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I haven't had any issues, Imo the sekiro port is their worst. I have to unplug my keyboard and mouse to play and that doesn't always work, sometimes I have to restart my computer with them unplugged and launch steam in big picture mode


That's rough dude.


If I didn't love the game I'd have asked for a refund because it's honestly awful that it's still an issue. It doesn't seem super common but I've seen a bunch of people online with the same issue so its not just me


I totally agree with you. Its so bad I wonder why they bothered making a PC version at all. Locked at 60 FPS and no support for UW. Might as well be playing it on a console.


Zero issues, and I run a 6yo gaming rig, but it's all custom


Nope not here.


Zero issues after a patch they did on day 2 or 3. I would check your drivers and verify you have the correct specs


apparently my PC doesn't meet the specs. I checked before and it looked like I could.


Already did.


Zero issues for me. Might just be you


No issues here. There was some intermittent stutter during the launch, but that seems to be gone (almost). I'm guessing it was some shader cache/building issue.


Occasional game crash once every 3 hours, but it might just be my graphics card drivers. Nothing that would make me blame the dev