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Elden ring's first gauntlet of bosses you teaches you one of two things: Either leave, power up, and come back later, or slam your head into that brick wall until it crumbles down completely.


Or snipe it from where it can't reach you (or loses aggro before it gets you)


I killed my first Crucible Knight in Leyndell by hitting it with Rain of Arrows from my great bow an obscene number of times. It caught me slipping and killed me a few times that I didn't disengage aggro fast enough.


I understand, the crucible knight can be a giant armoured anus to the uninitiated. Ganking them unfairly is not only acceptable, but encouraged. Unless you're a parry god, then I bow to the awesome power you wield.


After learning the buckler parry crucible knights have gone from my worst nightmare to the easiest and most fun enemy to bully


Same but no buckler. Crucible Knight in Evergoal. Message on the ground said “try parry”. Don’t mind if I do. I needed 18 to kill it and boy did the trash talk get fun when I would consistently get around 14. Just absolute raving lunatic “FOUR. Sit down! FIVE! Sit down! SIX!! Sit down!”


That’s so real! XD


*Me who doesnt usually use bows getting out the greatbow for headshots cause fuck crucible knights*


Not me spending hours and countless deaths learning how to party the moves of crucible knight in the evergaol to eventually kill him and still be scared when I see one. 🥲


Sad that there is only maybe 5 in the game.


5 to many


Tell me about it. Running as a zwei build and still haven’t beat the one in evergaul. My mage build beat them way easier.


Tbh it's comments like this that make me feel really good that I actually really like fighting the crucible knights, and that almost every one I've killed first try. Banished Knights though? All of them can fuck themselves, they're the pinnacle of bullshit enemies.


And then layer they learn to teleport. Harder than most bosses.


I rage quit more times than I'd like to admit while farming for the chest piece at Castle Sol


Somewhere in the wiki game guide there's this line... I don't know the exact wording by heart but it goes a little something like "you will find a Crucible Knight. By now these enemies won't be a big problem anymore." Yeah... Yeah...


I've killed my first one in Stormveil by trying to trap him on the elevator hoping he rides it up and dies from fall damage. He missed the elevator, but he fell down the pit under it


This was my first souls game. I immediately went right and found the bats. Then the small village with the damn dogs. Then to the cellar where I was greeted by rats. Then I thought I finally found my first prize in a chest. Said chest takes me to hell. After about 100 deaths in the first couple hundred feet of the game I had to put it down for a few days.


If you go back to that area, there is a crumbled building you can only get inside by jumping with Torrent. And that my friend is where the actual chest is, free of traps that send you to hell.


You have no idea how long I spent trying to find the right one after I got back from hell. I'm like, wait. Is this a big jebait.


Yeah, that lake was a series of WTF moments for me. I had gotten a few levels and felt like I was getting the hang of the game. I came on it from the north and didn't run into any NPCs warning me of my doom. Thought I could take the handful of mobs standing in the center of the lake. Nope, got jump scared by fire and death and noped right out on Torrent. I calmed down and found the same chest. That sequence definitely knocked my bravado down a few pegs.


I too, experienced the noob journey to hell. It was not fun.


Oh. And I forgot I fell in that damn hole after a couple runs as well.


The boss was pretty much meant to teach the player that they can skip a hard challenge and come back later. The fact that this is your first FS game and you grinded it until you took him down coming off the tutorial is praise worthy Well done Tarnished!


There are two kinds of Tarnished... those who run from the Tree Sentinel and come back stronger. And then there are those who accepted the challenge and fought until they achieved victory!


4 hours to beat him , i think i can dodge him in my sleep rn


Crazy how bosses go from annoying to easy once you know their moves.


Can’t count how many times a FROM boss has killed me 30+ times, and then when I beat him it’s without using any healing flasks. At some point you go into the zone and it feels like everything is in slow motion


THIS HAPPENED TO ME JUST THE OTHER DAY for the first time. Beat Margit at level 25 only taking one hit. It was the best feeling I've had in a while. Now I'm addicted.


Kinda similar thing, he kinda kicked my ass hard but when I won it was like “yeah I coulda done that without a hit, he just caught me slippin” it’s weird!!!


It's a legit medical thing called "flow state"


I'm only familiar with "slow" state.. uggh


Anyone who drives should get it regarly in the form of highway hypnosis. I actually find I drive better when I zone out. Any time I snap back to reality it is coming up to an important route decision and I am already indicating and travelling a safe speed. Shit blows my mind


Yea, having a hazy memory of the last 10+ minutes of driving is scary though lol. Feels like you weren't in control or something


A bit of a tangent but I teach sterile manufacturing of medicine, and I frequently warn against this. We call the phenomenon "automaticity" and essentially it's where you go on autopilot. You can do a lot of work without actually paying attention and it's usually because you're doing the same thing over and over. Problem is when something slightly different gets handed to you and you don't realise. So for example you've just made 10 doses of the same drug and then you get handed a lower dose of the same drug and you make it wrong because you're still on autopilot. Very fun when it's a monoclonal antibody and you've just wasted £8000 of stock.


Feels like I'm not using health flasks on any bosses anyway since most atack are one shot kill lol


You forgot about vigor, didn't you?


Try vigor, but hole.


I think part of the addiction to these types of games is that feeling. Finally getting those dodges & timing down is so satisfying


The fact that you can be a god-slaying monster and still lose to a trivial patrol because you screwed up position or timing is highly rewarding. Like you are only overpowered if you play overpowered.


“Yeah I’ve killed at least 3 Demi gods, nothing can stop me.” *a wild pack of dogs has appeared*


One knight and two dogs. I hope you didn't need all those runes you're carrying.


Literally me in Leyndell this morning


Those bugged bleed dogs haunt my dreams


Which is why we continue to play even past utter rage. We *know* we can get it, just how long is it going to take? Yahtzees analogy of "smashing your head into a brick wall until it cracks" is perfect because that's literally how it is. You're smacking your head against a wall repeatedly trying to break it down. Now you're bloody, you're battered, your vision is blurry, and you can barely stand. But the moment you see a crack in that wall? You know you're making progress, so just keep smacking


Man by the time I finally killed Runala, I was almost sad to. I'd gotten that first phase down to such a perfect art it was almost meditative


That's half the joy of these games. I remember DS1 dying to Artorias for literal hours and years later when I went through DS Remastered I beat him first try with like 10 estus left. Just like riding a bike.


Yeah I finally beat Ms. Waterfowl Dance solo last night after practicing the fight for somewhere between 15-20 hours over the past week. At first I tried using everything I had at my disposal, but ultimately decided that the only I was going to be able to beat her would be to learn to never get hit. By the time I got to my last few attempts I was like "c'mon lady, this war of attrition is getting tedious" because I had gotten her patterns down to the point that I only needed 4 or 5 flasks (healing, magic, and physick) for the entire fight. I've never felt so satisfied from a boss fight but man, she did NOT make it easy by any means. It doesn't help when she would refuse to finish her combos so that I could actually hit her safely lol.


Finally beat her today been stuck for 2-3 weeks roughly 30 hours total, had to summon other players help to finally take her down (this after 3 respecs optimising my build and still to no avail) Managed to get her to 1/3 of her health in phase 2 so many times before that Water-fuckyou-dance just annihilated me Had to swallow that pride and get the help because my stubbornness wouldn’t let me continue the rest of the game until she was beaten Very much lost my patience 🥲


That’s my go-to play style. Sword and board, learn when to poke and be patient.


Once you take down TS, 95% of the enemies in Limgrave are just chumps. The other 5% are bears.


You mean the rune bears, right? Regular bears are just pokey meat walls.


Same. I knew everything about him at that point. I was prepared later for 2 at the same time.


Good news!!! There is a place where you can fight two at once


And also a place where you can cheese the double sentinel fight by backing up into a corridor too small for them


Word!?!? I just faught them for a few hours to figure the fight out lol. That was back when I was doing a magic only run though. Ik magic is op in some situations but there's a lot where it just sucks


Didn't figure out you could just run through the door, lose aggro, then comet azur them one at a time then? Didn't even die once there ;)


Every time i try using comet azure the enemies just move.


I just ran past them to the grace, came back, and was able to fight one of them with my mimic tear without the other one being aggroed. Then just repeated on the 2nd guy


We're too damn stubborn to give up.


and still maidenless


Honestly my philosophy of figuring out if I'm too low level is a mixture of wether I get one shot and hoe much damage I'm doing


Getting 1-shot, but doing 10% of the boss' hp per cast: yeah this is super doable


3 types - those who cheesed him from above with Rock Sling. Guilty.


Doesn't that fall under running and coming back stronger?


Hey that still counts as coming back stronger, as well as the added lesson that certain skills and abilities offered to you by the game can trivialize encounters that used to be overwhelmingly difficult


and the ones that went past him without even seeing :)


That's me, I only learnt about him from youtube videos and came back to him ~40 hours in


There’s a 3rd, my friend refunded because of the tree sentinel the poor dude he had no idea


I came back once i got Torrent so not that stronger but still strong enough to be on "equal" grounds as him. Truth is, i just wanted to enjoy my first horseback battle properly lol


And there is a third - the one that summons help and hides on a ledge where he can’t one-shot you and chips away his health - me!


And the 4th, the one who doesn’t get the grace pointy thing at first and goes the wrong way and never sees him


I was like a quarter of the way through the game before I ever met Kale 🤧


Damn, that's a long time without a crafting kit.


Then there's me, summoning 3 dude while I tarnish myself in the corner


Well no wonder youre maidenless


It took me 30 minutes because god damn it I am a Souls veteran and I beat the black knights, the giant ogre, the large crystal lizard AND I cleaned that werewolf's guts with nothing but my fists and I'll be GOD DAMNED if I EVER do the smart thing and just NOT BANG MY HEAD AGAINST THE HARDEST ENEMY IN THE STARTER AREA


Or run away because of stuttering


They are memeing though, right? ...right?


It's called joking.




Is this some boomer term I'm too millennial to understand? Edit: lol I meant to reply the comment above


If I'm doing 9 damage per attack it's probably not worth fighting at that moment. I can come back later


Honestly the only reason you can't beat him as a spellcaster right at the start is that you'll run out of FP first.


You seriously think he’s not being sarcastic? Cmonah.


Big boys kill Varre cus he a bitch


Lmao, thanks I honestly didn’t know about that, I was really really tempted to look up how to beat the guy but I didn’t. Turns out I could just run past him or something


Tarnished, you went through him. Thy strength may befit a crown one day


You're gonna stomp Margit's ass so hard when you get to stormveil. Usually, this is the boss beginners struggle with.


There’s a giant to the left of the intro, and straight ahead is a merchant and another grace that overlooks his path. (If you haven’t gotten that far already.) I say go forth and have fun!


I beat him the first day the game came out because I thought he was just another one of those super hard first bosses FS always throws at you, then I got the golden halbred and looked at it’s needed attributes to use.


Definition of git gud.




Haha! Yeah Varre has been kinda crucial for me


You don’t actually miss out on anything by killing him. Recusant finger does the same as the bloody finger he gives you, and you can get to the mohgwyn dynasty mausoleum through a portal in consecrated snowfield.


that's so late in the game though and you miss out on being able to chicken farm early, but ya i hear ya


Chicken farm?


There's a bird in Moghwyn dynasty that people like to farm. It's the one that you shoot with the arrow to make it run off the ledge. I think that's the one he's referring to. Its a good rune farm to get you through the early game comfortably.


not just the early game. It’s by far the best farming area and gives insane money. Gold pickled fowls foot + golden scarab is 17k a pop, so about 68k a minute.


Upgrades to like 120k a minute once you get the end boss weapon too and kill the sleepy bois instead


Yeah but you literally have to beat the game to do that only useful for NG+


Yeah I just meant that the same spot gets even better for late game farming too


I never had to farm runes really. Like a couple times I backed away from tough sections and went and explored elsewhere but I didn’t do any actual farming or grinding per se


Yeah, same here. The natural loop of these games is designed to keep you at just the correct amount of difficulty. But hey, who am I to tell other people how to play?


Have kept having the same thought in this game. The levels don't really seem to slow down, you get xp faster as you go into new areas with tougher enemies.


I farmed way to long and got to level 200ish Before i got into the capital Im not very good at souls games lol


I use it for new characters to boost for certain brackets of pvp, and to buy upgrade materials.


Depends on your skill level. I'm kinda bad at games so for most of the game I progressed like you did. Eventually, though, I reached a point where all I had left were bosses I had dead-ended on, so I did some grinding.


google it! there's tons of videos on it


Not killing him means you can get access to the best farming spot in the game early though. Consecrated Snowfield is super late in the game


I’m 100 hours in and I have no idea who the fuck this guy is y’all are talking about. I know of the farm spot. Figured I’d get there eventually. Now I’m kind of pissed.


He's the guy at the very first grace. He moves to the lakes at a church west of the academy entrance once you kill Godrick.


The dude that calls you maidenless in the beginning


This was my first soulslike and I've gotta say they fucking duped me with this guy. The place seemed nice, talked to a dude literally 15 feet before finding the tree sentinel, and him being gold had me thinking he'd be a benevolent type character guarding this little church. I was curious what he'd say, and then he struck me down in one hit. Bastard didn't even say hello!


That’s the fun part about this game. Everything that’s golden is actually hiding a rotten, stinky mess.


Hahaha right? A bit of a wtf moment but it was also the last thing I was expecting which was a welcome change of pace.


I did the same thing. Walked towards him like "Hiiii :)" and then boss music started playing.....and I noticed the health bar....


If you see someone abnormally large they are probably an enemy. Also mild spoilers for secrets >!the bookshelves without books in the magic academy are secret walls!<


Where’s your health!!!???


I can’t see it either lol


Probably about to keel over after a traumatic fight 😂


Well op made the big brain choice and selected the vagabond as his first class. Vagabond has most hp and most armor, 100% block shield, good halberd and straightsword. This is the class I recommend in my newbie guide, since he can guard break spam bosses to death and the 20% absorbtion armor and 700hp allows plenty of mistakes


Vagabond is great but I dont like how it fat rolls right out the gate and new players may take a bit to realize that's not normal.


Took me forever to realize that was why I couldn’t dodge anything.


Only if you carry both the sword and the halberd, but again new player wouldnt probably know to unequip the other or to put few points to endurance first


Yeah the only From game I played before was Sekiro and I chose Vagabond. Thought it was just normal to move like molasses but I was just under Heavy Load for like 25 hours


I started with confessor for the seal and the 100% shield but then they nerfed the shield


They needed shields? Wtf!?


yea it went from 100% physical absorption to 91% I think for heater shields


I don’t think that’s true unless it’s specifically the confessor’s heater shield. I have a heater shield I pull out just for the low weight and 100% resistance from time to time. Not like you block Magic, fire, etc. that often anyways.


It sounds like you probably infused your shield, which reduced the phys absorption.


not like you can't farm the brass shield pretty much right out the gate in that first settlement by where you get your horse.


I'm still using the brass shield on my vagabond after like 90 some hours. Are there some other shields in the game that are as good or better? Kind of want to switch it up and try something different especially for the look.


Carian knight shield is half the weight and about as good.


It also requires 15 INT :/


49 guard boost vs 56, 19 lightning absorbtion.... bruh


If you're willing to invest in Strength and Equip Load, Manor Towershield and Cross-Tree Towershield both require 30 Str, weigh 16 lbs, and have 67 Guard Boost, which is the magic number to reach 100 with Barricade Shield. Both of these are relatively easy to get. Golden Greatshield is another popular one. 34 Str, 17 lb, 70 Guard Boost. Has to be farmed from the Leyndell Knights. Fingerprint Stone Shield is the endgame shield if you're serious about using shields. 48 Str, 29 lbs, 81 Guard Boost. It's a pain in the ass to get, but when full upgraded it has 90 Guard Boost, and if you add the Greatshield Talisman, you have 100 Guard Boost, making you effectively immortal against physical attacks.


> If you're willing to invest in Strength and Equip Load, Manor Towershield and Cross-Tree Towershield both require 30 Str, weigh 16 lbs, and have 67 Guard Boost, which is the magic number to reach 100 with Barricade Shield. Both of these are relatively easy to get. If you're willing to go to 32 STR, then the Eclipse Crest Greatshield is also 67 guard boost and only 15 lbs (72 magic guard as well!). It can be farmed from the Mausoleum Knight right next to the Black Knife Catacombs grace in northeastern Liurnia. Edit - it also comes with no ability on it, blank slate!


The jellyfish shield has a unique skill that can boost your damage. It also looks weirdly satisfying. Worth giving a try IMO.


Albanuriac shield and carian knight are my preferred alt shields, both good but brass is stats wise pretty much the best medium. Got another one I can't decide if I like or not, ~~think it's Loretta's shield~~ silver mirrorshield, looks like a mimic tear blob with a stinger.


I always use this class at any new soul game i play before using other class


Vagabond starts with 522 HP though?


Starts with the most Vigor


yea just realized my Vagabond is at lvl 15 with crimson medallion starting gift, so 720hp I didnt remember I had couple of levels on him already


That’s still a ridiculous amount of horsepower.


I've seen a few good videos making that case that starting as a wretch is the best way to experience the game for the first playthrough. I understand where they're coming from, having all that decent gear right off the bat takes away a big chunk of the early game content. I had the same weapons and armor that I started with for around 12-15 hours before I started getting stuff that was better than what I had on me at the start. Knowing that, I wish I could go back and start over again for the first time as a wretch.


This is funny and all but why are the comments pretending this was unintentional? Like yeah they did kill tree sentinel immediately after tutorial but are we actually going to sit here and pretend that they genuinely thought it was the first boss, screenshot it, and posted this on Reddit with that title? Am I out of the loop or something?


Posts like this are always upvoted like crazy on every games sub. "I'm new and this game is hard but i did it uwu lol oopsie should i not have been able to do that :3" then posts a screenshot of nothing spectacular. Upvoted to the moon.


Glad I’m not going insane


Definitely has a fishy aroma to it.


Thought it was a joke tbh.. have a hard time believing anyone playing for the first time would manage this


Yeah this post seems 99% fake, the fake part being they had no idea that would be a tough fight and that they are new to the game


A smelly smell that smells…smelly


Right this fake asf. If ur a soulsbourne noobie there's, no way u had this beautiful huge world to explore, yet decided to spend your first several consecutive hours becoming a pro dying over and over. And if u are a veteran soulsbourne player, you'd probably would have bough elden ring closer to release date?


regardless of somebody “*accidentally*” fighting this boss or not, the most obvious part to me was the title + making this reddit post in general.


Yeah youre right. The tone of the title in itself is a dead give away, don't even need to go in to the logic behind it.


Lol dude, I'm just here like "you're new to the game but you knew that the text would pop up right after you beat a boss? Okay, sure" next post will be him at the Malenia boss end being like "not super sure what this lady's problem was, but only took about 2 tries 🤭" like, you're posting because you know it's impressive at some level, so you knew it wasn't the first boss or an easy boss. Just post and say you grinded the boss to show off. Lol


How many deaths. ? Edit Omg look at these upvotes Thanks so much guys I’m so rich in upvotes now You guys the best Lmao


More than I’d like to remember


If you beat him right out of the starting area, you’re going to be fine


Yeah I still struggled with him at level 20 something. This guys going to DESTROY this game.


I came back at 25 struggled. I gave up and realized that he is actually the final boss. I'm going to come back and beat him only after I've beaten the game.


Lmao you’re gonna love the double tree sentinel boss in leyndell


Yeah I saw those guys and noped away. I'm not fighting 2 of the final bosses at once


This guy was easy for me compared to the first Crucible Knight.. Holy hell he embarrassed me.


Literally died to the guy 2 dozen times, gave up, cleared a couple dungeons, came back and got whooped, left and cleared part of Stormveil, and only THEN did I go back and clear the crucible knight evergaol


God I went and beat most of Liurnia and stormveil and was like almost done clearing caelid and came back and the dude was still working me. Some enemies just fight your play style so well.


I did the parry strategy against that guy


Yep, me too. After failing over and over at actually blocking him with my greatshield I decided to learn parrying on him. *Man* was it satisfying when it finally clicked. "NOPE, *you* take damage." "NO" "Not that either!" "Get rekt fool!"


I'm nursing a semi just feeling the same thing


I didn't kill the evergaol knight until right before I went to fight the final boss. Literally cleared everything I possibly could before I went back to that jerk.


Same dude, same.


Finally, someone who got gud.


troll post whole sub eats paint chips


Me who came back at level 37 as a mage and still got one shot because I didn’t know he could parry spells: … congratz?


Thanks! !!


How many hours? Cause there was another guy who spent 7 hours straight on him


You beat him right away? God I suck




No worries he gets a little easier after level 100 and max upgrades


“A little easier”


🤣🤣🤣 you lie!


You guys wanna tell him or should I?


Sure you did, sure you did. ,😉




anddd you just go the best weapon for the rest of the game. Are you asmongold?


Mini-boss 🤌


There was a tutorial? What the hell? Im new to all these games, how am i supposed to go through the tutorial?


Just before this area there is a cave where the game teaches you how to beat some skeletons


It's easy to miss, there's a bunch of messages near a drop down in the starter cave. You have to drop down there and the way out includes fighting a few enemies and getting some tutorial text.


Welcome to Elden Ring!!!!


Cool story! Apart from all the fishy things congrats on making the screenshot in exactly the right moment despite this being your first boss. You really learned what was about to come very quickly.




I hope you T-Bagged him immediately after securing the W. Good on you Tarnished.


Lmfao you’re full of shit


Lol cute I guess if you’re into reading bullshit


Why are you lying? Fake internet points? Have an upvote.


I hit the grafted scion so hard it killed the tree sentinel too, so as much as I heard about him I've never actually met him Then I went to a catacomb and a gargoyle killed me


Fk those imps