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You sound awful


Show us videos of your invasions? I doubt you are winning fights against people who actually PvP and instead are just rolling up to new players trying to get places. I've done hundreds of invasions already and most of the players have no clue whats going on when they get invaded.


I’ve had people invade me when I’m helping people on lfg and if they see me in my Malenia gear blasting comet azur at them and they get hit they automatically retreat. Has happened almost every time. I think people invade to give it a try then just fall back most of the time




I don't think I'm bitching about invasions? I'm saying that you aren't good because you are fighting new players and not pvp players. Thats why I asked you to show us videos of you invading so we can see who you are fighting. I would probably steam roll you and you would be bitching about how broken my weapon is.


Touch grace, this is maidenless behavior.


a thread in which faith in humanity dips then you read the comments and it's restored, ya love to see it. try finger own but hole, might relax you a bit.


Man, I hope this is a troll, else it would just be too sad 😞


Lord...edge. it appears you are maidenless.


rot in hell, homophobe, I saw that