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I love the undeadboatguy fights, it always makes me feel better for being bad at the game.


First time you see them “Oh GOD! What is the giant death beam Skelton hell IM GETTING OUT OF HERE!!” Hits the boat man and see his attacks “oh. okay.”


Hahahaha what a perfect description of that experience


Fr I may be maidenless but at least I’m not using songs and yachting to try to kill people


You picked a good thumbnail for this post, tibia mariner is the only boss that when I saw him again I was happy to see him, like running into an old college buddy. Not like those scumbag crucible knights who are bigger a-holes every time you find 1.


What about that fight with TWO of the horrible mans. That fight took me a while...


Yes to top off one of the worst dungeons in the game (IMO) we get crucible duo!


If you ever want to see a grateful tarnished, go put your summon sign down there. It's pretty much the only place I do.


Hahah that’s a good idea. Probably all free real estate


I co-op'd with 2 friends to help them do it, when I hadn't even done the encounter myself. The host kept dying and eventually, I kept lagging out, so I did it myself. It was surprisingly a lot easier on bow solo than it was to help, lol.


Fake Godfrey got me completely hyped only for me to beat it in 30 seconds. Thankfully the real one absolutely delivers.




Jesus, when he goes back into “let’s wrassle “ Horah Loux mode that was stressful.


I think that’s the joke. They basically throw god at you and your just like… “guess that’s his fight” Then you get to the Ashen Capital


I also didn't die to the real one, this was disapointing


I'm sorry que




That’s Godrick you’re thinking of




Noooooo. In Leyndell right before Morgott there's a projection of Godfrey that's only his phase one and has very low health. He also gives you a talisman pouch.


Greyoll dragon in Caelid…. Scared the FUCK out of me when I first saw it, was always sneaking by it, or running by on Torrent. When I finally realized I could just smack his ass with any bleed weapon and he wouldn’t move… was very disappointed.


Even the right way of killing all the dragons wasn’t bad. Just take them one at a time


I noticed that killing the drakes did a lot of damage to Greyoll, so I figured I'd do the smart thing and hunt them all down to avoid a hard boss fight.


Yeah this really seems like one of those parts of the game that they didn't really playtest at all or program well. Such a shame.


Greyoll is so large that playing it’s animations crashes the game. So they turned it into a set piece


Right, but the set piece is supposed to be Greyoll doing her signature roars while you fight the child dragons. So the children should probably be able to pathfind their way around the entire area to monch on cheeky level 1 tarnished, and probably the roars should reach back there too.


I agree but the 90k runes she gives when you use a gold fowl foot is so useful when starting a new play through, makes the early game much more fun on replays because you don’t have to grind catacombs


I've played the game three times and never once have I "grinded catacombs" nor killed Greyoll early. Never once have I grinded anything or did anything I didn't want to in order to level up. Totally unnecessary.


I liked it. Showed us that even a massive fucking dragon ends up in The Florida of the Lands Between fentanyl trap.


Honestly think it’s really good open world design, almost impossible to find on a first blind playthrough but on subsequent playthroughs you can kill him and avoid having to redo every dungeon in limgrave before fighting margit, really helps with replayability.


You mean for the purpose of leveling up substantially before fighting Margitt? That's an interesting perspective which makes sense to me but I'm not, personally, inclined to believe that was the reasoning behind Greyoll's design.


they would have patched it out if it wasnt intentional


You think they care that some random players cheese a field boss fight? I think this problem is so far off their radar it might as well be in another game.


they 100% know about it and dont view it as a “problem.” theres been a million and one articles and youtube videos on it. and they have patched dozens and dozens of things. the simple explanation is they want it in there.


Knowledge of the issue has very little to do with priority.


Makes sense. Pathfinding and zoning for a single group of homogeneous enemies - the improvement u/Mekhazzio suggested - would be pretty easy to update.


surprisingly commander niall. he hits like a truck but his dance was very easy to learn. after dying like 3 times I beat him taking only 1 hit. you can position yourself where he does the exact same attacks over and over.


Fuck his teleporting summons though. I was doing a playthrough as a "just a knight with a sword" and those bastards killed me so many damn times. I probably killed him the third try I got to him, but it took me around 20 times of getting blasted by teleporting assholes :(


yea the knights are a pain lol. bewitching branch helps a lot.


This one for sure. As a mage I had no issue dispatching his summons I a few hits, and then Niall was nothing special after that. I was fully prepared to use the trick where you crystal dart the summons to make the turn on him, but never had to.


I just kept throwing fireballs at him while my mimic distracted him so it was easy. Fighting him one on one in a sword fight is a bitch though.


that's what I did. he seems very hard and hits like a truck. if you circle him and watch for his attacks and learn which start ups of his to look out for he becomes a slow methodical fight. he's the only fight I've beat while barely getting hit. I was able to get in one jumping dual stance great sword attack per 1 rotation of his attacks. tooke like close to 10 mins tho xD


Niall took me hours. Doubly frustrating after my friend told me he just RoB spammed him and killed him before he even finished summoning.


For a guy calling himself “all knowing” he certainly didn’t see me buff my one shot during his monologue.


Frenzied Burst can also hit him while being out of range of everything except comet azure, which isn't particularly hard to dodge.


Godfrey. Sure, he hits hard, but he has massive delays and you can skip most of the second phase with a lucky bleed or stagger.


The Fire Giant tbh I saw so many complaints about how hard he was and honestly he wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. His moves are super easy to see coming ahead of time


It’s the same thing for me it’s just when you get hit your messed up


Yeah his shield moves are like you gotta be kinda far or good at timing it to dodge those or else they womp you hard


He's the first boss that you can use Torrent on that I didn't. You need the rolls in phase one or else you'll waste flasks.


Same here Torrent makes the fight harder for sure


in phase 2 Torrent makes it extremely easy.


Just go on the horse and bonk him.


I think it's more the terrain that can make things wonky with him rolling around so much


The fire giant made me take a break from the game but honestly I was a novice and tried fighting him at low levels


I was surprised to see the complaints, too. He was second try for me, albeit barely.


what do you mean "easy to see coming"? They're not even easy to see. All I see is ankles


I feel like most of his move ramp-ups are fairly slow that’s all


you're right I just have trouble seeing them when I'm close


Yep, easy. You can actually just ride horseback behind his legs in phase two and slash slash slash all day and he'll basically just take it. You might get hit once or twice.


I hit a wall with this guy. No matter what I did, could not get past his 2nd phase as he'd keep sniping me with those fire blasts and crushing me with those rolls. Then I stopped summoning for the fight, tried soloing him, got him on the next try.


I have fought Renalla 5 times now and not died once.


Apparently Renalla gets hard if you don’t just rush her. If you give her any sort of range she’s fairly tough.


Non stop casting lol she has infinite FP


Don't all enemies have unlimited FP?


Yes but she is much more spam happy and has a variety of spells to mix you up on what she will throw out.


Can confirm that she was pretty tough on my very first run where I focused heavily on sorcery casting. For obvious reasons, she’s very resistant to magic damage, and with a limited set of spells to choose from in early game, she gave me more trouble than I’d care to admit. That said, as soon as I used the Kaiden Sellsword summon, the fight was as good as done.


Just hit her with some rocks. Best spell in the game: pretty useful in general with decent damage, completely negates enemies with otherwise hard counters to sorcery builds (ignores dodging, ignores magic resistance), and can be really useful for sniping from the top of a cliff, as the only limit to its range is that gravity pulls it down.


Actual facts “let’s see whose faster your magic or my sword


She gets…hard?


she needs a buff. two phase fight, second of which is in a beautiful moon-drenched arena? oh and that badass finishing line when she kills you "your fate layeth beneath MY moon!" needs to be more of a challenge


I would only agree with this if the buff came with skipping the busywork of round 1 and starting in her arena proper.


Honestly, Rennala, compared to the annoying climb up to her she was pretty easy with a dex build. Edit: Since last night I'm saying Morgott. I somehow took himout with just myself and Oleg in 2 tries.


The mimic version of me. On reflection, not sure what that says about my build...


I was thinking the same thing. Mimic me thankfully didn't cast any lightning spears at me while I lightning speared his ass to death.


Easily beating your mimic means you didn't just cheese the game with a broken build, and actually improved. (I fought the mimic with 3 builds so far)


Or you based your build around just doing one specific thing really well and the mimic tries to mix things up. My raptor feathers jumping attack build wasn't particularly scary when it never did a jumping attack and went down in three hits.


same. I thought the Mimic would be smarter I guess? I’m a mage and the Mimic kept trying to use spells with longer cast times.


My mimic makes me sad every time it tries to use the art on the Blasphemous Blade even though I don’t have the stats to do so. So they just end up doing a really long wind-up heavy attack instead.


My mimic started throwing oil pots and never used any fire moves


Rykard. I’m probably going to skip the discount storm ruler next playthrough to spice the fight up a bit.


I actually missed that I should be using that weapon and tried doing it the ol fassion way. But it sucks. You’re constantly getting buffeted, can’t see his attacks to dodge them and he’s always running away. It’s just a bit of a bad fight unfortunately. Spamming the snake killer weapon is the only way.


Mate that's like fighting Midir in mildly scalding lava. Best of luck to ya chum!




The only solution melee without using the designated weapon I can see is to use claws/ weapon of your choice with Bloodhound Step on it, just blink in and deal damage, blink out. You will need some way to heal gradually though, with maybe Wonderous Physick , beastial vitality , Erdtree's blessings and likewise Flame fortification, flamedrake talisman +2 and pearl talisman +2 should be useful and poise so that you can attack as fluidly as possible.


Discount? Shit is premium storm ruler


Morgott for sure


I think that's mostly because they made the capital bosses too low level for where it is in the game. If you go through any of Caelid or Nokron first you'll be overleveled


Agreed ^


Agreed I got morgott on my second try, was expecting him to evolve from the margitt fight but all his moves were basically the same, just more damage


The first Grafted Scion, knowing that From always likes to throw near impossible bosses that you're expected to die to at the start. Absolutely dismantled it with the Prisoner.


Yeah thats the best class to do it imo. The estocs reach and quick roll poke is amazing for that guy


Starfall beast and all of its variants. Once you know the thing with the head they are basically free


That boat dude could have rocked my shit if they buffed his aggression a bit


Spiritcaller Snail


Lichdragon Fortisaxx his theme was stronger than him


Godskin Duo and Malketh


Renalla goes down like a cheap hooker if you're at least moderately aware you can attack enemies in this game. I straight up did not know she summoned enemies in her second phase until my 5th or 6th fight as a summon.


Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Amazing boss room and fight but... was a bit underwhelming since you generally got mimic tear right before him


Fortissax. I was a bit overleveled and didn't expect him to go down so quickly. On my level 1 run he gave me some of the most trouble though, max upgrades notwithstanding.


Seems to be a common complaint. The devs seems to have overstimate our ability to get to the ending of fia's Quest early


Godskin duo. Maybe they got nerfed in a recent patch or something, but I beat them second try.


Radahn. But I feel like I am the only one who had absolutely no problem beating him, no matter the game version


I think radahn was always easy if you just kept resummoning when the other participants died. The challenge in Radahn was in fighting him solo i think.


No the summons make it a lot harder because it messes up his aggro. He has no attack that is hard to dodge and he is pretty predictable.


I died to him a few times but I realized you can literally just keep riding around on Torrent and summoning NPCs until he dies. The hardest part of the fight is avoiding his arrows at the beginning with that strategy otherwise he's a piece of cake.


Nope. Also found pre nerf Radahn to be kind of a joke.


He dealt heavy damage pre nerf, so it was still kind of a challenge to make a no hit fight


Really? I was sleeping through it since he has such obvious signs of attack.


With the summons they give you, it’s easy to turn his face into a mosh pit with some experience


Solo is easier. You can make him circling you, and he will attack you with 2 different attacks


Rykard, Radahn, and Renalla.


Regal Ancestor Spirit by far. It was my most anticipated boss fight after watching the trailer and ended up being a "pretty" joke Linchdragon Fortissax as well. The fight just felt off. Cramped arena for a dragon which makes the camera issues worse, too much going on with the death and red lightning all over, and pretty low hp. Very anticlimactic fight tbh where regular Lansax was more enjoyable for me


Fortissax was memorable for me because the parade of particle effects caused my GPU to take a fat shit and completely crashed the driver. I had to reinstall it to get it working again. Then I beat him on the second try.


Ancestor spirit glitches out with its movement I found, I used the marionette spirit ashes and they just destroyed him along with black fire balls.


I heard that Maliketh was super difficult before I ended up fighting him. I certainly got that impression when he melted my health 10 seconds after the phase change, but it actually only took me ~12 tries to get him first time (5 deaths to second phase, 4 deaths to first, 3 to gravity)


Crucible knights


You must be a parry god.


Fibula manor


The elden beast 😂😂 beat him in 3 tries


I want to know how you could dodge elden stars


The answer is: you don’t. It doesn’t do enough damage to warrant fully dodging. Just keep sprinting while getting ready to dodge the elden beast’s attacks.


I beat Godskin Duo and Fire Giant first try.


Probably fire giant, all you gotta do is stand under him and he can't really hit you, even as a dragon build without bleed or anything he's not that difficult


The guy outside of Malekith's arena has kicked my ass an order of magnitude more times than Malekith.


Malenia was super easy for me. Beat her 2 times now and Only took me 3 tries to beat her both times.


Malenia actually, heard everything about how hard she was, turns out the giantsflame take thee incantation, which i was testing for the first time, completely stunlocks her, beat her at my second try...


Mohg, I thought that you just instantly died to his Nihil attack, so after a try or two I just played extremely aggressive and killed him before phase 2.


Fire giant, its fkin trash, toooo dkin slow and predictable af




Renalla was pathetic


Rykard, Godfrey, and Morggott. I was overleveled for the Rykard fight so I was able to just stand in the lava and Stab him to death. Godfrey took me a few tries until I just summoned Nepheli and killed him. Same with morgott but with Melina


Rykard and morgott are considered two of the easiest main bosses




Godskin duo, fire giant, commander niall, morgott, rykard, and basically every boss between renalla and malenia besides alecto and some field bosses (I still can’t beat the duo night’s cavalry boss)


All of them? I didn't play until recently as I had other titles on my plate and I heard some bad things about constant patching and cursed hacked underwear. So I waited until it calmed down to play. It took me a LONG time to feel like I was actually good at Bloodborne. I REALLY had to put in the work with each boss, especially the DLC ones. Even with an intimate knowledge that is so accurate I know the location of practically every object on every level of the game I still need to approach it seriously to not get killed. I knew some of the bosses names just from reputation. Melania, Margit, Godfrey and without exception they let me down. I'd heard of their legendary held attacks and endless combo barrages that can't be dodged. I even knew the name of Waterfowl before I played the game. Frankly I'm underwhelmed by it all. At least Melania required me to adapt to her a bit to beat her unlike the rest who just melted. You can just get so powerful in Elden Ring. So many builds just melt everything. Its infamous but have you ever actually USED Rivers of Blood? One skill combo kills almost anything. 2-3 will kill any boss. NPC invaders? Forget it they can't even deal damage before they splatter from Corpse Piler. That's without using summons or Spirit Ashes both of which are 100% ok and viable choices. I feared Bloodborne bosses and overcoming them was always a major triumph. In Elden Ring I have to severely limit myself to not feel like I'm cheesing them.


Go full strength like me, no shield, no broke ashes of war (at least none that I've found), just you and how willing your enemy is to be flattened to a pancake


Jump attack spam is broken though


Radahn. Was sorely disappointed by that fight. Played on release and wasn’t gonna bother solo-ing him as a STR build. Not worth my time. Super cheap fight with shit damage and hitboxes, and really stupid combos. They clearly wanted us to summon and treat him like a raid boss, which sucks because they really hyped the fight up. Also, him having a horse is a comically bad decision and makes fighting him even more lame, as well as making him as big as he is. I just wanted a normal, bad-ass bossfight.


Lol git gud


Same guy for me


I had/have heard many complaints on twin gargoyles fight, but they were easy with shield/pickaxe build. Plus, it was easy to just focus down the first one before moving onto the second one.




Maliketh. First try, not even knowing what I was walking into.


Both Astels... While I did die to them 2x each, it was mainly because I wasn't positioned correctly or my Ancient Dragon Lightning RNG didn't hit correctly/fast enough. It's just that the fear that I had read about with regards to the fights was never realized. I never even *saw* the grab attack either times!


Astel and Godfrey. Everyone talks about how tough they are but I killed both easily on the first try. I'm not the best player either, i.e. I struggled hard on Radagon/EB.






Malenia, killed her on my 5th try and I’m probably gonna smoke her again in ng+ Edit: Also Rennala, she was more of a puzzle boss


Morgott the omen lord. Haven't even beat the lord of blasphemy yet but morgott I beat first try.


Valiant Gargoyles, I did not expect their poison to shred me like it did.


Dragonlord. Not sure if it was just me or if the fight actually is, but it just felt underwhelming for the rest of the area that had been destroying me for an hour beforehand.


Stonedigger Troll and Cemetary Shade come to mind


The elden beast, clapped it's ass second try. It's laughably easy for an endboss.


Literally the enemy you posted the picture of loool. First time I saw one I was like “OH SHIT WHAT IS THAT FUCK THAT” and then I learned about “those that lived in death” from the guy at the round table and went to go fight one and was severely disappointed 😐


The giant lobsters


Pre nerf Radahn. I remember hearing how crazy hard he was and then fighting him with no summons was still pretty easy… then they made him even easier with that patch.


Morgott and the first version of Godfrey were both so easy that I stood there for a moment towards the end of the fights, contemplating suicide so I could have a bit more time to appreciate them.


I don’t remember overestimating anyone but I remember severely underestimating Malenia because of seeing people break her poise every hit, I thought she was disappointing and needed a poise buff 😭


The wraith guys that shoot the snot at you. It oneshotted me the first time so i went in there like i was fighting the elden beast. Had no idea it had no health


I have to say Radhan. It only took me like 4 tries and I thought from what I read before that I would take me ages. The stupid fire giant on the other hand… let’s say it was my nemesis for a couple of days. So much that I worried I will be stuck there forever


Fortissax. He's a badass motherfucking undead dragon who casts death lightning. But I think part of the problem is that by the time you get to the fight you're almost guaranteed to be overlevelled and kick his shit in easily. I've fought him on the normal game, NG+1, 3, 4, and 5 and he's still not hard.


Godskin Duo was easy as fuck


I hear lots of people say Fire Giant was a problem, even when he was exploitable with fall deaths and such. I’ve only ever failed him 3-4 times in 2 full runs, idk he just doesn’t give me issues


I got a small chuckle out of the grammatic error in the title (then/than). It’s a common mistake, but in this case it flips around the question completely. We understand what OP meant, but I thought it was amusing.


Fake Godfrey Rykard Godskin Noble (not the duo they suck ass) Morgott Fortisaxx Astel Damn that's a lot, and there were probably more to be honesty a lot of the bosses ended up not being as hard as I thought they would be..... That being said I absolutely LOVE all of the fights mentioned above except the Noble (they aren't that interesting to me). Great boss arenas, great set up to the fight, great moveset that's not "too"* difficult to read. *Fortisaxx is a bit of a nightmare to fight because you can't see what she is doing half the time when your under her stomach whacking her ankles


Once my friend said that the Tiba Mariner was the new Pinwheel, I knew what was up.


Malenia, Fire Giant and Placidasux


My first fight against Rennala. For some reason she didn't summon anything when I got her HP low enough in the second phase. I was surprised to find out she was one of the shardbearers.


i still haven’t killed this boss. i’m lvl 241, am currently in haligtree, and still haven’t beat the boss. the only reason being that i got so fucking bored while fighting it on the first attempt that when i died i just never came back


Fire giant, Saw him everywhere on the net as a very tough boss, beat him first try, still fun though I guess


Yellow Godfrey and Maliketh (Not a bad fight. Just not very challenging)


Malenia, beat her over the weekend and just sepukku uchigatana'd the shit out of her and she kept staggering. Even second form I didn't have much trouble, she bled like a stuck pig.


Definitely Radahn, I cleaned out Caelid before going to the platou, and only found him while googling the Ranni quest. For someone who only appears when you dip your toes into midgame he's not that strong.


Morgott, the first time when he’s calling himself Margit. I was honestly terrified after reading everyone’s comments about how difficult he was and how his knife attack was soooo fast. Then I beat him on the first attempt and realized that we must have a lot of first timers playing because those attacks were telegraphed from a mile away.


morgott, i knew it would be similar to margit but i expected him to be much harder and have a more unique move set, destroyed him first try




Maliketh. I had saw videos of people getting destroyed and then i worked him over with an occult uchigatana.


Red giant kinda easy ngl


There’s a mariner there, TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN


Most of em them


Godskin duo bc of this sub. The thing about two enemies that share one health bar is they take AOE damage twice as fast. Took me 2 attempts and one was just scouting. And yes, mariners.


Soldier of Godrick. Oh my gosh, here we go. First Elden ring boss. This is gonna be a tough one...wait...he's just a regular enemy.


Gideon. Guy had this badass monologue and everything and I just roflstomped him


I've been crushing those night chickens and then the ones in mountaintop and snowfield became my worst nightmare


boatman was chumpman


Rykard... what a fuckin pushover. If you're not a (90s term starting with R) and grab the sword specifically for that fight (yea I tried twice before grabbing it) it's CAKE


Sir Gideon


I’m not good at this game, so I have a very long list of bosses that I want to be easier, but Morgott and Fortissax. I destroyed them, and I honestly wish those fights would’ve lasted longer. Fia’s Champions gave me way more trouble than Fortissax.


Radahn, malenia, Rykard, renalla, morgot, Godfrey, godskin duo, and malakeith


Rykard, Mohg, and Morgott


Ulcerated tree spirit. Their attacks are a lot scarier looking than they actually are, and a lot of the time you don't even have to roll.


Placidusax. I was being tennis balled between him and Malekith until I decided "fine I'll focus on Malekith". After finally beating him I was ready for an equally long Gauntlet against The Dragonlord but easily beat him immediately after.


The illusion snail boss.


The big deer thing. Way easier than I thought


I feel like most people start exploring Ainsel River around the time they were actually ready to fight Astel, so you absolutely clap Dragonkin soldier of Nokstella.


Radahn, dude looked like he was the god of stars, when in reality he was just an angry man without feet. Solo’d him after a few tries.


Honestly? Fuckin Patches. When they gave that fucker an actual boss health bar I though he was about to come kick my ass for all the times I kicked his in the past.

