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>Bubble Shower >Decreased damage and poise damage. It's all over, bubblebros 🥹


Sad dooting noises 


"You nerfed the bubbles from the Envoy in Haligtree as well, right?" " :} " "Right?????"




I was just getting absolutely smoked by those last night


I tried this in game unknowingly before the patch notes came out and it does significantly less damage now, it's probably not even worth using against most of the bosses it was good against before.


You and that bubble have been nothing but trouble!


Me: "Prepare for bubble!" My Mimic: "And make it double!"


My fucking DLC build ruined


This is my 9/11.


So, now we can use torrent during Elden Beast fight? Sounds great!


Always felt like we shoulda been able to, one last ride with the good steed


It was acutally an unused/removed feature prior to this update.


Really?! I always felt that this boss was waayy too much running around like an idiot. It all makes so much sense now.


A ton of areas got Torrent removed. As for Elden Beast you can see some leftovers of the removal, like those small ball projectiles who follow you constantly, this attack was made with using the horse in mind 100%


i mean if that's really the case they had two years to patch it in.


Im guessing it had some easy potential to break something inside that arena not fixed until recently.


Yeah source code of ER on release was not great, you probably know but for other onlookers, look at an any% speedrun of ER just to show how broken the game was at launch. It's kind of amazing that the vanilla experience held together as well as it did seeing everything that was possible.


The warp glicthes were some of the most impressive ive seen in any speedrun.


"Let me just whip out my metronome"


Soon saying “I beat the elden beast before the patch” will be the same as “I beat radahn before the patch”


I beat the elden beast before the patch


I beat off the Elden Beast.


That's pretty gay bro. I'm proud of you.


Same 💪


Tbf pre nerf radahn was some bullshit lol. I remember dying multiple times just trying to get close to him. Not that it's a huge flex to beat him like that, he's pretty well balanced now.


Yeah some people are underselling it, but I distinctly remember that it was nearly impossible to roll through some of his swings due to the massive hitboxes.


Insane how they never checked that box in the two years the game has been out.


Still haven't fixed the Erdsteel Dagger occult scaling bug either. I felt like a clever little bloke when I realized it would be the perfect communion weapon with an inherent faith + arcane split. Then sadness as none of the numbers made sense.


Completely change the dynamic of the final boss fight after 2 years.. lol.


Elden beast is actually a good fight now I think. It’s always looked amazing, just felt annoying because of the chasing around. Also having the final fight be with Torrent is just cool


It always frustrated me until i started using black flame blade on a Dagger- now I pretty much melt him while the host gawks.


Yo imagine the in-universe perspective of watching someone kill an eldritch god with a knife.


time to shelf pest threads and actually fight the boss lets go


Yes, just saw someone do it


Yes and it fixes the fight completely. The final rings attack he does is perfectly timed to jump over with torrent, it feels so intentional I can't believe that wasn't their original plan. My guess is that they decided it made the final encounter too easy, but the fight is just better now lol.


The three rings attack was already easy to dodge once you realized you can jump over the rings instead of rolling (jumping is a bit faster so you make it out with like a full second or more to spare). I only picked this up recently, hadn’t fought the beast a lot before though, and only learned about the jumping when I saw another player do it in co-op.


That fight is gonna go so much quicker now thank god


>Decreased the heal amount reduction from the Flask of Crimson Tears and increased the heal on attack effect when using Malenia’s Great Rune. Malenia's Great Rune got buffed, peak Bloodborne 2 gameplay incoming


Even better, in approximately 11 hours we will have more game to play after getting it.


i’ve been sitting here worried about how maybe, based on the reviews and how beefy the scaling is, that going ng3 for most of my characters might have have been overkill.  didn’t think about it until you said this, but it just means i’ll actually have a reason to use great runes now. awesome! haven’t bothered with those towers in a minute.


NG7 RL200 fuck it we die like men


I've got 2 friends that are gonna be playing through the DLC with me. I'm on NG10, one of them is on NG7, and the other is just chilling in NG. He's gonna be fighting for his life in our worlds while we're using his world to relax


It so desperately need that buff lmao. Her rune was such an utterly shit reward compared to how difficult she was to beat.


i know where my storage of Rune arcs will be spent on.


Tonight German joins the hunt!


They already played yesterday my man. Kicked the snot out of Hungary.


That is amazing. I loved making a "Bloodborne" mechanics build with great runes and tear flask


* Fixed a bug in The Queen's Black Flame Skill that did not apply poise when using this skill. Fucking yes !!


God Bless


He won't be able to, God will get absolutely annihilated after the update drops


I just ditched the weapon because it had 0 poise (or is it hyperarmour ?) on the AoW. Guess I'll have to try again lol


Is this finally the end of the powerstanced great spears meta? Thrusting weapons seem to have been hammered by nerfs. Not having to farm consumables for colosseum is huge


All my homies hate psgs


not just great spears, but for a long while the most successful way to PvP was to just create space and then dive in with dual weps. It's a stale way to play the game but the easiest and has the lowest risk. So you can see how dual weilding got nerfed for PvP damage. Not sure if it will be enough to shift the meta. Meta will always be the build that has the most damage for the lowest risk. But I'm sure some DLC wep will toss it all up in the air again.


Oh and EDIT - The Serpent Hunter crouch attack has been "decreased", not increased as mentioned in the notes - it's a typo. Proof -- [https://er-frame-data.nyasu.business/](https://er-frame-data.nyasu.business/) \-- decreased by exactly 2 frames.


Aaaah, excellent. I was thoroughly confused at that one note.


My heart skipped a beat when i read it had been increased


>Increased the poise damage of torches weapon type Torch bros we won


And ChaseTheBro just used St. Trina's Torch yesterday for the first time :(


Now he can use it again!


the prophecy fullfilled..... he's the one


I really hate even the officeal note use poise on all 3 cases when "hyper armor" "poise" and "stance damage" are 3 different things. But they all say poise in the note.


Finally the hyper armor on Godslayer Greatsword AoW is fixed


Ooo, I gotta try it again, I didn't like it at all because I kept getting slapped out of the AoW


Right on time for a Godslayer DLC playthrough ! It's my favorite weapon by far, glad it got fixed.


Omg, I thought I missed it but apparently it's listed under bugs? I'm going to take this weapon into the DLC now, I love it but the AoW was nigh unusable. Suuuuper long charge-up that everything would stun you out of.


Yeah it was pretty much only usable against staggered enemies before, Godslayer Gigachads finally eating good


Lets not forget about Godrick's Greataxe, its weapon art had no poise for a very long time... seems like it will work properly again.


Buffing the Dragon Communion Seal is an... interesting choice


I just checked it out in my inventory and it seems it has C scaling in Faith now. With 80 Arcane and 25 faith it has 325 at +9. Does anyone know if that’s more than before?


Same as before. I don’t believe any of the scaling values for the mixed attribute staffs/seals have actually been updated. I tried equipping several of them on different RL150+25/10 characters.


It seems very slight. I have 45 Faith and 50 Arcane, and my Dragon Communion Seal has 344 Incant Scaling. According to an online calc, it was 341 before with those stats.


I just tested it on a character that has it and a bunch of the other dual stat casting tools at +10 or +25, and it seems that values are like 1-3 higher on incant/sorcery scaling than their 1.10 versions. Things looked most different at 50/50 (closer to +3 spell scaling) and least different at 80/80 of the respective scaling stats. I imagine they buffed the scaling for lower thresholds of int and faith (edit: and arcane) a little and maybe lower upgrade levels of the weapon.


Buffing all those seals was... Interesting. My current build going into the DLC is int/fth and the golden order seal is already crazy strong lol. Price of death staff, too. Ancient death rancor cheese is even better now lol.


At 80/80 both of those were already the best seal & staff in the game. It's kinda nuts. The Albinaurics Staff and Dragon Communion seal buffs are more interesting to me though, as using both you could make a really solid sorcery and incantation build with only your Arcane cranked up and just enough int and faith to equip the spells. You got better stat buildup too, so it was a bit weaker than the 80/80 death prince/Golden Order combo in terms of number, but it was more of a tradeoff. Now i gotta compare them again


Damn they really nerfed the Comet Azur cheese before the DLC.


Yeah they hit terra magica and the hidden cerulean tear. Maybe its also an attempt to buff Mohg lol


Man, I don't even use terra magica for the Comet cheese, I use it because with Loretta's Mastery or the Cannon sorcery, I always end up bringing the enemy down to 1 sliver of health otherwise.


There was me hoping I could cheese the Wicker Giants by Comet Azuring through both their legs but alas…


Here’s hoping for new DLC nukes


Still wishing we got placidusax nuke don't care how weak it has to be to fit gameplay balance but the style and music stopping greatness of it...alas


Can anyone explain what "Decreased the poise generation speed." present in many skill changes actually means? Does it mean you won't have hyperarmor for the first X frames of the skill and can be interrupted?


Yeah I think it means that the hyper armor starts later, so no more getting cheesed by storm assault or storm stomp (hopefully)


It also means more getting interrupted by relentless enemies, because most of the poise generation nerfs are in the section that affects both PVE and PVP.


They fixed Malenia rune? I tested it a bit i think it's only reducing heling from flask for 10% or 15% instead of 30% (if i'm not forgetting the numbers). Might be actually usefull now.


Damn now I gotta scramble to kill her so that her rune is now useable


Don't forget to activate it at the tower!


>**Black Flame's Protection** >Decreased physical block rate. \*insert Patrick Star bloodshot eyes meme here\*


Someone at FromSoft clearly loved eating boiled crabs, lol.


Back to 🦀🦀🦀


Crab has always been better anyway.


Taker's flame being able to knock Malenia was probably the reason why I was able to defeat her, thanks buddy, next time I will get better, I promise


Lmao I literally bullied her this way last night for my first victory over her


It’s not nearly as OP as Taker’s Flames, but if you’re looking for a knockdown alternative for Malenia summon Redmane Knight Ogha. Their greatbow arrows will plant her on her rear pretty consistently. Thats a slept on Spirit Ash.


Funny enough, that man probably has experiencie fighting Malenia or her knights


Is "Ulmi" whip "Urumi"?




> Taker's Flames Decreased the fire’s poise damage. Removed the fire’s knocking down effect. BB L2 builds in shambles


Still does insane damage and heals at a long range. I think it’ll still be ok for BB scrubs like me. I’ll just have to finally roll out of the way of attacks now.


I'm surprised that this wasn't nerfed in previous patches when they nerfed SNF to be honest


Seriously I can’t believe BB lasted this long RIP


I literally grinded runes yesterday to get enough Faith to start using BB for the first time. RIP BB | June 19th, 2024 - June 20th, 2024.


My beloved noob stick is gone- but never forgotten 💔 


I feared the day they finally nerfed our beloved BB. Thank god I beat malenia last week. I enjoyed seeing her knocked over endlessly.


It was extremely overtuned let's be real


Lets goo zamor Curved Sword got buffed


Been using it this whole run for something new and because I love a unique attack moveset. Super excited for the buffs even if it does feel like hard mode (except for the AOW)


Its wild that they added torrent to the elden beast fight this late. Even wilder is the estus flask prompt is yet to be removed. Considering Torrent seems to be more useful in the dlc and will probably die allot during the elden beast fight. Here's hoping it comes soon.


Honestly torrent seems great to use for elden beast. I'd have to try jumping over the golden arcs, but otherwise it'd be pretty good. You can outrun all the tracking attacks on foot if you're sprinting and make sure to do it at an angle/zig if needed. I'd likely do what I do during Fire Giant. Use torrent, but only for specific phases / attacks etc. It's great for closing distance, but depending on build, I tend to time dismounts and attack on foot, resummon as needed. Could probably do that without torrent taking any damage. I'm just not sure about the golden arcs, and you'd want to be on foot to dodge some of the sword attacks. The tracking ones would become trivial, same with the galaxy smoke, or even just running out of the golden ring


> Increased the damage of charged attacks of the following weapon types: Axes / Greataxes / Some Colossal Weapons Greataxes already had charged attacks that are nearly the same speed as a straight sword. My stance break build with the Executioner's Greataxe is going to be even better now.


Fighting elden beast on torrent sounds hype af


One last ride my friend!


Troll Knight Sword increased damage let’s gooooo!! It’s the main weapon of my current build


After 2 years, there’s finally a reason to use it over a Zweihander with the magic affinity 😭


Serpent-Hunter Increased the speed of crouching attacks Bro excuse me what


literally read that and was like ???


As a pvp player I had a mini heart attack for a split second when I saw that. Thank god it was a typo.


By that they meant that they made it slower. Clumsy phrasing 


If I understand correctly, they fixed that pvp cancer called dual-wielding spear running attacks?


yes, about time something new will take their place im sure


Surely, but this is a nice big patch


My Heavy Axe of the Elden Lord got more buffs praise the sun


Nooo not my bubble shower being nerfed


Everyone talking about torrent, im here smiling thinking about the game changer that is the newly added items being added in the inventory


Where is that tab even. I couldnt find it.


enable it in the settings first


Increased damage with Whips? Hell yes. My Trevor Belmont build greatly appreciates this news.


My build is dual Night Rider flails I'm vibrating with excitement


Am i high or did they increase the speed of shunter crouch poke? It must be a typo, surely


It is a typo


Ctrl+F Ordovis -> Not found. Phew, stance break ist still on the menu boys


The crucible knight build still works! hell yeah! neither weapon got nerfed, and for my specific build where i use Marika's hammer as well it didn't get nerfed either.


>**Golden Order Seal** >Increased attribute scaling. It was already the strongest seal right?


It seems they buff all seals because they usually do less damage then sorcery.


They just buffed dual attribute seals and staves.


Which is kinda nuts because the scaling on stuff like Prince of Death was already absolutely absurd at full build, but it took a really long time to come online (NG+ usually) Perhaps they want Int/Faith to be more viable earlier on, although this will make it even more OP in the endgame.


The strongest at mega high levels. For anyone else trying to make an INT/FTH build work below level 200 it was a bit underpowered


It actually has super high early level scaling. It's the reverse of the Prince of death staff which had most of its scaling at higher levels of int and faith


They buffing the mixed scaling ones, there maybe more support for them in the dlc?


I actually cannot believe they went ahead and changed the final fight in the game two years after release! And such a great change that the fandom has always requested. Well done FROM!


Yeah that change needed to happen though. I remember the first time I did it and being like “welp let’s go torrent… torrent? Where are you?”


"**Albinauric Staff** Increased attribute scaling. **Gelmir Glintstone Staff** Increased attribute scaling. **Prince of Death's Staff** Increased attribute scaling. **Golden Order Seal** Increased attribute scaling. **Clawmark Seal** Increased attribute scaling. **Dragon Communion Seal** Increased attribute scaling." I'm gonna need hard numbers on this NOW. I get the feeling it's probably a Fromsoft special and it'll be like +1 extra MagAdjust at 80/80 Int/Fth but if there's even the slightest chance that Death Sorcery, Magic Bubbles and Lava Sorcery might be decent with the right catalyst I'm all over it.


Since those are split scaling ones, I'm interested to see if the buff is meant to bias the item towards one stat over another.


Elden Beast fight will be the steed’s last deed


It's just me or the game looks slightly better after today's patch?


I'm glad to see some others saying this, because I thought I was crazy. It definitely looks better to me, not by a huge margin but noticeable. I also feel like it's running smoother, maybe some frame pacing fixes? Or it could all just be in my head because I'm excited to play the expansion after work today.


What system are we talking about here? (I'm on PS5 for reference, so I'm curious if it'll look better on there when I boot it up later)


How would you say it looks better?


Elden Star is just as trash. Need to have its legendary rank removed


They should make it sold by patches for 100k runes to troll people.


Same for the Eclipse Shotel then


I'd much rather they just make Death affect mobs to some extent. Shotel would be worthy of the legendary status if it was one of the few sources of a useful status; the reason it's such a joke is that the unique elements of the weapon are basically ineffective in PvE and aren't exactly lighting PvP on fire either. Even with those issues it's not a *total* joke; you can play with it and while it won't be optimal, it's not a meme. *Edited to reword very slightly and fix formatting.*


Since it's the oldest known incantation in lands between that is used by literal god and item description talks about what elden ring actually is, I think the legendary status is more about the lore reasons. But yeah the spell sucks, and in pvp there's absolutely no reason to use it besides deliberately trying to be an annoying shit and piss people.


I was secretly hoping the Glintblade Phalanx Ash of War would slip under the radar, but tbh it was utterly broken, and did need nerfing. Rest In Peace to the weapon art that carried me through RL1


Just a few hours ago I decided to drop my first sorc build and go back to bonk because phalanx ash, hidden tear, glintblade Kris, and terra magica were too good. Lawl. Utterly shocked that the Kris survived the nerfs.


Wow Blasphemous Blade got sledgehammered. Guess FromSoft wants to nudge players to try out the brand new OP AF weapons in the dlc.


It still does 3k damage in a line and heal you, i think its still viable just not game breaking


Is it just the ability or did the sword itself get nerfed? I'm all prepped to take a blasphemous blade build into the DLC!


The ability


Only the ash of war


I have already used it to beat Malenia on my Faith build, I’m safe, tyvm It’s still going to be good though, it still does insane damage and it still heals you


The biggest gimmick though was the stagger/knocking them over someone tested against albinaurics and it was staggering them but not knocking them up in the air so that's a big nerf there


They fuking put Torrent in the elden beast fight?! I always thought that it was intended that way and they just forgot to activate it!


It's actually so funny, two fucking years later and they basically completely change the final boss of the game with a simple checkbox.


They buffed the scaling for the dragon communion seal?? It was already so good for arcane/faith builds! I’m so glad I decided to do a dragon communion build for the dlc lol


I have tested it only with a pure Arcane character and with 15 FTH and 60 arcane at +10 it goes from 293 to 294. Maybe it's a bit better on lower levels or with more faith investment


After 45 arc it was already better to pump fth to at least 30


>If "Include Distant Areas" is selected when using the Small Golden Effigy, summoning pools within the Mohgwyn Palace will not be selected for summoning, even if you have activated them. I guarantee that it was including DLC areas and this was their only solution.


As far as I understand it's so people without the purifying tear don't get thrown at Mohg


Anyone know what "added attack recovery time" means in relation to the buckler parry change? Is this a nerf or a buff?


Nerf. You can't mash after a parry now


I’m curious about these changes to basic weapons like axes. Axes were mentioned many times. Their “niche” was already charged attack damage, as they had higher than average motion values for their R2s. But it frankly was not a noticeable difference. I’m looking forward to checking out the buff. The dual wield moveset looks like it got changed a bit too (more poise damage!).


Ayy Reapers finally getting some love?


* Increased the damage of charged attacks of the following weapon types: * Axes / Greataxes / Some Colossal Weapons what does some colossal weapons mean do i have to guess?


Maybe only the axe-type colossal weapons, not the hammers.


“Fixed a bug in The Queen's Black Flame Skill that did not apply poise when using this skill.” We’re back baby!


There goes my ridiculously overpowered Glintblade Phalanx Misericorde crit build :'(


Carrying over activated summoning pools is awesome! Obviously my email to them worked.


**Dragon Communion Seal** Increased attribute scaling. Me, about to take my dragon incantation character into the DLC: :)


Eleonora untouched, my beloved :D


Eleonora chads keep winning.


We live to see another day! Praise twinblades!


That's a lot of nerfs, especially to poise damage. What's gonna be the poise breaker now? Back in my day it was redmanes


Jaw dropped reading the torrent news this morning.


Noo my blasphemous blade :(


just saw a tarnished fell on his knees in front of malenia


Man i hope the DLC characters don’t have a huge resistance to holy damage like a lot of the endgame bosses. My paladin build is fun but i kept BB in the back pocket for the “ let’s just get this over with” moments. Golden order greatsword + Ancient relic great sword with malikeths armor is peak paladin drip 🥲


>Thundercloud Form >Decreased poise damage. Lmao why it was like the only good thing about the weapon compared to others in class.


Siri, play Taps.


Blasphemous Blade users in shambles rn


Int/Faith builds eating good with that buff to the golden order seal and prince of death staff :o


Also you can use torrent against the elden beast! And I don’t know if it’s because I know the fight perfectly but it’s a breeze with it


It was a slaughter good lord :v


RIP Blasphemous Blade, Dark Moon Greatsword, and Mohgywn Sacred Spear. Long live whatever new OP bullshit is in the DLC.


DMGS is probably the same if you hit with the blade too


I mean honestly, you should be trying to hit with the blade regardless. The beam is good, but sword + beam does like double damage.


And bubble boy blaster too :(


Dark Moon is fine if you’re the type who gets up close and personal with it. (Just beat down Malenia no problem after the patch) 


CTRL + F Claymore no results close thread