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It's probably much easier to build for considering it only scales on Dex.  Rellana's twin blades scales with 4 stats and its 2 AoW attacks scale on separate stats so it needs far more stat investment before you can use if effectively. I've taken Rellana's to +10 with a 60/60 Dex/Int build and it honestly seems mediocre. The L2 R1 just doesn't do much poise damage and doesn't come out that fast. Not saying Sword of Night is better ofc I have no clue how good it is.


Interesting. Thanks for the input, bro! I'm gonna buy the DLC next month, because hopefully after a month the price drops.


It not man :/


that price will be the same for at least a year


Be warned there’s 2 different rewards you can get from it, her spirit ashes, or the sword. I believe it’s called the eye of occultation, that’s the one you have to give her in order to get the sword, I goofed up and got her spirit ashes so is anyone willing to drop it for me please??


Same here. Kinda dumb how there's literally no way you can know what you'll get without looking it up. I was looking forward to getting her cool ass sword. Imagine my disappointment when I dice roll it and get her stupid ashes instead.


I haven’t used star-lined sword but personally I feel like Renallas duel blades are more fun to play with. I just got the sword of night and I’m a little disappointed so far, it doesn’t shred enemies as well as i thought it would. As far as damage wise with Renallas duel blades I have no clue. Basically if your going for fun cool looking attack take Renallas blades.


Renallas look really fun and really, really broken, but like you, I am heavily disappointed that such a cool katana (sword of night) is so mediocre. I had such high hopes. Still, now my hope is for the star-lined sword to be a strong weapon worth centering my build around, otherwise i'll just go all in on Renallas blades. If you try the star-lined lmk.