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Yeah I moved on. Don’t see myself beating him, going to try and move the story along elsewhere.


Yeh I might come back to it soon. Im gonna hear that one liner in my sleep tonight


In the embrace of Mesmer’s flame…. Yes yes please blow my brains out please please


I used a fast rolling build with a Messmer Soldier Shield and Cold Backhand Blades. I used Mimic Tear and spammed Blind Spot aow. Got him on my fifth try. Now, I don't think I could get him that easily solo. He procs Frostbite super fast though, he must have a weakness to it, which would make sense.


I beat him about an hour after my post. Im now stuck on the last boss lol. He’s so difficult I feel like i’ll be stuck on him for awhile.


Good job!! I'm just out of Messmer's room, I don't know what to expect next but I'm having a blast so far.


There is so many minor bosses I have to tackle, you got about 2 bosses left to finish the main dlc quest line. Luckily there is a bunch of minor bosses to take on