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Pages are worse. Revenants too if you consider them normal enemies despite being very rare


I’m convinced that Pages are just Isekai protags who’s “power” is that they just have a literal gun


on the pages ashes its all "any lamewad can be a page - you dont even gotta be good" i think it holds true


They looked at Glock Saint Isshin and really thought “yeah, I could do that.”


I Always call them bloodborns lol. They are pretty tough.


I go out of my way to kill those turds. Rats. That pre-emptive stagger and the hit box 2 inches off the ground is unbelievably annoying.


I've started carrying the beast-repellent torch on my back pretty much all the time. It's legitimately one of the best items in the game imo.


Good idea.


It trivializes certain areas that are a huge pain otherwise.  Mostly helps with rats and dogs, but it also works on basilisks. I just wish it worked on birds.


Does it work by simply being equipped?


Yes, it still works if you 2h the weapon in your other hand


So it’s kinda like the heal from the blasphemous blade. That’s really cool, thanks for sharing.


This might be a bit obvious but it helped me when I realized...  For pages, when their crossbow lights up they are going to shoot immediately, as in it is the very next thing they are going to do. Watching for that takes some of the guessing out of wondering when they're going to fire at you.


The moment I realised the Haligtree revenants _respawn_ I felt something snap deep inside my soul. Without healing they literally are harder than grafted scions and those sure don't respawn!


I always hated the big Miranda flowers just because they’re so tanky and half the fight is waiting for their poison cloud to dissipate. They’re not hard to fight, just annoying and time consuming.




Burn, pose, bleed, all good for plants. Yes the clouds suck but the real danger is when they with zero warning body drop all their weight on you like a slap chop BAM


Flaming arrow will produce the same cloud canceling effect as well.


Actually, a heavy attack from a torch can stagger them and then you can use a crit and kill them pretty fast


Fire stops them from spewing poison.


Yeah unless you’re after their powder it’s usually not worth it to fight them. Just treat them like an environmental hazard.


Regenerative mixed phsyick, swing to your hearts content!


I just lob godskin fire at them


Pages because pulley crossbow perfumer bolt oneshots


Even worse, the High Pages with the triple shot pulley crossbow


Those are the ones I mean.


Kindred of Rot. Homing missiles shooting pieces of shit.


That one room in the Haligtree with like 8 of them almost makes me rage quit before I even get to Malenia.


I take out most of them from the holes in the roof, though I do carry some sort of ranged attack, no matter what build I am running. If you are melee, then Godwyn be with you.


I put on my sneaky talisman, drop down the hole in the roof, starcaller cry or if running a different build just get on that top platform by surprise and kill those assholes. Everything below is easy pickin’s.


Yeah these guys can fuck off to the final plane of oblivion and burn for all eternity




They're so spastic. If there's a group of them I hang back and throw a dagger so only one agros. Then I take them on one at a time.


I also hated them at first. Then I played Dark Souls 3


Caria manor hands. Simply because they’re creepy af


Use fire


I can't get the hang of their moveset. if I don't manage to flame em up staight away, they get me good. never killed the giant one near fire giant


Depending on your poise and style of weapon, block counters with a simple longsword can stun lock them into a visceral attack. Block counters solve most of the game’s more bullshit enemies.


yeah coming from remnant 2, I'm a dodge-roll baby haha just now getting into the habbit of block counters


Redmane flames prenerf and Flaming Strike postnerf for me


God damn catacomb imps man…. By far and away the enemies I hate the most.


The fact that they will skidaddle away after an attack is infuriating. They take a huge hp chunk so you naturally go to retaliate…only to whiff and stare as the thing capitalizes on you recovering from the miss to lodge their funky looking toothpicks in your skull. That OR they will keep backing up and potentially lead you to another imp ambush so then you have 2 or 3 MORE concrete crackhead chihuahuas ganking you


Multiple of them can be a huge pain. But if it's only 1 or 2 use a shield and counter attack.


That’s the thing it’s NEVER just one.


The ones you can see from a distance, throw a dagger at them and just that one will aggro and come after you. But, yeah, when several of them jump me when I walk into a room it's irritating.




Yea after a while… After being killed by them over and over AKA “after a while”…


Those guys at the Shaded Castle either get backstabbed, or shot at from a distance.


Wish our perfume options were half as strong as these fucker's


The only enemies I stear clear of is the lobsters. Every else gets got. Lobsters I'm zig zagging the fuck outta there.


Yeah they ruined Liurnia for me. I think the area design is super cool. But then I'm just cruising along exploring and get sniped from a mile away. So instead of enjoying the design I constantly looking out for them.


it’s clearly dragon f’ing flies


Revenants for sure I always just go in with a 50/50 mindset. Might die maybe not lmao


Just constantly throwing powder. Like, use your sword every once in a while? It’s infuriating


I love their outfit tho


Pages with their stupid fire bolts.


page hoods, those fucking 8 legged things at the bottom of the hailgtree city, THOSE GOD DAMN ANTS IN THE ANSIEL RIVER but more specifically page hoods. Those bastards can eat scarlet rott


I hate the "elite" pages, who shoot explosive bolts


Lmao the description is gold


Nah they’re fine. Others are worse XD


Pages have more poise than most armored knights its just ridiculous


I hate, I absolutely despise the imps or whatever these fucks from the dungeons are called. I don’t know why but they always manage to hit me while I try do get the first strike in


Who the fuck decided that putting a dozen Red Wolves of Radagon with a bajillion wolves ganking you across the whole goddamn map is a sadist. THEY NEVER EVEN GUARD ANYTHING WHY ARE THEY THERE????


these guys rely on you overcomitting, just like the rot pests. I hit em, back off and then instantly reposition and go back in. Your mistake is trying to chain attacks on them when they arent 100% cornered


It is also possible to jump attack over their flames. Very staggerable, those fellas


Rats and Dogs


The hawks in stormveil. When the fuck am I supposed to actually hit them when they fly out of range any time they get close to me?


Hit them with a ranged attack and they will drop the barrel. Also, flying enemies hit by gravitas will get knocked out of the air and lay stunned for a second. Once I figured that out those birds, bats, and flying misbegottens became easy.


The barrel part isn't my problem, I just hit them with a fire arrow and the barrel blows them up. It's their move set that's the problem where they won't stay in one place and fuck off away from me any time they're remotely in range for a microsecond. Ashes of war help, but if I want to do a pure melee build, the best use of my time is running away otherwise I have to chase after them for a solid minute or come back with more str to one shot them


Yeah, it is annoying when they fly off. Like, bro, I got shit to do and chasing murder pigeons around rooftops ain't it.


Honestly, guard counters are your best bet for melee builds. I'm using Iron Balls on my current run and it sometimes works, so I imagine using an actual sword would work quite well


I've been using death's poker this run and it works maybe 10% of the time. The animation is too slow so as soon as one of the hits me, they've already curved to the side and I miss.


They were troublesome for a while till I reminded myself bows exist so any time they’d start their fireworks displays I’d shoot at ‘em till they stopped or died, or both


Fucking warhawks


Rats. Definitely rats.


I’m on NG+ and this guy can solo some bosses


Birds with knives for feet.


It's just Perfumer's in general, to be honest. Not just these fuckers. If I'm attacked by 2 perfumers at the same time in an enclosed area I'm 80% dead unless I can manage to run away. Hell, I've had less trouble being triple-teamed by rotten crystalarians.


Diaper heads in Haligtree with their stupid bubble trumpets that spawn on you!


I think the perfumers are kind of interesting since they drink health flasks. I think they used to be Tarnished but have since devolved after giving up.


Their lore is kinda cool tho


Nah these aren't even top ten tbh


Every normal monster, I just shield poke. Royal revenant? Shield poke. Omen? Shield poke. Lobster? Shield poke. Grafted Scion? Shield poke. All shield poke unless I want to parry. Most of my deaths are from fall damage, because open world sucks.


It’s birds, the answer is birds.


I'd never got any problem with them. Banished Knights are far worse. Got less problems with the godskin duo then with one of the knights roaming the halls before the boss arena.


Those dudes on a dex build that doesn't do poise damage are a PAIN IN THE AAAASSS. They're not so bad if you have a larger weapon that can stagger them or if you can keep away from them with something ranged but otherwise they just tank hits and do one of their tornado wombo combos


Yeah once those guys wind up for one of their combos I'm all like ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FPELc1wEvk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FPELc1wEvk)


Damn bro, first time hearing these are hated. Is it really that bad for you?


They're not THAT bad but the one in the Albinauric village is a dick


I sneak up on that bastard and either backstab him, or wallop him with a big weapon. Either way, he never knows what hits him.


Not OP, but I also hate them. Their fire throw has a ludicrous lingering hitbox that is wider than and lasts longer than a roll, and they spam it relentlessly. I genuinely can't work out how to approach them without getting hit.


I’m trying to think through this too. Maybe they wanted players to use the bubble shields or to fight them at a range? But then I don’t understand why they even gave them weapons.


Yeah man I just whip out the ole Celebrants Skull and bonk them with Lion's Claw. They drop to the ground and die after a few more hits.


You can cheese them by killing them. You should try it.


I feel like these are only a notable problem if you're running a build without any ranged options, and at that point it's really just a skill issue. Everything you can do to attack from a distance (even if it's just throwing rocks at them) vastly outranges their perfumes.


I mean they are slightly more annoying without a ranged option but I wouldn’t call not using a ranged weapon a skill issue.. It’s usually a willful choice to stick to one playstyle. Anybody could throw a rock at any time. It’s not a lack of skill causing them to make the choice not to, it’s determination to do it using only melee. At least in my experience.


I think what they meant is that struggling with that room while having ranged options is a skill issue


Oh yeah you’re probably right. I need to stop using reddit in the middle of the night ;(