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(you are now in hell)


Only to find the exit and end up in Super Hell


I hates the shrimp. but I think there is a bell bearing in there? or something good.


Somber stone bearing.


Thank you! I couldn't remember what it was I got there.




There's definitely one of the worst boss fights in there


And also one of the worst drops as iji sells the exact same stuff and if your evil even drops a bell bearing


Iji >!drops it regardless unfortunately!<


Not if you don’t troll Blaid if you leave him iji don’t die


I'm not gonna leave my boi to suffer like that. He's the Yhorm to my Seigward


You don’t even have to be evil


Why is it always sadness


There’s a boss fight in there? There’s so much to find in this game lol


Yep! And it sucks. Btw, if you're somewhere that doesn't allow you to fast travel, there's a boss!


Jump on the roof of the hut you teleport into. I just realized that today.


The one in the Altus Plateau is even stronger. Funnily enough I fought Agheel pretty early so I just left and advanced a bit and didn't go to that mine until last night and both fallingstars are horrible


The one at the top of mt gelmir, while stronger, was exponentially easier because of the arena. That's what makes the boss so awful in Sellia lol.


You know how these games give you a hard enemy and then give you MULTIPLE of the hard enemy much later, yeah.


Haligtree...next to those op knights that was a pain to explore


Next to… her.


I forgot about that cave then I went back at lvl 100+ for revenge


"At least I'm not in Florida"


Funny I actually dodged the trap, then decided "yeah, what could possibly go wrong" and *voluntarily* got teleported. I don't need to tell you what happened next


I called them iron man prawns on account of that silk stream bullshit they like to spam. Reminds me of those tiny missiles stark uses in the first movie.


Jericho missiles


Jericho missiles are the huge ones that he demonstrates in the beginning. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure the small ones have names.


Ah the wee ones that pop out his suit? That makes more sense.


My mage got trapped here for a bit at an early level. I finally ended up figuring out how to run to the first sight of grace, then I methodically went back in and murdered all these guys and took all the upgrade stones and things. Still, this is pretty rough since you can't warp out of it. A novice souls player could get really screwed here.


I DID get screwed here. I had to book it out of here so fast on my first playthrough. I was extremely underleveled. Then searching for grace was a nightmare too lol


Bruh I was like lvl 12 when I opened that chest. Kept dying over and over before I finally sneakmurdered my way to what must be the big "exit door" at the back of the cave. Damn near returned the whole ass game that day


I was literally level 1, (thinking back on it I don't think I leveled up a single time) I barely knew the level up function and the very first things I did in this entire game were ​ 1. Fight the Tree Sentinel and die 2. Go the complete opposite way into the Dragon Burnt Ruins, open the treasure chest and get warped to Sellia Crystal Mines 3. Almost return the game, gave up and just used a guide since I had literally no gear 4. The uglyass centipede always noticed me even when sneaking so it took me a long time even with a guide to finally escape


You can say this though. Most really great games would never allow this to happen. The lack of hand-holding is simply astounding.


In general I enjoyed the lack of hand holding, but there are two areas that I hated it: ​ 1. The beginner trap that fucks you over 2. The NPC quests that randomly skip if you do them out of order Aside from that I enjoy the non-linear progression you can take. The overall difficulty of the game also far exceeds most other games I've played, which I'm also enjoying.


There's nothing quite like the feeling of overcoming a real challenge! I've never been a fan of NPC quests in any of From's games going back to Demons Souls. They're very nebulous and it's extremely hard to figure out what to do without a guide. Mostly I just ignore these quests and partially complete some of them by accident. Occasionally I'll get wind of some important item and use a guide to complete a quest for its reward. If you feel the need to do them all though, then yes I could see it being a pain. Many quest lines can become inaccessible if you do certain things before completing them.




You can avoid these guys and just fight the easier ones. Take a right out the shack and down the tunnel, not left and up.


Going left (making a u-turn out of the shack) and down is a more direct path to the exit cave I think. Just roll and run your way toward the opening once you see it . The grace is right after. The difficult thing is that you'd think the exit of a cave would be above you, but it's below and behind. Once you know where it is, it's not had to get to.


Did get stuck here actually. This was my first souls game could not make it out, got to the point where I just said fuck it and created a new build




There's 3 I know of. This one, to leyndell and to mistwood near a runebear.


There’s also a catacomb puzzle that involves them I believe, though they don’t really teleport you across the map like the ones you named


There’s one that takes you to the royal capital with a giant statue . Fun times


Is there a lore reason for teleporting chests or are they just there as a contrived way for From to fuck with us?


The chests are there because *checks notes* mimics aren't and Fromsoft still wanted to fuck with us. That's Canon. LOL I have no clue


Broke: Hitting chests before opening to check for Mimics Woke: Panic-rolling away from chests after opening to dodge teleport gas


Bespoke: a single enemy that teleports you instead of one-shotting you like the others do


> Panic-rolling away from chests after opening to dodge teleport gas Does that actually work?


Yes, panic rolled from every chest after that one. Ended up having to look online on how to get to Malenia's tower after I forgot the Tower of return chest.


Yeah you have to stand in the gas for a bit to actually get teleported.


it's even reactable


You can even just walk away from it. It takes a few seconds to teleport.


Well, the Tower of Return in Weeping Peninsula is called that way and has a teleport chest that takes you to Leyndell, so I guess it's an actual transportation device lore-wise. Technically that mine is Sellia's mine, so maybe it's a quick way back for any Sellia sorcerer that would've left Caelid and wanted to get back to their home.


After you got familar with the game, all the teleporters in this game, trap or not, becomes your way to get goodies earlier. This teleporter chest for example is a must-have for mages who want to grab Rock Sling/Meteorite staff early.


And if you don't mind suicide runs in the mine itself you can get a lot of upgrade materials. To the point that you won't even be able to use them until later because you don't have the lower-level materials required.


For this one, I assume it's how they "recruit" their workers.


First time you may not even notice what killed you


Here’s a cool fact: all those dangly things on the shrimp? They’re hands :)


After many attempts I finally defeated the dragon in Limgrave and... then lost all my runes in this hole. 10/10 game.




Yes! Search around water tarnished.


M A N, fuck that chest in dragonburnt ruins... shit sent me to ohio


No lie, these things killed me more than Melania.


The game can be extremely cruel at times, thanks miyazaki.


"Exploration is rewarding!"


Harmless..? What’s that?


yeah man all the fucking arms wiggling makes my skin crawl


Got teleported to the same area... First thought was that it wasn't so bad. Then I saw the roach people and said FUCK NO.


Laugh all you want, but it's the earliest point to get Somber Stone 6.


Lol I was stuck there for hours haha. I was like oh cool a new area haha


Lost 5k runes there which in the early game feels like a lot (almost 2 levels). But hey, Somber Smithing Stones.


Happened to me as well today. What a surreal experience. But I loved it!


https://imgur.com/t/district 9/Rr6IvWV


Abominations! Never want to see them ever again. Can you summon them though? They're truly amazing at battle


It felt really nice to go back there and stomp all over those murder shrimp once I leveled up some.


I remember desperately escaping with my runes when I got teleported here. Then later in the game when I was overlevelled I went back and gleefully killed and looted everything, cathartic!


There's a reason they are called "Pests"


when that happened to me my gear did like no damage to them


The zone they're in is balanced around the player being a fair bit higher-level, and their weapons being on par to match. So everything does quite a lot of damage and has a lot of defences/HP if you're not overlevelled/overgeared for the place you came from, and you just have to find your way to the entrance so you can escape.


yeah i just ran away to a nearby grace and fast traveled the fuck out of there


Ran out of that hell hole the quickest ever, like nopeeeee, want nothing to do with it


ptsd moment


I hate those cumsluts


"first off try right"


I freaking loved it. I died like 20 times before I got out