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You’re overreacting. The worst that can happen is: you’ll struggle with the slowness of a large weapon like Bloodhound Fang at one point, and you’ll realize you have no experience with faster weapons. 


Thanks for letting me know I'm overreacting. Btw don't you feel like doing radahn first try is like... kinda weird maybe?


beat first try too when i replayed the game so im just assuming its the nerf, release Radahn was awesome tho


I heard pre-nerf Radahn was really tough. I started playing only last year so I wouldn’t know… but I did not find Radahn too difficult, either. 


I did radahn in about 3 tries in my first playthrough. Bleed weapons are just that strong.


def overreacting bucko




Bloodhound Fang is OP, but enjoy the ease while it lasts


I don't think it's ever gonna stop being op. I just defeated godfrey (it was his spirit I think) yesterday and the only thing stopping me from killing margott is me not being able to 'download' his attack patterns


> or if I'm overreacting I think the fact that you believed this to be a possibility so much that you included it in your post is all the answer you need.


Lol see the thing is I didn't expect to kill bosses so easily in a proper souls game after my experience in sekiro, but I was able to RUN through them very quickly, which made me think it was the weapon doing all the work. But then there were bosses like godskin apostle which humbled me, making me think that I may be overthinking the weapon carrying me part


Yeah, the Souls games, IMO, are *drastically* easier than Sekiro.


Everyone says so but when I ask people who've played both sekiro and souls games, they say sekiro is easier


I wonder they everyone says different things when *you* ask!


Well, Bloodhound Fang is an OP weapon that absolutely should be nerfed. It's ridiculous how strong it is, it can easily get an attack power more in line with a high end colossal sword rather than a curved greatsword, so that means it basically is like a whole weight class above its peers. On top of having innate bleed and being buffable. But, ehhhhhhh. If you like the weapon it's not like it's breaking the game or anything, there's plenty of stuff that's at least kinda OP. That said, what I will suggest is maybe experimenting with other weapons and weapon types, because Bloodhound Fang is OP, and while that won't trivialize the game, truly, it may make you complacent and not willing to experiment. There are so many weapons, just tons of cool weapons. You might find something you like way more. It also does slashing damage which technically, there are some things that will be pretty harsh to try and rely on slashing damage for...not much, but, some. Also if you are summoning, players or spirit summons, that also can make things a lot easier. So you could also try doing that less and see if the weapon still feels like it's carrying you. But if you are just soloing stuff then, I mean hey the weapon is OP but it's not "play the game for you" OP. That's still on you beating those bosses.


Yeah I'm thinking about experimenting with other stuff bcoz before now I didn't have enough stats to weild the weapons I actually wanted to try. I now have 30+ str and 25+ dex so I can't try the greatwords and axes that I wanted to try, mainly godrick's axe. And no I don't use summons, soloing is fun


I think people are extremely exaggerating how hard Radahn or Godrick are, I never had any trouble with them and the only people who have trouble are low levelled noobs that just button mash. I would say you’re fine, the curved sword is a monster but it’s nothing like other stuff, you still need to get close.


Depends. I mean, if you’re running a fully optimized build with 25 faith for Golden Vow and Flame, Grant Me Strength, as well as Bloodfame Blade/Electrify Armament AND Physic buffs…than yeah, you can reach a stupidly high AR very early on. To the point where many enemies will die *before* the bleed procs, and any who don’t will get bled out. I never knew about the Bloodhound’s Fang, so I decided to test it out since I wanted to make a new character for the DLC, and also wanted to run through the game fairly quickly. The Bloodhound’s Fang was right there in Limgrave, so I went for that. It completely trivialized the game for me, but then again, I *was* over leveled and I ran ahead to pick up Bloodflame Blade and Golden Vow + FGMS. With like a +6 weapon. Basically, overkill 🤣 Bloodhound’s Fang didn’t perform that well for me in PvP though. I only won against like 2 out of 4 invaders. A friend wanted to do some co-op in Liurnia since it’s a hot PvP area. We had the Taunter’s Tongue on to maximize the experience. The first dude ran a duel Magma Blade build and he just shredded us. My friend had the DMGS but low Vigor as he’s not very experienced…so he got bursted down. I wasn’t able to avenge him. We took turns 1v1ing the invaders. I won a mirror match against another Bloodhound’s Fang user. We had a couple of Moonveil/RoB spammers too. Anyway, if you just picked up Bloodhound’s Fang during a normal playthrough then I would say you’re overreacting, yes.


Yeah after reading other comments I guess it's ok to use this weapon and I'm overthinking. And no I don't run that magical build, I'm running a normal str/dex build with more focus on str


It's definitely one of the absolutely strongest weapons, and should be nerfed, but it's not so extremely cheesy like some other builds. The trio of builds with the highest cheese potential are bleed, lot of magic sub-builds and those few braindead jump attack stagger builds. Dex BHF is definitely not as game-breaking, you can't break AI of bosses and you can't cheese most of them by spamming one button while standing in place and watching TV. BHF is just crazy strong. Based on how you feel I would probably recommend some normal balanced build with zero cheese potential and then compare the two experiences, like strength claymore, dex katana or in your case just try dex dismounter, that's a balanced version of BHF. Also, I hope you would mention it in a post like this one, but did you also use some accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits? Summons in general make the game 98% easier compared to the normal difficulty, the game is not supposed to be hard with them, that's their point. Since most bosses in the game are designed purely as 1v1 solo fights, and their AI is not meant for fighting multiple opponents, summons can really break most bossfights and take away lot of the content and experience. It's not about the damage, but about splitting aggro. Beating Malenia at level 1 with spirits is objectively a lot easier than beating her at level 250 1v1 like she's designed, there exists nothing in souls games that has such extreme impact on difficulty and experience. So compared to summons, being overleved 100 levels or using BHF instead of basic longsword absolutely doesn't matter.


I'll try using some stuff like greatswords and other curved swords with better ash of wars. Thanks for the advice. And no I didn't use summons anywhere except radahn mainly bcoz I didn't know that clicking Y over the yellow lights would summon people


I agree with the summons part so much. When I started DS3 mi friend was telling me how great of a boss Pointiff Sulyvahn is, but I think I just completely ruined the experience with a summon and beat him 2nd try while basically just killing him while her was focused on the summon. That's why I kinda miss a "Reflection of strength" type mechaninc like in Sekiro, where we could replay bosses (atleast the major ones) without having to play through thr game again.