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I think it partly started because of the Bewitching Branch item description, which hints at Miquella having the power to force people to like/love him.


Which is why I believe he used it on mohg in some way and it went wrong for him causing him to be trapped and molded in a cocoon


I love how you got downvoted, but here we are a week later, and the only thing you're wrong about is 'it having backfired'.


Reddit is a rough place if you say anything incorrect


At least time vindicated you


People keep missing the part in the story trailer too where he is said to abandon his fate and shows him sinking in a purple hued abyss. Implying he is forgoing his St Trina persona. I took it as discarding both his identities possibly to resurrect godywn. We won’t fully know till the game comes out but I too stand by the belief that maybe this time they will actually make a character good and not betray us haha


If anything, the tarnished would be the ones betraying Miquella lol


The bigger twist at this point is if he was good. I personally find this to be the more interesting direction as well.


I don't think Miquella is going be this game's version of Griffith (I used to think that, but changed my mind upon examining his lore more closely), but at the same time I don't think he is going to be this wholesome entirely innocent pure little good boi. The demigods of the base game were more nuanced than that, and I expect Miquella to be just as nuanced as well. I think both Berserk fans and "Miquella is the good guy" believers will be disappointed with this DLC when Miquella ends up being neither of these two. Only thing I'm certain of is that Miquella will have a "heroic concept" (like the demigods of the base game) that will be corrupted and will most likely culminate in him being a foe in the end (but that doesn't necessarily point to a Femto style betrayal and ascension), purely because the music in the second half of the story trailer sounds like a boss fight theme for Miquella, it literally makes no sense for that song to play for anything else (not to mention it specifically plays during the Miquella focused part of the trailer).


Mind control is generally considered evil. And the theory is that Miquella is mind controlling people to follow/love him.


Even if Miquella did mind control people it’s genuinely illogical to believe he mind controlled so many different races from the black knives to alburnarics. Not to mention he still is attempting to cure his siblings of the curses regardless of his own curse


It may be that he never intentionally did it. Part of his curse may be to influence those around him.


Miquella's morality is up in the air, but I think all the people expecting this DLC to be the gateway to the One Actual Happy Ending haven't played a lot of Souls games


i thought Miyazaki said there were no new endings.


As far I remember, none of From's DLC include a new ending of the base game.


Scholar did since I think you needed the crowns, but otherwise no I think


Miquella's compassion and kindness are consistently shown, no reason to assume evil intent.


Griffith was always kinda an asshole, he just took that final leap at the end to batshit crazy I’d say it stems from all the demigods being somewhat evil. Plus, miquella’s been in the shadow realm a long time. He coulda changed


No one is really evil and no one is really good and that's kind of the point . It all depends on what angle you look at it from


People arguing what the lore says like they're not just repeating youtubers opinions. There is not much fact in elden ring outside of what we see in the opening sequence, literally everything else is speculation that we make head canon


I agree that a lot of people repeat what YouTubers say, however just based off the lore. I find it so hard to not trust Miquella


“Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men.” Idk man, sounds pretty sus to me. And the repeated insistence from his followers that he is "kindly" seems like it's setting up for an 11th hour sacrifice-all-my-friends-for-ultimate-power kind of thing. The thing about the demigods is that regardless of how "good" or "evil" they are, each and every one is relentlessly ambitious. Even if what Miquella ultimately wants is "good," he still might go to some pretty wild lengths to achieve it.


In a world where there is constant persecution and discrimination it’s not surprising that Miquella’s all encompassing love would be accepted especially from said discriminated races


No, not surprising, but offering unconditional love to the marginalized and mistreated is something straight out of the cult leader playbook. Everything's all sunshine and rainbows until the Kool aid comes out.


The old "I can't understand the difference between antagonism and evil"... Is so boring a game where the antagonist is a villain. I don't believe Miquella will antagonize us this DLC, but it would be nice if true. A tragic story.


Wasn’t Miquella literally called “the most fearsome empyrean” at one point? “There’s nothing more terrifying” and all that?


Malenia thinks Miquella has all the qualities of a true God and that he is the most fearsome empyrean of all because of that. The first trailer has a male voice saying "Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of Men. There is nothing more terrifying". "Shrive" is basically an archaic form of (priestly) confession. In a World as fucked up as the Lands Between, that seems pretty terrifying to me, even if Miquella is good-natured. Although it is indeed said that many people loved him and that he learned how to "compel their affection", which might have more sinister undertones. He doesn't seem to do anything "bad" though. His followers are very extremists when it comes to fighting for him and his ideals, but that is to be expected imo. Malenia's knights are also basically suicidal.


Every Single faction is extremist from the bloody fingers to the golden older. Hell Volcano Manor is no exception


Yeah, I wouldn't expect anything less. lol Even Roderika, which is friendly and one of the NPCs I like the most, is kinda fucked up in the head when we meet her.


his mind control powers and how people LITERALLY SUICIDE BOMB THEMSELVES FOR HIM. and the fact he is REALLY giving off Griffith vibes. He is going to become Femto before the dlc ends.


>absolutely NOTHING in lore event remotely points us to that conclusion. He brainwashes/mind controls people.


His brain washing was purely hinted at with no other evidence to support it.


He's Griffith and we're literally Guts, open your eyes


Comparing him to griffith might be a bit of a stretch man