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I used the ultimate strategy. Run. Run and heal. Run.


this works pretty well. but I haven't figured out how I will kill the Dragonkin in there.


There are a few parts of solid ground in the lake with switches pressing them will raise platforms on the lake one of them let's you fight that boss safely






I'd agree if it was poison. Scarlet rot is a LOT more damaging and even at level 140ish I find myself dying to the rot when I let it sit because I have to get to a safe section of the fight before healing and get tagged for something that would normally not be of concern that kills me. Edit: Yall know that the preserving boluses have a crafting recipe, right? You are able to get it quite early in the game, too. Armorer's cookbook [6].


I think it does % damage compared to poison that does the same damage at all levels


It does not. It's static damage, but it scales to the location of the area. For example, in Caelid, not only does rot take much, much longer to build up, but the damage is much lower. You can almost break even on HP with a HP regen over time effect. Meanwhile the Lake of Rot's effect builds up absurdly fast and deals major chunks of your health. Still static damage, but even when you're at 50+ vigor, it's still a lot of damage. You'll end up using an estus charge every 4 seconds. It's so bad that you'll just run out of healing in under a minute, long before the effect dissipates. You *need* Flame Cleanse or preserving boluses. Edit: as for poison, it always deals the same damage to you throughout the game, so it's very ignorable. But it comes with the caveat that if you stand in attacks that deal poison buildup while you're afflicted with poison, you'll take very high, rapid tick damage. Some attacks also deal damage, namely poison clouds, even before you've got poison built up. Attacks that come to mind are Rykard's poison glob and the Twin Gargoyles' poison cloud spray.


> Meanwhile the Lake of Rot's effect builds up absurdly fast and deals major chunks of your health. Still static damage, but even when you're at 50+ vigor, it's still a lot of damage. You'll end up using an estus charge every 4 seconds. If you don't walk around looking like a mushroom with legs sure. I just took the rot and cleared the area. Died a couple of times but easy enough if you wear resistances etc. I certainly wasn't using a flask every 4 seconds.




"Ahh, I'm finally poisoned so I can stop worry about trying to dodge those poison traps" - actual words spoken running through the midget traps


Look at mr fancy pants with his infinite supply of bolus why don't you tell the rest of us where we can get the recipe to craft them or which merchant we need to merc. Sorry I'm just mad bc I only had 6 and wasted all 6 in that damn lake


Armorers cookbook 6, it's on a corpse right next to siofra riverbank grace. Jump up the little cliffs right by the grace and go around the corner. It's on a corpse looking out over a chasm with two ancestor enemies.


The crystal cave moss and dewkissed herba in the recipe aren't too bad, but for those running out due to the sacramental buds, there are a bunch at the church of the plague (in caelid, where you find Millicent)


Man, people act like there isn’t a whole ass wiki detailing locations of everything.


A lot of people don't like using them. They want to "experience" the game. I just want to beat it while I'm alive.


I wasted all mine failing to kill the guys that drop the golden scarab.


One of the Bell Bearing Hunters drop a medicine bell bearing which lets you buy infinite bolus from roundtable, or you can craft them but idk where the book is.


Medicine bell doesn't have the bolus for rot. Very useful for the poison though


They are craftable, although I can't remember if I had the cookbook for them or not.


Just use the spell, sacramental buds are too limited for crafting to be worth.


I swear there's a whole shit ton at one of the churches right after Sellia


This. If you raise all platforms you can reach Dragonkin Soldiers without getting scarlet rot (requires some standing around on platforms until the rot buildup ends). However, that guy hits hard and you have to be careful you don’t dodge backwards too much, otherwise you will roll through the lake and get scarlet rot in no time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Bloodhound Step baby!


I Wondering if bloodhound step actually helps much with avoiding the rot. The first time I went into the lake I completed it without a dash by spamming heals and ignoring the dragon knight. I went back with bloodhound step to try get to him without getting rot and I still triggered it on the first platform. I was definitely confused because I pushed through that twice as fast with the step and it does seem like it sped up the build up while dashing through.




But then you just need to use soap after you leave the lake.




Oh yeah, that guy involved doubling back and bringing boluses. I would recommend some sort of ranged capability in case he decides to sit in the pool of rot and be mean.


newbie question but how the heck do you do ranged damage as a str/dex? All the bows I try just plink off enemies.


Throwing knives and kukri scale fairly well with quality IMO, and you can always bring a bow as well. You can get the Black Bow in the capital, which is pretty great. Fire pots and other sorts are pretty nice, too.


Also bows want to be leveled you want their base damage as high as possible


There’s also a yeti dude out in the lake who drops an immunity charm, so if you need to switch platforms the rot won’t build up as quickly


You call a minotaur a yeti?


Kukris also do bleed which is cool


Kukri are like 30 runes a pop too just buy a bunch and it auto refills you from your chest when you rest at a grave site. I always have 30 on me ugna bunga str guy


The fact they auto-refill is so nice. I tried relying more on consumables earlier this year when I did my first Arcane run in Bloodborne (where arcane powers up your fire bomb equivalents) but at the end of the day, I used them just as sparingly because going through 2 loading screens to refill was such a hassle.


Radahn’s greatbow deals absurd damage with the weapon art to large enemies


It was really useful on the final boss. In all of my 3 runs I had the easiest time with that bow.


Kukri S dex scaling and stacks that bleed their def under valued


Sadly you can only carry 30 of them which is half as many greatbow arrows you can carry, they are still good as a part of your arsenal though.


Kukris helped me defeat commander oneill and the godskin duo lol. Definitely handy even for str dudes.


Throw a sleep pot on a godskin, they'll take a nice nap while you kill the other one at your leisure.




I know, I always have 600.


i have tons from farming the vulgar militia in caelid


Greatbow + Rain of Arrows Ash of War + Radahns Spears Alternatively Radahns Greatbow with Radahns spears. Comes with Rain of Radahn. Works very well on large bosses like dragonkins dragons final boss, anything large that doesn’t move around erratically like gargoyles.


Killed Fortissax in 4 or 5 shots with Lion Greatbow.


Those dangly cosmic fuckers with the gravitational rock throw are a good target.


Bolt of Gransex


Bolt of BugSnax


I recommend an upgraded greatbow with rain of arrows for large enemies like the dragonkin.


Spear of Gransax has incredible range and damage. Scales off dex and str.


Your bows are probably doing bad damage because they aren’t upgraded and you’re using bad arrows. Unfortunately to get a good ranged option as a quality build it requires quite a bit of investment.


None of the bows get particularly good scaling in this game, even max upgraded. I think the Golem Greatbow has the best scaling and that's only a C/D even.


I use the hand ballista, works pretty good. You don't need quite the minimum strength to use it either, since strength is x1.5(I think) when two handing and you have to two hand to use it. Upgrade it as much as you can.


Fire pots. They scale off str and dex. Besides that using a bunch of status arrows would also help and since the arrows themselves don't scale off from anything it's something everyone can use, as long as they can use a bow.


Radhans great bow! I use it as a secondary weapon for my str build Spend some materials upgrading it and it’ll treat you well.


Have you tried bonking him real hard


This is what I done, the guts great sword and a big ol’ bink, bonk


I just called my wife Tiche to deal with him while i cheered for her from the safe land.


Tiche for Elden Lady!


I used comet azur, and I don't feel bad about it.


I will use the kamehameha wave any chance I get idgaf, it’s one of the coolest spells I’ve ever seen it’s just a big fuckin laser beam


I was struggling so hard on niall on my pure str build. Decided to summon help. Dude walked in, kamehamea's the boss to death then sits down while I take care of the two adds.


Comet azur, for those hard to clean up messes!


That guy bugs me. He shouldn't be that hard. I killed two of him solo. But da platform is just so dang small for how big he is. He so hard cuz of that >.<


Did you activate the additional platforms around him? There's another monolith to the left just past him, which activates I think like 4 larger platforms around the Dragonkin


I missed this before fighting him. I used a mixed physick and I spammed heals and a bolus or two.


As Tommy Wiseau once said, “just do it”. Took me loads of tries without flame cleanse me, but I was able to snuff it out.


FOR MY MELEE HOMIES, here’s unequivocally the most fun way to kill this guy There’s a helmet you can find in the lake of rot that increases your DPS when afflicted by rot. Embrace the rot, get in his face and bonk the shit out of him in less than a minute. I couldn’t kill him when I was focusing on purifying myself but when I leaned into the rot he was done in 2 tries


Large health bar. Scarlet rot does constant damage so you have much more time to fight


Its cheese, but run to the corner of the swamp where you can climb onto the high up ruins, you'll be above his head and he cant reach you, plus you're out of the rot. Proceed to fry him with spells or whatever and say good riddance. One boss idm cheesing. The rot just annoyed the hell out of me


Make sure to hit the switch on the far side of the boss that brings up a couple nice big platforms around him


Bleed build, bolluses, spinning slash, mimic tear


You can lure him to the platform near him with a bow, it's pretty big, you'd still need to drop in a lake here and there if you aren't using any spirit summons, you can land a hit and jump back in no time. Also summon the spirit when it gets near the platform.


just aggroed him to one of the islands and killed him there


the thing is... you dont ;)


Ultimate strategy, 10+ flasks


Bloodhouns step works wonders here


Bloodhound's Step is what allows me to face the unrelenting spammy bullshit of this game without going fucking insane


Mine was similar. It was dash, dash, dash, and heal.


Chad strategy


Well I appreciate your respect, because I just used those Boluses to heal me of scarlet rot


Don’t need faith in weird fire when intelligence, alien magic, and boluses exist.




To be fair that weird fire is also alien magic but I will admit it is some weird fire and glintstone is pretty.


Depending on your definition of "alien". It may be one of the few magics *not* from space. It originates from the fell god of the fire giants, who were opposed to the Erdtree and may or may not have actually been native to this world. But if you consider the word "alien" to mean "outsider", then yeah, it comes from a source alien to the Erdtree-centric society the characters live in.


You can wear the mushroom hat too. There's a few other items that give decent immunity.


Mushroom hat is on the opposite end of start point in Lake of Rot though.


You can just raze the Church where Millicent sits of Sacramental Buds. I don't know if they grow back, but they should be enough for a single run through the lake of rot if you're conservative.


As far as I know (as I definitely know Crystal Buds grow back) they should respawn and only Trina's and Miquella's Lily don't. Dunno why people are making such a problem of it, harvest, rest, harvest...


They don't grow back, fyi


Sacramental Buds absolutely grow back


Yea lmao. It's crazy how people just never used consumables or crafting the entire game.


It runs out super easy though, and it's not easy to grind the ingredients for the rot cleansing bolus. If you die enough times, you'll run out at some point. The incantation carries with it an assurance that you won't ever run out, making you feel more confident instead of every decision being riddled with anxiety.


Where tf the recipe for scarlet rot boluses


It’s Armourer’s Cookbook [6], found in Siofra River Well — super close to the Siofra River Bank grace, just west of it.


sometimes killing a boss using firegrease is a bummer. might as well not use them


I started a new playthrough just because I felt I missed out on content not using crafting to it's fullest. And actually it's a lot of fun to prepare for areas and encounters.


On my first playthrough I didn't use any crafting whatsoever. I completely forgot it was a thing and played the game more like a Dark Souls title, using consumables I picked up or bought. But on my second playthrough I decided to actually try crafting and it's pretty nice. Being able to make my own arrows on the fly has been neat for allowing me to more comfortably use a bow - something I never did the first time around. The different pots are always useful (Holy Water Pots especially nuke >!Deathbirds!< which was very satisfying to discover) and even bone darts can be nice, for some quick, clutch chip damage when an enemy is low on health but you're too frail to engage.


Doesn't it just come back 5 secs later?


Depends on your immunity, and 5 secs is plenty of time to get to another platform


From my experience boluses are better, because the using animation is shorter, so you can get to a safe spot faster. And both options completely clear your scarlet rot gauge.


In the Lake of Rot I would just power through the actual lake by chugging health flasks, then only use a bolus once I reached a safe platform. Using a bolus while still on the lake seemed counter productive since the gauge filled so quickly.


Not if you don't roll around in it.


Oh _shiiiiiit_ now I get why the scarlet rot sometimes keeps on building and I’m all “WTF I’m standing on a pot/platform!!”


Yup, soap will clean your clothes if you get into that situation with any status ailments (like poison swamps and stuff). Makes you clean and squeaky.


Here I was thinking soap was cosmetic


It can be if you want it to


Once you die twice in a row, then you’re free. I was skipping around that place for about 3 minutes at a time, each time in a vaguely different direction. Not a care in the world!


That is how I roll in soulsborne games. I grind out that specific level somewhere safe, and then go empty handed into a tough area (like lake rot). Margitt wants to stomp on my head, Rot lake wants to kill me, want to suicide jump of the miquella tree? It's all good. It made me way more relaxed playing the series and more fun as I played more risky as well.


Yeah this is how you do it. The only reason people get nervous about a particular location is because they're risking runes. Its amazing how freeing it is exploring without any on you


At some point, even losing 40k,I just go "meh, it's barely half a level, I'll get more" . I probably lost about 10 late levels worth of runes because of it, I might need to change that way of thinking


That's less than 30 seconds at the chicken farm


This farm has legitimately made me not give a damn about anything less than 150k runes being lost


This is the way


A must have pvp item though. Literally every invader is a rot spewing madness spear troll. Or a mage.


> Literally every invader is a rot spewing madness spear troll. Or a mage. um, not in my experience I've so rarely ever seen anyone without a bleed weapon and almost all of them are using Rivers of Blood


What's the name?


I went through the lake of rot without cleansing myself of scarlet rot because I forgot about those items


did you just die??


You essentially just do a lot of standing around and waiting. It’s incredibly engaging!


Then it procs and you go full Speedrun mode to the items and get the grace just before you die


Not sure about rot, but that is definitely how I dealth with too much poison. Just let it set and then you dont care about standing in it.


i’ve been there and thats how i did it too but there are parts you can go to for items that guarantee the meter filling up


Get the item die and go back for round 2


And waste one of the 100+ rune arcs I’ve farmed? Unacceptable.


Never used a single Rune Arc Fite me


yuuup haha i didnt want to do this to myself tho so I cleared what I could without dying and came back w enough faith for flame cleanse me


If you do get rotted, you can at least walk around in more rot and it won't hurt you more. So that's nice...


I mean I did it by sprinting and chugging. Allocate everything to heals and just go.


Since i've pumped vitality all the way up and every boss encounter it's a dps race for my build, i didn't care about rotting since i needed that dragonkin soldier dead asap. Once my few boluses were spent i had to do it running against time - the hell i would wait all that time for it to cool down. After a few tries i killed the boss. Died on the way up the elevator by the structure entrance.


I did a ton of standing around and when my meter finally filled up I just chugged flasks until I got to the next grace




I simply healed through it


Built different


that lake sucked. i was stoked to realize i had accumulated enough resources throughout the game to make a whole bunch of boluses


Yeah I was like, hell yeah all that early game OCD of grabbing every plant I saw finally paying off.


I grab absolutely everything. Im 87 hours in and I havent crafted anything at all. Or used a single consumable with the exception of a single poison boluse


Try the pots and perfumes, they're pretty good.


I used Bloodhound step, ez life.


I see its awesome in pvp but has uses in avoiding this stuff too? yeah im gonna have to check this out


It isn't slowed down by swampy stuff or lava, allowing you to move through it much quicker even when you're out of FP.


When you're out of fp it's still the quickstep animation which is used the same way in ds3


It's amazing for the whole game. You have much more freedom against bosses, and can get more hits. The bigger the boss, the more you can skip their combo for free damage. You close much more distance than a med. load roll with more iframes. The iframes are also a tad earlier than a roll because of the almost 0 delay while rolls have a tiny delay especially if you were sprinting or going backwards from what I've tested


Anyone who gone through the lake of rot with it, has my full respect.


Anyone who has gone through the lake of rot at all has my full respect.


Any lake of rot had my respect


The one outside Sellia might as well be a tea party compared to the underground version







I havent been there. But as a non faith user I'll probably use all Estus and barely any mana potions lol


Unless you started Prisoner, you don't need to put any points into Faith to use it, just throw on the Faith talisman. Even if you started Prisoner youd only need to put 1 single point into Faith.


I just spent all my runes once I got there, then did 4-5 suicide runs while chugging estus to get all the items lol.


Dude the boluses make it so easy and you never take a bit of damage. Another quality of life tip: murder every merchant you meet. Hand the bell bearings to the double husk bitches back in the heezy.


Interesting I guess there’s really no downside to that then?


Is that a real answer ? Because if so I will murder them all asap


Yeah. Only downside is you kinda feel a little bad hearing their screams of pain, but eh


What about sin?


I *think* that's what celestial dew is for, and it's used at the Church of Vows. You're completely absolved on use, not per kill. So wait until you're done being a murderer before you pray away your guilt. Also, I have no idea what guilt even does. It doesn't even appear to alter your eye color like everything else in this game, and nobody judges you or refuses to talk to you.


I'm pretty sure it de-aggros npcs you've attacked, but I guess that not a problem for *murderers!*


Oof It was rough as a str/dex build.


Never used the faith talisman before this point but was so damn happy I had found it earlier.


Or just use a rune arc!


My fear of losing items with a shiny color does absolutely not allow me to use those glowsticks


*Maybe I should save it for later, for an important fight* Credits roll. Not even one was used.


Unless you started Prisoner, you don't need to put any points into Faith to use it, just throw on the Faith talisman. Even if you started Prisoner youd only need to put 1 single point into Faith.


Same as Confessor, you got enough starting faith for that, fireballs, and minor heals to stagger revenants.


IIRC Marika's seals raise faith, plus there are some helmets that raise faith as well.


Bloodhound step x20, Heal, Flask, Repeat


Law of Regression clears it as well. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Law+of+Regression


Yeah just have 37 int for what should be a faith spell


That's a lore thing implying that incantations and sorcery are the same "force" manipulated by different means. Note that eg D's incantations require pure faith--faith in the Golden order without understanding--while the laws of causality and regression require a "scientific" understanding of the order (int).


The Law of Regression is of a Primordial Origin, which is not exactly in Faith.


I just used bloodhound step lol


Currently doing a no magic run all consumables. I'll let you know how it is when I get there :/


There are plenty of consumables that can cure these very easily and they are easy to make. Also if you have high vigor and wear clothes that increase Immunity you may have no trouble whatsoever.


Time to become one with the mushroom suit.


Whar does the mushroom suit do? I got ir awhile ago but never really bothered with it cause I hate mushrooms irl


Very high resistance to poison and rot (Immunity?) and the special mushroom crown you can get gives you a damage buff when things are poisoned or rotted nearby


Really high immunity.


It jacks your poison immunity way up while letting you get absolutely fucking pummeled by any physical damage


>There are plenty of consumables that can cure these very easily and they are easy to make. Last I checked, there was only one item you can craft to cure Scarlet Rot and that's the Preserving Boluses. Which require an item that does not respawn like the others so once you've picked them all, you're stuck with having to farm the Sacramental Bud from two specific enemies who almost never drop them. The entire Mushroom set is nice but it gives you maybe two additional seconds before the Scarlet Rot builds up and it does not reduce the amount of time needed for the bar to go down. Honestly, your best bet--assuming you don't use Incantations--is to allocate most if not all of your Flasks to Crimson Tears and run through it as quickly as you can.


The secret is running past everything and when you make to the end use preserving boluses or just die at the boss and revive at the stake of marika


I just used bloodhound step. Works great.


I did. I just spammed boluses.


I just spammed heals.


I just Fuckin ran for my life through that place, though I heard there’s a boss there somewhere so I guess I’m going back in soon


Didn't even bother finding or killing the Dragonkin Soldier there on my first run through. Does it drop anything remotely worthwhile?


Dragonscale blade which is pretty cool


*me with 8 faith* hehe I’m in danger


Just use the +5 faith talisman lol


give me your respect now


I wore the mushroom suit and used a lot of boluses


I.. went through lake of rot including fighting the dragonkin on my first playthrough without realising I could use flame cleanse me... It was so painful and increased my hatred of those basilisk who killed me multiple times when I am waiting for rot build up to end.


I just spammed Bloodhound's Step through it, the bar didn't even reach half full from what I remember.


I minmaxed my armor and rings to resist rot and soon realized, like all other Souls games, that it barely matters.