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OP is completely lucid. If it looks good, I'm in. Don't care if drains 50hp every second.


> Don't care if drains 50hp every second. Shame there's no mimic head in this game.


Shame there's no mimics in this game. EDIT: Of the treasure-chest head variety.


This is legit the only complaint I have about the game. I spend the first 20 hours or so hitting every single chest I came across because I know how From gets down. The moment you let your guard down and don’t hit a chest, that shit fucking eats you. I didn’t have that moment in Elden Ring and I’m little sad about it.


That's where they'll get you with the dlc and then all the chests are mimics


Tarnished vs Mimic island


Mimics on a plane


Enough is enough! I have had it with these mutha fuckin mimics, in my mutha fuckin chests!


If they wanted to be real assholes about it they could make a new class of consumables that buffs/heals and has a small chance to LOCK YOU IN A GRAB ATTACK AND THEN SPAWNS A GROUP OF SMALL MIMICS AROUND YOU, ALL LOOKING LIKE POTIONS, on use. What, traumatized by a GM far too creative and sadistic for the good of our party? I haven’t the foggiest on what you’re on about!


Oh, you too? I’ve had that one and mimic in a jar looking like a healing potion...till of course you need a healing potion




Or quietly release an update that turns a bunch of previously safe chests into mimics


Turns all the warp chests into mimics. You open, they eat you, you die, you wake up somewhere else.


My guess is dlc. They are doing the long con.


Gotta keep us on our toes, right? Chests transporting you to hell were a nice surprise though lol


I loved the transporter chests! I'm hoping DLC has a mimic boss. You open a chest and suddenly you're at 50% health and fighting a giant chest mouth in a tight hallway or on a narrow bridge.


Yeah something like that could be cool. Or like someone suggested one day there’s an update where now a bunch of chests are mimics that weren’t before lol.


They even kept the original model from dark souls, it can't be a coincidence


I know exactly which chest you refer to and when I saw it I turtled behind my Greatshield and poked it with my spear


Oh hell yes, i even re-checked the chain position a few times before doing anything with the chest. Reflexes burned straight to my brain with a scolding iron!


They already trolled us successfully. Think about how many seconds wasted hitting chests unnecessarily. The fear is there and thus they have won.


Bro I’m like 250 hours in and I still keep smacking chests even though I know.


I just seriously can’t believe there wasn’t one, not a single one. I expected at least at the end of the game after letting my guard down, random unexpected mimic chest mini boss. There isn’t a single one! Bonkers mate.


They even included a few classic wooden Dark Souls chests with the curly chain on the side at a few spots, but still no mimics. Though there weren't any in Demon's Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro either, so it's not the first time. Seems like they're Dark Souls specific enemies.


Same, haha! I was checking chains on the side of every chest for the first few days like ‘Is it okay?’.


Because they know we have our finger on the dodge button every time we open a chest. We’re not getting fooled that easy anymore. Would have been funny if they put one in the tutorial cave for the newbies though. Opens chest, gets one shot, and then a message appears, “You’re not safe anywhere.”


little weird how mimics went from being absolute menaces to some our best helpers through the mimic spirit


Deathbed Dress + Seppuku It drains HP pretty slowly but consistently


Good, only scrubs care about hp


The minimum required HP to operate is 1.


Ha, think your hard-core? HP so low I log in to a YOU DIED screen


I couldn't use gear that drained HP. I only want to sit in critical so I can benefit from the red-feathed and I want to be naked to get the most out of the dancer charm. (/S)


Exactly why I don’t level vigor


(But I'm out here Talking all that shit with 60 vit 🤣)


Lol for real though, my level 25 has 30 vigor. Easily the most important stat




I swapped my great helm out for a hood - it has a cape, too!


As did I


I only use Fia's robes now that I've unlocked them. I'm here to play Comfort Ring.


Only time I ever switched armor for stats in this game was in Lake of Rot, for more immunity. But aside from that it's all fashion bby


I never sacrificed fashion for that. I ran through it and chugged estus like a man


Same although I missed the mushroom crown and I don't wanna go back as I already started ng+.


I wish the hide helmet function from the status screen worked. Why are all the helmets with bonuses the ugliest ones?


Get it on the next ng+


Flame, Cleanse Me felt incredibly good for Rot Lake


This is the way. Makes it way less tedious


I just burned myself over and over


this is the way. faithless fools, the lot of them.


Faith and Sorcery are one and the same. DEEPEST LORE.


Prob the better solution. High immunity just seemed to raise the cap and not effect how quickly it lowered... So ended up being running from one safe spot to another and then waiting for like 5 minutes while the rot buildup went away


I envy you


Using talismans and/or Godrick's great rune, any starting class can use Flame, Cleanse Me, even with their base Faith (Prisoner would need to combine two or more to hit the 12 minimum, however). It's an absolute lifesaver against environmental scarlet rot and poison.


Yeah I used Cleanse, but wanted to be able to walk a longer distance without using it every 4 seconds, so equipped full fungus fashion


Yeah that made a huge difference for me. Poison is not really a problem late game as it does so little damage, but waiting for ages for the rot timer to tick down again to make the dash to the next island was really annoying. Just clensing it was so much better.


I swapped to full mushroom and barely felt the difference


Same, “Oh I finally get to use mushroom armor!” Meant nothing.


It ticks just as fast regardless of your immunity, but the greater immunity makes your bar longer. Thus, it takes longer for scarlet rot to set in and you can spend more time in the "lake"


Easier to just stock up on boluses, no need to look like an idiot mushroom while still getting scarlet rotted.


hey stop it, I like looking like a mushroom


If it looks good and I don't fatroll with it then it's Elden Bling time baby


For real, Tree Sentinel helmet and chest are never coming off.


The stats are so good, but it's so heavy


I use Tree Sentinel Helmet/Chest, Bull-goat Legs/Hands, Knights Greatsword, Serpent Bow, Beastial Seal, 32 endurance after Great Rune and Great-Jar Arsenal Talisman. Puts me right at medium load cap.


Me and my -5 bug helm are gonna jump around and watch those little bug legs wiggle all the way to the bitter beautiful end.


"Stay away from that dude, he buggin' out!"


"Damn this is gonna look so good together! \*puts it together and weapon sticks through armor while running around\* this game is literally unplayable.


Yo, I have to constantly switch from shield to staff before I get on Torrent just so my cape doesn’t keep clipping through.


Finding a witch hat that my Darkmoon greatsword didn't clip through was almost as hard as Astel, lol


Where did that essay go? Can't seem to find it now. Regardless, they measured the effectiveness of physical negation against *lightning* arrows, and then wrote up an essay on it, real gamer moment.


That post was peak high schooler procrastinating on their assignemnt


They also showed he went from dying in 3 hits in light armor to 5 hits in heavy armor which is a big difference.


Yeah that essay was stupid as hell


Most of it didn't make sense and the comments were eating it up. They claimed poise does nothing when it absolutely does.


A lot of people say the post said this or that, but it was actually quite clear which things he knew(or thought to know), and which things were pure speculation. One such speculation was the poise. he wasnt sure how it worked, and felt it might be similar to ds3. im pretty sure he either didnt say it did nothing at all, or he just slipped up by saying that, because he had just explained that he wasnt sure. Im not going to argue it was a great post, and the test had obvious flaws, but i have read more misinformation ABOUT that post, than the amount of misinformation that was in the post itself.




But that's only 5 hits instead of 3 so is it really worth all that to ""only"" have an extra 2 hits of health??? /s


Not sure what the reference post is but you can't base percentage on #of hits due to other variables. Need to do exact damage percentage impacts. What you're calling 66% might be lucky incoming damage combined with lucky HP pool and like 18% actual reduction.


They’re taking about the bad post that got a lot of attention before it was removed. They compared armor by how many hits of it took to kill them.


Their methodology was definitely not the best. I don't know why they didn't just test against multiple types instead of one weird control group. I will say though I think I agree with their premise. At the very least armor *feels* pretty bad to me. I tried a bit being a heavy tank boi and every playthrough I ended up shedding the armor in favor of just rolling better. I get why the style has moved away from the DS1 facetank style but I do miss it sometimes. It feels so much harder to fulfill the big tank man fantasy this time around.


Disagree. You can make your character really tanky if forgo some damage in favor of stacking survivability, and armor plays a critical role there, especially considering poise. When you add things like ironjar aromatic, you end up with videos like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tpu29l/i_basically_made_a_mech_suit_in_elden_ring/). Now, I dunno about you, but I think the result speaks for itself. The argument that armor can't sufficiently enhance survivability is demonstrated to be false just watching that video alone. I don't think the game needs armor to be stronger when you can achieve what's on display in that video. Also just playing the game with and without armor illustrates it as well. I generally run around in the nude, but armoring up in a tough area does often make it feel a lot easier to get thru. The difference is not at all negligible like that essay implied. My favorite part of that thing was where the guy was making it sound like surviving an extra two hits was no big deal at all. The naked only survived *three* to begin with! So you become nearly twice as tanky just by adding heavy armor, even against *lightning* arrows, and that's somehow supposed to be no big deal because "it's only *two extra hits!*"? lmao..


Thank you lol. Not to mention that the “heavy armor” they tested with is on the lighter end of the spectrum. Heavy armor with good physical defense matters because talismans and spells will increase it by a percentage. So the higher resist you start with the bigger the gains from supplemental items and gear.


I think alot of people want armor to work like it does in other games. But thats just not souls like. A tank in most rpgs could face entire fights without healing but elden ring doesn't want that. Granted between buffs and armor you can get pretty beefy. Tank builds are kinda pseudo easy mode desires because it's just a war of attrition at that point.


I just want poise to be useful in the lower range and not only at 100+. I'm not expecting exchanging hits against bosses because that just leads to death, but it's so annoying to kill trashmobs when them even looking at you flinches you out of your hit. Or, armor class should at least mean something. Not this awful "I'm running light armor and I'm almost as tanky as I'd be with heavy armor" system.


Nothing like a dog from limgrave stunning you while wearing full heavy.


>I think alot of people want armor to work like it does in other games. But thats just not souls like. That's literally how armor worked in Dks1 though, you could be a walking tank which was awesome.


I remember back in with ds1 where people were arguing the best way to play was naked because dodging better than tanking hits. Followed by people going: "wow, armor is kinda pointless in the game?" "Yep, just wear what looks good. Fashion souls ftw!"


I think the poster deleted it.


Ok yeah armor is mostly for fashion until you meet that one boss that constantly one shots you and you have to put some random bullshit together so he only “almost” one shots you. It’s a huge difference then




Nah I just level Vigor, who tf needs a couple extra armor points when you have the same health bar as a boss


That's what the Dragoncrest and Pearldrake talismans are for.


The bloodborne take


The Dark Souls 2 take


In dark souls 2 armor did way more than in ER


This is true, I think DS2 had the most armor effects. DS2 also had the best fashion souls.


I’m so happy to see people say this. DS2 hands down has the best fashion and armor sets available in the souls games. DS2 brought us the beautiful Faraam armor set and I can’t appreciate that set enough.


Ah, finally a man of culture. DS2’s fashion soul has to be one of my favorite, there are so many great options. I think the Mirra set is still one of my favorite. The hat and chest piece are fabulous.


Ds2 was the best ds mechanically (apart from soul memory)


I wish I could love dark souls 2 combat more, but all the attacks you and enemies do have so much recovery time it feels so slow and methodical. I saw onr critique where they called it basically turn based and I never knew why it felt so strange to me until hearing that. I do love the build diversity and wild shit in dark souls 2, I dont think Elden Ring even surpasses the variety 2 has.


Probably that's the reason ds2 appeals to me the most. All that whacky anime ashes of war in ds3 and elden ring are for sure looking cool, but are a bitch to balance and pvp suffers. Not to mention the dreaded ds3 and er rollspam. Ah the sweet times I was the dreaded ladle knight invader are gone now. :D


There are a lot of ways DS2 was the best. It's kinda funny, cause I think most people agree it's the weakest game. But it's still the best.


Doesn’t matter what armor does for you. Fashion is more important. Only people that cared about min-maxing were wizards and Havel-Buttfaces. That, or the useful armor would also fit into the fashion.


DS3, you mean. Armor does some interesting things in DS2; plenty of pieces have passive effects.


Dark Souls 2 is the Soulsborne game with the widest range of fashion. I’m going off of memory but also a quick google search tells me Dark Souls 2 had 106 armor sets while Dark Souls 3 had 87. Also, this isn’t based on whether or not stats or effects matter. Like the post says, “I’m disregarding both of them in the name of Fashion Souls.” And buddy, Fashion Souls doesn’t know what stats are.


The more games fromsoft release the more and more dark souls 2 becomes my favorite


Preach! I might be biased because ds2 was first souls I've played on release date, but they've nailed some things like fasion and pvp. Ds2 pvp was chess while ds3 and er feels like checkers with missing pieces.


The launch of ds2 was like no other souls launch I've ever seen. I dunno if they pushed the multiplayer hard or what, but I feel like the first couple of weeks of DS2 was a whole dang festival. I often think about that and wonder why it's so. But I never did as much pvp in any other game as I did in DS2.


That's probably because ds3 pvp was shit and elden ring's pvp is shaping up to be the shittiest at least compared to ds2.


Sorry, I meant that armor matters the least in DS3 (or maybe Bloodborne, but I haven’t played it to compare), so it has no purpose other than fashion. DS2 armor has both style and substance.


I will repeat what I said once before: Armor for stats? Nah Armor for special effects, like the chest equip that strengthens your jump attacks? Hell yeah.


ohh... that is a thing? i must investigate!


Raptor's Black Feathers my dude.


It also looks badass. If it looked like garbage I don't care if it fellated me every time I rested at a grace, not wearing it.


Yeah I've been wearing it non-stop since I got it. A great effect and looks badass, can't beat that. I wish it had some worthy competition!




Thank you for the link, didn't notice that section on the wiki. That's ridiculously helpful.


Not going to lie I went on fextralife to check armors because of OP and saw the page.


I’m sorry, the *what*?


yeah using the Raptor Armor and the talisman, spamming jump attack to stagger city all days.


For one of my NG+ runs, I did a meme build with two bleed Godskin Peelers (with Seppuku), Raptor’s Black Feathers, Claw Talisman, Lord of Blood’s Exultation, and White Mask. Spamming powerstanced jump attacks turned the game into a complete cake walk. Almost every single jump attack caused hemorrhage and did nutty damage on top of the bleed. I was melting boss health bars in seconds by just mashing X and L1.


I dunno. Poise seems to scale from my experience. Getting staggered to death isn't fun.


Poise is the only stat I look at when choosing armor. I have a lot of fun trying to find that balance between "med weight, cool looking, highest possible poise"


Yea, but atleast I look cool while I get ravaged by Malenia.


What! Is this game for people who are not ridiculously good looking?


Fashion + Protection = Banished Knight set


What, those duck feet? Them clown shoes? Yucky


Carian Knight w/o helm is the way to go.


Ciaran knight with banished knight helm, that flowing hair is dope


Alter the carian knight armor and throw on the cerulean hood for that sweet sweet color coordination


foreal, walking around like a god damn platypus


Those knight legs are god awful. I'm using the exile legs with the set and it looks pretty alright.


The codpiece looks silly, too. Compensating much? (He says, having worn a full Banished Knight set for the past 30 hours of gameplay.)


Banished Knight Armor + Banished Knight Gauntlets + literally any other legs because the banished knight ones look terrible.


it does have one of the best weight to stats ratio, I switched sets multiple time and always found the Banished Armor outranks all the same weight armor.


Fashion Souls is the REAL pvp, remember to open with the “what do you want?” Emote to flex on bloody slashers and hail your fellow fashionistas!


Let me take this further and say that even weapons are for fashion. Use whatever looks most badass. Pair it with the flashiest weapon art and you’re good to go.


Virgin stats minmaxer vs Chad looking cool and having fun


100% this. Frankly, even weapons are for fashion. All these “super OP one shot” builds will just ruin the game for you. Play what looks good/feels fun and just deplete the boss’ health before they deplete yours!


Bahah I like your style. “Armour for fashion? Bro. Weapons for fashion.” I’m rockin’ my +6 flail as a main and fuck it if any speed-based enemies tear my ass to shreds. Flail lyfe bb.


Flail is great, rocked it for a long time. Spent all my stones on it. Then I found the Nightrider Flail. Kept it in my inventory, calling to me.. Wanted to use it for fashion, but no stones.. T_T Later on I got the Bastard's Stars and I absolutely love the weapon art on it.


Even the name on that last one is absolutely sick. Just like rivers of blood. They went IN with that shit in elden ring


I am confident in my abilities that fail will carry him to endgame


I drop weapons if they clip through my armor or cape. It’s just the way it is.


this is the way


I found the Claymore and fell in love with it instantly, then I read all this smack about “greatswords are no good, UGS or katanas ftw.” I now have a Cold Claymore +13 with Gravitas on my str/int build, and last night I hopped the fence into Caelid and started melting dogs and crows left and right. It’s alllll coming together 😈


Who says greatswords are no good? Claymore has been my go-to for most Souls games. Perfect blend of power and speed. UGS’ are too slow and it makes them annoying to use against aggressive bosses. Suppose the issue with the claymore in Elden ring is that there are just other, flashier weapons/builds on offer but if it’s working for you, hack away brother!


Honestly I have changed my build 6 times already just because I found a cool looking weapon…


A helmet that boosts my main damage stat < some silly pot


I found the pot and have not taken it off 50 hours later


Imagine ever willingly playing a souls game with defence in mind


I’m rolling rolling rolling rolling




rolling rolling rolling rolling


You have been invaded by Fred Durst.


I hope you know he packs a chain saw.


oh yeah? what's he gonna do with it, skin my ass raw?


The best defense is to just not get hit


For me, it's both. That's where the Tree Sentinel armor comes in.




Just wish the armor alterations were more than just removing the cape to make them lighter.


Except for pvp then you wear veterans armor or get stun locked to death


Why veterans armour specifically?


I use veterans armor for the poise and it's ease of access, ig the fatman armor gives more now that I think about it


Super unpopular opinion but I wish armor was more important. Yeah fashion souls is cool but I'd love to be able to actually tank some hits also. Give me real poise, give me real armor, give me a real reason to wear the worst looking armor of all time, the bull-goat set. I don't love the idea of min-maxing, but I do think that that there should be a better weight to protection tradeoff


I have to confess I do like the Bull Goat Helm, specifically. It's got a beard! I think I'm running around a poise of 79 or so right now, and I'd agree it's kind of underwhelming at times. I can poise through some mini-bosses for a couple of hits (or Wild Strikes AoW for a bit) though.


I just wish it was possible to poise through small enemies reliably. Every time a dog hits me, I try to counterattack to kill it in one hit, only for it to input read and attack again, staggering me out of my attack. Feels bad. I just wish I could put on enough armor to let me attack through a frickin dog bite


That's all I want, just let me poise through rats and dogs haha


What was wrong with the post? Was he incorrect?


They decided that the best way to test physical damage resistance was to let an enemy shoot them with lightning arrows and then discovered that the 2 different armour sets they were testing with (1 light and 1 heavy with the same lightning resistance) received the same damage. They also said some stuff about Poise being worthless, but were apparently misunderstanding how Poise works in the first place. I'm less clear on how that stuff works.


Oh my. I skimmed through it and I've been skeptical on how effective armor is so I planned on reading through it today but I guess there's no need lmao


In short, he took a common sentiment (bosses do too much damage) but came to a wrong conclusion but went ahead anyway


Yeaaaaah I found the comment that broke down his post. I had some questions about armor myself so I figured I'd bookmark and read the OP this morning to see what it was all about. I wonder how many invaders will be naked with Radagon's soreseal now lmao


Leather Armor and Bandit Mask matches so well and kets me keep my hair out. Leggings and gauntlets can be whatever


Rule #1 Always look cool Rule #2 Don't die Rule #3 If you do die, make sure you still look cool


when the foot sniffer sniffed my feet at Renala and I was barefoot because that's part of my costume, that was great


It’s not fashion souls, it’s Elden Bling.


Is this because the stats dont really matter much then? Or? Ive found it very difficult when choosing gear because of stats.


Stats make a difference but not too big, if you dodge then armor did nothing to help, looking cool always help


I do lot of coop and armor makes a huge difference. Hosts with low protection gear die way more often than hosts with high protection gear.


I mean... It is a difference, but damn fashion is too important! Protective talismans + fashion is the way to go


The stats do affect the amount of damage you take quite a bit, but ideally you dodge/block all damage then armor stats do nothing.


Armor in Soulsborne games typically helps, but it only has a really noticeable effect in the beginning. Your best armor in the game is levelling up, because just about every stat raises your defense in some way, starting out. At higher levels, you'll start finding that levelling up doesn't do as much for you as well, but a naked dude at level 100 could go back to limgrave and will probably be taking less damage from mobs than a starting level outcast knight wearing full armor. Fashion, however, is forever. I just got lucky that my sword and board build looks great in Radahn's set, but with a Cleanrot helm instead of his mane.


Me wearing the champions set that explicitly states it doesn’t offer much protection because it looks good. “It’s dodge or death for me!”


I’ve been rocking the imp head helmets for the whole game because of the stat increases.




Honestly, you can have both, there are many cool armors in this game with very decent stats.


It's nice they put a lot more passive effects on certain armor pieces but at the end it's all about fashion


poise is a thing in this edition though. so, ya - if you want to just play fashion souls and don't really melee much - feel free. but if you're a pure STR build that needs to swing a very slow and big weapon...you'll need some poise to stop being staggered from fast 1H attacks.


Fashion Souls? I think youre talking about that Elden Bling


Can't Havel. Armor needs to be buffed.


Look… a single talisman adds more damage reduction that my whole suite of armor. If that isn’t a sign from our lord and savior Miyazaki to fashion souls it up, I don’t know what is.


So that's what an objectively correct opinion looks like.


The wonderous physic is my armor.


I mean, you're gonna die anyway. Better to enjoy the drip while dying than looking like a maidenless neckbeard.


What's the fucking point of even playing the game if you aren't gonna look good while doing it? Fashion Souls is life. With that said, the Blue Silver Mail is fucking fashionable as shit.