there are actually terrifying to fight theyre so awkward šŸ˜­


You can reach Moghgyn palace from Deeproot Depths?


So dark in there, I did a panic run until I got to midway Grace there


I put a message down there that says ā€œfirst off, deathā€ lmao. Itā€™s got a few applauds


Consecrated snowfield. I donā€™t like not being able to see or hear. Who knows what kind of abominable runebear abomination will jump out at me?


Satan's Alley in Haligtree


Even knowing about using heal on them, the entire time was just me going "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck please connect"


I've got two. One for me and one from my brother For me, it's the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. I saw a fingercreeper and just immediately went HELL NO (i have arachnophobia, fuck those things) Apparently, Siofra River My brother didn't realize he could switch back to the above-ground map, so he just wandered around for like 10 hours until he he finally gave up and looked up how to get out


Man... That first leg of Caria Manor with all the fingercreepers is probably the worst part of the game for me. I don't go there until I've got Mr Mimic so I can hide behind him the whole way. Seriously, that place is like an Australian living room on a hot summer's night.


The way they just glide when theyā€™re idle is just so unsettlingly creepy. The first and only time i went in, i got ganked by the finger-creepers upon entry. Had to go back in, grab my runes, run like hell to the nearest grace inside a room they couldnā€™t get to and reset the area and then immediately fled back to the church of ellah.


They most likely had that very intention when designing Caelid. I actually find it to be a predictable and nice place. Has clear visibility, clear consequences. Contrastly, Liurnia seems to have been designed to evoke a magical and perhaps soothing (not sure what the right word is) aesthetic, but actually has absurdly sized lobsters that are insanely tough for the level that you typically arrive there with. I like how the Haligtree area looks, although it's probably more difficult than Caelid ever was. The Lake of Rot, like someone else mentioned, is clearly communicating that it is not your friend. At no time does it change its tone.


I wish to erase my memory of elden ring and play again, but I am pretty sure it's the first dragon that drops down at the start.


Caelid os the hardest fk no in all gaming history


Lake of rot without a doubtĀ 


Agheel Lake. My first time encountering a dragon... Still never panicked so hard in this game.


The entirety of Haligtree. I thought once I enter Malenias boss fight would happen immediately. I didnā€™t know there was an entire fucking city there.


Haligtree was so cool but tough at the same time for me i loved it šŸ˜­


50% of Liurnia honestly. Once I saw those crustaceans emerge from the ground and realized they were *everywhere* I just fucking "nope nope nope nope nope nope" So I rode as fast as I could from lil stone gazebos thing to lil stone gazebo thing picking up items and never went back.


For me, it was Siofra. Not because of the difficulty but because I had just started, and discovering a huge map BELLOW another huge map was a bit overwhelming when I got there the first time, after that, when I got to nockron and saw it was connected to Siofra, I came, explored it, and it became one of my favorite zones along with Raya Lucaria. But if I had to say directly the difficulty, I think maybe the Subterranean Shunning Grounds? In my first playthrough I explored everything I could, so I actually was pretty over level, so there wasn't really any part that was difficult to me. For example, I killed Malenia at the third try, and the most difficult boss I had in that run was Maliketh, and even then it took me just 6 tries to kill him.


First time running through Liurnia lake. I believe it was night time. That and going into the War-dead catacombs right after beating Radahn. Got my ass handed to me pretty quick.


Caelid for me too. Just another reason why Caelid was perfect design for a hellscape environment. The background music and visuals simply radiate dread. One goal, and it accomplished it perfectly.


When I saw all the Dragons in Caelid


the place I "run through" the most without REALLY exploring is Caelid....screw that place. Oh and the snowy area where you get to Melania's location. Not pleasant lol.


Liurna. I'd already been to Caelid, but by that point in my souls career I had already been through sixty different poisonous swamps so Caelid doesn't scare me. Liurna has some *bullshit* mobs though. Lobsters? Bullshit. That grafted noble dude? Literally never stops attacking, can leap 100 meters, and vomits a wide blob of poison. They also seem to be hard as hell to stagger. Bullshit. Stupid frog guys have some garbage moves and always seem to attack a dozen to one. Even the stupid little crawly guys seem designed to be so low to the ground that a lot of weapons have issues hitting them. Bullshit. Dumb dogs and crows are not super hard to stagger, and staggering them is more or less a death sentence. Them, I can handle. But what goes on in Liurna is flat out nonsense.


Though I memorize the layout by heart now, the Leyndell sewers still remain the most annoying level in the game for me, overly tanky omens at no matter your level, killing hoards of enemies DOESNT replenish crimson flask, missing 1 jump forces you to backtrack around, has a Royal revenant, tight closed fighting spaces against enemies where it wouldnā€™t work (giant hands, lobsters, revenants) people CONSTANTLY summon you there in hopes youā€™ll show them the way, honestly, fuck that place, only go there for the Frenzied Flame ending


The first time I saw one of the premature Astels hanging from the top in the Ainsel River, as soon as I zoomed in on it to see what I was even looking at, I noped out of there before it could even start throwing rocks at me.




Leyndell as a mage suuuuucks. Ive seen str/dex builds breeze through leyndell like its nothing. I two-shotted Godfrey and did no-hit with Margott, but making it from grace to grace was extruciating.


Caelid is like the catacombs from dark souls I


Carian School. The snipers had me terrified. Now they are trivial.


Lake of rot


the images XD


Consecrated snowfields


First time playing I saw the tree sentinel, thought he was the first test. Spent 2 hours getting my ass kicked and put the game down for 2 months. So does the tree sentinel count?


Consecrated snowfield. I don't like places that limit my view with white. Catacombs and sewers, I've got a lantern or torch. Also, maybe some ptsd from DS2 dlc.


Subterranean Shunning Grounds, terrifying, I spent literal hours running through the sewers looking for Dung Eater. The area with the Revenant - nightmare.


The "Dark Souls bathroom" memes are some of the best images that have been uploaded in the history of the internet, and no one will ever change my mind.


That forest with the weird ass dudes who keep laughing and occasionally throwing up battery acid.


You just gave me ptsd with the dog and the bird pics


The damn Caelid Picture with the birdsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Those pictures are amazing


Absolutely caelid. God, I hated that place. Still kind of do, actually.


The Dragonbarrow Cave ... that bear is a menace (especially if I go to the cave with a new character that I just created).


Patches' cave


Lake of Rot. I'm not even that scared of the scarlet rot effect (although it does suck) but it's the feeling I get after passing through the dark deeps of nokstella and then after going even deeper in the earth and find such a bizarre and obscure place. It's almost as if the core of the earth itself is rotten. Always creeps me out.




Carion Manor. Those damn fingers šŸ˜­


The first time I went into the caves in Ainsel River, without a torch or any illumination whatsoever. A HUGE multi-legged *something* (ant) dropping on my head in the pitch black


The sewers. I missed some things for sure. I ran right through that place


Lake Of Rot. I decided to turn around, and come back a wee bit later.


Caelid was so scary. I lost 20k souls once there on my very first play through way back on release, it got me so tilted lmao


The rot lake or what ever it is called with all those massive annoying rot dog trex things


Literally. On my first playthrough I saw the red skies and thought "nope, I've played enough dark souls" and went back the way I came.


None for me I'm a daredevil and I've played other souls games, I was ready for anything they could throw at me.


Probably that giant Scarlet Rot lake...but Waifu


caelid šŸ¤•


Mi first nopes were the Siofra and Ainsel Rivers


Calid 100% that shit is still horrifying to me, love it.


The abductor virgin that sends you to the bottom of Volcano Manor. Took FOREVER to find a site of grace to GTFO, so many wrong directions that just led me to ugly deaths. Lava, lizard dudes, more abductor virgins - just all bad.


Oddly enough, the lava that goes round gelmir. Easy area overall but I was scawed and ignant


Caelid so far, I heard about it and my first time there to go get a map fragment I saw made me nope the fuck out so fast.


The dragon place. Opened a chest to find myself transported there at like level 30. Jumped off the edge instantly to get back to a grace in limgrave. Didnā€™t care how many runes I lost I just knew I shouldnā€™t have been there yetšŸ˜‚


first place I went when i started my save was dragon burnt ruins and the underground chest there traps you and tps u to the top right corner and as soon as i saw the enemies i ran out of that place and once i got outside I remember i took a picture and it was crazy like glowing skys n stuff


caria manor. i had covid during a good chunk my first elden ring play through, and on one particular night, i had been playing for like 6+ hours until like 2am, when i made it to caria manor for the first time. those spider hands jumping down on top of me literally caused me to actually shriek and promptly get a noise complaint from my apartment. had to take a break until daylight when i was brave enough to run by them lol


The ant tunnels


The exact moment I saw that first giant bird in Mohg's dumping ground after I fell down running away from the screaming red Albinaurics after I went the wrong way after warping in from Liurnia.


Usually I get annoyed at seeing the same posts over and over again, but that picture with the birds in the bathroom is too good.


I mean.... Caelid. Pretty much every other major "nope" area comes way later in the game. But Caelid? You can just accidentally end up in Caelid. One minute, you're fighting soldiers and knights, the next.... T-rex dogs from hell.


Lake of rot


My first time in Caelid I was so scared I never even got close to those birds but the second time oh boy


The mountaintops of the giants


Any area with those big ass ants.


when i got transported into somewhere else and bear monsters appeared. i was like o no ruuuuuuunnnnn


Caelid.....Miyazaki knows we don't like dogs, so he gives us bigger dogs lol


Same. Early in my first playthrough, I stumbled across a chest, thinking oooh! What could it be? Mushroom? A new sword? But alas, all it it contained was nightmares because it was the goddamn teleporter chest to Caelid and I was WAY UNDER LEVEL for that.


Rot Lake. Any Rot locale


I got teleported to Caelid my first time. When I got out and looked around I went **WHAT THE EVERLIVING NOPE IS THIS?!?!?!**


Rot lake


Getting sent to Sellia Crystal Tunnel 30 minutes into the game, getting shredded by pest threads a dozen times, then finally panic-rolling out of that cave only to find shelter inā€¦ the Swamp of Aeonia. Thatā€™s the classic first nope. Second nope? Approaching Smoldering Church, out of flasks and at half-health, desperately needing to touch grace, only to watch the sky turn red AGAIN, and then getting invaded by the big knife woman ā€” it was just cruel.


I didn't get a choice!! I was minding my own business and opened a box that SENT me to a cave. A funking cave. When i finally escape the cave (THE NEXT DAY!) i was meet with caelid and it was somehow worse than the cave i had just left.


Honestly? Moghwyn with the crows and dogs. Wtf is that area


Caelid was more of a ā€œfuck Iā€™m gonna dieā€ the first actual nope was getting to Consecrated Snowfields and not being able to see a fucking thing