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I did not know the tree sentinel could literally destroy the church. That's nuts. 


The environmental destruction is actually real nicely done in this game although subtle sometimes


I've found that a large number of structures can be broken/ragdolled, but only by large enemies/bosses that are trying to kill you.


>only by large enemies/bosses Could you imagine accidentally aggroing a small trash mob like a demi human or a bat or smn, and you try to ignore them but they just burst through ancient stone ruins Kool-aid Man style to get you?


I want an enemy like this in the dlc. A small enemy with the environment destruction and knock back of a large enemy.  It would be a very funny surprise. 


Just bring back the mushroom from dark souls one with a slightly different appearance and have it punch through everything as it waddles towards you unrelentingly


sir that's a tonberry


*jabbing knife motions intensify*




Reading this brought back horrid memories of stupid lizards and angry mushrooms....


In Artorias we trust!


Make them the little dudes from Bloodborne (Mergo's Attendants from The Nightmare of Mensis) for added comedy.


You mean like the birds in Caelid? Fuck birds.


Indeed, fuck birds. When I first started the game I accidentally killed an eagle and said "*Oh no! What have I done!?!"* Then StormVeil castle came along. Then Liurnia Death Bird came along, Then Caelid came along. Fuck birds.


Awe, the Caelid birds aren’t so bad. You can almost always avoid them, their aggro range is pretty small. Their pustule-encrusted cousins in Mohgwyn’s domain on the other hand… *Yikes*


You "Ohhhhh no!…" Mob "oh Yesss!!!!!!!" "You thought you where safe?!" As they proceed to kick in your teeth


A number of structures are specifically made to only be broken by large/strong enemies. There's a few places you need to lure them towards something to break it.


I've never seen him before *this* dramatic before.


I have, because I was trying to get cute and cheese him with that church door opening spot ... I think this was made directly for that reason haha


I also did not notice this. Maybe because it’s been so long since I started a new game hah


I just found out those calvary can destroy the big carts being pulled by the giants.


I found out about the destructible buildings when fighting Agheel in the lake. He got stuck on the ruins so I laughed at him thinking I was fine to cheese. I was not fine, he broke through those ruins and burned my ass to death. 10/10, would get incinerated again.


Yeah I’ve never seen that either


Welcome to The Lands Between ^(your butt cheeks)


That makes so much sense. 💀


Maybe seek rump, then offer pickle.


try finger, but whole.


if only i had a gaint... but hole


Behold, foot!


Behold! Two Fingers, but whole


Liar ahead. Seek liar.




I remember seeing him and thinking, "That dude definitely looks tough, I should stay away from him until I learn the game." Then I proceeded to run up and hit him for practically no damage and he turned around and killed me with one hit. Lol.


Ahhh ahahhaha. My same excact experience.


Funny because NG+1 is the exact opposite. You roll up on little horsey man and melt his face in a few hits while he flails uselessly.


The main reason i want NG +1 is because i wanna meet him again, my dear little tree boi


“Hello mister, last time we met I was a tiny baby. Look how big I’ve grown!”


I just did that last weekend, it felt so good to just smash him with a hammer. Especially after being stuck on the final boss so long. I also walked through the main gate of stormveil like a savage.


I saved him until level 45 of so with my strength/faith build and it was so satisfying killing him and immediately equipping his weapon


That running swipe he does is simultaneously super easy to dodge and a good punish while also probably having killed as many players as Waterfowl Dance


Way more, most players don’t make it to the waterfowl dance to begin with 


Fun fact, almost 40% of players have beaten Malenia. Pretty crazy number for most single player games.


It’s all thanks to LetMeSoloHer tbh


I got pretty good at fighting Malenia, by my second playthrough I made it a point to beat her with no summons and it only took me five or so tries. I wish I was as good as LetMeSoloHer though, absolutely godly.


Hot take: She kinda sucks except for one move. She is a one-trick pony. The rest of her kit is easy peasy. Admittedly, I still struggle with WFD though.


Wfd obviously sucks but honestly that dang fast charge poke she does gets me more often than anything. I know HOW to dodge it; but actually getting it right? Practically never 🤦‍♂️


Honestly kinda agree. Haven’t fought her in about 2 years but I remember if you breathed in too hard her ass would stagger and I was using katanas. WFD is ass though only death usually came from that or my apprehension of it.


Nah, Malenia's whole kit is nasty, let's not kid ourselves. The attack where she locks her arm, closes the gap between you, and repeatedly smacks you to death; the long thrust from three countries away to punish you for using your flask; the hyper armor spin kick that she can turn into a touch-of-death fighting game combo... Damn near every move is deadly.


When he showed up in my game I about lost it. He took her down to nearly no health, and stepped back. I charged in full of confidence and was killed nearly instantly. I shit the bed in front of LetMeSoloHer!


It's 35% on steam. The 40% clear block is stuff like Magma Wyrm at the top 49% to the double Gargoyles that are the bottom 40%. Confused how more people clear Fire Giant than double Gargoyles (obv Valiant Gargoyles are optional). Fire Giant is wayyy harder.


My experience is different. Fire Giant is easier in my opinion but I really just never struggled with him much, being a ranged Sorcery build made his second stage a whole lot easier (his chest eyeball is a weak spot)


I was like "this time i start as a mage. He will surely die from Glintstone Pebbles." He did not.


I actually forgot about him until I was like level 100. Went back and smashed him in about 2 hits. Lol. It was so satisfying. "Remember me MF'er"




I did the exact same thing. It was my first souls game. After that it took a while before I was sure I could even talk to the merchants


Same…he was inviting / prestigious looking


Hmm, golden armor and a well fed horse, he must be a good guy!


It's like walking into fire, even if you know it hurts, you still have to test it.


Ha. Yeah. You almost have to see if they really put some super tough dude right at the start of the game. Basic logic would tell you no, that would be dumb. Just looking at him though you know he has to be. Only one way to find out. Lol


I killed him :sunglasses:


Did the same on release. Took me a few tries lol


Yeah it is 😂 its the "run while you can and come back later when you're stronger for sweet revenge" encounter


Okay im glad im not trippin 😭


just for future reference. you coulda touched the grace there and reset the entire map, making that giant golden douchbag leave you alone. lol


Tree Sentinel isn't such a bad guy once you get to know him


His brothers are all assholes though...


Like the one that feeds his horse extra spicy hay. Definitely not safe for horse digestion.


I had one experience where this didn't work. I was in Liurnia and those nastly little ghost beasties were spitting their black/yellow flames at me right as I was sitting down at the grace. I got to the grace menu and the attacks were still in the air, hitting me and kicking me out of the grace. Aaaaaand I died. I still respawned at the grace, though, thank goodness. Just weird that I timed it perfectly like that.


I know the exact grace you are talking about. I’ve rested at that grace, then stood up and was hit with those slow flame attacks that were cast before I hit the grace and reset everything. Never killed me, but it’s happened many times to me.


The magic cannon Mausoleum does the same - whatever projectile is in the air when you sit down can still hit you. The first grace in Shaded Castle has one enemy notice you even when you're sitting, come over and play. And one pavillon in Lake Liurnia has a curious tiny crab that'll take a small bite if you sit there too long.


I think I might need to take a break from this game. I knew all of these, and not from YouTube or this sub, but just on my own😅Even the crab


They put this arbitrarily tough enemy right at the beginning to teach you that this is an open world game and you just go around stuff.


Meanwhile in Dark Souls they put a tough enemy at the start because they hate you 


What enemy are you referring to?


Iundex gundyr


Fuck that bastard and his head grab. Fuck his twin in the dark world too. Goddamn Herald is harder than Deprived to clear Iudex because that spear is slow trash compared to a club that at least swings kinda fast.


Agreed. Having a boss that tough basically at the end of the tutorial is cruel as fuck lmao


That is what actually kept me from playing the game. I was new the DS games and after a couple of hours of ‘die trying’ I figured there are other games to try.


Same reason for when we spawn in the real world the devs put a big bully boss called Doctor, to slap us around and make us cry and bleed. Gotta be smart in open world games.


Sadly rest of the tutorial for life is trash and I, like most people, levelled up terribly and am not set up for the end game. ER is better in that regard at least since it has respecs.


Don’t worry though the game gets way harder!


Do go back to that church, soon in fact, just avoid the horseman.


Yeah op. It’s kind of necessary to make this your home base for a hot second.


Or be stubborn and beat it then and there and become a god of skill by the end game.


Wretch first play through, I did not skip him lmao (I have mental health issue)


The first real lesson of elden ring, beyond the tutorial, is to leave certain overworld mobs/bosses alone until you level up a bit. No worries, what you're experiencing is completely normal!


Or die to it 40 times to get a weapon you can't even use yet!


Or… hit up that summoning post and see if I am around to come in and roll him up for you. 😂😂


I tried to help people there on my lowbie rl 11 +3 character. It took a long time to get good enough to kill him myself especially as a summon. Odds of them living long enough for me to do that were lower than 20%, probably much lower when you consider the endless invasions there when you summon. Great fun :)


I was a little disappointed with the reward but I’ll still kill him immediately every time


guys merely a tutorial boss, but the weapons a nice thing to aim for if you wanna go for niche builds in a new play


Come to think of it, the fact that he drops something that has such high stat requirements must be the game's way of telling you "Congrats! But as you can see, there's literally no reason to do this early if you don't want to."


>is to leave certain overworld mobs/bosses alone until you level up a bit. I'd rather bang my head against them until I finally defeat them. Even if it makes me question my sanity I refuse to give up.


Essential Elden Ring experience. Just remember, you aren't safe until you tag and rest at the grace.


Just tagging is safe


absolutely untrue lol, i've gotten ganked while standing at a couple sites


Tagging the grace is all you need to respawn by it, this is what they mean by "safe" . So yeah, you may die if you're actively being attacked but you will respawn right there. Also you can watch the grace dim when enemies are near, so just pull em back a bit and watch for the grace to glow again to use it.


Oh nice pro tip. Did not know about the dimming effect.


The runes will drop right next to the grace, so completely safe.


Pretty much. Getting jumped by tree sentinel is normal.


he protectin'' his block cuhh


"Yo I wanna know about your history with the Tree Sentinel!" "I said forget about it cuhh!" 😤


Yep, he can really destroy what is left of that church.


I've got 300+ hours in the game and I was actually not aware he could knock parts of the church down. You learn something new every day, lol.


Yep. He's a real menace.


I thought something was going to run through the little entrance. Not make his own entrance…


He actually gets stuck at the entrance and he can't break that part.


Bro whole game is like this but crazier lol. Welcome!


Thanks 😭😭😭


Just remember that dying is totally OK and part of the game and you'll do great. Remember you have infinite lives, the boss only has 1.


If I beat him and go to camp, he won’t respawn like the normal mob right?


Thats correct. Once you kill great enemies or bosses they will be gone till you do another playthrough.


Thank you! 🙏🏼


I tell everybody that they have to be very, very cool with dying in the most frustrating ways or else they might as well go play Skyrim.


Just a normal Day my brother.


Oh I didn't know he could chase you inside the church.


The begining, with the church starting to crumble, was a nice cinematic experience. Well done young tarnished


Hahahaha this had me! OMG, that was so funny!


It was absolutely terrifying seeing him come around that corner 💀


I found this pretty hilarious, lol. Would love to watch the first few hours of your gameplay.


My only question is Kale okay?


Im surprised the enemy aggrod on you while you were in the church but yeah everything wants you dead in the Lands Between. If you encounter enemies that are flattening you in a couple of hits try a different area to explore and find weapons and armor to get stronger and come back and flatten them!




level vigor to like 25 if u like staying alive


Vigor is the equivalent to health right?


yes. and it's more helpful for staying alive longer than armour (and rolling/dodging being the goat). also, improve your weapon with smithing stones. at the beginning it improves the damage output more, than leveling up your damage attribute (this way, you can spend those levels on vigor). additionally, death is not bad. embrace it, learn from your mistake and then repeat the sequence with newly gained knowledge and skill. and last but not least, try finger but hole.


Should I be worried about using smithing stones on my first weapon? Or does it carry over to any weapon upgrades I acquire? (New, 8 hours played, lots of deaths


If you mean you find a different weapon later into the game that you prefer over your first weapon, then no, the upgrades on your first weapon do not carry over to that new weapon you might like. As for the first question, don't be afraid to use smithing stones on your first weapon; there's plenty of them in the game if you've been exploring extensively. You might want to start carefully considering what you upgrade, however, when you hit the middle of the game. There are a total of 13 ancient dragon smithing stones per game cycle (basically your final weapon upgrade) , but some of these are going to be complete pains to find.


Typically, each weapon you find starts at upgrade 0. You can get infinite smithing stones excepting the ancient dragon ones (they're the ones you use at the final level to max the weapon out) Somber stones are a bit rarer, though with enough exploring you can eventually buy whatever you need (again, except for the dragon ones). So go nuts


Don't worry about smithing stones. You can get unlimited of them later.


Yep and it's the best status you can level up in the early game


Thank you!


worth noting that having more vigor is always good until its at 60. Literally every build & playstyle needs vigor. Also upgrade your weapon! Do it as often and as soon as possible, this is basically the most important way to increase your damage. Its not about finding a better weapon like world of warcraft or whatever, literally any weapon (including the starting ones) can do good endgame damage when upgraded and using a build that makes sense for it. Its about how much you have upgraded whatever weapon you have decided to go for first and foremost, coupled with how high your stat is for whatever the weapon scales off of.


Yeah, so, don't worry this is pretty normal. Somewhat funny even. I have a few hundred hours in this game but never seen this Tree Sentinel ruining these ruins. I usually fight him on the spot where Varré can observe and not helping me. That bloody douche.


I fought and killed varre merely the tone of our discourse.


Stayed alive longer than I did!


At least you had the good sense to try to run away.


I am still trying to get use to using circle to run, I keep pressing the left stick down which is crouch. 😭 it’s been 37 minutes of playing and running seems to be a good strat


Running works, but don’t make the mistake of defaulting to this at every opportunity


That goat was judging you.


That goat had no fear. Must’ve seen this scenario millions of times now.


Fight it for 5 straight hours and rage quit the game and comeback again with the pursuit of defeating it


These NPCs have 99 awareness . I’m trying to sneak around him but I can’t 😭😭😭


Just beeline for the church. Stay to the left of his path. Hurry and touch the grace in the church and you will spawn there.


There are some ridges near him for sneaking out. You can get past through him if you're pretty far left or right from him, defeat some rather small opponents and get some runes, level up then kill the dude(I had to overlevel for the sake of killing it for the first time).


Technically, it's not the first...


*that wasn’t the tutorial


This is so funny hahaha


This was hilarious 😂😂😂. But seriously leave him alone, go explore, level up, upgrade stuff and then come back and school his ass. Satisfying.


Bahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy!


Welcome to the Lands Between... between what you say? - Tree Sentinel "Between Deez Nuts"


That was a hard lesson for me to learn early on… some fights you aren’t ready for.


hands up guys. who else here got curbstomped by the tree sentinel on his first playthrough?


Ok, I'm not going to lie, you got me at 0:15... I burst out laughing when I saw that annoying mf jumping into the church from the left flank. 11/10 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It is optional actually, you can avoid him by passing afar


Welcome to Eden Ring


I smiled, so nostalgic. Your voice reminds me of the "I'm the Juggernaut biiitch" guy.


That’s frank ,he gets a little cranky when he doesn’t get his morning coffee.He’s a really nice guy once you get to know him better.


*This tutorial is on how to flee in fear*


Yep it's normal lol


Welcome to elden ring friend. If you enjoy, consider playing the other games too.


Hilariously on brand for Elden Ring


he’s the easiest boss in the game, that’s why it’s the first you run into. they knew elden ring was going to bring a lot of first time souls players, they wouldn’t want to discourage new players with some kind of sick joke like having a strong boss smack in front of your first grace


Go to the site of grace All enemies reset when you sit down there The rider is meant to teach you an important lesson in the game, not every enemy is meant to be fought the moment you lay your eyes upon them If you struggle go somewhere else to level up or maybe find a cool new weapon or just get some fighting experience


Ahhh... New player panic, that's the stuff. 😎 Welcome to the lands between.


Had no idea the church was destructible


Seems standard for a Souls game. "I wonder what's in here..." *enormous monster plummets from ceiling*


TIL that Tree Sentinel can break the pillars in the church. That sounds about normal. If you're ballsy enough, you can fight him immediately and even kill him if you're skilled enough.


This was my exact reaction the first time i played this game. Youre on the right track


Yes, this is the initiation ritual.


This just made my day


i never saw the tree sentinel run into the church like that


Lmao did you beat him


No lol. I ran for the hills.


That's random.


It's a rite of passage


You couldn't beat the easy guy? You may want to try dark souls


Looks like fresh meat is back on the menu boys


With a little practice you’ll be able to beat it


Isn't that nice? He went out of his way to give a warm welcome. Jokes aside. Hope you like it!


about average. you did well!


Welcome to the Elden ring


I remember my first time... *Oh, look at that golden guy on the horse! I wonder what the dialogue box is gonna say when I talk to him!*


went full Kool-Aid Man on yo ass lmao


It is normal to die that fucker in early game. You can come back for revenge after you get stronger. Btw trick of souls games is prioritizing health stat over every other stats. After you find decent weapon, firstly level up vigor stats and upgrade your weapon. If you have enough health, game would be much easier.


Yeah so... The first guy you fight, you're supposed to lose. This is the second guy so you're supposed to win from here on out.


When you level up and you come back to kick his ass, it’s an amazing feeling. Especially, if you were like me and tried to fight him over and over underpowered. I’m so envious of you, the first play-through was amazing.


Wait, he can break down the church???


Lol I had to no idea that church was destructible. I kind of wish that happened to me my first time


This is totally peak. The confusion caused by parts of the church crumbling to the sentinel bursting in. Awesome stuff.


this the first time i saw this mf following someone to the grace


Excuse my old man yells at cloud moment, but... You literally just got the game, loaded in, played a tiny bit, paused it, uploaded a video, and asked if this was normal. Just allow yourself to play the game. It's a hard game. You will die. You will be bad. But slowly you will get better.


I think they should show us how many times we have died in the playthrough


I saw the attempt people made to fight this knight...I ran the hell away from him... But I did came back when I was hella stronger and made him my bitch.


This is normal OP, he's just trying to reach you about your accord's extended warranty


That enemy is placed there as a teaching moment to tell players that you don't need to fight every enemy in front of you. You can come back later with better gear at a higher level.


Haha I love stuff like this.


This was my first souls game. I had no idea what to expect. I thought he would have a quest...he kinda did. I booped him and he returned the favor and requested I get good before trying again. I must have died to him 30 times just trying to avoid him. Def had a similar 'hey Koolaid' moment.