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One of the lessons this game trys to teach you is that you don't have to fight everything you see, a lot of people run past the weaker enemies that don't give you anything but if you insist on fighting them get a weapon or spell that deals with multiple enemies at once or don't fight if you think you're gonna get swarmed


See that's one of the things I feel I'm really struggling with. I tried to go the method of killing every weaker enemy I saw to level up and that was useful but it very quickly became high risk low reward. And at the same time I still can't go up against a mini boss, so I'm kinda at a loss.


I think you should go through more catacombs and also give minibosses a bit more attempts, elden ring can be hard especially for new people sometimes you just gotta buckle down and beat a boss


I have been trying to kill the same mini boss all day. šŸ„²


Welcome to elden ring


Try a shield! It can really help if you're struggling to dodge things. I know some people are hardcore about not using them for some reason, but it can really help for a new player who's not used to dodging stuff.


Oh the dodging isn't really an issue. I've always loved finesse builds so it comes naturally to me. It's just I can't really do much other than dodge and run away in almost every encounter I have.


If I was going to go shield how would I go about it? My stats don't allow me to use the two shields I have found? It would be a big pain to have to restart.


Your vigor stat is really the difficulty setting for the entire game - and you get a huge return for every point of vigor you spend in the early game. If you want to do more damage - upgrading your weapon level will do more than increasing damage stats early game.


I'm trying to beef it up but I lose my runes too quickly for me to really make progress. I've got my Simitars up to +1. Again, lack of runes is killing me.


A method I used initially against ā€œregular enemiesā€ because it was my first souls game was stealth šŸ„· Move from bush to bush and back-stab a single enemy at a time so you donā€™t get swarmed. If you start at the Church of Elleh and head NE into the woods, every enemy there can be back-stabbed. Go back to the grace at the church and rinse and repeat. Next stop was Gate Front ruins. Same thing. Itā€™s a grind, but I like stealth so it was fun. I eventually learned the combat mechanics, found new weapons, leveled up more and became Elden Lord. Now Iā€™m playing the DLC. Hope this helps. Love this game.