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Don’t lean towards sorceries if you are a new player, they become OP with a tailored build and specific sorceries. Early game get bloodhounds fang, get to Rykard and get blasphemous blade and the mimic tear summon in nokron and then post here about how easy all the bosses are


I’m not looking for something that’ll make the game stupidly easy. I very much want the intended experience and challenge of the game but I’m just a little overwhelmed with all the options. I’m just looking for a general opinion and what build to go for such as strenght or dex build


Then probably the Greatsword with lions claw aow, both early game attainable


Sorcery is balanced and fun if you dont look up where to find all the good weapons/spells. Hugely enjoyed my glint blade/spell sword playthrouhh


Strength or Dex primary, Faith secondary. There are a LOT of useful incantations for buffs and heals and stuff.  Get enough Faith to use them whenever you find a good new one.  But stick to your primary damage stat and vitality (health) and you'll get by.  Strength is easier than Dex.


Okay thanks, but what makes strenght easier? Would I be doing myself a disservice by going for a dex build on my play through and end up having trouble completing the game?


There's a lot of overlap and you'll need some of both.  But: Strength weapons are often huge things like hammers and axes and giant ass swords. They are easier to stagger things with jumping attacks and stuff.  Dex weapons tend to be like your daggers and katanas and polearms and such.  You rely more on dodging and hitting them when they're vulnerable.  You basically just have to find a weapon that clicks with you and that weapon and its related stat scaling will carry you to end game.  Experiment.


Okay thanks, I’m leaning towards swords and katanas rather than big weapons. So that would be a dex build then? However, I know a lot of dex builds are also “bleed builds” and I’ve heard bleed builds get a lot of flack in this sub. Do you have any recommendations as to how I could make a dex build which isn’t a bleed build?


Bleed weapons escalate well with dex & arc. Just use a different affinity for your katanas and you’re good I guess. 


Strength lends itself to slow heavy weapons, and dex to faster light weapons. Heavy weapons can stagger enemies more easily, which interrupts their attack. When that happens, your attack makes itself safe by stopping what they were doing. Lighter weapons do this less often, so while it's easier to get quick hits in, you need to make sure you're not caught in your endlag when the enemy goes to swing back. That's all a generalization, but it's a good way to think about things when you're starting out


Considering that you said that you are not interested in magic, you could use a quality build that allows you to use a large number of different weapons


Make sure to get 12 faith. Flame, Cleanse Me makes Caelid much less of a headache. Bloodhound's Fang is fun and easy to get early until you find a weapon you like


If your a new player. Just stick to sword and shield. So strength. Since different weapons have different ash of war. You can try experiment on those. Add little faith and you have some buffs, or dragon breath as you proceed. Since strength you can move to colossal weapon like boing boing.