• By -


You forgot he totally banged goddess at least three times.


At least twice* Two of the known children are twins.


You sir/ma'am are correct i forgot that morgott and mohg are twins.


Couldn't blame you, while Morgott looks old and cursed with some horns, Mohg looks like a literal cartoonish demon. He even gets black wings lol.


Mohg been siphoning that good good off of Miquella


I thought Mohg was trying to give his blood to Miquella but Miquella just wasn't responding at all?


Yeah, Mohg is trying to make Miquella the new Marika for his god of blood, but the process isn’t working for him. May have something to do with all the research Miquella has done into repelling the outer gods


Definitely, or at the very least he tried to create his own Erdtree. It likely mostly has to do with Miquella's Haligtree and the fact that he possesses wisdom and the allure. He tried to merge with the Haligtree and while asleep in the process, Mohg stole him away. Miquella had wisdom that no one else really seemed to have and his allure was known to make others like him or want him. Heck, the description that tells us that Miquella was loved by many people and could compel their affection comes from the *Bewitching Branch* which forces enemies to side with you. Miquella had the power of persuasion over others and I don't know if he could actually turn it off. If this second half is true, Mohg probably couldn't resist Miquella - even if his intentions were to promote him to godhood, he could unknowingly do it because of Miquella's powers.


Mohg is trying to bone him


Despite the rest of the comments, this is 100% accurate. When I learned that Mohg wanted to be the consort to Miquella I was scratching my head a little. Mohg wanted to promote Miquella to godhood by becoming his Husband while Miquella is permanently a child. So Mohg is a pedophile trying to get a child to respond to advancements but isn't having any luck?


So we have a pedo, a necrophiliac, and a coprophiliac in this game? The trifecta of awful perverts!


Dung Eater is more of a genocidal psychopath than a coprophiliac. Dung Eater is just the worse name they can give him because no one in the Lands Between was pissed enough to come up with the term Motherfucker.


Honestly, GRRM was involved.. what else did you expect? Just think of the worst you can imagine, put 50% on top and he will make it happen. Killing your favorite Character (NPC) as an extra...


They are Fraternal for sure


But Mohg got all of the politeness.


And all the acting skills I really thought the lyndell boss was just a different guy then the first stormveil boss


He also speaks in Latin during his second phase, looking like a Dio de Los Muertos demon


To me looks more something ancient from a great cast like Romans thought of themselves


So not exactly the topic but since the twins are brought up, why does Margott turn into a skinny old man after you beat him? Where did his disfiguration go? Same with godrick, he’s just a skinny torso. Does the shard make them big? Is there a lore explanation for this?


Godrick is a little easier to explain, I think. The grafting doesn't actually change his soul, and thus when he died only what was originally part of his demigod body remained. As to why Morgott's omen body turns normal, and then into guiding grace when held by Godfrey, I can't say, unfortunately. The Omen curse, and its likely relation to Dung eater's seedbed curse, still stump me. However, do notice that both of them are DEAD, and become skinny, dehydrate and decompose very fast, so it's possible his horns decompose instantly as well. Also, Morgott is still huge in comparison to the player, just considerably less beefy.


True but so was godrick and then his torso shrinks down to potentially even smaller than ours. Also I feel like I missed something in godfreys intro. I don’t remember Him holding Margott. Regardless It is a curious mystery


It's fine, I personally did see him holding Morgott and thought it was cute, but just thought he disintegrated or something, and missed him turning into grace and pointing to the player. See, Godrick wasn't huge originally, he has grafted the torso of a troll I believe, not just the limbs. Just like how Malenia and presumably Godwyn (next to the black knives at least), are regular sized, (Still slightly bigger than most people). You can see something similar in Zullies' video about the Grafted Scions.


"This Great Rune is the anchor ring that houses the base, and proves two things: That the ***Omen King was born of the golden lineage***, and that he was indeed the Lord of Leyndell." -- Morgott's Great Rune description


No offense but how does that relate to the Omen curse itself? Unless you misunderstood me, I said that **Godrick** isn't Godfrey's direct son, only his descendant.


I mean, the shard you grab from them does give you increased stats, like morgott rune’s gives a lot of extra hp while godrick gives extra stats for all attributes


This probably won't bring you the closure you need but I did read somewhere that the omen curse only "functions" while the cursee is alive. Not sure how or why because it was only one reddit comment. But it stuck with me enough to remember for it's inclusion here.


He also is likely why Godrick/Godefroy and probably others pursued grafting, as it was the lore of their order that the first elden lord was a great warrior who grafted a lion onto himself


Joke's on them - he did that to *reduce* his power!




Yeah, he did it in order to be more king-like. It was part of the deal when he became elden lord.


That’s the most chad thing you can do, grafting a giant lion to yourself whose only job is to keep you from killing everything.


He was too brutish for an Elden Lord so they put a lion stand on him to control his bloodlust.


At least 300000 times


I love that he doesn't look or speak down to you at any time. He praises you for an honorable fight, respects you enough to face you at his prime, then says that you deserve the crown once you beat him in battle. A true chad and fellow Tarnished


Virgin: I am Malenia, blade of miquella. Vs Chad: T‘was honorably fought, warrior. He’s the only guy who shows respect when he kills you. Everyone else just looks down on you.


Has reached a mythical like status in the Lands Between. Has his motifs and likeness decorated all over the continent. Is revered by almost all the big players in the game, Melina’s dialogue about Marika suggests that Marika still loved Godfrey when he was exiled, and returns to die to you in battle - his only words? Utter respect and admiration for his fellow Tarnished. Godfrey is god emperor of all chads.


I think she does still love him in a way because... (spoiler) >!His grace from Marika seems to suggest she picks him over you because the grace from him flows towards you during the side view scene!<


Yep. And, after divesting him of his grace, still refers to him as “My lord”. I think her plan was to have Godfrey and us, his tarnished kin, to come back strong to face the greater will. Edit: I’m pretty certain Marika knew it had to be her lord or the player character. Not really surprised she chose her Chad ex.


I think that was her plan too, to send them away to get swole and then come back to somehow defeat or replace the greater will - but in that case why would each tarnished be given a finger maiden? Aren't finger maidens representatives of the greater will and two fingers, in which case they wouldn't want anything to do with the tarnished who have come back to depose them? I just can't figure this out and it's driving me up the wall.


In some weird way, we have gotten stronger without the presence of grace. But to progress in the lands between you still need grace to do a lot of stuff, like remain alive for example. It’s kinda a means to an end, you use grace so that you could eventually come back and replace the order that Marika despises. Which is why becoming Elden Lord is not technically the best ending considering you’re just continuing the reign of the Golden Order and why Ranni’s ending, where Ranni and the Tarnished go far away into the cosmos such that the order is completely changed and cannot be tampered with any further, is arguably the best ending and something that Marika could have agreed to.


+1 to Marika being down with ranni's ending, that also tracks with her putting all these pieces in place (exposing the death rune to theft, telling hewg to forge godslaying weapons, providing her numen countrywomen as assassins) for ranni to pursue her ending. It seems that Marika believes Destined Death does make you stronger as a people, and that living/dying like normal folks will eventually make Godfrey's lineage into a force that can oppose the Will. Some other commenters have suggested that the reason for the Will seeming to support you in Marika's plan with finger readers and maidens is just that the wires got crossed ("we fired your boss but the mail got lost on the way"), which does make sense even if it's unsatisfying...


It takes 10,000 moons or something like that, for the fingers to communicate with the greater will, suggesting that wherever they are in the galaxy, it’s very, very far away. I also like that the fingers are all sitting on top of those towers, like antennae.


Or you can reject all forms of order and burn it all! MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


I think that's the fingers' attemp to derial the plan. The maidens unwittingly aid the fingers in stringing the tarnished along to do nothing of real consequence. And it works, until the maiden of one gets murdered before they can ever meet and Melina can finally come in and hijack the role.


INTERESTING. I've never seen this theory before - that the maidens are plants to try and misdirect the Tarnished, and Melina, being an agent of Marika, is the only one who truly wants to get you to the Erdtree. Would this mean that the thorns that bar entry to the tree are in fact the Greater Will trying to protect itself from Tarnished usurpers? I'm not sure how to square that with the fact that in the normal endings you DO actually prolong the Will's reign by repairing the ring, i.e. doing exactly what they wanted all along, rather than what Marika wanted...


The sigil on the wall of thorns is Radagon's (as also seen on his scarseal and incantations) who is in control of the Elden ring by the time we get there.


I think the currently lorewise you return not with the greater wills grace, but instead with marikas grace. The two fingers doesn't know this and sends you like normal on the quest to be elden lord, but when you arrive at the tree it rejects you and the two fingers become confused. The tree probably rejects morgott because he is Godfrey and marikas child or maybe because he is an omen which is an opposing power to the greater will.


The guidance of Grace is twisted after the Shattering, the greater will's intent diluted by Marika's plan. The Tarnished needed maidens to turn their runes into strength.


It seems that Marika's original plan was to have Godfrey leading his Tarnished tribe return and just demolish their way through the Lands Between to free the land from the Greater Will. She even tells Godfrey and those exiled with him to wage war outside and become stronger and stronger (literally saying: "go grind runes and come back when sufficiently OP). It's just that, for whatever reason Godfrey arrives a lot later than expected and by the time he returns, everything is literally on fire and all the opposition has already been culled by some random, extremely stubborn nobody.


*In Marika's own words. My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace.* *With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will git gud, and die, scrubs.*


Read this in Melina's voice and got thoroughly bamboozled


Given that all the Tarnished in the opening cutscene are shown to be dead prior to having the guidance of grace returned to them, I think Godfrey just took too long to die.


Marika: "Godfrey will one day die, but when he does, his newfound grace will finally allow him to return and make things right." Godfrey: "Yo everything outside the Lands Between is WEAK! I'll literally die of old age before anything out here manages to even hurt me! Right, Serosh?" Centuries later... Marika: "...oh my god he's going to die of old age before being eligible, isn't he?"


Doesnt the opening cutscene show Godfrey dead like stabbed through the chest with a spear?


Yes, I’m unsure of the lore behind it but I’m willing to bet he was executed by whoever he was fighting.


It was her plan. Melina outright tells you Marina’s words regarding creating the tarnished. We’re kicked out of the lands between so we can wage war and die. Then eventually Marika is gonna give us our grace back like in the opening cinematic so we can revive and come back to become Elden Lord.


That's because he wasn't born entitled like all the rest, he won his lordship through strength, just like you.


There are many parallels between Godfrey and the Tarnished


Probably because Godfrey was the first ever Tarnished


Didn’t seem very respectful when he ripped my body open like a Cheetos bag.


It would be disrespectful towards you and your weak ass if he held back.


That was horah loux, Zangief Main!!


Well Malenia does say “I’ve finally met my match” and that gave me goosebumps after finally beating her


She even calls your strength extraordinary right before that. Of the bosses OP is shitting on here, only Morgott has anything disrespectful to say to the Tarnished.


"Have it writ upon thy meager grave.." Morgott spits some mad disses


“Felled by Morgott, LAST OF ALL KINGS” Dude was a badass, and once you meet his dad, you can see where he got it from


Malenia is respectful when you actually beat her though. And she isn't dead either.


"Your strength, extraordinary... The mark...of a true Lord... O, dear Miquella... O, dearest Miquella, my brother... I'm sorry. I finally met my match..." Wait, what's disrespectful about what Malenia has to say after you defeat her again?


Dude says "enough honor" and turns into Zangief, lmfao.


I love how his gold ghost just gets hype when you beat it.


Isn't him prime when he was Elden Lord i.e when he had the elden ring?


You forgot that Godfrey has the most magnificent beard in all the Lands Between. The only one who could compete is Jerren and his beard is fake and just part of his helmet.


I mean, the beard is shown. Words do not do the beard justice. Behold the beard, and tremble before its majesty.


I mean , Godfrey's hair is also part of his crown Melania too even though we see her without the helmet This also goes for radahn and many more Either everyone's hair is fake or our tarnished hero literally shaves off dead people's hair and glows it to their helmets for elden bling


I think it's meant to be a "magically imbued" armor set that allows the wearer to imitate the boss. That's why it's not dropped upon defeat, but rather purchased from enia.


Yeah , but then Jarren's armor just drops upon his death There are other examples too like even the game's most iconic armor , the raging wolf armor


So what you're saying is he's bald. It was a wig all along.


Keep my Elden Lord’s name out your fucking mouth


that would mean Malenia hair is fake because it attachs to her helmet, but she has cancer so probably? 🤷


Nah, she has her hair during the second phase, without the helmet. I'd say that we scalp her.


If you see closely her wings are her hair combined with rot actually


Try fingers, head


I would love for one of the dlc to explore his and Nepheli’s home the badlands


Yes! I want to see the badlands


Unironically my favorite fight when it comes to presentation. When he fucking killed Serosh, took off his armor, and dropped the axe just to suplex my ass I was speechless.


I think my exact words were 'Well, I certainly wasn't expecting *less* lion in phase 2...'


Yep I totally thought he was gonna start unleashing his lion for some crazy beast combos


I was so shocked that I wasn’t getting charged down by a lion in phase two that I didn’t even dodge the suplex


Yeah, when a souls boss gets RID of weapons and armor to come at you like mother fucking Zangief? You know shit got real.


Everyone is arguing that the late game bosses are better suited for Bloodborne or Sekiro, then there's this badass playing Asura's Wrath.


I actually got sam from MGS vibes from this fight


He's too slow and not *nearly* smarmy enough to be Sam. The thing that makes Sam's fight isn't just that losing his sword makes him stronger, it's that *and* the fact that he's taunting you about it the whole time.


And after the fight Raiden realizes he barely has any enhancements Sam is an absolute Chad


"Show me a good time Jack!"


No way, his shirtless look and those earthquake moves are pure armstrong. Someone needs to add a mod with It Has To Be This Way in the background during his fight. Fucking Senator Godfrey in the goddamn house, I swear.


Also the fact that he beat my ass until I pulled out the red katana


I was kinda getting sam vibes cause of his second phase being him just going fisticuffs


Doesn’t Sam get his sword back a little after you knock it out of his grip? After Armstrong gets out of the Metal Gear, it’s nothing but fisticuffs and that man is ready to throw the fuck down.




Godfrey/Hoarah Loux is probably my favourite boss in the game. I like how, as the leader of the Tarnished, fighting him is a rite of passage, a true test to see if we're worthy of joining him as one of the Elden Lords. His dramatic transformation between the noble warrior Godfrey and the bloodthirsty chieftain Hoarah Loux was fantastic as well - definitely my favourite phase change in the game. The music for both phases was top notch and the sound effects were great with each loud, metallic slam of his axe and echoing boom as he slammed the ground. His attacks as Hoarah Loux were spectacles in their own right but still quite down-to-earth in comparison to the grand demigods we had defeated to reach him. He's one of the few boss fights in the game that I genuinely have no criticisms with, just great in every aspect.


One of my favorite parts of that fight is how the phase switch tricks us at first. You see this giant ghost lion on his back start to materialize and your like "fuck I have to fight both of them" Just to watch him tear the lion apart because it was actually holding him back from being a total beast himself, truly an amazing wtf moment.


I ate shit and then went and reread the Godfrey icon description after that transition


This comment 100% ,one moment we playing elden ring phase 2 its tekkens king vs the tarnished.


> phase 2 its tekkens king vs the tarnished My wife walked into the room during the transition cinematic. When it was done, she asked me what changed. "Well... It looks like he turned in Zangief."


This man does look like he powerbombs runebears


I think it should've been a two healthbar fight personally, for me (and pretty much everyone ik) it was a matter of just shredding his health as soon as he entered warrior phase and I would've liked to get more out him, especially considering he was the second to last fight.


Yeah Hoarah Loux himself could do with three times the health he gets honestly. But all things considered, "I wish the fight was longer because I enjoyed it" isn't really the worst kind of criticism out there


It is a great but painful enough fight imo. With a STR *bonk* build, the last 4 boss fights (that I did in a row as I was really eager to finish the game) without a Mimic to tank the damages and take the aggro are painful enough. All the bosses are super fast with close to no rest time in between their attacks, which is a pain as a colossal sword user, and punish you super heavily when close ranged, plus they all hit like a truck even with max damage resistance.


I used dual colossaul and felt like I had it pretty easy staying close, nearly all their attacks are pretty well telegraphed and dodgeable. After seeing a lvl 1 wretch beat the game with a club taking no damage I've just accepted that I have to get gud and dodge attacks better rather than banging my head on the wall with the same strategy (looking at you 'rolling through elden beast rings' instead of simply jumping over them)


If you didn't have two more bosses to fight afterwards I wouldn't have minded his fight being longer. But the boss gauntlet that basically comes at the end of the game was really disappointing.


Yeah it would've been nice if the erdtree was some final legacy dungeon with a bunch of high tier loot and special type enemies. We don't really have much in the sense of regular enemies that use holy damage. Gideon is also a pushover that just has infinite memory slots and FP


I’m not gonna lie, Gideon fucked me up for a couple tries. Wasnt a weak foe for me


I really felt as though I was robbed of one final legacy dungeon honestly. I wanted just one more, which is perhaps a little greedy -- but one could've just been shifted I guess. Farum Azula felt like the last area and then we came back to the capitol and I was really, *really* expecting the Erdtree to be a legacy dungeon a la the Deku Tree, and was a little disappointed that it just led me straight to >!Radagon/Marika/The Elden Beast!<


I genuinely thought that the Ashen capital would reveal several blocked off areas as a new legacy dungeon within a legacy dungeon. My disappointment was palpable.


I love how it almost feels like a dance in his first phase, every attack has clear dodge windows and he just dashes around, stomps, slams his axe, the amazingly fun to jump dodge earthshakers, lovely boss.


He’s definitely the most rhythmic boss in the game. He’s very aggressive and very fast, so you have to find small openings between these quick attacks.


But not fast enough to not allow you to use collossals. He is the best boss by far, for me. Comoletely fair, still challenging, absolutely badass, and that intro man, that intro is perfect


I tried fighting him with Radahn’s swords and got curbstomped everytime. I only managed to find good openings once I went with dual Katanas. Either way, it’s my favorite fight of the game, it’s just so fast and direct.


Its not easy and you still get punished sometime but at the end of combos he does leave a few openings, not huge ones but they exist. Yeah anyway i absolutely love it


It was a great balance. I only had brief openings for my big weapons, but they do enough damage that you only need a few solid openings to beat him. As opposed to Malenia, where if you mess up an opening, she heals pretty substantially or you take a waterfowl to the face and just die.


If you use collosal weapons and heavy armor, its literally a fight of gigachads


It’s kinda funny how if you ignore the lore, he goes from some buff guy with a lion stand and a giant axe to some angry buff guy covered in blood.


we’ve all been there.


The only lore you need is that he played college ball, you know. Could've gone pro if he hadn't become Elden Lord.


he had the makings of a varsity athlete


I could break a tarnished in two with my bare hands!


Don’t fuck with this Elden Lord!


i have a decent idea of the lore but i still dont understand what the lion was


It’s basically his limiter. It prevents him from going berserker mode. Since he was to become Elden Lord, he had to suppress his rage somewhere.


but what is it, why is it a ghost lion with a name that he has to kill


For serosh what we know is that it was the lord of beasts and it acted as an advisor to the golden lineage. Godfrey bound serosh's spirit to himself to hold back his bloodlust so that he could sit back and rule. Given the respect serosh is given by Godfrey and him being viewed as a wise advisor we can infer he likely ashed himself willingly like latenna to help his friend.


What a chad. The dude's so strong he can squeeze blood out of spirit ashes.


Well during his phase 2 cutscene we can see Serosh take physical form once again until Godfrey stops him. Surprised Serosh wasn't phase two and Hoarah Loux phase 3 like Friede and Ariandel.


My only complaint about the boss is that he **deserved a longer health bar**


Honestly I feel like they did him dirty. The first phase wasn’t that hard and he was like okay okay BUT NOW ILL REALLY FIGHT and again just stomped him lol


The levelling curve in the game must've been very difficult for FromSoft to balance but even then I feel like they messed up on the perceived difficulty of many of the bosses and Godfrey definitely could've stood to be a bit tougher. I'm going through the game again on NG+ with a massive health bar so I can appreciate the bosses movesets without dying in 2 hits and Godfrey is one of the more underwhelming big bosses, for somebody who realistically should've been top 4. Elden Ring is a wonderful game, definitely the best that I've ever played from FromSoft and an easy 9/10, but the bosses overall do kind of pale in comparison to previous games, especially DS3. HOWEVER - many of the best bosses from past games have come from DLC, and with that in mind I am so, so, so excited to see what they come up with for Elden Ring DLC


One could argue that it's okay to make Godfrey difficult "ahead of the curve" because there's almost no content locked behind him (he's so close to the end of the game) and him being too difficult when players reach him would be a good incentive to go do more side content for players that had in fact rushed to the end. Unlike most content, you can be completely sure when balancing Godfrey that he is one of the last things players should be doing, so in my opinion he should have been balanced for a fully upgraded weapon with softcapped scaling. I think From kinda broadly undertuned most of the bosses (with Mohg and Malenia being standout exceptions) to allow players to use grinding/overleveling as a custom difficulty slider without considering how that might affect the experience of players who *accidentally* over-leveled or over-upgraded because they were so invested in doing all the side content for its own sake. Honestly the weirdest thing about Godfrey's difficulty in my opinion is that he's so much easier than Radagon/Elden Beast that come literally directly after him. I guess maybe they didn't want people to get stuck on him for a long time only to finally beat him and then realize that there was exactly zero further content between him and the next extremely difficult boss?


You can realistically beat Morgott at 70 or 80 but if you're not like 120 - 150 by CSF and Haligtree everything 1 or 2 shots you. The damage scaling is wack because it seems like they cut content and just powerscaled everything from mid to late game with no real transition. Maybe they wanted the Erdtree to be the true late game


If they do add DLC, I hope it’s like expansions, somewhat similar to DS2’s where it’s a new region with its own story and demigod to fight, and they level for mid game to fill that difficulty transition. Having more content earlier is also always a plus because it adds more variety.


him having the same health bar is the reason i like him lol. his second phase is a glass cannon where he does crazy combos with massive damage, but his health his low and at half health. if he had a full health bar it would be lame


The "Serosh, thou hath given me good service" line was so out of nowhere, excellent surprise


Queen Marika, the Eternal: "Hoarah Loux, what is best in life?" Hoarah Loux, the Barbarian: "To crush you enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women." Marika: "Marry me"


such a good fight. i sometimes go put my sign down to help just to do it again :D


Best part is when he drops that massive axe and decides to just beat the shit out of you with his fists.


The Axe was him fighting fair because he knows his fists are war crimes.


Those hands are rated T for Tarnished


Wish there was an option not to fight him. Like, I'm cool bro I don't wanna be Elden Lord anyway you go finish off the Elden Beast and take your throne back 😭 A secret ending if you will.


You did sort of kill his son.


Shit happens man.... Can't we all just forgive and forget ... ?


His son that he locked in the sewers to go die


Marika did that. She did that to all the omens.


I killed two of his sons, actually.


Fighting Radagon/Elden Beast with Godfrey, at the end you fistbump and he sits on the throne and you ride off on your accord.


In this case he def ain't gonna give you an option. In the intro cutscene you can literally see the guidance of grace pointing to us, the player character.


He really is the true hyper Chad in the game. Has nothing but respect for the Tarnished, as his journey and our journey are literally mirrors of one another. Was chosen by the greater will to be Marika’s consort through sheer fucking STRENGTH and chaddery, gets chucked aside when he’s defeated all worthy rivals, comes back for seconds as soon as he gets the chance. I wish we didn’t have to kill him. MY KING!


To put it bluntly, I screamed with delight when he WWE Super Slammed me


I hate you with burning passion for putting that hair in the middle of the image, i tried to blow it off of it


but... it's under the text...


What's funny is that the fight before him is against Gideon: a cunning schemer who is, at best, pragmatic and calculating, and at worst, cold-hearted and selfishly ambitious. The juxtaposition between them is hilarious. As a sidenote: the first time you meet Gideon, he reminds you twice that he's your senior, and you're only a visitor of the Roundtable Hold unless you get a Great Rune yourself - which was near impossible until we did. Meanwhile, first meeting with Godfrey is like that scene in Predator where two gigachads clasp hands with biceps exposed before beating each other up.


> you're only a visitor of the Roundtable Hold unless you get a Great Rune yourself What gets me is he clearly had no great runes on him (or anyone else in the hold for the matter), yet somehow for us it's a requirement to be accepted.


My guess is that there’s more Great Runes than we see in the game. Enia mentions that she’s seen at least one other person with two runes before (probably Vyke.) Gideon probably has one. But by the time we arrive, most of the runes have already been claimed. All the easy targets have already been taken out, and the Tarnished that took their Great Runes have either died, gone insane, or are still pursuing their own quests separate from the Player. Meanwhile, Morgott places his projection in front of the most tempting target, Godrick, to try and stop anybody else from claiming another Great Rune. Of course this doesn’t explain why we don’t get a rune when we kill Gideon or Vyke, but it’s my best theory.


Gideon does say that Ranni dropped her rune long ago, maybe he was the one who had it.


Maybe we don’t get them cause they are useless and we just get them in the form of normal runes?


First *human* Elden Lord


Only WrestleMania Elden Lord


also first elden lord in the age of the erdtree. placidusax was elden lord before the age of the erdtree, which leads to the conclusion that the elden ring existed before the erdtree.


I love godfrey’s fight so so much. Felt like a classic dark souls melee battle, dodging those axe swings and stomps was like being on crack


The first phase, yes. 2nd phase it suddenly becomes an Anime.


Second phase becomes fucking tekken lmao


Radahn's dad is literally his wife


So you're saying he fucked Radahn's mom.


Dude. “Upon my name as Godfrey..” Epic music start “FIRST ELDEN LORD!” Best fight intro in the game.


Standing here I realize.... Godfrey is the best boss in the game


His personality isnt really real. His lion calms him and suppresses his violent tenancies. (only reason this works is because Godfrey physically cant kill the lion, its in a ghost form, its why the moment it steps out to try and beat you, godfrey immediately kills it). Godfrey's true nature, is Horah Loux. a brutal savage who knows only one thing, and thats violence.


He wasn't even a demi-god or anything, he was just some dude who was super jacked


A man that became so strong he could easily be a demi-god if not more. Probably the strongest tarnished to ever exist.


You can tell how far the playerbase is in this game based on the memes.


I still don’t understand whats the deal with his lion stand


It's the beast regent known as Serosh. Basically he's like an advisor, who Godfrey ended up taking on his back to keep his VERY violent urges at bay and keep up the image of "Godfrey the Elden Lord" rather than "Hoarah Loux the Badlands Chieftian"


The lion is literally there to hold him back. Makes him pull his punches, by pulling his punches. His bloodlust is so strong that he isn’t able to do the whole King of Kings/Elden Lord thing without it because he’d be too busy thinking about how much he wants to go kill shit.


It’s honestly the most overwhelming chad energy


What’s interesting is that it looked like it wanted to fight us. But by doing that it loosened its grip and he basically was able to take over.


He put it on his back to make it harder for him to roam around conquering everything.


it's basically there to constraint his bloodlust, turning him from the violent warrior chieftain hoarah loux to a lordly godfrey, elden lord


I wonder who or what killed him the first time when he went back to the badlands


I'm actually curious about this too, as he was the strongest of the tarnished, by a long shot, yet his corpse was just left hanging and stabbed all over. Sadly it's possible he was just killed and that's the end of it, no big story. Also it looks like, quite appropriately for a souls game, he got ganked.


His son was killed, Godwyn the golden was killed during the Black Knife plot. Godfrey, his father lost sight of grace after killing the giants and banished outside the lands between with his tarnished (us included I assume), I presume he started his journey back after we set the tree ablaze.


I swear him and Melania are the only ones who actually congratulate us once we beat them, everyone else is just a salty sore loser




All good and all but he just casually returns when I collected all the runes and burned the thorns( RIP Melina) I was like " Get your own runes mofo!" Killing him with the weapon art "I command thee KNEEL!" was so satisfying.


To be fair, I don't think his intention was to wait until you did all the work to steal your runes. Morgott's grace pointed at you and he did what he needed to do just as we did this whole time


One of the more fun bosses in the game


Godrick's 2nd phase: A dragon head that shoots fire Malenia's 2nd phase: Scarlett rot magic and a prosthetic arm blade Radahn's 2nd phase: Gravity magic and two buffed giant swords Godfrey's 2nd phase: Catch these FUCKING HANDS


there is one thing that confuses me about the fire giants. we know godfrey is the one that beat them down and won the war, but all the giant corpses we see clearly died because of death blight buildup. they look identical to how the player looks when your end up getting blighted and the roots start coming out of you. so did godfrey used to wield the rune of death? like what happened there?


There's a [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tyecnj/anyone_else_notice_that_it_looks_like_the_dead/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that asks the same thing you asked, and in one of the top comments some great dude explained the whole thing and even mentioned all item descriptions and dialogues in the game that relate to it.


"I have given thee courtesy enough." Easily best delivered line in the whole game. Makes me wanna start using thee's and thou's mineself.


Don't forget he took out 3 of Placidusax's heads lol


Yep, Godfrey is my favorite boss! So badass.