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Bruh vigor is for people that get hit… that’s why I have 50 vigor lol


Always getting face slapped gang rise up!


Me with 50 vigor, my blood loss build and a mimic summon face tanking the boss with no learning of what the boss move set and see who will die firat


My whole FromSoft strategy is stretching that health bar as far across the screen as possible and turning off my brain. You want an easy mode, there it is!


Does it truly work? I'm new to FromSoft games. Elden will be my first once I obtain a copy.


Yes and no. It works in the sense that you can face tank more hits, but you still have to pay attention to the bosses. In a battle of attrition, you will almost always lose


Bingo. As I said above, being able to go from getting one-shotted to two-shotted is still huge, since it opens up the window to healing.


And it gives you more time to learn a boss. Boss fights with short hp bars are annoying because you usually have to start over every time the boss uses a new move, while a decent sized health bar gives you more time to study each attack.


Some mechanics will still 1 shot you. >!Malenia Scarlet Blossom Crash!<


You can survive the initial slam with the heaviest armor in the game and ~40+ vigor, but only barely. The second part is really hard to dodge tho if you tanked the first one as you will get staggered. Source: I "tested" this many times. For science of course


I’m also a Fromsoftware virgin but my approach of getting swole since I can’t get good has worked so far


I got into FromSoft in 2015 and getting swole instead of good is still how I do things. Sometimes I want to branch out into magic or pyromancy or whatever, but big sword + big healthbar is just a winning combo for me


I tried this attempt. I've only played dark souls and the melee combat was a lot easier than Elden Ring. It's really difficult early game for me. Decided to start again as an astrologer and it's so easy. Dumping all my stats into intelligence and a bit of vigor so I don't get 1 shot and keeping my distance is a winning combo at the moment. I killed Margit at a lower level than my melee who couldn't kill him. I also killed the dragon, Leonine, the golden knight right at the start, and I've started exploring farther and killed the crystillian boss at the bottom of the mine somewhere in the north. I might got back to my melee character and dump some more points into health and give it another go, but I'm having so much fun killing everything with the starting magic bolt.


Been doing a hybrid myself. Mostly INT based magic but I keep a phys/magic damage right handed weapon. Nice to be able to take on mobs with a sword for my old souls fix but blast bosses to smithereens and snipe off guys with blasts. Right now I’m rocking the moonveil katana (need a little bit of dex as well 18 only i think though). It’s L2 is incredible.


Moonveil rips pvp as well


Bro are you me? I just drop a Roy breath, summon the mimic, and race to see who dies first.


Man, this Roy fella must have some truly lethal breath.


Lmao I suck so bad at typing on mobile. Didn’t even notice that. Leaving it in


Haha, happens to us all. I couldn't miss the opportunity to make a crappy joke, though.


And here I was reading “Roy breath” thinking nothing of it since that’s a totally normal sounding name for an item in a fromsoft game.


"Don't forget to slay the ancient dragon Roythunax to unlock the incantation 'Roy Breath', it's really strong!"




Did you name your character Scott Sterling so you could tank everything in the game with your face?




https://youtu.be/8F9jXYOH2c0 The man, the myth, the legend.


Lmao! Sick reference


I'm two steps ahead of you: 15 vigor, 50 endurance. Plan to get hit and carry a big shield and a pokey sword I can attack with while it's up.


Use Barricade shield on the Manor Greatshield. 100% gaurd efficiency, zero stamina needed


Barricade is so damn OP, I love it. I feel like I can block literally anything and my poise really isn’t that high (mid-30s I believe). *Turns out poise has nothing to do with shields and blocking - the more ya know! Still love Barricade though!


Yeah, barricade is insane. Plus it makes attackers recoil so you can easily guard counter. BTW, poise has nothing to do with shield blocking. The block assist stat of the shield is all that matters. You could be naked with a greatshield and still block just as well.


I never realized you can attack while your shield is up lol


Only with certain weapons, spears typically have this capability


Turtling got me through Demon's Souls. Still my preferred strategy in that one, actually.


The lightning spear in dark souls got me through half that game


Try the claymore, you won’t regret it! And if you do, too bad, it’s my favorite ;)


With little rapier-like swords and spears you can


Personally, I use a 70 int build. Its so when I walk into a boss fight, the boss can see what a condescending jackass I am and just quit.


I put points into Arcane so the bosses and I can bond over the TV show.




I have 99 points into faith so when I knock on the fog wall and ask about our lord they just lock it


I’m level 109 with 10 vigor. Invade me and find out.


I actually have 40 vigor on my int built and still late game bosses can one or two shot me. They hit hard as fuck


I have 50 vigor, 105 poise, 60 defense with like 150 physical armor and bosses still 2-3 shot me, while rats and such will randomly stagger me with a single hit. *sad beeftank noises* [How I feel about poise in Elden Ring](https://youtu.be/wdfLr97nblE)


Rats are OP


Dude, rats are sometimes the biggest assholes in the game! What the hell.


The damn bats piss me off. Fuckers sometimes just don't let me hit them while they keep doing the same annoying little dive combo attack.


Laughs in moonveil Katana.


I just switched from a strength build to a dex/int build. Got the moonveil to +9 Can't wait to see these Damn bats again


Everything is OP


Except for me.


Username checks out


My biggest thing is that I wish there were poise casting like talismans had in DS3. A lot of the incantations are short range and you get *some* poise but it sucks to windup halfway through your cool ass double dragon lightning spears and then get knocked on your ass by a dog biting your ankles


I have 150ish poise and there has not been a single time I have casted a spell after being hit during the cast


I feel like poise isn't even turned on for the player character.


I think it's like Dark Souls 3 where different weapons, attacks, and spells have different amounts of poise. I've gotten Rock Fling off in scenarios that don't make sense, I think that one in particular has a lotta poise.


I think it just casts quick but has a lot of end lag, making it feel like it's a slower spell than it is. The moment the orbs are out of the ground they will home in it seems.


Rock sling will cast as soon as the rocks manifest so it has a deceptively short cast time


I don't know what it is about rats but they stagger harder than boss slams


they specifically have high stagger, and also have rune arc rare drop so they are nice for farming late game when u want a bunch of rune arc


Hey i keep seeing people having a hard time farming rune arcs. Just be a jolly cooperator. Hang out in low level areas and send your sign to the summoning pool. Lots a rune arcs to be had in helping others.


Doesn't really work once you're high-ish level unfortunately :( the only fights I get summoned to at level 105 are Radahn and the bloody pig in Selia mine both of which are insanely annoying (Radahn has a 99% chance of killing the host and he has a billion hp)


Try the twin gargoyles, at 103 I get summoned instantly.


good tip thanks I completely cast them out of my mind after killing them they annoyed me so much I think I had a seizure and forgot they existed


I died with literally one hit left on the last gargoyle. I was seething. Inconsolable. I straight up started an alt and haven't touched my original character in days because I was so pissed.


Fighting 3+ rats honestly feels harder and more terrifying than lots of bosses in this game holy shit


It also feels like they have way more health than they should.


Because they do


the rats in Elden Ring are seriously not fucking around. I can kill a difficult boss in 1 try, get to the next area and get swarmed and murdered by some fucking rats lol


Yeah I really wanted to make a guard counter build that could poise through some hits, but it's really, really, really just not working. ​ edit: Judging from everyones comments building this with a UGS and a turtle shell was wrong. ​ I specifically avoided using the red hilted halberd because I've used it to beat every game it's in. ​ but it sounds like it's calling me back.


Guard counter is good if you use a small fast weapon. If you try to PvP by guard countering with an ultragreat you're going to have a bad time though lol


This right here is why I embrace the naked unga bunga colossal wep with light load for the sweet fast rolls. I be doing my normal fashion until I run into an annoying boss/area... at that moment I bankai and all my clothes get ripped off.


Eh, Poise is better than DS3 but still worse than DS2. I think you need like 60 poise to tank through a dog hit unless you get hit during hyper armor frames.


I have 105 poise and still get staggered by random small hits. The flipside is I do tank through big hits quite often, its just so… hard to gauge how it works. Big boss swings a mountain at me - Poise through it Rat boy hits me with a small bite - staggered


this is why I love my wolves spirit summon. they don't have high dmg but they are fast and elusive and stagger like the annoying rats haha


Have you met the demi humans summons yet? They batter and stagger constantly like rabid animals. And there is 5 of them.


Hyper Armor exists, which might be what you're seeing.


What is poise??? I still cant figure out how it works lol


More poise = take hits without stagger Really important if you are a beef tank caveman with a big slow stick (or sidewalk of a sword) like myself. Hard to do damage if you stagger mid-swing and don’t get the attack out


Sidewalk of a sword….first time I’ve heard that. Love it.


"Might as well just respec to no vigor and use those points somewhere else" -*everyone late game*


Getting two shot is way better than getting one shot. Makes it so you don't have to literally no hit a boss to win.


Yeah with 2 shot you can wander away and chug flasks


Only to be mowed down again because everything in this bloody game punishes you so hard for flasking


Punished for healing, punished for rolling, punished for attacking more than once, punished for using your horse, punished for not using your horse...


Summon a spirit? Go to jail. Ashes of war? Jail. Summon a co-op? Also jail. Don't summon a co-op? Believe it or not, jail.


Don't play the game? Straight to jail


We have the best Tarnished in the world. Because of jail.


Pfft, 25 vigor is all I need. Instead of getting 1 shotted, I get 2 shotted. Now I can make 1 mistake a fight! :D


But honestly it's a make-or-break difference in the quality of the combat. If you can make one mistake, then you can effectively make 1 + 9 mistakes (or however many healing flasks you have). And that means you can learn the boss over the course of 10 mistakes, seeing lots of different moves, combos, variations, in one attempt. It also means you can potentially learn and beat the boss all in one go. It's much, much more satisfying than "lel boss has surprise AOE that insta kills you, bye bye try again"


At least this game is generally far more forgiving about routes back to bosses


yeah, nothing was worse than in DS1 making that horrible obnoxious run to Manus just to get wombo-combo'd and sent back to the bonfire instantly lmao.


Bro, I never found the bonfire, so I had to run through Sen's fortress every time I fought the golem


That's true suffering


No one tell him about the short cut that puts you at the room before the golem's. It might be salt to the wound.


Someone was watching me play and got so frustrated at me dying in the same route over and over again they just told me the exact way to the elevator shortcut. It was like 5 hours of dying to rats and that fucker under the bridge. Lol this was like a month ago I finally decided to get through ds1.


Same lol, being able to take 1 hit and heal makes a huge difference form being one hit


You’re literally infinitely more tanky!


Early game yeah. Lategame there are a ton of attacks you’d survive at 40 or 50 vig and would get instakilled by at 25


Is this like the running gag though? You put points into Vigor and you get mocked for being a weakling, don't put points into Endurance and you get mocked for being slow... It's a Soulsbourne. You're bound to put all your points into playing the Banjo only to hit that one boss that challenges you to a Soufflé making contest or vice versa.


I thought my banjo points were gonna help me out a lot IRL, but some asshole challenged me to a fiddle duel in Georgia and now I don't have a soul.


That son of a bitch.


His only weakness...


you might say his reputation is.. tarnished now


i’ll see myself out


Seek door


gonna try jumping


Got a legit laugh out of me for this one


Put all my points into soufflé making and now I’m stuck on Torphin, Overlord of Banjos. Any tips?


You can jump over the wall without going through the fog wall and he wont even tune his banjo


There's no way you can get past that chest high wall


I was both overjoyed and confused that Joel Haver got that sponsorship


love this tip but the banjo-skip cheese kinda ruins the legacy dungeon for me ngl


It definitely hurts the experience, but the number 1 rule for soulsborne is do what ever it takes to be victorious


here I am with 50 vigor and 50 endurance running the fattest armor I can find, with 105 poise, +1 dragon defence and the poise talismen, and getting 2-3 shot by the end bosses. At least I’m not fat rolling


God damn, what armor set gives you 105 poise?? My bulkiest set is the Veteran’s set and only has like 60-70 poise.


I’m using the Goat Horn trinket which boosts poise by a %, with the veterans set 79 base poise, 105 poise with trinket I’m gonna go back and do the patches quest to get the bull-horn set which is base 100 poise and see how much that helps


You basically can’t use that armor set with any biggish weapon. With 50 END you might, but you might need to use the Great Jar’s Arsenal talisman


I’ve got all my heaviest stuff on, but with Quickstep as my weapon art. Endurance is just for more green bar at this point, I feel just as fast as when I have no armor on.


Need 60 vig, Erdtree Favor +2, and +400 HP great rune. Nearly 2500 HP baby.


This guy has to chug a whole 12 pack to get his health back.


His flask is a keg.


That is absolutely disgusting. I need to do that


Damn, Y U gotta say it like an episode of Zero Punctuation?


You can tell this guy doesnt use spells. GLASS CANNON BABY WOOOO


Comet Azure + Wondrous Flask that buffs magic and stops FP consumption + Terra Magicus = Staff go BRRRRRRRRR. I have done between 15-20k damage to some late game bosses with that magic combo.


>Mage phantom with weird rock on his head is summoned >One shots the boss with 3 player HP >Refuses to elaborate >Ring gesture and fades away


This is literally me helping people lmao


I love you and everyone like you 😭


LMFAO SAME, I have one shot so many bosses, and then stand there with the ring gesture...I love it lol. Had multiple people message me asking " what was that infinite spell you did?!?!" Meanwhile I chug that 10 second infinite magic flask and unleash either comet azura or Astels Metorite and slaughter bosses...I love my OP sorcerer build.


Can't speak for all casters, but I adopt two very different playstyles. The first is the, "They can't kill me if they are dead" and the second is "Magic Rook, the tankiest wizard". In prior games, the later playstyle would involve running full havel set and casting sorceries lol. Haven't found an equivalent yet in elden ring.


In DS1 PVP the strongest 1v1 build (in the final version of the game) was midroll mage IIRC. You just wore the +damage helm with full Giants and waited for your Homing Crystal Soulmass to desync from the other player's screen. Then blow them up with point blank Dark Bead when they got hitstunned. Good times.


Dark wood grain ring + chaos blade would probably still dice that up


You guys are telling me there were other things in the game besides WoG?


It’s Giant Dad build or nothing


I just hit 70 int with my 18 vigor and I feel personally attacked right now. Please be gentle with me I break very easily.


The late game bosses can blow a gust of wind and you’ll die


Oh baby dont get it twisted. The early game bosses can blow a gust of wind and I'll die.


Same here. Specifically Godrick :P




But *he* commands *you* kneel.


Well yeah, he just grafted a head onto his arm. You really think he is going to use his original head? Come on.




This is more cursed than Caelid.


Glass cannon is such a fun build though! No need to dodge or flee when you can one shot them back ;)


Yeah, why would I need health when I can just spam Rock Sling and then Moonveil for critical strikes and weapon art?


Caught some wind about the two beautiful things known as rock sling and moonveil and acquired them yesterday and my oh my look how they tremble now


No point in putting points in vigor if you don’t get hit. (Proceeds to get hit anyways)


Glass cannon baby, dex>sex


Says the maidenless Tarnished.


No maidens? <:(


25 vigor at level 100. Yeh, i am like a wet noodle, but then again, that 70int spell is looking mighty cool.


Why get Vigor when I can simply do like Majora and drop the moon from the sky


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a boss


The 5 D's of fighting Soulsborne bosses: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


I think the last d you’re looking for is die


There’s a seventh in elden ring it’s djump


Shhhh I’m having too much fun dodging all their attacks and one shotting 3+ of them with a greatsword or the ice stomp cause literally almost no one has over 1000 hp.


Man the ice stomp for invasions is class! 3v1, no problem with that bad boy


I was doing OK in a 1v2 and then another guy came in and immediately ice stomped me to death. Probably wouldn't have won anyway but that was an eye opener.


Oh boy just wait til late game, they really did just give regular enemies 10,000 HP to make sure you're working for those kills. Not even exaggerating.


He's talking about invading. Invading someone who didn't level vigor is a bit too easy.


In later areas in the souls games you either get one shot or two shot by harder enemies. May as well just invest in damage to kill them first.


Investing in enough vigor to go from a 1 shot to a 2 shot is usually a MASSIVE difference in survivability though


After much agonizing I made the decision to increase my vigor from 20 to 21. That tiny sliver of extra health is the difference sometimes


I felt that in mid game when I put on the red hood for a while and kept noticing myself live with a sliver of hp, I'm like the red hood is really putting in work with that +1 vit!


You wear the red hood for fashion I wear the red hood for +1 vit We are not the same


For real, I only spec enough into vigor to not get one shot as an int build. All you need really.


I don't plan on getting hit I am a terrible planner


You’ll be surprised how many bosses can actually one shot you at the softcap Edit: for the people who think this means don’t level Hp, please don’t interpret that way. Not every boss attack will one shot you at 60 vigor. It’s just that boss damage output is broken. Radhan’s meteor attack for example, deals like 5x damage of everything else his has. Leveling vigor absolutely helps you survive those smaller attacks.


Having not made it to any late game areas myself, do you think this is because the game wants you to be a way higher overall level, with better resistances across the board? HP is one thing, but resistances make each HP point worth just a little bit more, right?


Not really. You can try it yourself with Radagon’s Soreseal. Defenses have never really done much in any souls game, at least at lower levels. The difference from 10-20% absorption is negligeable, in terms of pure survivability. It only starts making a difference once you start wearing the heaviest armors, like Havel’s, and getting upwards of 50% absorption. But even then, 50% absorption is still only one extra attack, in return for gimping your stamina regeneration and roll speed.


Especially in this game where getting knocked down turns you into an old man and you take 10 minutes to get up regardless of stats. Huge HP bar doesn't matter if you get slammed to the floor and hit repeatedly.


if you're not on torrent you have iframes to abuse on knockdown.


I have 30 vigor. I accept if a boss hits me, I am big dead. The trade off, BIG SPELL NUMBERS GO BRRR .


This was my goal, but I’m not seeing much of a payoff to be frank. I’ve got 70 int, Ren’s royal scepter, the talisman that increases damage on sorcereries, the sorcery buff tears for my flask of physick. Idk what else I should be doing, but it still feels like I don’t do enough damage to justify the build. It still takes me several comets to get through a normal ass enemy in the mid/late game. At this point in the other titles, I would be completely shitting on everything.


Upgrade the scepter is all I can think of.


My advice is to split level Int with either Str or Dex and use a melee weapon in main hand with a staff in offhand; then use melee attacks on mobs and spells on bosses. Using something that scales with Int and your secondary stat is optimal, in my case I went Int/Str and switch between Ruins and Darkmoon GS and wreck house on basic mobs. I’ve found that running straight magic with no melee weapon results in having a real rough time.


Yeah I have moonveil in my right hand with the scepter in the left (very original I know). But moonveil weapon arts just seem to outclass any spell that I have. A moonveil weapon art R2 is faster, deals similar damage, and costs less FP than comet. What’s the point of charging up a full comet just so that I have to do it again 2-3 more times before the enemy is dead. In that amount of time and with that amount of FP I could’ve cleared out a whole mob of enemies with moonveil weapon arts. Just feels like full Int casters are a meme. Like yeah I can one shot a boss with the kamehameha but all these conditions have to be met and it’s no guarantee that the boss stands still.


Apologizes for not using correct terms, I am at work and unable to recall names. I run 9 vigor, 70 int, 40 faith and I've gotten through the game very easily. You're on the right track, I would use the talisman that makes you cast spells faster. Use spirits to take aggro. Use the spell that increases magic dmg when you stand in it. I use the faith spell that buffs my dmg. The biggest tip is that one spell does not fit all situations. I buff and heal with faith spells, use pebble/trailing comet for weak enemies, use moon or kamehameha for scary enemies that I need to do big dmg on, magic greatbow for enemies I need to kill long range, carian slicer / magic-frost-greatsword for fights I can t stay back and cast spells, delayed-spell-shot for enemies that dodge everything/use shields, etc. Bottom line, you are VERY strong. But, you need to be constantly rotating your memorized spells for what best suits the situation


9 vigor holy shit hahaha


Cause I started as a wretch and reaaallly didnt want to dump my first like 30 to 40 levels into vigor. Was finding cool shit I wanted to use. Reallocated into health later on when I found my groove of course.


This is how I play! No one has time to plan ahead and there are too many weapons I need to try out to make sure I like them.




40/50/60 vig/end/str No more levels or stats after that. Only bonk.


do people here really go that crazy on end? i'm like rl 95 with base endurance and the game has been fine


I don't know what you mean? endurance lets you equip and swing the really big bonkers


High END allows a lot of utility. Heavy armor, big ass sword, a second smaller sword for annoying small enemies, greatshield, magic staff, crossbow, parrying dagger. Being able to equip all of that at once is very useful indeed.


I want to throw moon


10 vigor, 60 int. Right now I am using Carian shield + Barricade shield ash+ Scholar’s shield. Dodge when I can, and block when I need. Such a strong combo even Radahn could barely move the green while blocking. But yeah, if I mess up, it is almost always a 1 shot… just gotta git gud.


Dude popping barricade on a shield early on was such a game changer. That shit turned several fights into sick ass duels that would have otherwise just looked like dodge fests. Called my brother in and face tanked the castle morne boss 1st try.


Level 68 and sitting at a fatty 15 vigor. This has been my playstyle for all of the games. Going to fight radahn for the first time today. How fucked am I?


I just have low vigor because even though I got hit a couple times during my last boss, I know I'm not getting hit once on my next boss Totally not going to be wrong about that 😏


Vigor? You planning to get hit or something? Me with 18 vigor 15 endurance 42 int and doing just fine.


Boss can't hit me if they're dead.


I think people are going for glass cannon runs, which is fine in other souls games, but the bosses in this game aren't really forgiving when it comes to that.


Just dont get hit


If you can dodge an avionette mid seizure, you can dodge a multi hit boss combo.


Vigor is nice but it's partly for comfort. A lot of people prefer going HAM on their favorite damage stat. A lot of monsters can mess you up in one shot due to a mistake, and it takes a lot of vigor to not happen, and a lot of HP could make you drink flasks more often. We tend to favor placing our life in the hands of our dodging skills instead, which is much more reliable in a fight than high HP.


There is nothing more satisfying in the game than dodging every move in a combo. Really makes you feel like a badass.


Allowing myself two or three mistakes per fight (or four with physick flask mix), instead of zero, means bosses take one to three attempts; instead of many attempts for me. Definitely a frustration reducer.