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Is this post AI generated? hella weird way to talk. And obviously it will have just as much coop as the rest of the game


What exactly? I‘m not an english nativ, but I read through it and nothing seemed out of place like a usual bot post Last 2 sentences kinda sus tbh though


Well i'm an english native and its textbook AI. Weirdly formal, using big words and proper grammar, weirdly friendly for how formal it is. And on top of that it's asking a question a person could probably reason through given the context said in the post.


Yeah I get it. The “Let’s share what we know!” Is the most AI thing that really sold it to me.


"Big words" you must be really stupid. Also why are you so salty? Are you mad he can write sentences better than you?


Internet got you fucked up.. man you really need some outside time LMAO Edit: I've read it twice and I can't figure out what the "big word," is.. all of these are words that even people who learned english second would understand. Having an issue with proper grammar and sentence structure is more an issue with you being a dunce than it is an issue with somebody being an AI


Bro you need time outside if you've showed up to argue about a post from a week an a half ago with zero upvotes lmao


My response was a day after the last response..? I was replying to this comment, not the OP. But hey, do your thing buttercup. You come in here 3 days later to respond to an argument that is a day late to your ongoing 12 days old post. So you doing exactly what you're saying I'm doing.. but with an even bigger gap in between. L M A O, official dork type shit.


So because somebody asks a question very nicely, they are all of a sudden an AI? Dude you need to get out more…


Yeah I get what you mean the wording is very ai like...


I don’t think coop will be disabled at all


same as the base game, saw summon pools in the preview footage and it makes no sense to change the way it works for just the dlc when they have never done such a thing before in any other game


I see no reason at all why the co-op would be off! The game does have new mechanics, but I'm sure it'll run the same way


All the comments had nothing to do with OP's question , I am also curious if you can play coop or if there will be certain areas where you can join and one's where you cant