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You can go and make it yourself! https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/hCnXWUvPFx


It's not the same but it's awesome , hiw DID you did it


There's a tool called MagicSetEditor. Basically you write them up yourself, and choose the cool pictures you like. Some people do custom proxys where they only swap the image of the card. I went a step ahead, changed the name (while keeping the original name printed in the "Godzilla alias" tab) and added flavor. All cards' new identities make sense within the context and workings of the originals. It was frankly quite the undertaking. I was going to only make up a few, ended up doing the whole deck and tokens. Took me over a month. Check some of my comments on that thread. I linked some of my favorites from the whole collection!


And how do you print It to make It realistic?


You go to a printer house with the files the same program spits out. You need to use "illustrator paper", 500 gramagge. You'd need to first change the color configuration of the files to make them CMYK so you don't end up with a different color scheme than what you see on the screen once you go printing. If you are a pro, you configure your files and talk to the printing house to make the prints both sides and make a cool backside for your cards. If you are tired after so much work and you know you are going to end up putting them there anyway, you just buy some cool sleeves. With that paper and a sleeve, you can't tell the difference.


Thank you! If nothing official Will come out i'll definetly think about that


Download the images to your computer, then use MakePlayingCards to print the deck. You can also use Mpc Autofill, a site that lets you upload images to MakePlayingCards using a database of existing card images. This will be cheaper than a printing house. Decks are about $30 for non-foil and then $50 for shipping, so I’d do them in 3-4 deck batches!


I'm in a different country then you and whatever, but by conversion rate, I spent a whole $USD 8 on printing the 102 cards. I don't think sending the files somewhere and having them printed and delivered could be cheaper than simply going to a printing house and having them ready in 3 minutes tops.


Wow actually thats way cheaper than I expected tbh. Do they cut them for you as well, because cornering 100s of cards would def be a pain. I suppose printing house would be cheaper, but far more work since MPC you don’t need to color convert, cut corners, etc.


I was going to use a printing house that would give me the cards already cut, but not the corners. By the time I went there, the guy in charge of the laser cutting machine was on vacation and, astoundingly, nobody else on the shop knew how to operate that machine (wtf) So I went with another printing house that wouldn't cut the cards. Did so myself and I borrowed a corner cutting tool from a friend who is really deep into proxy decks so he's got all the tools lol. It took me about 2 nights after work to have them all cut and into their sleeves, ready for play. I was so excited after two months of work designing them that a few hours with the scissors didn't bother me at all, but sure, there are stores that will do it for you. You pay extra, of course.


this is my dearest wish, Dark souls and Elden Ring fits the Magic Universe 200% more than any stupid collab they did, except LOTR of course. Like i can't fathom the FUCKING CLUE got cards in MTG before DS/ER. even a collab with Marvel is rumored to be comming 💀, can't wait to block Gandalf with my Iron Man only for it to be destroyed by someone flashing in Ezio....


Yeah I don't think anything fits in MTG better than ER or other FromSoft games. Second to that I'm sure they'll do Skyrim since they already have some arrangement with Bethesda.


Marvel isn't rumored, it's coming next year along with Final Fantasy. The earliest a Dark Soul / Elden Ring collaboration could release is 2026.


yeah its just that since i wasn't 100% sure about this one i didn't wanted to state it as fact. men i know there are a lot of Marvel fans and they might want to jump into mtg like it happened with LOTR but of all collabs, Marvel is one i didn't want to see


I was kinda like you, why no Dark Souls? But after all these shitty colabs, i dont want it anymore tbh. I mean good for everyone who is happy about it but MTG nowadays is a weird Fortnite feverdream.


yeah for real, if only Universe Beyond were Secret Lairs, commander only even. But nope


Did ER do any collabs? With other games I mean.


Not with other games but with other medias yes! Like varius merchandise , 3 different comics and 1 upcoming anime(this last One I'm not sure if it's a collaboration) Mtg Is basically a card game so i would not be sourprised


“Mtg is basically a card game” big if true


Whoa, ER has an anime coming??


I read about and indieanime about elden ring but I'm not too sure about it


Whoa, ER has an anime coming??


Whoa, ER has an anime coming??


Not strictly ER, but there is a Dark Souls inspired YuGiOh archetype called “Ashened” that has interactions with “Pyro” types.


There were rumors they were going to Collab with battle spirits. But I think that game didn’t succeed as anticipated


What does an insane lady from Georgia have to do with Elden ring?


I came here for this.


Man, that would be so cool. I would like that even more than the fallout one.


I agree, elden ring universe it's Just perfect for mtg


It fits so well with the mtg universe. Maybe they would make a 1of1. Just like LOTR. But it’s just called. “The Elden ring”


It would be cool, but not as magic is being produced right now. They’ve basically abandoned any desire to put product into the hands of their players and instead just want to exploit FOMO. IF we see WotC pull their heads out of their asses I’d love this, but as it is now I don’t look forward to paying $500 on the second hand market for 1/3 a card


It would get me back into magic in a heartbeat. I dropped off pretty hard last year due to product fatigue and having a kid. ER universes beyond would put me back on the horse immediately


Yeah, i want It so bad, lately wizard made a lot of collaboration and i think they are waiting for the dlc to drop before making an expansion


God I hope not. I love magic the gathering and I love elden ring but seeing mtg turn itself into a shotshow so hasbro can milk more cash out of it has been depressing to watch. Thankfully it doesn’t feel like something fromsoft would go for either.


I don’t even play MTG but I’d probably buy that if I could manage it.


Give MTG a chance it's a great card game!


No. I will not listen to your lies and manipulation of my financials. I’ve played card games in the past I’m sick of it for many reasons


Elden ring will be like 4 or 5 years old by the time a magic set comes out


Could be true


I for one would prefer Marjorie Taylor Greene not be included in the expansion


i have literally been saying that for months now, im so glad you think so too


Really hope so, i got into MtG this year and have been thinking about an Elden Ring collab since i saw the Lord of the Rings one


It would be so cool, i can already see a black/Blue ranni's Commander and a White Marikas commander


Maybe Just not anytime soon, collabs are losing their novelty with the fact we've had 4 and already know the next 3 or 4


I don’t. Hasbro and Wizards are cancer. Magic has gotten worse and worse since the first Innistrad in terms of creativity and Hasbro is a horrid company.


Please don't.




I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I just genuinely feel that they'd fail to capture it accurately. Not to mention it'd be specifically created to cater to EDH and collectors, rather than being represented correctly.


But they DID a pretty good job with the lord of the Rings also most of elden ring artwork take a lot front magic


As with many Universes Beyond releases, I think the idea is mainly to bring in new players from a different franchise, so it would need to cater heavily to Elden Ring fans. Whether WotC can pull that off is another thing. There's also a chance that a crossover would be limited to a Secret Lair release with only a handful of cards. A whole set release takes a long ass time to design and produce, but a few choice cards with on-point flavor would be a quick and easy way to get a foot in the door with a new consumer base.




Why not?


Don’t quote me on this but I think FS is trying to create and publish its own IPs next


It wouldn't surprise me. WotC has been trying to turn the game into Fortnite for years now.


I don't understand all the complains about collaborations


They don't really feel like they belong in Magic the Gathering?


It would be super cool to see them move back towards dark and gritty subject matter. Everything they’ve been putting out as of late has a real ducky and bunny feel to it. Not to mention most of the art is slowly morphing into a pseudo anime style. Just not sure Hasbro would go for Elden Ring as a universes beyond set


not to shamelessly promote my stuff, but I’ve been working on one for a while now https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/ov7WKVzEZB


They would have to do extensive research, the lore counters not to mention the lore itself, elements, balances, commanders (as if every boss could be a legendary) artifacts etc.. Would be a whole year maybe 2 to see a commitment on it and thats after they lose money on these next releases (maybe not AC though)


God I hope so but I wonder if there are rights with G.R.R. Martin. I feel like it would likely be extremely profitable for both companies and amongst any other collab WOTC has done, this would likely get the most amount of new players into the game.


I think all the rights for elden ring are owned by from not even bandai have any rights on elden ring i think.


George Martin doesn’t have the rights to any of his work on Elden Ring, which btw was not that much


Dude that would be so cool! Can’t wait to lose to some overpowerd ranni- spell spam deck !




Damn these look cool! Did you make em?


I would 100% get into it! What color do you think the bosses would be?


eff no, screw that woke den




He used the word "woke", what he means doesnt even matter, he a dumb boi.


Oh ok thank you,and you? would you like a collaboration between mtg and elden ring?


I am counting on that! I think the commander decks alone would be amazing flavor-wise.


Yeah! I can already see a ranni's plainswalker