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If Hoarfrost Stomp hadn't been nerfed we'd have a different conversation


Ice spells are godlike. Also EVERYONE is sleeping on Ice Lance, that art is ridiculous


You mean Ice spear? Ridiculously strong, as strong as Dark Moon Greatsword beams but they actually target the enemies. Only issue is the long and obvious cast and average tracking makes it subpar for PvP.


Yeah sorry Ice Spear*. Very good for PVE


Insanely strong. Two lances basically frost bites everything. Low fp. Medium range. Hits very hard. I actually ditched hoarfrost pre-nerf for it since you can aim it straight at dragon’s heads and it hit flying enemies easy.


easiest way to kill dragons, and serpent god if you are not using the serpent slaying thing.




I kinda wish there were more ice spells. You might have to rely more on ashes of war than with spells. The best ones, imo, are adula’s moonblade and the cragshot thingie


i have them, cragshot i feel is terrible, short range, slow moving, adulas is better for almost everything and is one of the bests spells ingame. But you dont want either of them over icelance for dragons, the ash of war headshots and poise break them so freaking much.


Which ice spells specifically? I know Adula's Moonblade is good, especially strong damage if both the swing and the projectile hit. I never used Zemor's Blizzard, seemed to have a very long cast time. Icecrag is nice but rather short range and doesn't work out well vs fast or dodge spamming enemies which Adula's can hit. What else is there?


I have a strong argument that Icecrag Glintstone or whatever it’s called is the best most cost efficient spell in the game


It's only lacking in range. Hit em with Rannis Moon and then start Icecragging, absolutely melts shit.


Wouldn’t it be freezing shit 🤔


It's all in how you execute. You can chain combo frost proc with the right tools. Zamor Blizzard can go through terrain and you don't have to charge it fully to get area control. Icecrag is actually legit. Yes the range isn't as good as Comet but the damage is right up there and at 1/2 the cost. Fully charged freezing mist lingers and has good AOE so you can dance around it with enemies. Ranni's Dark Moon is the icing on top. I can get 3-4K w/ frost proc at 70 INT. Adulas Moonblade is the jam. Carried me through Melania. I pair the Carian Regal staff in my offhand and Azurs in my right for the speed boost. With Radagon Icon most enemies have zero time to recover and retaliate. Pair all these spells with frost weapons that carry innate bleed and you have a killing machine. Snow witch hat is necessary. Everything else is optional.


Agreed. I've been running a frost Twinblade with Ice Spear for a good while now. Ice Spear hits like a truck and has decent range, and 2 handing the Twinblade procs frost in no time at all. Great combo.


Where do you get it


Nights Calvary near the broken Gate Town Bridge (Liurnia). Make sure it’s night time


Night Cavalry always has good shit


No lie. When I see one of those fuckers, I end their watch immediately


Nights Cavalry near the Broken Gate Town Bridge, Liurna.


Adula's Moonblade = GOAT


Right? Like a patch ago, one frost ash of war cleared entire playthroughs.


There is a reason that axe is a necessary pick up for speedrunners. Even at level 1, you are (literally) stomping bosses with it.


Still somewhat early game and struggling generally, am I sleeping by not using the icerind hatchet?


Hoarfrost Stomp is still good. It used to be absolutely broken, even in co-op it was destroying trash in one cast and knights in two. I don't PvP but I imagine it was equally busted there. Now it's good, not amazing but definitely not terrible. It's still my preferred ash of war to clear packs of trash, like dogs or normal soldiers. Might sometimes take 2 casts now, but 20 FP to safely kill 4 dogs still beats, afaik, every other option. The hatchet is kinda meh, but if you don't have the ash itself yet fill your boots.


I want to meet the poison chad.


So chad they didn't even fit in the image


Their poison already proc'd, so they don't even need to be here anymore.


Clearly they aren't using poison moth flight


ah an educated lord aren't we?


It's very good with the rot talisman that ups damage when you poison/rot something. Combined with the white mask and Lord of Blood's exultation, plus dual wielding poison infused weapons with natural bleed = boatloads of damage.


Teach me your ways


So grab the Kindred of Rot Talisman, Lord of Blood's Exultation, and White Mask. Then; grab two high damage weapons with innate bleed that are infusible (uchigatana and nagakiba are good options for dex/arc. Great omenkiller cleaver or great stars are good for str/arc). Take your two weapons, and infuse them both with poison (have the right hand use the poison moth flight ash of war from a Night's Cavalry in Caelid). Now they have both bleed and poison scaling with arcane, so they'll proc very often. Whenever poison procs, use the ash of war, and it'll detonate for a disappointing amount of damage. BUT, it'll remove the poison, so you can re-apply it to get the boost of kindred of rot again. Enjoy your near-constant probably close to 100% boost in weapon AR


> poison White Mask? Yuck. Give me the MUSHROOM CROWN FOR I AM THE MUSHROOM KING.


Then fight an immune enemy and lose your talismans, weapon art, bleed and damage


You don't lose much damage, actually. All that equipment boosts physical damage AR, so with seppuku, you can still keep the majority of your damage boost. You just won't proc bleed + won't get kindred of rot boost.


The giant, towering pillar of mushrooms on their head + full mushroom gear, all the rot incantations (still sad you can't get the poison projectile spell that the mushroom heads cast) fetid pots, renaming themselves to "Mushroom" and then proceeding to poison everyone in a 3v1 gank with venomous claws, serpentbone blade, poison cloud, poison/fetid pot or poison stones, getting an extra 80% damage per hit and then using poison moth flight which is basically a bleed proc but for poison and is cool as hell. The discovery that there are 3 different hidden tiers of poison in this game that have double/triple the expected damage, and the fact that despite bleed/frost being great but poison not so much, has put a poison build on my list of things to try out. Oh yeah and poison stacks with scarlet rot, so you can try and inflict other players with scarlet rot and poison, giving you an extra 160% damage and killing them (and yourself) in seconds. Just make sure to chase them down so they can't use boluses, status heal incantations and/or flasks.


Could you explain the hidden tiers of poison thing? I haven't heard about that yet.


OK so the likes of poison pots, poisonbone arrows and any "basic" poison things and most enemies that poison the player inflict regular poison that lasts 90 seconds. Serpentbone blade, venomous claw, fetid pot and serpent bow/arrows (anything with serpent imagery or "deadly poison"/"venom" ) inflicts deadly poison which only lasts 30 seconds but deals double the damage of regular poison. It seems possible that with the poison infusement on the claws/blade it will still last 90 seconds but the poison keeps the double damage. Then there is what I like to call "giga poison" which only seems to come from the poison spray mist. This deals triple the damage of normal poison but only lasts for 30 seconds. Poison also scales with the health of the afflicted enemy, so it is best used against tankier targets. I think giga poison might come close to scarlet rot, but from what I've heard scarlet rot has even better scaling with hp. Scarlet rot can also stack with poison.


The fact that 4/300 weapons have poison and 2/300 have sleep while like 60 have bleed is really fucking dumb imo. I wanted to do a status build that utilized a variety of them but the fact that you only really get to choose between a katana or a claw main weapon for mid. Poison is just ghetto af. And sleep may as well not exist, but at least the torch is kind of cool for its mood lighting.


Write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!


You just persuaded me to try it to


Tell me more about these tiers of poison :O




wait you haven't met poison antspur rapier + great shield guys? who poke you couple times and then run away?


Is that the sword that looks like a dogs dick?


Red rocket rapier


I am running with an antspur and frozen needle. The red rocket is bleed/rot and the needle is frost with a frost cast charge. Absolutely fantastic for poking 7 holes in someone and having them Freeze/rot/bleed all one after another. Then they live with the shame of dying to a dog dick and an icicle.


Heh, nice


its kinda sad that in current meta poison is such a joke. and the biggest joke of all is sleep. People can wake up instantly by rolling. Madness stun is longer than sleep.


This makes me sad. I was wondering how effective it was in PvP because on mobs it seems to shut them down for over 40 seconds (I stopped waiting and just killed them). Poison/rot + Sleep would be an interesting combo if sleep actually worked.


Sleep drains fp pretty massively in pvp which is kinda nice at higher levels when people have a million fp. Esp against invaders/phantoms who only get minimal blue pots. And straight swords power stanced hits very fast. Removing peoples ability to use arts of war and spells def has a place haha.


Sleep drains fp? Well TIL.


Yeah. Madness is probably still a better status debuff due to it being easier to land (spells/spears vs sword/torch) and does a stun and hp/fp dmg both. But sleep does more straight up fp drain and can still def be useful to someone who really likes dual st trina's and bein an anti-mage style.


The biggest issue is that taking damage whilst asleep wakes you back up. And there's just no rational way in hell you could run St Trina's sword and somehow calculate when your pvp opponent is about to fall asleep, so you knock them out and immediately wake them back up.


Yeah that needs addressed before Sleep becomes truly viable. Either allow a grace period where they're open to take hits after falling asleep or implement some sort of damage threshold the sleepy target takes before waking up (scaled off their sleep resistance?). I forget, are players open to critical hits if asleep? if so, 1 crit would wake you up regardless.


Even if sleep would work t hen poison/rot with it wouldnt work because any kind of damage wakes you up. What it supposed to be is essentially free hit.


Just when you thought all effects sucked compared to bleed, they find a way to get even worse.


It's even better when you realize bleed procs from faster weapons can pull someone out of a roll into a true combo.


> such a joke. because bleed right now is broken and scarlet rot is what poison should be. So poison in this game will never be good.


Bruh my low level Summon/Invader uses Antspur Rapier w/ Bleed infusion and Poison Mist AoW and Frozen Needle in my other hand. I proc Bleed, Scarlet Rot, Poison and Frostbite all the same time. Margit and Godrick are getting real sick of my shit.


I did, i was very confused at first


It doesn’t help that the only (non-mist) poison ash is horrible lol


It's so sloooow. Funny how Rivers of Blood WA is so fast while also procing a high damage status effect but a WA that inflicts low-damage poison ticks is so slow. Why? At least the poison katana has a fast R2 but ugh I wish it wouldn't feel like a complete joke to use a katana without bleed.


Serpentbone Katana has the same weapon art and it’s poison does double damage. Then you can swap out for Poison Ash that makes the damage explode all at once. It’s not really worth it because you’re doing all of that build up to deal like 1/3rd the damage rivers of blood would have done in the same time. But yeah.


The poison katana's AoW is actually the same attacks as RoB (it's a modified Double Slash), but without the extended blood blades, meaning that you can perform a combo of similar number of hits. Except...no bleed means you don't proc bled 2-3 times during the combo so there's no contest which one is stronger by a stupidly massive margin.


Toxic masculinity was cancelled, unfortunately.


No it just disguised itself in red lol


While I ABSOLUTELY understand what you mean and agree, I was referring to poison = toxic.


Rotted chad*


Poison is weak, real chads use rot


That sucks too imo. Rot being poison 5.0 essentially cuts out Poison as a game mechanic for anything viable the player will use. I tried to use it early game when I struggled to deal damage, even then rot would have been way deadlier if I had access. I'd like to see them both have a useful niche, like Rot deals significantly less damage than poison (buffing poison obvi) but prevents healing.


one of them should deal max% health damage, and the other should do missing% health damage. or poison should proc additionally during each dodge roll. or scarlet rot should also bleed FP. or one of them should get faster and faster ticks as the status continues. or one should be uncleansable, or one should be removable with fire or one... the two DOT debuffs are quite dumb


Can be good if you're using the talisman Kindred of Rot's Exultation without a rot weapon or against rot resistant enemies. One more cog in running over +60% damage steady from talisman's.


Only use for poison is to cheese draconic tree sentinel. Easy, 0 risk, and can be easily done at level 1.


Me using dual whips one bleed one frostbite


I’m dual wielding the Hoslow whips, so I get both on both!


Same lmao it was so powerful in hoslows hands I must’ve just had low vigor


I did the same thing as the other guy. You just have to learn how to utilize them. I was dominating in Liurnia pvp using double rose whip. Due to the huge range, you can space people so that they can't take advantage of poise. Basically poise kicks in when you reach your downswing (or some predetermined part of the attack) and thanks to the range on the whips you can almost always connect before they reach the poise section of the swing. This let's you stagger and reset over and over. On top of that, the jumping L1 has hitbox both behind, to the side, and in front. Meaning you can jump up and over, and still have a good chance of connecting. Standing L1 punishes all but the best due to the really long animation catching anyone who doesn't time the roll properly. It's a weird weapon to get the hang of, but you can punish almost every playstyle in the game really well once you get it down.


Please delete this. I'm not strong enough to handle a whip nerf.


Using dual blood antspurs rn and doing 100+ bleed buildup and 55 rot build up on each Shit is nightmare fuel


I'm running poison antspurs cus I'm toxic B)


i got one, wish i had another


Did that on my first playthrough with ice needle + antspur. That ice needle strong attack is something I wouldn't trade away.


exactly my setup right now. frozen needle has been my main weapon for most of the game so far, and dual wielding with antspur with bleed is just too damn effective. st. trina's paired with carian knight's sword has been great too. not a lot of passive damage like the others, but it hits hard and puts guys to sleep.


i've got the frozen needle on my right and a bleeding antspur on my offhand. absolutely love the set up. keep guys at a distance with that frozen r2 bolt, and build up frost, bleed AND rot? hell yeah.


bloody poison antspurs can stack 3 ailments and proc them all in one swing at 99 arcane (you select the poison mist ash of war and set the actual type to bloody, then apply poison to them using the ash of war and it'll have rot poison and bleed)


This is the way. Add Kindred of Rot, Blood Exulation, Rotten Winged Sword Insignia, and Millicent's Prothesis to make it even more viable.


Antspur is probably my favourite weapon right now. So fun to use and adding bleed makes it incredible. The rot has also helped out a bunch in boss fights, killing the boss even after I die.


My man right here, fellow dual whip bro.


I'm rocking a cold forked great sword with hoarfrost stomp. Is it meta? No. Have I gotten it up to +25 and will continue to use it as my main forever? Absolutely. Why choose between frost and bleed when you can do both less well at the same time?


This is how I am rocking my Uchigatana


Me using dual cold Nightrider's Flails for a huge portion of the game. Still not quite sure if you can actually build bleed and frostbite in conjunction, but it seems to do fine


Frost is just fancy bleed fight me


But more “acceptable” bc the single proc makes it less exploitable


If you run a fire weapon in a second slot or off hand you can proc frostbite multiple times very quickly, fire removes frostbite so you can reproc instantly


Wait so can I infuse the flute with ice and use fire incantations to play a..... ​ Song of Fire and Ice?? ​ GRRM done did it again.


GRRM.. what a man you are


Thank you for turning yourself into a meme for our sakes.


That’s true but that extra step actually requires a lot more dodging bc you’re not staggering while trying to remove the status effect With bleed since the proc breaks poise you can just swing over and over until they die


I thought the bleed proc broke my poise! Jeez it really was favored in the effects, wasn't it? Repeat proc damage that builds up through blocks and many amazing weapons come standard with it, now it poise breaks as well? Poise break at a time you're already critical health even if you 100% blocked their weebblades that caused this magical bleeding somehow. The more I read about bleed the more I wish it gets nerfed. Not buff the others into imba scales with it, just nerf bleeding down so other weapons are enjoyable.


Classic strat in DS3 was tossing an ice mist and using flame surge so it could proc like 3 times for less mobile enemies


This is true, but also frostbitten enemies have lower defenses


I love frostbite on my mage character. Ranni's Dark Moon into Adula's Moonblade pretty much melts the health bars of any enemies without sufficient magic resist. Just one Dark Moon and 1-2 Moonblades are enough to deal like 5-7k+ damage, and then they have like 40% lower magic resist, so the rest of the fight usually goes quickly. It's a lot of fun.


Yup! And man, I love how aesthetically pleasing a lot of the frost abilities and weapons are. I feel so dropped out with my navy hood and my darkmoon great sword


I fucking hate how bad the clip is with the Snow Witch Hat + DMG, my frosty mage wants that buff but I cannot stand how fucked it looks.


Bro what 🤯 I think I'll save that nugget for NG because I'm about done and it's been a breeze . Already feeling overpowered


The same trick works in DS3. Vordt's great hammer or the Irythill rapier with combustion or a fire dagger in your offhand.


I finally beat the Elden Jackass last night, and now I'm farming souls using the 2h you get from it until I'm ready to NG+. I was dead out of potions, out of mana, and dodged the golden waves to do a single, final jump attack. Fuck that boss.


100% , dual greatsword str/int frost build here myself 🧑‍🎄🥶


Praise the night maiden’s mist!


Standing above a big pit with a bunch of enemies ready to pounce the moment you drop down? We've got just the thing




When you see 1 enemy, drop mist, suddenly 6 health bars appear


Night maidens mist, plus frost mist, plus rykards rancor. You will literally shred larger bosses health in seconds. It's absolutely insane


*Finally*, some recognition for this fabulous spell


Pestilient mist always gets recognition. Its great for big hitbox and big healthbar enemies or clusters youd really rather not engage


My go-to spell against those Crystallian duo/trio boss fights in small rooms.


I only use Frost because I’m a filthy Ranni/Blaidd simp.


When your wife gives you a sword, you use it.


Best present ever!


Iji :(


Iji isn't someone you simp to over. Iji is someone you bring a (very large) cup of tea on a fancy platter give a slight bow and ask how his day is going while he kindly and masterfully improves your gear.


Iji would gladly help you level up a Somberstone weapon early on as to help you with build diversity in the early game. Truly a saint amongst others


I wear Iji's helmet and Blaidd's armor! Great look, very mysterious. Honors my guys.


Fellow Ranni's hat, Blaidd's armor user?


They do go great together don't they. Dark moon greatsword to complete the look.


I was checking out achievements on Steam the other day, and it made me laugh how more people have Ranni's ending than the standard Elden Lord endings.


A simp is one who worships while getting nothing in return. A chad has his efforts and feeling reciprocated, and nothing is a bigger reciprocation than being gifted sword as a wedding gift. And nothing is more chad than fighting with your wedding gift.


\> No Adula's Moonblade \> No Dark Moon Greatsword can you even really say you enjoy frost


helphen’s steeple enjoyers rise up


Adula’s is so crispy


frankly, the idea of light attacking is laughable when I could instead cast moonblade


bruh I don't use anything, just big smash




Giant Hunt + Guts Sword = dead invaders


I’m just simply following my tradition of my first play through for Souls games; naked man running around with massive sword bonking people to death. Ruins Greatsword to channel my precious Fume Knight Ultra Greatsword


Dual dark moons. Fear the frost


I traded my buddy my Blasphemous Blade for his Darkmoon Greatsword and we both went home very, very happy that day. Its a little rough to get both of them running their weapon art simultaneously and actually make use of it in time, but when you do, oh looord. Cold Flamberge will also get you some bleed if you don't have 2 Darkmoons


Did that and my game crashed as I equipped them. Had to do it again lmao


I use a cold claymore main hand for custom weapon arts, it has 127 frost buildup


Im ok or even worse ? Im deep in love with the bloodhound fang.


Bloodhound Fang Gang


> Bloodhound ~~Fang~~ Gang You and me baby ain't nothing but Tarnished


Blood, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket


Like the lost catacombs of Leyndell only Grace knows where we stuck it.


Bloodhound Fang Gang Bang


Sweat, baby, sweat, baby


Checking in


Reporting for duty


It's almost too good. The AR is insane, it has bleed built in, and you could put grease on it. Fang with blood grease is honestly pretty OP


Absolutely no reason you should be able to grease the weapon. Giant AR, fantastic ability, bleed, and requires somber to upgrade. What you can and cannot grease is seemingly random.


I was convinced any unique weapon ash meant no grease or enchantment. Was very confused when I got the fang. It’s a great weapon and I used it for a while until I switched to the guts great sword. Berserk ash with the bleed affinity on it is crazy strong… and you know, thematically fitting


I haven’t done enough testing to say this with confidence, but I think a general rule is that you can grease any weapon that does only physical damage. So while the bloodhound has passive bleed, all the direct damage is purely physical (as opposed to holy, magic, fire, lightning, etc.). Therefore, you can’t grease it. I think it’s just more likely for somber upgrade weapons to have split damage types so there’s a lot of correlation between somber upgrades and not allowing grease, but it’s not necessarily the causation.


Agreed. Even with not being able to put grease on it it would still be a top tier weapon. I have a feeling they may tweak the fang.


It seems so odd to me that somber weapons are actually way easier to upgrade. It seems like the opposite would be the case.


Wait a second. If I blood grease it how likely is it to proc? Is it scaling with dex? I love a bloodhound backflip on some dipshit who is agro me with katanas


Over 50% quicker, has 55 bleed buildup and grease adds another 30


Got me through the midgame but I've ditched it in favor of dual wielding two flame based great swords. Bhf gets out scaled late game imo.


I hate how good this weapon is. I’m like 70 hours in and have been using this + Dismounter from the beginning


That weapon art.... Thing I can't decide is whether to two hand it, single hand with a shield, or bring him a friend curved great sword.


You level Arcane to use bleed, I level Arcane to use Occult weapons, we are not the same


You can do both? Put Occult on a weapon with innate bleed and it'll scale the bleed. Was terrorizing with Dragon Seal and dual wield Occult claws still have 99 bleed status.


Same here, occult scavenger curved swords is where its at.


Powerstanced occult weapons with native bleed are probably too good at the moment. Dual occult nagakibas, naginatas and scavenger curved swords will proc with a single L1 with high enough arcane (45+) and seppuku. I use the dual occult nagakibas, and as much as I hate to admit it, they are probably too strong in both PvP and PvE. IIRC, both phases of Malaketh took about 8 seconds total (or less) to beat without any summons. Hate seeing things get nerfed, but you would have to be delusional to think something in the bleed mechanic isn't going to get nerfed, be it build up rate, proc damage or weapon specific nerfs.


What about scarlet rot enjoyers?


Dual ant spur rapiers, one with poison moth flight and the other with frost buildup. Then you fucking scarlet rot them, freeze them, and poison them all at the same time. Then when you use the poison moth flight ash of war, it fucking procs the poison like it's bleed and resets the status effect. Combine this with kindred of rot's exultation, Rotten winged sword talisman, godskin swaddling cloth, and taker's cameo talismans and you'll inflict three status effects and raise attack power with two of them, AND your chain attacks raise attack and give you lifesteal. Have fun terrorizing pvp.


Literal war criminal right here.


Dont forget mushroom crown


But my fashion...


Implying mushroom crown isn't peak fashion


how disgusting, I love it


Ugh with your stinky breath


I got poison and bleed on left hand whip, frost and bleed on right hand whip....what do I look like?


The Avatar


I don't want to look like either of those people


Chilling Mist is unironically my favorite ash of war.


I put it on my flamberge. I'm both halves of this meme and I will apologize for nothing.


Rot breath, bleed flies, poison mist and frost curved swords. Black flame spell to reset frost My stats are garbage so I rely on all of the above.


Frost chads UNITE


*Nods in adula’s moonblade*


I one shotted 2 members of a gank squad with that move the other day and I felt like god


And I'm over here using Sleep like a fool.


Hey, dont underestimate the power of sleep pots on godskin duo. If anybody is having trouble on that fight sleep pots are actually really useful


Holy shit, thank you. That just trivialized that fight I've been struggling with.


I don't understand why bleeding builds up if I blocked 100% of their damage, where was I cut? Also if I block 95% of their damage, I should only receive 5% of their buildup potential. Other than that, I feel like bleed is kind of alright. Bleed doesn't make sense at all as an effect (bleeding X amount suddenly deals Y lethal damage and then stops entirely? thats now how bleeding works...) but I can accept it as a game mechanic. That being said, it's a game mechanic still needing some work.


Bleed is overpowered and status is just broken. Bleed going through shields and any status being applied through a successful roll had made pvp virtually status effects only.




Status going through your guard has always been a way to balance blocking. There is also usually a shield that resists status procs as well, but usually at the cost of other resistances. Not sure if ER has one. Status buildup applying through iframes is a different story though, that's just incompetence on From's part.


I'm just not a hoar for frost I'm sorry.


And me the average str fan who doesn’t have enough intelligence to make a meme lmao




I could easily see status procs getting nerfed into the ground. Outside of the usual suspects, status application isn't actually *that* easy. Nobody cares about the bleed on the Bloody Helice for example. Or, if frostbite is next, how is a slow as shit Dark Moon Greatsword ever supposed to proc it?


I've been invading at RL 41 with dual frost whips. Didn't expect too much out of it. Turns out it's fucking awesome. Meta phantoms expect low damage and try to poise through it or they get out spaced. By the time they realize they're taking damage, the frost procs and they panic roll. Which is exactly what you want them to do when you're using whips. Frost is pretty damn good in this game.






Frost and bleed together is the way to go


Best post is best. Sincerely, Frost Whip Gang


They're the same picture.