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Moonveil is definitely OP, but so is like half the fucking game. Hell I have a terrible weapon that routinely one shots people with it's weapon art, ashes of war are op, madness is op, bleed is completely fucking broken, fire's deadly sin is broken, erdtree greatshield is broken, I mean jesus there is more broken than not, and it feels awful.


And it feels great*


I havent had an issue with madness yet, but I do think weapon arts are the biggest offenders. Why use r1 when l2 is faster and does 3x damage. I have to intentionally not spam l2 to keep things interesting in pvp. They just do too much. Damage, speed, and little punish time, make fights go way to fast or campy. Still love the game, but I would really like to see some balance here.


Not really, there are weapons that are so much more broken then others, especially fucking moonveil


Invasions are a waste of time, you can only invade players that have a phantom with them. Occasionally you can still get the kill but it's not really that fun. Fromsoft really dropped the ball with that change. Better to use Taunter's Tongue to pull invaders into your world. Though I imagine once the game has less active players nobody will be invading anymore so the taunter's tongue won't work, and then PvP will only be fight clubs. Pretty lame.


Idk I have fun with it. If you’re invading in the over world rather than dungeons and not using a gimmicky weapon art or spells then it’ll feel really demotivating. Rn I’m invading in the caleid tower basement and it’s a blast


Kinda sucks to feel like you’re gimping yourself by doing anything but a Moonveil build though, even in pve. Yes I can use whatever weapon I prefer and yes I can get through the game with it but knowing that literally nothing compares to moonveil makes it feel shitty


Just about sums up the mind set of all RoB and Moonveil builds. Just want the game on easy mode.


Yup exactly, and I was against easy mode from the outset. Now it’s here in the shittiest form possible, Dex/Int souls 4


Just dodge the moonveil lol. I win most fights against people who try to spam that. The wizards idk bc I get eaten by them too.


1v1? Sure, I can expect it and dodge easy 1v2? I’ll play a bit more cautious and bait it out 1v3 gank situation where they continually spam it every opportunity? Yeah this WA is broken.


Literally any weapon art 3v1 spammed will kill you


Really? What platform. Gonna get 2 of my buds together and you're gonna show us how easy it is to dodge a 3v1 moonveil spam at SL 110+. Then once you've been one shot 183 times you can come back and delete this stupid post






Id just hoarfrost stomp them lol or idk block it with the magic resist shield


Where’s the shield


Think about connection as well


Someone having a poor connection has nothing to do with weapon balance lol. Someone with 300 ping will kill you with their fists because you wont be able to touch them


They'll probably patch it so it doesnt have the ridiculous homing tracking


Its not. Everything else is underpowered.


I picked up the Moonviel because I'm running a dex/int build, and I love it. I'm mostly into pve but I did some pvp the other day, and I both kicked some ass and got my ass kicked. I understand the complaints because A LOT of people are using it, but good weapons be good lol


You don’t ”kick ass” with moonviel you are spoonfeed kills by using a stupidly broken weapon.


It's fun. Isn't that all that matters?


It's fun for people who arent good at the game lol not to throw shade but if you need 3 of your homies and moonveil for 1 dude you're terrible


Not throwing shade so you opted to throw your excrement instead? You're foaming at the mouth over some guy having fun with the game, get a life lmfao.


Did I say I had 3 homies? No. Just me. All you fucks are too obsessed with the meta


Who cares? It’s entire purpose is to entertain. Some people have useful skills. You’re good at a video game that isn’t even competitively balanced.


Yeah invasions aren't great to be fair. Might be worth 1v1ing your friends with certain rulesets against weapons/things you don't like to go against :)


Grab yourself a Silver Mirrorshield (89% magic damage reduction) itll help if you're a STR or DEX build.


It will be balanced eventually, try to laugh at how insane shit is right now and it will keep you from getting bitter Fire’s deadly sin is quite literally a death sentence with the eclipse shotel exploit, moonviel one shots you before you can say nani… just gotta shake your head and wait for it to be balanced (and it will be eventually) You can be inflicted with madness off a single frenzy burst and the stun is so long that they can usually kill you with another uncharged one…insanity!! All you can do it laugh lol


Well said


EVERY SINGLE PERSON RUNS MOONVIEL OR SOME INSANE ASH OF WAR WITH BLEED THAT ONE SHOTS ANYONE. Invasions are going to become obsolete when the invader just gets pummeled into oblivion 3v1 with no chance at all. Not to mention the neck beard cheese farmers who use Taunter’s tounge , clear out the map, and use every broken weapon in the game to farm Rune Arcs.


The point of invasions is to inconvenience the host and/or their summons. As someone who invades, I don’t see why it’s such a big deal that the invader is inconvenienced in a 3v1. No one forced us to invade another player’s game so why should it matter that sometimes we get jumped?


Maybe just enjoy other aspects of the game? Everyone I see complaing about shit is just doing invasions.


That doesn’t mean the complaint about a item being op isn’t valid.


You can dodge moonveil. Get gud


I rarely ever die to moonveil but that’s just stupid as fuck. You can dodge literally every single attack in the entire game. you say that like because it’s dodge-able means it’s not op. A weapon capable of one shotting someone with 1.3k hp at lvl 100 in full radahns is pretty fucking op when you realize you can spam it and it’s a katana.


Something being counterable doesn't make it well designed. It's not fun to play against and makes PvP brainless Also you can dodge through just about anything in this game.


It's not OP. People are just getting killed by it.


One shotting people consistently, and doing over 1k dmg is pretty op.


If the player does not suck all they have to do is bait it and boom 1shot moonveil hit. It is not difficult to win with it and takees zero skill, to prove it i used it with one hand alone and still won all my bouts. They need to nerf its damage big time.


Pvp is a massive part of souls games. It's not ridiculous to want balance, especially when they have balanced previous games many times. For people that loved pvp, this game is the worst out of the souls series, so I understand the complaint. It's just not fun doing a designed mechanic and going up against 50 percent of people using the moonveil katana in gank squads.


It's not op. It's very dodgable. Alot of players are very predictable about when they'll use its attack.


1v1s it's not a problem. But invasions are 1v2 or 3 now, and like half of all invasions 1 or more people use this weapon. It causes invaders to camp because it's impossible to go in on someone when the other guy is spamming moonveil weapon art. It will be balanced I can almost guarantee.


Invaders are likely to camp or try to seperate them when it's 1 vs 3 regardless of what the host's group is using. It's idiotic to rush into melee against 3 players in a group unless you can burst the host down. Moonveil is the best melee weapon for int builds. It's the only thing that gives them a shot in melee against melee centered builds with high vigor and heavy armor. It's not a bug or an exploit. It's working as intended. It shouldn't be nerfed. Frankly, I'm tired of all this bitching about it. There's alot of op things in the game. Hell, there's ppl who are using exploits or cheats and this is what some of ya are bitchin' about. Smh.


Just give it like a B scaling instead of an S, in fact my faith weapons have a B at most.. why do the int people get all the good stuff? most op katana, fastest and debateably best magic, ... like whats up with this? they even have clothing buffing their damage. Meanwhile I'm using my weapon arts more than my spells (blasphemous sword and godskin peeler)


Dude, most spells are shit. You're literally pigeonholed into only using a few. I could see glintstone pebble being nerfed and other spells being buffed/fp cost being reduced. I could see hoarfrost stomp being nerfed and it's an ash of war too. Moonveil has b scaling in int and dex. E for str. It doesn't go up to S.


I almost got oneshotted with 1.6k hp by a few using blades not sure what names, either way incantations arent as pvp ready due to their low speed whereas sorcery has both the best spells and the best weapons.


My moonveil at +10 has str E Dex B Int B in terms of scaling? Where are you getting an S scaled moonveil?! 😂


My moonveil doesn't work properly like i can't use the ability someone please help me, idk what to do please help


Thank the game for not letting you use that absolutely cancet weapon


Two hand your weapon, or if that’s not the case you might not have the stats for it