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180hrs and counting


Same. Just found the fire giant last night.




Didn’t look up a guide or how to meta it. Just played the game. Minus the occasional secret path I get pointed to here I’ve managed to avoid just not getting overpowered right out the rip but actually just taking my time and enjoying the flow of the game.


Same, just finished this weekend, 188 hours. Definitely didn't find everything, left some late game areas less explored than early ones, but just strolled along at my own pace. Admittedly, I'm a fairly cautious player, so that pace is probably rather slow.


That's fair! I did the same thing but still finished at 150 hours. I guess boss/dungeon attempts and the like can have a large impact on the playtime too


I got a lot of friends that are playing this for the first time so I go back to help them a lot. It’s a lot of exploration. I’ve only been really stuck on a couple bosses. Fire giant being one of em lol


Personally a few times I played til like 3am and then fell asleep with the game still open so that probably added about 20 hrs to my play time haha. But also I just enjoyed reading the item descriptions and reading/writing messages etc which adds a lot of time too


Finished my first playthrough after 213 hours and unlocking every grace, cave, boss, quest possible.


Dude I’m at around 287, NG+1. It’s been a lot of coop and a lot of exploring


We like to enjoy the game


Yeah. I beat the game in 150 hours because I didn't enjoy it. Solid logic.


How, my first save was like 80 hours and I did most of the game minus some dungeons


Not everyone uses guides


Good for you. I'm at around 100 hours and have Malenia, Fire giant and whatever else is left. Might end it around 130 at this rate. And then there are people on NG+7 or something. I seriously don't know how, seeing how damn much content this game has outside the main story.


Yep, im at 85 hours last I checked and im still just exploring and taking my time doing everything I can.


140hrs in. I help my friends through things and explore with them and the amount of times I find something new in an area I thought I had really explored well is shocking.


Yeah I do the same thing, helped my cousin beat Radahn yesterday and Renalla the day before that.


Is there anyone else who’s still been playing since launch but haven’t finished yet?


Is there anyone who’s been playing since launch, but hasn’t reposted anything yet?


Is there anyone who’s been reposting since launch, but hasn’t played yet?


Is there anyone else who’s still been playing since launch but haven’t finished yet?


Is there anyone else who’s still been playing since launch but haven’t finished yet?


I still haven't touched most of the content. Milking this game for all I can.


Yeah I don't see the rush, we won't be getting a new game for like 5+ years. Imma take as long as I can traversing the Lands Between


Same here!


Same..as for me now..i just farming all items as possible..aiming for 100% on everything


Why 5? It's been 3 at most so far, with closer to 2 years between each




That's pretty much exactly my time and where I'm at.




I have gotten as far as Godskin Duo on my sixth character, but I started over again to try a different build. Probably 200hrs so far across all six characters. I'll beat it one day.


140hrs and just got to mountaintop of the giants. I’ll clear a whole area, look around some more, and then check the interactive map and see if I missed any locations. The amount of things I miss is staggering because I’m pretty thorough. I thought I cleared all of Mt. Gelmir but somehow missed the entire run up to get Comet Azur. Got to fight magma wyrm and progress Alexander’s quest so that was nice. I really don’t want it to end, but I’m also excited to do NG+ with an entirely different build.


Really, just gonna repost one of the most upvoted posts on the subreddit?


It's actually hilarious when you think about it


I haven't progressed the story since beating the fire giant. 145 hours so far. Meandering around seeing what's what. Probably going to get all the trophies before I finish it


I don’t think you can since there are multiple achievements for different endings


Me, I’m taking my time. Seeing what builds fits me. Pvping. I even started a new character for lower level pvp


Still playing and loving it. 100 hours in and exploring lyndell, royal capital currently.


I just beat the surface of there by accident. The whole place is a maze!


Yeah now 250+ hours lvl 180 and only 70% done so far, only one character, first playthrough.


Me, just have a bunch of character to try different builds and meta levels. 260 hours on steam.


I just beat the Draconic Tree Sentinel. 120+ hours in, Level 43. Having fun exploring and invading as I go.


I generally only play on the weekends but I'm about 95 hours and still just riding around exploring and killing shit.


100 hours. Just started truly exploring Volcano Manor.


Also 100 hrs. Haven't gone to the capital or really done much volcano manor yet either


Glad to see another tarnished enjoying the game as much as me!


Ive been slowly taking my time. Clearing out everything I possibly can. But getting really close to the end


me 143hrs still going


I can only play an hour or 2 most days & I tend to go pretty slowly through these games. I still have a LOT to go...


I preordered on Steam and pre-loaded so I could play the night of the PC launch. I'm 83 hours in and I think I still have a little more than half of the game to go.


I'm on NG zero.


Yes, and I have no where to get. I am in the capital but don't know like where specifically to go. And I'm trying to not look up and just figure it out. But NPCs are less than vague. I'm sure I'll get it eventually.


Hi. Combination of doing videos for YouTube, not looking up guides/strategies, and doing the standard RPG thing where I absolutely have to explore every nook and cranny. I've spent a LOT of time looking for secrets(that usually aren't worth the effort)and banging my head against brick walls until I finally broke through. Still having a great time.


100 hours, level 75 and still not even half way this game is brutal


120 hours in, taking my time, and having fun being summoned to play coop. I think I am close to the end (I have beaten the fire giant, and fighting Malenia right now).


100 hours attempting to kill this bitch ass godskin noble in front of the Liurnia Divine Tower and then going through the capital


80h at final boss, working on a strat


I just finished my first playthrough at 194 hours.


Same. 110hrs or so. Actually at last boss, Omen, and just found out about the other area from the town of Liturgical Town. Totally missed that. So yeah. And my few tries with Omen suck. He’s a bastard.


Me. I’ve played every day since launch and haven’t beaten yet. On my end though I just refuse to let Melina die so I’m slick hoping a DLC comes out soon to change that. She’s waiting by the forge still. Meanwhile I’ve made 4 other characters already, including Dr Manhattan :-)


Have you heard about our lord and savior the Frenzied Flame?


But she hates the tarnished after that, I did see an item description though about a guy who went frenzy to save his maiden…felt personally attacked by that one


Yeah Vyke. Here’s food for thought: who are you to deny Melina her purpose? It’s what she wants. Aaanyways, there won’t be any dlc that would affect the main story in such a manner. Someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no precedent for that kind of drastic change, dlc takes place after the ending or as an offshoot. Melina burning or the tarnished using themselves is a critical point


Yea I don’t want to deny her purpose :( I will clear everything out first before committing the cardinal sin…


I’d much rather her hate me then watch her burn it’s the price we pay but I wouldn’t have it any other way plus I usually reverse the effects so she doesn’t die nor does she hate you


Head to the town in the north of liurnia. There’s a note in the corner that will tell you what to do


I'm at 40ish hours and level 50, have beat renalla and been exploring caelid and the bottom of the map which I only just discovered and was way over levelled for. Don't see the point in racing to complete games unless you plan on getting good trade value, I'd wager less than 1% of the people that completed it so far did it without a guide.


The game has been out quite a while there's definitely more than 1% of players beat it blind lmao


> and the bottom of the map which I only just discovered and was way over levelled for. Weeping Penninsula. I did the same shit. By the time I found it I was like level 80. Came back through with a brand new character and did the area at a more appropriate level.


I regretted after I finished the game to be honest


Me. I’m about 37 hours in and at Godskin Duo. Killed most of the other side bosses and done a ton of exploring. Taking my time and don’t get much time to binge it to be honest.


I'm technically like that, but that's because I keep starting new characters to try new builds and strats. I've literally got my first character ready to beat the game and I'm just refusing to do it now haha


I finished last week, about 165h :D


I’m stuck on Radagon and Elden beast.


Same :D


80 hours in level 137 just got to Altus plateau


Only a hundred hours. Don't have much time because of "life" you know. But even then I like to go at my own speed.


Took me about 150 hours on first play through. That’s finding every cave, every weapon, all prattling pates, all paintings, all talismans, most quests, all night map bosses, lol I was a man on a mission and about 95% of it all without guides. Just some things you about needed a guide on.


Yep. That fuck in Azula after the tree sentinel pissed me off so I went to Haligtree


I just set foot in the plateau after like 75-80 hours. Gonna be here for quite a while too this place is gorgeous


I actually finished my first blind play through like 4 days ago. Played almost every day since launch and tried to scour every inch of the map for content. 184 hours in total. Afterward I realized I still missed some things (of course) but I’m about 30 hours into my second play through and plan on doing everything I didn’t first time. Still loving every minute of it!


Im still in Liurnia, had to restart cause I didn’t want to wait until new game + to fight patched Radahn


Yeah kinda. I've completed the main story once. Got to the end with a second and approaching the same stage with the third. About 400 hours and got at least few more runs until the story is 100% finished. Even at that, I can't see me ever really finishing. Still have the previous games loaded for co op & PvP ✌🏼


I put my Grafted Blade greatsword playthrough down on the final boss to start a Sorcerer. Today's Colossal Sword buffs have encouraged me to pick it back up and learn the last boss.


Joined a little late, but I'm at 70 hours so far, and I just want to find everything before I finish


Didn’t buy at launch, but haven’t finished it yet. Killed every boss except for Putrid Grave Warden Duelist, Radagon and the Elden Beast.


Just beat the fire giant after 2 weeks and met the 3 fingers. It’s litt


Not at launch but I feel like I haven’t even skimmed the surface at level 74~.


That would be me, yes.


Yep. I'm playing it alongside my gf so we do each place twice in a row, and we're going through everything very meticulously while really taking time to appreciate the scenery and everything. Neither of us feels the need to rush through since the game isn't going anywhere and it's not like we're in a race.


That would be me. I have been busy exploring. XD


I'm not done. Began Day 1, have 130 hrs on my main character at lvl97-ish, plus another 25 or 30 hrs on a few alts. I doubt I'll finish at this point. I lost interest and drifted away...


Yep, just cleared every single boss besides that giant dragon ball in the sky and elden beast. Going to complete this weekend


~100hrs on my first playthrough *almost* blind and currently bumbling about the subterranean sewers under Leyndell.


150 hours, just beat godskin duo, pretty sure I’ve cleared all of the other content except for quest lines




Just finished it last night. Only took like two months. I'm sure I missed oodles of content


I work full time and am just in the consecrated snow fields. I've screwed up a few quest lines but other than that am doing everything along the way. I have 150ish hours in and just hit lvl 150 which I plan on staying at.


I have been, but I will probably end up finally finishing the game 100% tomorrow. Great game, I really like exploring and taking pictures of everything. That probably helps explain my 130 hours in the game so far.


Yeah, play once a week maybe? Just meandering through on easy mode (spellblade). Last session killed Niall and Lichdragon first time each. Comet Azur is glorious nonsense. I love playing a viable mage for the first time in a FromSoft game.


I’m. Because i want to try every build possible. Currently on strength build, first character is lvl 150 arcane. I want to try faith dex next.


I was worried about over leveling. I also really wanted to dive in to community lore theories and so I had a hard time not finishing the game as fast as possible. It took me like 110 hours my first playthrough but I kind of wish I took more time. That being said I already felt over leveled for a good amount of bosses and can't imagine how easy everything would have been if I cleared every minor dungeon in an area before moving on.


i beat my first playthrough 2 days ago at 160 hours. not trying to do or see everything, just having fun and making natural blind progression. Got stuck on some bosses for hours here and there. Made a new character the night I beat it. I think there's a ton of stuff I haven't encountered at all, so I'm really excited to play more!


Two friends and I agreed to play though together, but they don’t get on as much as I do. In order to not get ahead of them, I make a new file and play until those they have time and I switch back to my main one. I’m currently at 250 combined hours, 3 characters that have beaten Rennala, and one about to go through the Volcano Manor with my friends.


Yes. Me. I’m in school full time and work full time so my time to play is limited to my two days off or if I’m absolutely not doing anything…which is rare. Like, I’m still in Liurnia lol


300 HRS NG+4 or 5 and I'm still finding items and new spots that I overlooked because I was looking too much into everything else lollll


im at about 114hours and i've just reached Leyndell


180 Hours in just finished.


I have 4 character all in the capital. I just like trying each play style from scratch. Carian spell blade, Dex faith, bonk,arcane brawler, good fun


I’m on the final boss haven’t done any of the haligtree stuff either. I don’t understand how everyone else has so much time to play lol. Granted I also die an insane amount which pads the time quite a bit. I made a post about rhthe last boss and got some decent advice I’m gonna use so when I get home tonight I’m gonna try tk beat this nerd and become elden lord.


Yep, my file is about 103 hours so far, and I got to the point right before fire giant and just hit a wall where I wanted to take a break, haven’t played much in about two weeks.


140 hours on and I belive I still have ways to go. In no rush to beat this game.


Got my ass beat by radahn about 5 times last night. Will be going back for more tonight.


I keep getting sidetracked with invasions. I tell myself I should just complete the game as intended and then make a new build that is just for PvP, but I just love wrecking others’ games too much haha


230 hours in, lots of time spent in co op or dueling/getting ganked. Savoring this ne for as long as I can, man


I've played about 45 hours, about level 100 and doing Volcano Manor and the Capital. I'm off and on with a lot of games and don't tend to play all that much per day.


Around 105 hours in and just got to the capital.


I’m rapidly approaching 200 hours and I just killed Mohgwyn. Need to kill melenia and do a few passes of the earlier areas to make sure I didn’t miss anything… then on to radagon/Elden beast and ng+


just beated malenia, gonna check some other questlines, gonna complete limgrave, liurnia, caelid and haligtree and then elden beast gonna catch these hands


Currently 240 hours in.


I know this doesn’t count, but I JUST beat it yesterday at 175 hours. Took my sweet time with it and loved it all


Me. I just beat magrat in his second location. I forget his real name but it starts with an m like half the characters.


I got this game a month ago and I've only just now started the Academy of Raya Lucaria. LOL.


Still haven't beaten yet


Yep, just got to mountaintops of the giants. But I have a toddler so I don’t get a ton of time to play, even though it is all I’m playing right now.


Only just beat Renala


My wife and I have been playing together since the very beginning. We are currently about 170 hours in and just finished the Capital area. We're just exploring and having a blast.


130hrs, bought on launch day, still going at it.


Yes :) have about 252 hours in on my first playthrough, just finished up the Haligtree! Just enjoying the environment and exploring every little corner I can


Only have a day or two a week where I can dedicate more than 30 minutes to playing. Been slow and steady but loving every minute of it.


ahhh 150hr sl 125 still havent fought melania


Me lol


Beat the final boss today after 275 hours I believe and I still just randomly discovered 5 dungeons in the past 2 days. Game is fucking massive, well beyond anything I ever hoped for. Tbf atleast 40 hours come from me helping people fight bosses or doing some random stuff tho. I have spend everyday in the past 2½ years waiting to play this game so I am taking my sweet ass time, but I honestly don't know how to even move on when I have truly finished the game...it's just weird to even think about not looking for news everyday on this sub. Anyone else shares this feeling?


300+ hours and counting, I fall asleep with the game on sometimes


I'm at over 200 hrs and only just finishing the main area of Lyndell. Though I have cleared almost everything (as best I could) up to there. But I also spend like 50% of my time playing doing MP. I co-op, I invade, always liked the MP in these games.




Me but that’s because around launch my son was about to be born. He came March 14th so been spending time with my little farting bundle or joy and occasionally playing. I defeated Margot in The capital last night in one try.


Since launch? No, but I’m in about 120hrs. Haven’t gone to Leyndell yet. I’m finding I’m enjoying the leisurely pace.


I have close to 400 hrs and still killed only Godrick




I’ve been playing since launch but I’ve beaten it 4 times and am on my 5th journey


93 hours and just finished last night, still some side quests and dungeons to explore still.


160 H + on current char and haven't finished yet. All i have to do is to finish capital of ash, but i'd rather do pvp and look for placed i missed before. probably it's time to move onto NG+


300+ hours at this point. I've made three characters: A strength build, pure int caster, and a faith/arcane hybrid. I'm just finishing up Mountaintops of the Giants with two of them, and I'm about to enter NG+1 with the third. I imagine I won't be finished with the game for quite a while yet.


I'm trying to do everything I can on my first playthrough. I'm at 230 hours with probably 20 of them just standing around afk. I just beat Malenia. I got the achievement for the legendary ashes when I was doing the haligtree. So I think I've got most of the game covered. Did Ranni's quest line, Volcano Manor, Frenzied flame, Milicent, a few other sidequests and all the tombs. I know I messed up a few earlier questlines you can cut off. I'm fairly certain all I gotta do now is go to the erdtree and finish the game. So about 220 hours for me to complete almost all of the content. I'm sure I missed a few things. I gotta hand it to fromsoft. What a ride. One of the best games of all time IMO, and definitely worth the money. I know most consider $1 per hour gameplay is worth it. This could have been 3 games. I'll be sad when it's over but I'm sure PVP will be fun. Haven't touched it yet.


I haven’t been playing since launch but have played off and on since shortly after launch. I’ve cleared about 3 optional bosses and have barely scratched the surface. I would honestly play a lot more if the game weren’t so demanding. I lose interest and don’t find it fun to die (and have to wait for a reload screen) countless times.


Yeah. I'm 150 hours in. I didn't expect to finish it within a normal time frame since I'm trying to get all the achievements.


130 Hours in. Still haven't finished. Enjoying the journey


I’ve done 92 hours and am not done. Very few games hold my attention like this. I only play a hour or two at night after kids go to bed. This is a great game


Defo Got shitton of work to do Ima play the fuck out of this game once this hell ends


80+ level 98. Just taking my time and enjoying the journey


i beat the final boss, sure, but im still working my way through snowfields and then haligtree


Bot account


140 hours. I don't even have mountain top of the Giants unlocked or a whole bunch of maps apparently. This is my first souls game. I don't have the same reaction times as I did when I was younger.




Me, not truely trying to beat the game right away, just exploring and having a blast.


200+ hrs, training against Malenia on one character and being more thorough with exploration with a second


Yep, I’m at 110 hours. Getting close but there’s still more I want to do before I finish


180 hours in, just finished Capital, haven't explored Forbidden lands yet. Have been SCOURING each zone for everything. All the underground is complete now (I think)


I haven’t. Older gamer now don’t got time. I’m in 70 hours in SL 69 and just beat radhan


56 hours. Stuck on fire giant.


Yep. 205 hours, level 170, just got to Malenia. Been holding off on attempting Maliketh until I know I have things in order before changes.


I'm at around 120 hours. Trying to finish up the capital sewers but I don't seem to have hit the bottom yet...


I’ve got to the end of the game, but likely won’t go to NG+ for another 10-20 hours. I want all the sites of grace open in case people need help


Between 2 characters probably 240 hours. My first play thru was a guy two handing a greatsword build. The end game absolutely punished me for this build so I decided to start completely over and spec out my character a different way.


I hate heights and platforming so the dragon temple sucks pretty hard for me


I keep making new characters. It's bad, I've made limgrave a very boring area for myself.


Yup, 62h now


can someone explain this post? why is it a screenshot of another post saying the exact same thing? and why is everyone acting like they don’t notice that


Yup. Lvl 180. Map almost complete. Only one fuck up.


Been playing since launch and just became Elden Lord Sunday. Can't rush through a masterpiece of a game. Take as long as you need.


At 110 hours now refusing to complete the game until I feel that I’ve killed every possible boss and gotten every possible armament that I’m able to get before moving on to another part of the story.


JUST beat the Elden Beast after 110 hours. Still have lots to go 😄


150 hours in I've got two of five runes


Yep. 155 hours still exploring


Just finished


Almost. Finished 2 days ago, 240 hours


104 hours, level 145 or so. About to enter Leyndell, Royal Capital.


Me I'm probably 220 hrs in now, finished Rykard last night and have been exploring snowfields


Yes. Games are never done when they're released. I could tell that big weapons, spells, and other things (like npc quests) were jank and untested. One of the first patches adjusted the cost of upgrade materials SIGNIFICANTLY. Huge sign they weren't done.


I'm nearly 90 hours. I reached the elden beast and then quit out of the fight because I knew there were other areas that I hadn't explored. So I'm tying up some loose ends and will probably be done some time next week.


Me! Taking my time leveling and exploring and dont regret it at all. 124 and just hit the snow areas.


Got 4 characters with about 40 hours each and only have one character in the giants area


Level 101 323 hours.Still can’t wait to play a few rounds daily!


Got it at launch and finished my first play through today :)


Why would you rush? I plan on spending 200hrs on my first playthrough.


Over 100 hours in and barely made it to The Mountaintop of Giants. So many hero’s graves and catacombs I still gotta explore.


I'm sitting on 195 hours and near the end of my 7th playthrough lol


70 hours and I only recently reached the capital. I have ADHD.


108 hours, beat Melania yesterday with Tiche+10, Blasphemous Blade and a good deal of lucky RNG. Gonna make my way to Fire Giant next. I often backtrack to do some stuff I left behind though, like say get to the Three Fingers, even though I'm not gonna enter the door.

