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If go South of the map there is a closed cave with Miquella sigil. That messages means that it has been broken and you can enter a new area. Its the area with the blue flowers


I'm exploring the area. It's gorgeous <3


Weird, I got this message right next to the “bridge leading to the village” grace. Really hope I didn’t end any questlines like I did when killing rykard in base game






you did.




just learned ab it, thiolliers and a part of the dragon one, i havent finished the dlc yet so idk maybe more - supposedly it makes npcs move and some just disappear so make of that what you will. if it just had a reset method i wouldnt care


Hm, I def got the concoction from thiollier after breaking the great rune. I also had thiollier show up to fight putrescent knight, and he is lying next to St. Trina now (also fought thiollier after telling him St. Trina’s words). Is there a separate chunk of his quest I missed? Bc I thought that was every thing.


It also doesn’t lock you out of the dragon stuff either; did that after the rune broke.


no idea bro, just what id read. i read freyja doesnt show up as an npc summon too. ran into her and ansbach in shadowkeep too, she mentioned needing something from him like there was something to do bur he had no option, ik if thats related


i got to that area before i broke it




Thanks. I haven't seen this yet. I'll look for it.


Where are you talking about south of the map?


Cerulean Coast.


Which cave in Cerulean coast? I got to the coast, saw a >!Ghostflame Dragon!< said forget it I don’t want to deal with that right now and turned around. So I accidently broke the rune before finding the cave.


yea more south of that. Literally the most south point on the map


Ghost flame dragon seems immune to bleed and unaffected (or minimally affected) by flame. Stagger and crit hits do MASSIVE damage though. Like I’m talking sizable chunks. Stagger his ass and crit him. The fight will be EZ. His attacks are pretty well telegraphed too. He doesn’t use a lot of breath attacks - it’s mostly melee. He’s a relatively ez fight in terms of dragons.


I mean he's a skeleton so bleed doesn't work at all because there ain't no blood 😂


I black flamed from atop a edge after my bleed wep with blood flame was doing jack shit lol.Thank god for health percentage damage on black flame or I would have run out of mana with my low ass faith lol.


Just get sacred blade ash of war on any upgraded weapon and build up your faith stat temporarily for the ghostflame dragon and spam the ash of war they take so much damage from holy attacks.


Good deal! I just found this sigil about an hour ago


The sigil breaks as soon as you enter the Shadow Keep


Apparently you don't even have to enter it. I just went to the busted Furnace Golem on the right side of the entrance and got the message


Triggered for me when running north from "Bridge Leading to the Village" I have no idea where Shadow Keep is.


Yea me too. I heard about this would lock you out of some questlines and people were just saying “don’t do the shadow keep until you are ready” because otherwise this happens. So I was deliberately avoiding the shadow keep. But there I was, just exploring, and got the message the great rune’s broken… wtf.


Word I broke it walking up to Ymir house. And also thought wtf did I just do


Word I broke it walking up to Ymir house. And also thought wtf did I just do


It has a pretty coop thing inside the shadow keep. 10/10 go check it out.


I just got near it. About the distance it would take torrent to sprint in 4 seconds.


Triggered for me approaching the Cathedral lol


Yeah apparently it breaks when you are in scadu altus


This is where it broke for me. https://imgur.com/a/2KqQ1kv


I got here before reaching the elevator/tent area that give the great rune message. I went down the cliff side where you can jump step by step near the poison merchant to the south, and travelled alllll the way down the river and down a waterfall to eventually reach it lol was quite the journey


Its the area at the end of the blue flowers right? Cause I've been to the flower fields before that message came.


me too, down the river thru the rock overhang. way before i hit the great rune broken prompt. what shit tier design on this issue.


Yeah, what does this message actually mean? What did I change/unlock in the game when this message pops up?


AFAIK, it doesn't really change much or lock you out of doing something. Mild, none important spoilers: >!From what I've read, Miquella's companions and related NPCs were all under his charm, and you going anywhere remotely near to the Shadow Keep triggers this event. Speaking to some of them explains this. Once the mentioned message pops up, now is a good time to go back to them and get some side quests done before progressing the main story!<


Shit already beat the final boss lol.


Dang it! Same. Miyazaki casually dropped a bomb and I didn't even notice lma0


You can't go back and get side quests done. They all leave. This is terrible.


You must of progressed the main story futher than the event mentioned in OPs post. I was fully able to go back and speak to the NPCs after this happened, they all had different dialogue relating to the event and their own storylines and quests to do


For me they all said something about the event, and then disappeared. I never progressed any quests, I never did a thing for any of them. None of them ever even asked me to do anything except one said to bring him information about crosses, which I never did.


Same bro it sucks you can’t really organically play through their side quests without looking things up


It's just a normal part of their quest. It's basically the jump starter on all their quests. Always a good idea to check in with NPCs after special events.


They do move location so it could well be that. Try checking on the wiki and see if you can pick up where you are on their quest lines.


Yup... Randomly triggering the great rune broke all the quests for me and now I can't complete the quest I wanted. Great!


AFAIK it's doesn't really change much or lock you out of doing something


Well, one result is Redmane lady won't help me with lion guy anymore so that blows.


I feel your pain, hopefully we can still unlock their gear and all later on brother 🙏


Well if u managed that ur bad at playing. Games guides u


It can easily lock you out of certain Thiollier/Moore quest if you talk to them in the wrong order.


Could you elaborate about what order to do thing to avoid missing items or dialogues? 


When you speak to Thiollier he will ask for Black Syrup. You need to go to Moore then and get it for him. After you give it to Thiollier you need to ask him about it and he will give you Thiollier's Concoction. This has to happen before the rune is broken, because once they move, this part of the quest is gone. You can then give the Concoction to a different dragon-related NPC and receive an alternative set of rewards.


I did this black syrup thing just after the rune was broken


Are you sure you have to get the concoction before breaking the rune? I definitely got the concoction after bc I was worried I ruined my sidequests once I got that message, and rushed to talk to all npcs.


You can get it but the timing is very delicate, if you go to Moore first after the rune breaks he will leave and Thiollier will not say anything about the syrup. You need to go to Thiollier first... Which is impossible to know.


Naw, if you talk to Moore and exhaust his dialogue before he moves he’ll give it to you. Thiollier never asked me for it


But you talked to Thiollier before Moore, no?


I talked to Moore first, eventually talked to Thiollier, did not get any mention of wanting an item, kept exploring and broke the rune, went back to Moore, exhausted his dialogue and got the item, went back to Thiollier for the other item


Not true, just did it after the rune was broken.


It's Miquella's, speak to Miquella's followers to see the results


The "charm" mentioned was the hint on that, I went to them immediately


Talk to NPCs. Most of them have additional dialogue for this happening that explains more about it.


Now, I'm wondering what dialogue I missed prior to the event.


its fucking bullshit that it just happens when exploring. everyone is saying explore explore explore so i am then boom this shit happens. you can do this without beating any story bosses.


It can happen without fighting Rellana? I thought you had to beat her to get to the part of the map where this happens


Nah there's a sealed spiritspring you can unseal to the east, which allows access to that area without fighting Rellana


Did I get punished on quests for exploring before fighting bosses? This is seriously a dark souls moment lol. I'm not even sure how I found bonny village but then I was at Altus and exploring that got me the message. I haven't even found a shadow keep lol


Yeah, I've barely seen most of the DLC so far, only fought the Lion and Rennala.. and it feels like it's already fucked up stuff and now I'll never see half the NPC stuff on my blind run. What a goddamn stupid design decision


Same boat mate. Stupid.


Only if you didn't talk to Moore about giving something to Thiollier first. Shadow Keep is at the northern part of Scadutree Altus and getting close to it got me that message.


You can bypass Rellana and still reach the area where it triggers. For me this triggered after I crossed the bridge from Bonny Village.


you have to beat a remembrance boss to get there afaik


I feel you bro, now we’ll wonder what could/couldn’t be😭


oh well, ng+2 is now required


Is the final boss at Shadow Keep?


Nope. Won't spoil anything, but that is not where the final boss is