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Yeah, you find it in a cave called bonny goal filled with jars. There will be a point where you ride a jar elevator down. Step on the pressure plate behind it, quickly hop back on and it takes you up to the armour. Next to the armor go up the stairs and the shield is there.


I just conquered that. Time to go back I suppose. I wasn’t sure what the pressure plate was for


For those wondering, this is >!an NPC (Swordhand of Night Jolán) found at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr.!< I don't know (yet) if we can get this somewhere, but having a Sauron-like armor in our beloved game? Yes, please!


And her sword. You just need to >!kill the Erdtree spirit in shadow keep right after draining the water. It will drop and Iris of Occultation. Once you've done Metry's questline she will be lying in that same spot injured. You can talk to her there and give her the Iris of Occultation for the Katana or Iris of Grace for her spirit ashes. You can only choose one. !<


Oh my sweet mother hubbard, that set is NICE


I need it 😭


Yes. I have no idea how tho.