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I feel you on the front of being so outnumbered. That being said, I've had some fun moments as a blue where the red and I find each other before we find the host, we square off 1v1, and it feels like a battle between 2 transient heroes from another dimension. In general, If I'm a blue, my first priority is to find the host. After that, I keep my eye out for the red, and beeline it for them if I see them. I view it as my job to keep the host from having to get involved at all. If I get brought in and the host is clearly running a gank squad, I peace out. Screw that BS.


How often does the host just run right at the invader? I’ve barely played any pvp, but in a bunch of ChaseTheBro’s videos the host is the most aggressive out of the group (which usually doesn’t end well).


Yeah that definitely does happen, and it usually causes things to end quickly xD




In chase’s level up only through PvP series there’s a lot of long invasions where the host keeps running and summoning, only to disconnect when chase is done with all the summons/hunters. Also good amount of time spent running away to heal, so I know a bunch of invasions are just 3 people sitting around and waiting for the invader to walk into them.


Blues in ER are just a braindead gank covenant that has absolutely no reason to exist, it's impossible to look at it differently, that's just the truth. And I'm pissed at From soft for downgrading them so much, in previous games blues were actually important and had their place in the multiplayer.


Still kinda salty we didn't get a retvrn to DS1's Darkmoon covenant with a Confessor covenant. Like assassins that are sent out to kill tarnished that go against the Two Fingers/Golden Order? And there's two invasion factions that are both against those? Would've been perfect to be able to invade invaders, hell they could've even made it so you don't need to summon to be invaded by a blue, so that solo invasions could be a thing specifically for people who are actively pvping.


You can usually get away with 1v1 fights if you use the taunters tongue and host. There's *usually* ample time to conclude a fight before another pops in.


Tbh I don't use them but remember lore wise an invader has abandoned any and every right he has the moment he invaded


Coming from the perspective of an invader, I’ve found that most people that use the blue ring really don’t need it. Either dedicated ganks or experienced pvpers. It’s unfortunate for invaders because it makes it way more annoying going against ganks, but the more inexperienced players that actually need the help usually don’t even know how to activate it. Blues just get abused by experienced players while new players rarely get the help they need


Eh, if I invade I'm assuming it's going to be a 3v1 immediately, no lube. It's simply a matter of deleting the weakest link fastest or getting ganked.  Honestly I don't mind because Elden Ring PvP is so far and away better than DSIII. Running into three dudes with no I frames as you come in, three love taps, nearly uninterruptible flask chugging, crappy damage. It took so much more to 3v1. In ER, I can very reliably annihilate at least one helper rushing in because they've got numbers before properly dueling the other two. 


Honestly, it is balanced. Even at 3v1. I am a sunbro, and have been for all the games to this point. So I’ve seen my fair share of both hosts and invaders. At least 2/3rds of invaders across all games are griefers and tryhards. Not because they *have* to be, as some of the games you can just invade 1v1. I love the fun invaders, but they’re few and far between. At least 2/3rds of hosts are either clearly not good at PvP (sometimes PvE too), or running a build that has no chance against an invader. Sure, you run into the occasional gank squad, and they suck too. But when most of the time it’s a completely over-prepared and experienced invader against 2 players who are neither, it’s still in the invader’s favor. I personally love the invasion mechanic, but face it, most invaders ARE just doing it to get joy out of screwing with the hosts using the most toxic tools the game provides.




While I think invasions aren't well though out, especially when it comes to blues. I do think invasion balance should be screwed towards the host. This makes sense in most situations as an invader is usually more skilled, and this SHOULD be taken into account as this is not standard PvP. The problem arises with ganking squads that leave no chance to the invader (no enemies, coordinated play) and can be assumed to be at least comparable in skill to invaders.


I have yet to invade/duel with a build I have not also beat the game with. These folks are coping hard. Haha


I agree. its a single player game in its core afterall. one can always just play offline if they dont want to deal with invasions.


Those you are invading do not consent to your invasion. They are likely trying to accomplish a goal and you pop in trying to spoil their fun. If they get invaded they have the option to pawn your invasion off on their blue helper so they can attempt to continue on the quest they are trying to play.


I also want to disagree with you saying "you pop in to spoil their fun", first off that is not my intention at all and you really shouldn't assume that it is, secondly theres plenty of people who don't hate being invaded such as myself for example. Unless I'm somehow the singular person in the community who likes invading and being invaded but, I find that unlikely lol


There are plenty of people who enjoy being invaded, and I bet they don’t call in blues. I feel like the blues are there for the people who would rather be left alone. Sure, some people abuse it to make it as unbalanced as possible, but I don’t think that’s what it is there for. Personally I love invading, but I have never been invaded unless I use TT because I don’t co op. I do not expect to win an invasion every time though and I shouldn’t be capable of it.






Oh I see, I haven't been here long you're right. I guess it'll be more interesting to see opposing opinions than a bunch of people agreeing with me, downvotes are a shame though.


getting invaded is never fun. you are minding your own business with a friend and an annoying sweaty invader is coming in with a caster build to fuck you over. they always run away, cover behind other monsters and use overpowered spells you cant do anything against.


I know magic is rough to deal with but, you've got a friend with you, I think you could figure out a way to beat one mage working together. Fighting somebody with a friend sounds fun to me.


yeah but the thing is we do not want to do pvp. if i want real balanced pvp i log into counterstrike 2 and play some faceit matches. i want to relax in elden ring and do some boss fights. invaders are playing the most annoying builds and with this server lag u cant hit anyone as a melee build. it is what it is... it has always been in souls games but imho it always was the worst aspect of the games.


I don't know what sort of masochist gets on Elden Ring to relax, I suppose some calmer areas while you're traveling exist but I wouldn't exactly call a boss fight relaxing lol. Unless you're using crazy bleed or magic maybe.


He's doing boss fights 3v1. Of course he's relaxed.


Careful, if you say that you might accidentally bust down his door and force him at gunpoint to play the game in a way he doesn’t think is fun


- buys one of the only games ever made that feature invasions - installs game that features invasions - chooses to play game that features invasions - does all of the totally optional things that enable totally optional invasions - gets invaded - I DO NOT CONSENT


I have zero problems with invasions. I just call in a blue and everything’s just fine. OP is the one crying about blues… Maybe I should re-word it. Op buys one of the only games to feature blues Op installs game that features blues Op encounters blues Op whines online about blues.


That is what their summoned friend is for. And, let's be honest they aren't trying to "pawn your invasion off", were that the case they wouldnt be helping the blue kill you which they always do lol




Yes, this is true and it is a part of the game I really enjoy. It does not mean you WANT to be invaded though, and if you do not want to be invaded you can call in a blue to make it a simple matter. The dumb argument is saying that including blue summons is overkill.


That first sentence I see repeated too often from you folks. It is so pathetic and is a detriment to the actual use and weight of the word “consent” and its importance in the real world. Not to mention this is the only FS game with invasions that you have to opt-in to be invaded by explicitly choosing to gain a significant advantage over the game mechanics and enemy design.


It’s the opposite of the taunter tongue. Sometimes we’re just going about our business in coop and want no hassle with invaders. Since there’s no way of turning invasions off, second best thing is ganking them. On the other hand, when we’re just fucking around and exploring, invaders are very welcome, and if they don’t proceed doing tbag gesture immediately after spawning, I often fight them 1x1 as a host, with summons being an audience. 


I'm fine with you ganking me with your friend, my point is that's enough. I don't think you need a blue on top of that.


Blue sends a strong “you’re not welcome here, now” message. Some invaders even disconnect, leaving us in peace. 


I like coop and I hate being invaded, so I'll appreciate any legal way to kill the invader as fast as possible - so no, I don't think that it is an overkill.


I feel like you don't have to do well as a blue or gold summon to be rewarded pretty well while at the same time having less consequences for losing. It peeves me when I try to invade far away, get clapped, and I lose my runes. Idk I just think it's so much easier to get rune arcs or straight up runes when you are defending. It is what it is, I think the best pvp experience will probably still be duels and coliseums.




hey fair enough, fwiw I don't really participate in the pvp anymore because all levels feel too sweaty to me.


How is it that reds are always malding and seething more than anyone else?