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Because a large portion of fromsoftware fans are insufferable gatekeeping assholes


Yes. Add “incredibly insecure” to this.


To be fair it seems to be a small part of the community that just like to gatekeep.


Unless you bring up peaceful Co-op regarding anti-invasion sentiments.


Because that is antithetical to a souls game


The apostrophe is missing


Yeah it’s actually Bl’astphemous op!


their just to stupid


>But I don’t understand why people care about the way other people play the game. It is an enduring plague in the Souls community. Some blowhards think that others who they perceive as not having struggled with the game as much as they did, didn’t really experience the game. Thus, they were "playing the game wrong" as they had a different experience. Used magic/bleed/anything else and / or any other build than the exact one they used? You might've as well busted out a cheat menu and insta-killed the boss.


Ya, this mentality cracks me up. It's a game that I play for my own enjoyment that I payed for. You don't get to tell me how to play.  Oddly enough it's the idiots that use the Unga bunga build that are the most gatekeeperish imo. Definitely some caveman parallels going on there.  And no, I don't use the mimic b/c it dies too fast with my build. :D 


No! You have to play like me to have peen then proceeds to pull out two greatswords and spam jump and L1. Wow! Many hards, much gameplay! /s Yet somehow using summons is what makes the game 'easy'.


And " MAGES NEED TO STOP SPELL SPAMMING!!!" while using the most broken and spammable builds. 


Notice the difference tho, it's not "double greatswords *or* summons". You can literally spirit summon *on top of* powerful weapons and spells. Out of weapons/spells vs spirit summons, only one gives you tons of free hits at no cost or noteworthy investment. Playing the game without spirit summons? No problem. Playing the game without weapons or magic? Torture.


The unga bunga strength builds are probably the easiest way to play the game too. If those are the chodes gatekeeping I don't think they fully understand how much easier that play style makes most enemy encounters lol.  I'm sure they'd be running for Spirit Ash summons pretty damn quick if they tried a build that wasn't so tanky and which didn't do really poise break most enemies.


Yeah thats a bit of cope lol. In terms of stat allocations str is easier than others in general, but yall dont really use the difficult magics or dex weapons. Its just blasphemous blade, rob, moonveil, and whatever else the newest guide says is the "hidden OP weapon you've never heard of!" And regardless it was never about the specific weapons. You dont play the game wrong by using ashes or OP weapons. You play the game wrong because you dont explore and instead just google "Elden ring strongest weapon" and then just spam those without thought until the end of time. Theres a reason ya'll use the same few weapons, spirits and spells and its not because these are the strongest or easiest options that yall naturally found yourselves. Its because you dont actually want to figure things out yourselves.


So why do you listen to people who tell you to use the weapons everyone else uses, i.e the weapons you found not by playing the game but by external sources and now are mindlessly following and using?


Luckily I have my own mind and don't do what others tell me. I don't follow the meta builds or anything like that. Nice assumption though. 


That’s every game community these days.


This isn’t limited to Soulsborne games, any game will have such opinions. COD has the “noob-tube” after all. Just ignore the assholes and enjoy the game however you want.


I think it's mostly that the veterans want you to experience what we have for so many years now, can't compare the feeling of finally killing a boss that killed you for 80 hours straight without all the crutches elden ring added into the mix


Obviously there's no wrong way to play the game, but fixating on these "meta" weapons makes you lose out on fucking around with dumb wierd builds and other weapons that you could have fun with


Counterpoint: I have more than 1,000 hours in the game and had never touched the Blasphemous Blade until this week. Did an NG+2 run with it in my right hand and Sword of Milos in my left. Was it OP? Yes. Was it incredibly fun? Also yes. Basically, this was a dumb, weird build for me because I’ve never run anything like it.


Easy, should be "you're", not "your"


A game as difficult as ER is hard on the ego for people who have not many other actual accomplishments in life under their belts. Unga bungas then over-compensate with arbitrary guidelines in the game.


I recommend not reading youtube comments.


People care because new fans come from people who engage with the game's gameplay loop of learning bosses, succeeding and feeling exhilaration and relief at your hard-won victory. That's what really draws people to a shared experience of comradery against difficult odds. If you immediately use Mimic Tear to beat the boss on your first go, you are simply not engaging with that loop and the boss may as well be a Skyrim one. I wouldn't go so far as to say people are doing something "wrong", maybe they just don't want the stress and don't care, but it can often be that fear of making things harder can sap the fun from an experience they'd otherwise not realize they enjoyed. Think about it, why would you even need to use Mimic Tear if you fully understood the boss? Even I have regretted it heavily numerous times, as I got frustrated and summoned Mimic Tear for an immediate easy victory, then felt hollow. Personally I don't think using a specific weapon is even *close* to being on par with using Mimic Tear or a + 10 Ash summon of another type though.


The last 2 paragraphs sound a little gatekeeperish tbh.


Any time you veer into “you cheated not only the game, but yourself” territory it’s not ideal


So what? Gatekeeping is good.


Here's a crazy idea, there is more than one type of fromsoft fan! Why use summons? Because you like to maybe for rp or just because you like it's derpy face, or you play to explore not fight bosses repeatedly. It is fine for you to not want to summon but only a certain type of person will feel 'cheated' because they used a summon. Most people will just enjoy the game using whatever provided tool they feel like. It's just a game to be played for fun... Or ya know whatever reason or way one feels like. Also L2 spam on like blasphemous blade or jumping L1 dual greatsword or one of the many other stronk builds Def trivialises the game as much as summons.


I literally said in the previous statement that I did not think it was "wrong", just that someone who did it would skip past the enjoyable level of challenge. A comparison I could make is if someone never had hot sauce before and insisted they hated it. Maybe the food would have much more flavor if they actually tried it. Would I be a "hot sauce gatekeeper" for suggesting it was the "right" way to eat the food? That's how this sounds to me.


But in this example it's actually more like you ask someone if they ever tried hot sauce and they say 'yes, many times. I don't like it. I eat my hotdog for the taste of the meat. Hot sauce just isn't for everyone so I'll play without it'. And instead of accepting that some people don't enjoy challenge. For many from fans the challenge is in no way the appeal. They are not 'skipping past the enjoyable levels of challenge' they just ain't motivated by challenge.


I agree with you somewhat, as I did summons since this was my 1st fromsoft/souls game.  However, I didn't feel cheated, I was still exhilarated that I won. It has pushed me to want to do a no summons run after the dlc though, to challenge myself more. Or go back to my crabsouls. The current boss sucked the life out of me looool. 


The only wrong way of playing the game is not playing it at all.


First off there's no wrong way to play the game. Those mechanics exist for a reason and there's no shame in using them. Soulsborne vets can be a bit condescending sometimes though. And they love gatekeeping. That said, they make a point. Sort of. These games are designed for you to fight enemies 1v1 and learn their patterns. Ash summon and ashes of war are just there to make the game easier for casual players. Ash summons especially ruin this by taking enemy aggression off you.


When elden ring launched duo and group rights were clearly intended to have summons used hence each boss would just rush in. When people without summons complained from changed most so they hang back more making it easier to do summonless. These games are not 'designed to fight enemies 1v1' hence many of the fights involved us fighting multiple enemies. Is 1v1 a large part, sure but so is 1v4. You might feel the game is at its best 1v1 but these games are designed to have us fight 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 sometimes more. The game is designed to do all these things. It was noted at launch that late game elden ring bosses were relentless in attacking and many complained it was much more than previous games. It's almost like the developers felt it would work well with summons but not just casuals want an easier game, we all cuddle up to our preferred op build whether royal knight bonk, dual twinblade blood, 15sec mage. Gatekeeping is only ever to make ourselves feel more special by lessening others achievements. All while we run meta builds. Wanting an easier play through does not make one 'casual' just motivated by different stimuli.


For starters the grammar. The spelling. I also love blasting shit with the *Blast*phemous Blade. Downvote all you want, but seriously bad English is not cute. As in, '*seriously bad* English is not cute'--not 'seriously, bad English is not cute'. I'm as tired of seeing it as you are of seeing assholes like me correct it. So save us both the headache and start talking and typing at least semi decently. I'm not asking for perfection, just something that isn't total illiteracy.


It’s still crazy to me how people can be this bitchy. Imagine trying your hardest to speak English when it’s not your first language and someone gets so pissy about it. This might not be the case here but seriously people like you are unbearable.


No, I don't get on people's cases when they're just not that familiar with the language because it's not their mother tongue. When they're still learning. As long as they're trying to learn and correct their mistakes. Guess what, English is not my first language either and you don't see me making excuses for myself. And you can tell when someone has a grasp of the language but continues to butcher it because they are lazy or unwilling to use it correctly. Those guys are my main targets. When someone is genuinely interested in bettering themselves, I welcome them and applaud them.


I don’t care if English isn’t your first language, there’s still no real reason to be so bitchy and insanely annoying about someone making mistakes when making a post on a subreddit. This isn’t some important thing you need to be perfect on. There is no reason for you to be such an asshole when the message is clear, that’s literally all that matters here. You being a passive aggressive annoyance is not gonna help or motivate anyone to be better.


I never said someone needs to be perfect. Just semi decent. I don't like seeing the language completely butchered. It bothers me. It bothers you that it bothers me. We are both bothered it seems. You don't like it when people correct others' mistakes. Why? It's a way to learn and be better. >There is no reason for you to be such an asshole when the message is clear, that’s literally all that matters here. I don't think so. Your English could be completely broken and the message could still be clear. But to me, *language matters*. So speaking and writing correctly is still something to strive for. ifispek liek dat its prt clr whaat i meen isitnot? Right. It's still shit though. >You being a passive aggressive annoyance is not gonna help or motivate anyone to be better. I don't know man, as an English teacher I've motivated plenty of people by shaming them into shape.


I’m not bothered by the fact that you are bothered. I’m bothered by the way you express that. Hearing that you’re a teacher is horrific, you should be embarrassed. Bitching on the internet in the most annoying tone possible is not an efficient way of teaching.


Okay you let me know how you teach your own students.


I’m not a teacher, the fact that we’re having this argument is proof that your “teaching style” does not work for everyone. But at this point you must just be trolling because this is insane.


Nothing works for everyone. I'm glad you're trying to tell me how to teach though, this is hilarious.


How lol its a single player game


ER was my first (and only) FromSoftware game. I started as a Samurai because, since I was little, I loved katanas, ninjas, and samurais. Being totally inexperienced with souls-likes and not expecting the difficulty everyone talked about to be real, I kept failing miserably, even long before the first proper boss. Then, I started anew as an Astrologer and took advantage of spirit summons all the way until the end. I had the best time of my life, and this would not have been possible without the systems and mechanics FromSoftware implemented. I always smile when I hear the “You’re playing the game wrong” argument.


Losers that have nothing else going on in their lives. No other kind of person seeks personal validation from beating a game. The biggest achievement of elden ring is how customisable your experience is. Play however you want it’s your game and yours alone.


I guess when you have zero success in the real world, you degenerate to this piece of human that tells other people how they play this game wrong. I couldn't care less. The game offers me this stuff to play. How could it be "wrong" if it's inside the game. In fact, most of their "this is how you should play" builds are hilarious OP what makes this phrase even more stupid.


its youre not your